Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"

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By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

I woke up because of the light that shine upon my face.


"Faith..." I said. "Are you okay? Something hurts on you?"

"I'm fine." She replied. "But how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." I said.

"That's good. I thought you'd left us." She said.

"I won't, why? Where are the others?" I asked.


Faith's POV


I found myself wrapped by the leaves of the tree. I unwrap myself and carefully balance myself on the branches of the tree.

I heard running footsteps so I look down to the ground. And found that someone came under the tree and he is carrying someone on his back.

My heart beat running rapidly because of the situation that I am in. Everyone knows that I don't know how to fight.

The person in cloak under the tree lifts his head and saw me above him. His hair is tall and frizzy and wet. My body glued in its position and my face turned pale.

The person flew and went beside me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

I did not reply but just stared at him. H-he won't kill me?

He then gathered the leaves of the tree. He formed it into a hanging bed and with his powers, he strengthened it so if an object is laid in there, it won't fall. After a few tests he made, he laid the unconscious person to the hanging bed that he made.

I saw that the unconscious person is Alexandra. And I finally figured out that this person here is not an enemy. I think his name is Kenneth.

"Why? W-what happened to her?" I asked.

I saw Alexandra's eyes became white and her skin is filled with green veins. Her lips are pale and I don't know if she is breathing.

Is Alex being poisoned?

Kenneth took a bottle of something from his magical pouch and poured a little bit of it to Alex's lips.

After a few minutes, he took Alex.

"Let's go." He said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It is not safe here." He replied and jumped off the tree.


"Faith...?" –Alexandra.

"Sorry...?" I replied.

"Where are the others?" She asked.

"I don't know, Alex..." I replied.

Since what happened last night, the group is being separated.


"No... what are you doing?" I said but she ignored me and continued to rise up.


Alexandra's POV

My muscles trembled but I continued to rise until I can stand up.

"Let her, Faith." I stopped. It was Kenneth who's speaking coldly.

Faith moved away from me.

I suddenly drop to the ground. Why am I weak today?

"Kenneth..." I started to cry because the others aren't here. I'm sure that they caught the others. "Let's save them." I said.

I still remember Jimmy who is unconscious last night on their hands.


Kenneth's POV

I can tell that Faith wanted to help Alex but I eyed her to stop.

Alexandra tried to get up again but she falls to the ground every time she attempts to.

"I saw Hector and John earlier this morning." I said.

Alexandra stopped from what she was doing and waited for more from me. But I did not add anything to what I said.

I went to the round cemented table and puts down the things that I brought there.

"Where are they? And where are the others? Cindy...? Jimmy...?" –Alexandra.

I turn around and was shocked to see Alex standing while gripping her hands strongly to the tree beside her.

"Alex..." –Faith.

"I saw Jimmy..." She began stepping her foot towards me. "... last night he..." After a few seconds of releasing her grip from the tree, she fell to the ground and bump her face to the one of the cemented chairs around the round cemented table.

I immediately went to her as she fall but I wasn't able to help her.

"Alex!" –Faith.

"Aw..." Alex said while covered her face in pain.

I took Alex and carried her. I then put her on the chair. I grab her wrist to uncover and see her face.

"You're such a hardworking, clumsy girl." I said after I saw her bleeding nose.

I reach out for my handkerchief on my pocket and wiped away Alex's blood from her nose.


Alexandra's POV

"I'm not clumsy!" I replied.

He just smiled in return.

"You should have asked me even if you don't stand up." He said and his attention went to the bags that he brought. "They are getting Jimmy back... And all we have to do is to stay away from danger." He added.

Kenneth took his knife from his magical pouch and slices the leafy ingredients I guess.


Kenneth's POV

Faith sat on the chair beside Alex while Alex is staring peacefully on my hands. It must have been she realized that she can't do anything now that her muscles are weak. I'm not surprised. I used the Puny Potion to her last night while she was unconscious. Puny Potion weakens the muscles of whoever will drink it. But that muscle strength will return after 25 hours from the time of drinking it or rather to drink the Ample Potion if they want to return their muscle strength as soon as possible.

"What is that?" Faith asked.

"Vegetables... need to cook for our breakfast." I replied.

"Oh... You know how to cook?" –Faith.

I did not reply. Of course I am. I know how to cook because girls liked men that knows how to cook.

I smile because of that thought.


Alexandra's POV

Behind Kenneth's tall and fizzy hair, I saw him smiling. Yuck... I bit I know what is the meaning of that. Even if he knows how to cook, no one will like him because of his ugly face. Ha ha.... Oops!

I still see him smiling. I wonder why...

Kenneth reached for a vegetable that only exists in here. He sliced all of the vegetables that he brought. And suddenly, he turned his head to us. I gave him a 'What?' expression.


Cindy's POV

I watched Hector and John as they walk and went to different corridors.

I kept our emblem on my pouch to keep it safe. Because inside this dark castle, no one is allowed to enter unless a person is bad, cruel and wicked. When a person uses the emblem, it means that the person who's wearing it chooses to be good and glorious sincerely. And also they cannot enter here unless the bad enchanters won't know that they have their own emblem.

As Hector and John are out of my sight, I walked and went to another corridor that is assigned to me to find Jimmy.

'Where did they put Jimmy?' I thought. There are thousands of dungeons here.


Hector's POV

I entered a room, not just a room but rather a room where the king sits to his throne.

The king... I meant their master, Alfred.

Speaking of their master, he is here- siting on his throne like a king. He is wearing a plain black cloak too but he is more evilly to look at than his followers. His followers in their black cloak are gathering around him for a discussion. I look around but found no Jimmy so I went closer to their master to listen to what they are discussing.

"Katherine..." Alfred said.

After he said a name, a lady entered the scene. She wore a nice black dress with a shiny black pearl necklace.

Every one of the followers bowed down to the floor to praise the lady that entered. I joined them in order to keep my presence in secret.


John's POV

These dungeons are not just an ordinary prison cell inside the castle. These dungeons are enchanted where if a prisoner inside the prison cell uses magic to escape, poison will escape from the corners of it and attacks the body of the prisoner but the prisoner can never escape the cell.

I passed lots of dungeons as I walk but still did not found Jimmy's body.

I walk and walk as I search for Jimmy.

I walked far and reached a room where wicked enchanters are gathered. They are the followers of the Dark King. I just called him the 'Dark King' because he is like a king to all evil enchanters. But he is not a King. But I have to consider it since he calls himself a king too.

One day, I'll kill that king by my hands for all the cause that he did especially to my family.

"Hello..." A lady in a plain cloak said in a flirty tone of her voice. She puts her one hand on my shoulder and dances in a flirty behavior until the girl moaned.

The enchanters here are having a party- a Rites and Orgy's' Sabbath. It is a wild and dirty party where enchanters do what is pleasing to them like fighting to one another, kissing to a stranger and even worst to that. This party only made on midnight between Friday and Saturday. But I don't know that until now, the party is isn't over yet.

I'm getting annoyed with this girl in front of me. She's still continuing with her behavior towards me. I guess I'm her target. I can't blame her, I'm that handsome.

The girl's hand went to my neck and down to my chest while swaying her body a little.

I can't do anything to stop her because if I'll push her away and ignore her, everyone here will notice that I do not belong to this place.

Another girl is going to pass us. I lift my head to get her attention. After a few seconds as she walks closer to us, I finally caught her attention. I smiled at her and she replied a flirty smile at me. Then she went towards me and joined the first girl that came to me.

Both of the girls are roaming their hands around me while swaying their body. They are still doing it and after a couple of minutes, the first girl slapped the hand of the second girl.

"Hey!" –Second girl.

"He's mine!" The first girl and she look really annoyed.

The second girl slapped the face of the first girl.

"He is not!" The second girl shouted to the first girl.

"Why! You dirty demon!" The first girl curse and she attack the second girl's hair.


Both of the girls are fighting.

I knew that will happen so I walk away and left them. In order to escape from them in times of this situation is to do what I did earlier.

No one will ever notice with them since most of the enchanters here are fighting.


Hector's POV

"Once our master will escape and return, no one can stop us." –Alfred.

Then all of his followers raise their voices with their arms way up high saying 'Hail to King Alfred...'

And this is not good, not really good...

I turned my attention to the person in cloak that's leaving the area. I can't figure out who he is because of his hood is on his head.

"Hail to King Alfred!"


John's POV

I left the room.

I have no time parties like that. I even don't like that kind of party.

I shake my head and put my hood on my head. I need to find Jimmy.

"Wait!" A man's voice stopped me from walking.

I turn around towards him. I saw that there are two of them standing in front of me.

"Who are you?" The other one asked.


Cindy's POV

"Jimmy?" I whispered into the dark dungeon. I can't see what's inside of it because of its darkness so I just call out in whisper that maybe Jimmy is there and will reply back.

"What are you doing?" Someone on my back asked which made me stop from what I was doing.

I slowly straighten my body.


John's POV

I secretly reach out for my weapon from my pocket.

My weapon is a potion that I made.


Hector's POV

A person went to Alfred and said something to his ear.

"Bring the slave here." Alfred replied to the servant.

"Yes, master." The servant said and nodded. Then he left the area.

Alfred scanned his eyes to all of us until his head stuck to my direction. I don't know if he noticed my presence. My face is covered with my hood just like the others are.

"We have a visitor around." Alfred said and smiled wickedly.

My hearts thumps rapidly.

Did they notice us? Does the slave he mentioned is Jimmy? Did he know that we came here for Jimmy? Did they catch John and Cindy?

After a few minutes, the servant came with a pouch is on his hand. He gave it to Alfred.

"Bring him now." The servant said to the other servants.

The other servants nodded and the others gave way for them towards Alfred.

They brought Jimmy to the scene.

I felt so nervous by now. I guess Alfred knows that we are here now.

I shook my soul and prepare myself to what will Alfred do next.

"Father... What are going to do with him?" The girl in a black dress and shiny black pearl said with concern. Alfred called her Katherine.

"They think I did not know that they send someone to spy on us." Alfred began. "They think that I am a fool to let them know what I am planning to do." He added. He stood up from his throne. "Katherine... Every day, every time, every moment, there will always be a traitor on our lives." He said while looking at Katherine.

"Yes... Dad..." –Katherine.

"And that traitor will do anything to ruin your wonderful life." Alfred said while looking at us. "And that traitor will convince everyone that you are a monster." He started walking towards my direction. "That traitor that you thought that he is your family." He is now close to mine. "You thought that he is at your side no matter what." He stands in front of me. "But he left you destroyed." He walked passed me. "He left you like you are nothing." Said and stop to a person. "After taking all that you have..."

I turn around to see what is happening behind me.

Alfred gave the pouch to the person in cloak.

"Master..." The person started.

"Open it. It's a gift to you." –Alfred. The servant opened it and took the object inside of it. It is an emblem just like ours. "Welcome back, Harold." –Alfred.

The servant named Harold pointed his hand up high. And the strong wind suddenly came and revolving around him.

Alfred and the others stepped back.


John's POV

I felt the air twisted on my skin.

The two men run and went pass me. I followed them.


Hector's POV

Harold suddenly turns his fingers until the others dropped to the ground.

Alfred raised his two hands and lifted some particle from the floor.

They are going to fight.

A servant went to Katherine and dragged her away from the area.

"Father...!" Katherine called while crying. But the servant forced to drag her away.

I ran to Jimmy to protect him while a group is fight.

Alfred threw Harold stones. But Harold was able to avoid with his strong wind.

A servant puts some dusts from his bottle into the air. The air turned into purple.

I cough because of the effect.

John came and tried to help me.

A group of servant noticed me and John. They pointed their wand towards us.

John said something which made those servants that was trying to harm us to tremble on their feet.

John carried Jimmy.

"You two must go. I have to look for Cindy." I said.

John nodded and left.

I lied to them.

I'm going to help Harold.

I turned back.

The wind started to move faster and faster.

The other servants dropped to the ground.

Alfred's hands blazed in black color. He lifted his hands way up high.

The place shakes suddenly.

The dark color from Alfred's hand then suddenly spread the entire place.


John's POV

The place shakes and some object from the castle fallen to the ground.

"Where almost there, Jimmy." I said to Jimmy since the exit is in front of us.

There was none to interrupt us. Everyone is at the top where Hector is.



"Where is Hector?" She asked.

"I was going to ask you that same question. He said he is going to look for you." I said.

The unexpectedly a man in a cloak ran passed us and went to the exit.

Who was that? Why did he harm us?

The place has stopped from shaking and we immediately ran to away from the palace to safety.


Hector's POV

I blink twice, thrice... no several times after I woke up.

I stood up and found Alfred that was crying in the middle of his dead servants.

There are hundreds of deaths are laid on the ground.

Alfred is crying loudly. I didn't know that he knows how to cry.

I was standing behind him. I think he can't see me.

Alfred killed his servants, I'm sure. The magic he used is too dangerous.

I heard someone is heading towards this direction.

I immediately left the area.


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