Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 22 "The Stranger"

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By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

"Hmmm... It smells delicious, don't you think, Alex?" Faith said. She's referring to Kenneth's pot. I nodded in reply to her but in a not so interested mood. "Kenneth, since when did you know how to cook?" She asked.

Faith is really friendly. Even to an ugly and prideful Kenneth.

"Since the day I knew that girls like boys who know how to cook good food." Kenneth replied.

"Tsk...!" I said.

I just realized that there are ugly person who actually fond of themselves just like Kenneth. Yuck!

I am so disturbed by Kenneth's behavior today. I didn't know that he could be a 'feeling an idol' person. He said 'because I am like this and that', 'I am this handsome and that', 'I do this and that to be just like this and that' after a couple of chitchats with Faith.

"What's that? Alex? I heard something." Kenneth said. I did not reply him. He's too annoying. "I bit your whispering to yourself that 'Kenneth is so perfect.'..."


I thought Kenneth is a silent type person but I guess I was wrong.


Steven's POV

"John... Cindy..." I called them as they came out from the castle.

They saw me and went immediately towards me.

They laid Jimmy who is unconscious to the ground. I was going to ask where is Hector but John spoke something first.

"Steven, Cindy, go to the place where Kenneth and the others are. Bring Jimmy with you. I'll stay here to look for Hector." –John.

Cindy and I nodded. We know where Kenneth and the others are. We bumped into Kenneth this morning and said that Faith and Alex is fine with him.


Alexandra's POV

"Here. Drink it." Kenneth offered.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Just drink it." He replied.

"Why will I drink it if I know not about this liquid?"

"Did you think that I will give you a poison potion?" He replied.

"Don't you?" I replied. "As if this liquid will make me like you! Yuck but that will never going to happen!" I said.

"It's an Ample Potion. It can bring back your muscle strength." He said calmly.

I immediately drink the potion after he said that it can bring back my muscle strength. Then suddenly, I felt energetic and strong.

I immediately stood up by my feet. I smiled as I saw its result.

"It is..." I began.

"Why did you think that I would ever make you drink a potion in order for you to like me? Huh.., Alex...?" He asked. "Did you think that I like you?"

"What...!" I yelled him in a surprised mood.

He suddenly pats my head.

"I'm just joking...ha ha..." He said.

"You...! Stop patting my head! I don't like you...!" I yelled at him.

He immediately stopped from patting my head.

"Ha-ha... Ha-ha... You both are so cute!" –Faith. Kenneth and I immediately turn our heads to her.

"Stop it, Faith..." I said but Faith continued to laugh. Kenneth joined her laughing.

My head turned red in embarrassment.


John's POV

Steven, Cindy and Jimmy left me in the area. As they are getting far from me, I went and enter the castle again to look for Hector.


Steven's POV

I told Cindy a spell that can help us to get Kenneth fast and easy.

"That's a great idea, Steven." She said.

We closed our eyes to focus until the spell worked.

Cindy and I jumped and flew a little then off to the ground. We jump again and flew then off to the ground again while supporting Jimmy. We did that for several times as we travel straight to where Kenneth and the others are located. The spell made our burden easy by lifting a little of our weight.


Alexandra's POV

This two are so annoying. They still continued to laugh.

Kenneth's pot boiled. He immediately went to it.

"Faith, did you hear something?" I asked her. I heard something.

"Hear what?" She said. "A fast thumping rhythm from your heart...? Tug dug... tug dug..." And she laughed.

Oh boy... so annoying...

"I'm serious... I heard something."

"Hear what?" –Kenneth.

"Ouch! I said careful!" Someone shouted. We immediately turned to her.

"Sorry..." Someone replied her from her back.

"Kenneth...? Alex...?"


"Who's Alex?"

S e r i o u s l y ...?

A male immediately showed up.



"Keith... Jamaicah... Zane... What are you doing here?" I said.

Jamaicah immediately hugged me as she reached me.

"What are we doing here? What are you doing here?" Jamaicah asked me.

"Miss Lori sent me here." I said.

Keith went to hugged me too.

"You mean Mrs...." –Kenneth.

I ignored Kenneth.

"I miss you." –Jamaicah.

"You mean we miss Alex." –Keith.

"We miss you, Alex." –Jamaicah.

"I miss all of you too." I replied.

"What brings you three here anyway, Zane." –Kenneth.

"We-"Zane thinks for a minute.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked Keith and Jamaicah while still hugging them.

Keith stopped from hugging. Jamaicah remained.

"Kenneth, why are you here too? No one mentioned that you'll be assigned here now." –Keith.

"How about you...? Why are you here?" –Kenneth.

"Why are we here anyway?" –Jamaicah.

"Huh? You forgot?" I said.

Jamaicah dropped her arms around me and thinks for a minute.

"Shh! My memory is looking for an answer..." –Jamaicah.

"Hello, there..." –Keith. "I never saw you before. Are you new here?"

"I guess." –Faith.

"Miss Lori sent her here too." I said.

"It's Mrs.... Mrs. Lori." –Kenneth.

"Her name is Faith. She's from the east wing." I said.

"Oh... My name is Keith by the way." Keith said to Faith.

"Hello... my name is Jamaicah."

"And my name is Zane."

"Zane, where is your hair?" I asked.

"Don't mention it." Zane replied and hid his head by his hood from his cloak.

Jamaicah laughed a little.

"It's a long story." –Keith. She replied on Zane's behalf.

Then I heard that sound again.

"Guys, did you hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" –Jamaicah.

"That sound. Listen." I said.

We quiet down ourselves and started to listen.

After a few minutes, we heard nothing.

"I don't hear anything." –Jamaicah.

"Yeah... Me too, I heard nothing." –Zane.

They started to say something but after a few seconds, I heard it again.

"There... there... I heard it." I said.

"I haven't heard anything." –Faith.

"I really heard it." I said.

"Maybe it's that pot there. It is boiling and it smelled delicious." –Keith.

"I heard it." –Kenneth.

Keith immediately took her wand and positioned defensively.

Zane positioned himself too.

Faith and Jamaicah looks so worried.

'Wow' is all I can say. They listen to Kenneth and not me?

Kenneth looked out for something.

I took my sword as well too.


Hector's POV

"Where is she?" I heard Alfred asked to the person who came.

I stayed and hid myself to listen for information.

"You mean Katherine? I put her to her room." She said.

"How is she?"

"She's fine. Good thing I drag her to her room before you use the dark shadow spell."

"Dark Shadow Spell..." I whispered to myself.

"Good..." –Alfred. "Linda, clean this mess."

"I will, master."

Then I heard walking footsteps from there.

I immediately run away and left the room.

I run and run silently.

"Hector." –John.

"Shh... Let's go..." I whispered. He nodded.


Cindy's POV

"Can you please tell us if you're going to kill us at any moment?" I said.

We just arrive and they look like they are going to kill anyone at any moment.

"Sorry... We thought you were hunting us." –Keith.

"That smelled delicious..." I said.

"Faith, Zane, Jimmy needs your help." –Steven.

Steven and I carried and put Jimmy to the ground.

Everyone came near us.


Alexandra's POV

After helping Jimmy heal his wounds and removing the poison on his body, each of everyone is sitting on the cemented chairs around the round cemented table.

Kenneth brought the food that he made. Faith helps him.

"Kenneth is so good at cooking foods." Keith whispered into my ears. Beside me are Jamaicah and Keith.

After the food is on the table, others immediately tasted Kenneth's dish.

"Hmm... Tasty as ever," –Cindy.

"Hmm..." –Most of them...

I took a taste of the dish.

Yum... It really is delicious.

"Told you-" –Keith.

I just nodded and continued to take another sip.



Kenneth's POV

I'm glad Alex likes the taste of my recipe.

We all immediately stood up as we heard someone running.

Hector and John appeared from the bushes.

We all exhaled in relief.

"John... Hector... You came." –Steven.

"Yes." –John. "I think we should return to the earth now."

"That's great but why?" –Cindy.

"We have enough information." –Hector.

"Okay... But first we have to fill up our belly." –Keith.

"Keith?" –Hector.


"Why are you here?"

John went to the table and took an amount of food that he can eat.


Alexandra's POV

After eating breakfast, everyone gathered around for a discussion about where and how to find the portal that binds the earth and the mystic world.

"Great!" –Keith.

"What...? How exactly...?" –Cindy.

"Each group should spread out and look for the portal. You all know what the portal looks like, right?" –Hector.

"Yes." –Most of them said while the others just nodded.

"Listen. Keith, Cindy, Zane and I will look on the south direction." Hector also pointed the south direction. "Faith, Alex and Kenneth should search on the east." He pointed the east. "Jamaicah, Steven and John will look to the north. Any disagreements...?" He asked and we shook our heads. "Don't worry about Jimmy. We can handle him."

"Okay..." –Steven.

Kenneth stood up. "Let's go." He said.

Faith and I stood up immediately.

"Be careful..." Hector said before I could start to move.

I smiled at him.


Faith's POV

My heart beats rapidly.

I'm scared and I don't know what to do.

Those scary red eyes, two horns, black fur, sharp teeth, spreading saliva... Ferocious growl makes my soul separates from my body...

I closed my eyes because of fear as I am cornered.

I cannot run anymore. I need help.

I see only black but I still can hear the beast's growl.

I'm doomed.


Alexandra's POV

Sweat is running down from my face. Fear is spreading to my entire body.

But even though I am scared, I still run towards the beast.


Kenneth's POV

Then I heard a slicing sound from a sword.

"Alex!" I yelled.

If only I could help her. If only.


Faith's POV

The growl sound of the beast went far from me. What is happening?

I opened my eyes. And saw-

The beast went to Alex.

What should I do? What should I do?

Alex is in trouble.


Kenneth's POV

"Alex! Hang on! I'm coming." I yelled.

Alex sliced the beast's tail. But by what she made, the beast became more violent than before. Cutting its tail doesn't make the beast die.


Faith's POV

I heard Kenneth's voice. Where is he? There. I see him. I immediately went towards him.


Kenneth's POV

Faith came and helped me untangle the rope around my body.

And as the rope loses my body, I immediately run towards Alexandra.


Alexandra's POV

The best growled louder and swings its paws up high. But Kenneth came before the beast can dig its claws into my flesh. He hurled the beast pass and over me by his spells.

"Are you okay?" He asks after he kneeled down and checked me.

"Yeah..." I replied.

We both turned our heads to see the beast. The beast immediately tried to stand after what Kenneth did to it.

"Alex, go to Faith and try to stay away from us." He said.


Before I can say anything, the beast roared as loud as it can angrily.

Kenneth immediately stands up and went behind me. Now, he is in front of that beast.

"Run Alex! Now...!" He said.

"But Kenneth-"I started.

The beast immediately runs towards Kenneth who is behind me.

"Get out of here!" He yelled.

"I can't! I hurt my leg!" I said.

"What the-..." He cursed.

Kenneth attacked the beast while protecting me.

He used a spell to grow several vines and tried to tie the beast out of it. But with the beast's sharp teeth and sharp claws, it got escaped from it.

After that, Kenneth tried to throw several of rocks to the beast. But the beast is too strong to be hurt.

Kenneth then tried to imprison the beast by commanding the soil and rocks to form a prison around it. But the beast did escape itself from it again.

The beast is smart and strong.


Kenneth's POV

I'm running out of energy and time to think for another attack for this kind of beast.

I am also tired from all of the effort I made.

But I won't let the beast to lose one of us.


The beast growled while thinking for a perfect time to attack us.

I raised my hands and the wind started to rise upward.

The beast suddenly covered its ears. What? What is happening? Then it floated into the air.

The best tried to run but it can't.

Then suddenly the beast had sliced into half. And it dropped onto the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" Someone asked. He steps forwards towards us. But he stopped as I position myself. "I'm not an enemy." He said.

I guess this stranger is the one who killed the beast for us. He is wearing a black cloak too.

"Who are you?" I ask. He must be too powerful.

He then smiled while looking at us.

"I know no one remembers me." He said.

"You are wounded!" –Alexandra.

I think she also saw the stranger's blood dropping to the ground from his arms.

I blocked Alexandra from the stranger.

"Oh. This..? No. This is nothing." He said.

"Let us help you." –Alexandra. "Faith is an enchanter's healer."

"Alexandra!" I quickly said.

"Enchanter's healer...? Sounds nice..." He replied to Alexandra.

"Yes. She's a professional." –Alexandra.

What is she doing?

"That's okay, young lady." The stranger said. "Thanks anyway. I just pass by and saw you that maybe you might want some help with that beast."

"We are. Thanks." Faith said. I turn my head to her. She is now standing beside Alex.

Why are these girls acting so kind to this stranger?

I turn my head again to the stranger.

"There are different kinds of beasts existed in this world. The next time you three encounter that kind of beast." He pointed the dead beast that we encounter today. That beast is like a dog but have horns, red eyes, sharp teeth and etc... "The only trick to kill it is to make a loud noise that only the beast can hear it. Since that beast can hear a sound ten times louder than what we hear then loud noises can weaken the beast. And while the beast is distracted by the noise, it is the perfect time to attack and kill it." He said. "Well, that's all I can help you. I have to go. See you around then."

Then the stranger walked and went away until he left us behind.

I turn around facing the two girls.

"What?" –Alexandra.

"You two don't really know how to act so vigilant." I said.

"Kenneth, he is not an enemy. He helped us from the beast." –Alexandra.

"Yes but even though he helped us, we still don't know him." I replied.


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