Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

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Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"

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By cuteblueicecream

Faith's POV

Having been disturbed from sleeping and woke up early in the morning because of the loud snore.

I rise from sleeping and sat. I took my glasses and put it on then I turned my head to see whose snoring. And found out that it was Jimmy.

Jimmy, Alexandra, and Hector are sleeping. They are tired from their training last night.

What do you expect? They have to because Alex is so unpredictable. She would go to somewhere and not telling us about it.

I yawned.

I saw Cindy and she is already awake. She's seating outside the cave and just staring still to the outside environment.

I stood up and went to her.

Outside, I saw John and Steven. John is taking a rest under the shades of the tree. While Steven... gosh...

"Why are you blushing?" Cindy beside me asked suddenly.

I turned to her and shook my head.

"I'm not." I replied coldly.

She just nodded and turned back her head.

Am I really blushing?

I touched my cheeks.

"You're blushing." In my surprised that Cindy talked.

"I'm not." I replied coldly.

"Then why are you touching your cheeks." –Cindy.

"I-I just..."

"Do you like him?"





"Why...? Steven is your type, right?"


"He is smart, friendly, cheerful, helpful, kind, handsome, and always concerned about almost anything..." She said. "His humors are reading books, experimenting, painting..." that's true.

Yesterday, you're always at his side, laughing about something.

I don't like Steven!

"He is not my type." I calmly told her.

"If you say so..." She replied.

Steven rises himself from the water after deciding to finish his bath from the Rock Pool.

I am so embarrassed to see him like that. He is almost naked and the only cloth that he wore today is his boxers.

His muscles are fine: not too big and not too less.

I saw Cindy turned her head to me through my peripheral vision so I immediately turned away.

I stood up and walk away from them.


Alexandra's POV

I felt so dizzy after rising from the bed... I mean the ground.

I put my hand to my forehead to support myself.

Ahh! What is wrong with me? I felt so dizzy and my body hurts.

What happened last night?

I can't remember. All I know is that we have our training last night.

"Alex..." –Faith. I smiled at her.

Jimmy woke up and yawned. He stared at me for a minute then looked away. He then begins to organize himself.

Steven came and looked for his magical pouch.

I stood up and went to Cindy as I see her.


Hector's POV

Fire is spreading to the entire place.

"Mom...! Dad...! Where are you?" I called.

"Hector...? Hector...!"



"Mom..." I embraced her. "Where's dad?"

"You must leave Hector..."


"Leave...! Get away from here."

I cried. She pointed at me angrily.

I run away from the fire because of my mother.

I continued to cry.

Then an explosion occurred after.

"Mom....!" I shouted and cried even more.

A dark shadow went under me. It went big and bigger until the entire place turned into black. I can't see anything.

I cried and cried.

"It is your entire fault!" A cold voice appeared from nowhere. But I just continued to cry.

"You killed them!" A terrifying face appeared in front of me.

I jumped and woke up.

It was just a dream, a nightmare.

"Are you okay?" –Steven.

"I'm fine." I replied.

I wiped my sweat from my forehead.

As I stood up, I immediately saw Alex.


"Aren't you ashamed of being so useless?" I said.

She lifted her head with tears flowing from her face. Her expression is filled with hurt and anger.

"Aaahhhhh...!" She screamed and run towards me in anger. Her presence looks like she's going to kill someone.

I immediately released my rocks and attacked her in surprised. I didn't expect that she would be hurt like this and react angrily.

"Alex!" I heard Jimmy.

The rocks were all landed to the ground where Alex is.

Dusts were spreading all over the air. I even cough because of it.

"Alex?" I called. I'm beginning to get worried thinking that I hurt her.

After the fog faded, Alexandra suddenly flew in front of me and sliced my wand that I'm holding with her sword.

My soul jumped in surprised thinking that she'll slice me just the same as my wand.

She immediately moved towards me. She put her face near my face.

And there I noticed that the Alex in front of me is now different from the Alex I used to know. Just like an innocent and angelic face turned into a devilish face. She's petrifying.

"Don't ever compare me to them!" She said in anger.

Then suddenly she just fell to the ground and collapsed.

I didn't even get to respond.

Jimmy came and helped Alex.

I flew down to the ground. I carried Alex and went to the cave.

Faith cured her.


Her reaction last night and her words remind me of someone else.

I walked and went to where Cindy and Alex are.


Alexandra's POV

"Yes we are all been doing this for our entire life and we are used to these missions- spying and killing beasts and to discover some advantages to beat the dark side enemies. But I still hope that this will end soon." –Cindy.

Hector suddenly appeared and sat beside me.

I turned to him and found that he is already staring at me.

"Good Morning, Hector." –Cindy.

"What are you doing?" I manage to ask even that his face is close to my face.

"Staring, can't you see?" He said and smile.

"Yes but why?" I asked.

"Am I handsome?"

He combs his hair in front of me.


"Yuck..." –Cindy.

"Shut up, Cindy." –Hector.

"You know, she right." I teased him.

"Cindy is just jealous." –Hector.

"Me? Jealous at you...? So disgusting... I'm out of here."

Cindy stood up and walks away.

As I followed my eyes to Cindy, I saw John looking to our direction while smirking.

What? Why is he smirking?

"Alex, I'm sorry about what I said last light." He said.

"What did you said last night?" I asked.

"About the hurtful things I said to you? About comparing you from the others? I didn't mean it but I really meant it." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't remember anything?" He asked.

I thought for a while then I shook my head.

"I can't remember what happened last night..."

He then squeezed my cheeks and it hurts.

"That's okay." He said and rises then drop his eyebrows while smiling with his dimples is showing up. "In summary, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, whatever that is." I replied.

"Really...? Thank you..."

He stopped from squeezing my cheeks.

I just nodded in confusion.

He then moved his face close to my face.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Are you angry?"


"Are you sure?"


"Good. But if you have any angry feelings with me then just talk to me."

"Okay." And I stood up.

Hector laughed.

What again?

"I just discovered..." He said.


"That you're cute." He said and laughed again.

"You...!" I said.

I lift my arms, ready to punch him.

"Oops. You can't do that... I'm your leader."

"Do not ever do that again!" I yelled.

He just laughed.

I walked away in disbelieve.

Who wouldn't? Who would a person move his face close to my face? And make my heart race? And it's like they are going to kiss?

Gosh... What am I thinking about?


Hector's POV

I continued to laugh.

I saw her blush.


Steven's POV

I saw Alex storm as she walk pass me.

She's so intimidating when she's angry. I wonder what's going on. Maybe I should not disturb her or else I'm dead.

"I'm almost running out of food..." I said sadly while looking at my magical pouch.

John entered the cave.

"That's because you ate too much..." –Cindy.

"You ate more than what you have brought." –Jimmy.

"John!" Steven shouted. "Can I share with your food?"

John didn't reply.

Cindy and Jimmy started laughing.


Jamaicah's POV

I yawned. "Good Morning." I said.

"Good Morning." Keith replied.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Food..." –Keith.

"It doesn't look like food."

"But it is delicious, try some." –Keith.

I frowned as I look at the food once more.

Then I watched Keith as she eats it. She looks like she liked the taste of it.

But I looked at the food again. It doesn't look like it is tasty.

Then I looked at Keith.

Then my tummy growled, telling me that I'm hungry.

I wish my tummy would become full as they eat food at this moment.

"Zane cooked that food." –Kath.

Kath is an owl. She's Keith's pet. We met her last night and she is the one who looked for a shelter for us to stay.


"Yes?" –Zane.

"You made this?" I pointed out the food too.

"Yes. Let's eat." –Zane.

"I rather find my own food." I said.

"But it is delicious..."

"He is right, Jamaicah. Zane is an amazing Chief. He always cooks for us whenever we are hungry in this world."

I frowned.

I walked out.

I went outside the abandoned simple house that we stayed overnight. I sat on the house's bench.

One thing I'm sure. They will never make me eat that kind of food.


Alexandra's POV

"Where here." –Jimmy. "At the Mountain of Harmony..."

We finally arrive at the other side of the lake pass the rockery. And in front of our face is the tall mountain. Well, Jimmy said that it is the Mountain of Harmony.

"Home... Sweet... Home..." –Steven.

"We aren't really exactly there, Steven. We haven't climbed the mountain yet..." –Cindy.

"Yeah... I just practiced."

"Why does it is called the Mountain of Harmony?" I asked.

"Well, at the top of this mountain is the place where all of the good enchanters lived." –Cindy.


"I miss this place." –Jimmy.

"Me too, I miss my family here." John shared coldly.

"John's whole family died because of the war." Cindy whispered into my ear.

Poor John...

"Guys, come on!" Hector called out. He climbed far from us.

"Hey, wait up!" –Steven.

"You are all too slow." Hector teased.

"Who says that?" –Jimmy.

Cindy laughed.

"Let's go." –Cindy.

Faith and I followed them.

John followed behind us.


Jamaicah's POV

"Jam." –Keith. "Here."

She gave me something that wrapped on the fabric.

I opened it.

"Rabbit's Tail Berries..." I said happily.

"Kath searched for it just for you."

"Aw... Thank you. She's so sweet, where is she?"

"She left to sleep."

"Ahh.... Hmm. Thank you."

"Eat it up. We have a long way to travel."

I took one berry and ate it.

"Mm... Sweet..."

Keith laughed.

I smiled.

Zane came out from the door. He is all packed up and ready to go.

"What are you carrying?" –Cindy.

"I saw these things inside. I thought maybe we can use this some time." –Zane.

"Ahh... I see..."

"Isn't that heavy?" I asked.

"I'll just go there for a while." He pointed out the direction too.

"Okay." –Keith.

Zane left us.

"Is he ignoring me?" I asked.

"Well, you did not eat his food." –Keith.

"Is that it?"

"Everyone gets offended in such a specific reasons. But don't worry. He won't feel bad about it for too long."


Alexandra's POV

My sweats are sliding down my face.

My mouth opened to breathe.

My heart is beating so fast.

And my legs are tired because of the uphill path.

"Huh! I'm so hot!" –Cindy.

"This cloak is too warm." –Faith.

"I need water." –Steven.

Jimmy dropped to the ground.

John went to the shades of the tree.

Hector sat on the rock under the shades of the tree.

I went to Cindy.

Faith dropped her magical pouch and it rolled downwards.

It stopped rolling because of its path was blocked by the big tree.

"I was going to get some water from it." –Faith.

Everyone was tired to help Faith.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." I volunteered.

"No, Alex... It's okay. Faith can share with mine instead." –Cindy.

"It's okay. Besides, Faith collected some things in there." I insisted.

"It is okay, Alex." –Faith.

I just smile at her but I left them and went to get her magical pouch.

I walked downwards. But because of the gravity, I can't help but ran downwards.


With all my strength, I tried to stop from running.

I finally stopped and caught Faith's magical pouch.

That was fast.

I turn around and approaching to climb up again.

I wish climbing an uphill path is as easy as climbing a downhill path.

I immediately stopped because of the sound I heard.

I put the magical pouch to my pocket and grabbed for my sword.

I scanned the entire place but I see nothing.

Maybe it is hiding.

I positioned my sword in preparing to defend.

I don't know where did that sound is coming from because I only heard it once.

I keep my eyes wide opened in alert.

"Alex!" Cindy called from above.

I put down my sword.

"Coming..." I shout in replied.

"Hurry up!" She said.

"I will!" I replied.

I scanned the entire place once more, looking for an unusual appearance.

I guess I must been hearing things.

I put my sword back under my cloak.

Then I started climbing the mountain again.

"Alex!" –Cindy.

"Coming... I'm coming..." I replied.

A gust of wind blew my hair and my cloak. I suddenly dropped to the ground in surprise.

The beast in front of me roared in pain.

The beast stretched its claws out and is going to cut me into pieces by it.

I wanted to move but neither of my body parts can move because of the sudden fright that came unto me unexpectedly.

Before the beast's claws can even touch a little of me, it suddenly fell to the ground like it is killed.

"Are you okay?"

Someone is asking me but I can't respond him right now.


Cindy's POV

All of us immediately went to Alexandra because of the beast that we saw.

We saw it all even to how the beast was killed.

"Kenneth?" Hector spoke after we came where Alexandra is.

Kenneth Lancour? Why is he here?

And he killed that beast with just using his two fingers.


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