My Brother's Best Friend✔

Honey_Kissed_Hyuck tarafından

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Areum's life is confusing. Started: 10/25/18 8:05 pm Finished: 2\22\20 2:21 pm Daha Fazla

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Eleven

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Honey_Kissed_Hyuck tarafından

It's been one month since Areum came home. She's now five months pregnant. She has stopped talking to everybody freely choosing to only whisper to Baekhyun or Sehun. Junmyeon has been staying at home. He hasn't seen Areum since she came back.

Chanyeol is worried about her "maybe we should take her to a doctor. She could have ptsd and I forgot what it's called when moms get super sad after they have the baby."

Kyungsoo said "postpartum depression. We won't know until she has the baby. But you could be right about the ptsd."

Jongdae hummed "don't worry guys I'm sure she's fine. I mean obviously she only talks to Baek and Sehun but at least she's talking."

Minseok looked up from his phone grinning gleefully Chanyeol asked "what's up baby?"

"Areum is having a girl. Sehun said she's thinking about changing Haeyoon. Oh, I'm so excited."

Jongin smiled "I hope she feels better soon. I miss my Dove."

Yixing said "she's ok right?"

Minseok nodded "yeah Baek said they're getting some food and they'll be home."

Kyungsoo went to the kitchen to get dishes ready. Jongdae whined loudly but said nothing. Chanyeol and Jongin decided to go clean Areum's room.

Sehun hollered "food!" as he walked in the house. Areum was clinging to Baekhyun and flinching when any of the boys walked past her.

Baekhyun said "hey hey baby it's ok. You wanna eat with us or go lay down?"

Areum softly spoke "can you lay with me?"

Baekhyun nodded "of course I can baby. Sehun can you bring us some food she wants to lay down."

Up in Areum's room she sighed "they hate me Baek."

"what? No, they don't. We all understand what you went through was traumatic. Sure, they miss you like crazy and worry about you, but they don't hate you."

Sehun came up to Areum's room with food "hey angel you wanna eat? Baek I talked to Yeol he's already on his way to the store."

Areum pouted as Baekhyun took her plate from Sehun "good good. Eat baby I know you're hungry."

Areum ate silently while Sehun and Baekhyun asked her if she'd be ok with talking to Chanyeol. Or if she wanted to talk to somebody else. Areum only hummed in agreement to talking to Chanyeol.

Sehun smiled "ok angel after we eat, and you shower if you want Chanyeol will come talk to you. One of us can stay if you want us too."

Areum looked wide eyed at Baekhyun who said "baby it's just Yeollie. He loves you more than anything. We'll both stay with you if you want."

Areum nodded "please?"

Sehun kissed her head "you wanna take a shower or just change into some pajamas?"

"just pajamas. I have those pink flannel ones Jongin got me that were too big."

Sehun found the pajamas for Areum and looked away as Baekhyun helped her get dressed. There was a soft knock on the door that cause Areum to jump a little bit before hearing Chanyeol "hey it's just me Dove. Is it ok for me to come in?"

Areum smiled and nodded at Sehun who opened the door. Chanyeol's eyes lit up as he saw Areum sitting on her bed. He softly spoke "hi Dove. I uhh I brought some things for the baby. Do you wanna see them?"

Areum looked at Baekhyun and Sehun before nodding and moving back on the bed so Chanyeol could put the baby stuff on the bed to show her.

About an hour later Areum was smiling and giggly not flinching when Chanyeol moved to kiss her head or hug her.

"I missed you Yeollie."

"I missed you too Dove. We all do. Thank you for talking to me."

Areum smiled then quickly pulled Chanyeol's hand to her stomach were the baby was moving around. Chanyeol gasped happily "oh my god! That's she's moving! That's my niece in there."

Areum nodded "she likes your voice. She goes crazy whenever you talk or sing."

Sehun said "talk to her. Tell her who you are."

Chanyeol leaned closer to Areum's stomach "hi baby I'm your uncle Chanyeol. You can call me Uncle Chan when you're older. I can't wait to meet you and spoil you like the little princess you are. I love you so much already."

Areum started crying Chanyeol did too. The whole time he was talking baby Oh was going crazy kicking and punching up a storm.

Baekhyun asked "are these happy tears?"

Areum nodded "she really likes him. This is the most she's ever moved."

Chanyeol wiped his face "oh my god. That was beautiful. I oh shit. I'm totally gonna cry when she's born."

There was a knock on the door and Areum froze waiting for a voice.

It was Kyungsoo "hey umm Junmyeon is here and I don't know if you wanna see him."

Baekhyun said "he can stay here if he wants but I think one a day is enough for her. She did great with Chanyeol."

Areum pouted but nodded knowing Baekhyun was right.

Kyungsoo said "ok I'll tell him. Have a good night Areum."

Chanyeol kissed her head and got up to leave but she grabbed his hand and shyly asked "sleep with me?"

Sehun quickly asked "are you sure angel?"

Areum nodded "I know you two probably miss Dae and Xing. I.... I'll be fine with Chanyeol."

Baekhyun said "ok but you know we're just down the hall. Yell if you need us for anything baby."

Areum kissed them both "I know Baek. Tell Dae and Xing I'm sorry for hogging you guys."

Sehun shook his head "they don't mind. They just want their baby back to her happy self. Don't worry about it. Chan are you ok sleeping with her?"

Chanyeol looked at them "is there anything I should know?"

Areum giggled "I get up a lot to pee you might have to help me out of bed but that's pretty much it."

Baekhyun playfully scoffed "she's always hot so it's gonna be fucking freezing in here dress warm and get your own blanket baby doesn't know how to share."

Areum pouted "I said sorry for getting you sick. I can't help it that I'm always hot. It's baby Oh's fault."

Chanyeol smiled "already blaming my niece and she isn't even here yet. How dare you Dove?"

Areum whined loudly as Sehun said "oh watch out she pees if she laughs to hard. Me or Baek will help you shower in the morning ok angel?"

Areum nodded "good night. Thank you."

Baekhyun and Sehun kissed her forehead before going to their respective boyfriends.

Chanyeol smiled at Areum "so any name ideas?"

Areum laid down and cuddled with her body pillow "I like Soyeon and Yeeun."

Chanyeol looked through Areum's closet for some of his clothes and quickly changed before laying in bed "Oh Soyeon sounds pretty. What about Nari oooh or Nana. Nana is cute."

Areum giggled "you want to name your niece Oh Nana?"

He smiled brightly "ok that sounds like an adlib in a song maybe Oh Nari."

Areum looked at Chanyeol quietly for a while and he opened his arms "c'mon Dove I know you wanna cuddle."

Areum pouted "I can't face you anymore. So, you gotta be the big spoon."

Chanyeol hummed "I know Baek rubs your stomach. Does it help you sleep?"

Areum nodded "yeah it's really hard to sleep good being so big."

Chanyeol nodded gently pulling Areum's back to his chest and started rubbing big circles over her stomach "you feel comfy?"

Areum hummed and held his hand that was rubbing her stomach "I really do miss you guys. It's just there's so much movement when I'm with all of you. It brings back memories and I panic. I was so nervous about talking to you, but I forgot how comfortable you made me. I also feel really bad that I've kept Baekhyun and Sehun away from Jongdae and Yixing so long."

Chanyeol said "Areum. Dove we all know what you've been through. We understand why you didn't or couldn't be around all of us. Don't think we're mad at you because we're not. Jongdae understands why you've been clinging to Sehun he's your brother he loves you. Yes, Jongin is sad you haven't talked to him for a whole month but we're not mad at you."

Areum squeezed his hand "I love you Yeollie."

He kissed her head "I love you too Dove. Now get some sleep. I think Baekhyun is gonna make us go out tomorrow."

Areum whined but cuddled deeper into Chanyeol's chest falling asleep quickly. Chanyeol cried softly behind her. He was just happy to have his Dove back. He still wanted to kill Zitao for what he'd done to his baby. He was gonna talk with the boys about maybe going to visit Zitao in jail and talk to him. It's not that he wants to, but he just wants to know why he would hurt Areum. The girl he claimed to love. Chanyeol eventually fell asleep after crying for a few hours.

Areum woke up to Sehun running his fingers through her hair "hey angel. It's time to wake up and shower."

Areum whined loudly. Chanyeol chuckled "go shower Dove. I'll take you baby shopping and out for food."

Sehun smiled "see angel? Free food. Up you go."

He grabbed her hands and gently pulled her up and out of bed helping her to the bathroom where Baekhyun was waiting.

Sehun asked "what do you wanna wear?"

Areum hummed "ummm my jean shorts and one of your big shirts."

Baekhyun asked "can you button those shorts?"

Areum shrugged "idk maybe some sweatpants then."

Sehun said "I'll cut em if you want me too. Shower with Baekhyun I'll make sure Yeol is ready to go before you're done."

Baekhyun smiled "oh you're leaving with Chanyeol?"

Areum nodded and started taking off her pajamas as Sehun left. "yeah baby shopping and food."

Baekhyun smiled and helped Areum into the shower. He gently washed the parts of her body she couldn't reach "you wanna wash your hair or not?"

"not maybe tomorrow. Did ummm did Myeon stay here?"

Baekhyun helped her out and wrapped a big fluffy towel around her "yeah he slept with Jongin and Soo. He left before anyone woke up. I think he'll be back. He really misses you baby."

Sehun knocked "hey I got your clothes and I packed down extra pants and underwear in case Chanyeol makes you laugh too much. He has your bag."

Areum kissed Sehun and shooed him out as Baekhyun helped her get dressed "you'll never understand how much I hate bras."

Baekhyun smiled "I'm sorry you have to wear them baby. But hey you're going on a Yeollie date. You know how fun those are."

Chanyeol knocked and opened the door "ready to go?"

Areum nodded "can we eat first? I'm starving."

Chanyeol held her hand "you thought I was only gonna feed you once? Areum you can eat as many times as you want. We just have to go shopping at some point."

Areum kissed Baekhyun and said, "you guys spoil me."

Baekhyun said "and we'll spoil our niece too. Go have fun baby. You can tell me and Sehun all about your day."

Chanyeol and Areum left. He stopped at a fast food place to get some breakfast for the both of them. Once they finished eating, they decided to on a store to go too. Areum clung to Chanyeol in the store out of nervousness but also because she missed him.

Chanyeol gasped "I'm buying this, and you can't tell me no."

Areum rolled her eyes at Chanyeol who was jumping like a crazy person near the bikes for kids "Yeol she's not even born yet and you wanna buy a bike that she can't ride for like five years?"

"fine no bike but I'm getting one of those roller thingy's she can eat in them but also learn to walk."

Areum giggled "it's called a walker. Why don't we find a car seat and a little rocker."

Chanyeol pouted but left the bikes. They walked through the whole baby section three times. They had a cart full of cute baby girl clothes but also some sweatpants and tank tops so baby Oh could be like mommy and her uncles.

Areum whined "Yeollie I'm hungry again."

He turned a corner while talking "there's a food strip on the other side of the lot. Let's pay and then you can eat."

Chanyeol had accidentally hit somebody while he was looking at Areum "oh fuck I'm sor... Junmyeon what are you doing here?"

Junmyeon smiled nervously and held up a couple bags "I umm I bought baby stuff. Minseok said it'd be good idea."

Areum softly muttered "thank you Myeon."

Chanyeol smiled "we're gonna pay for this stuff and go eat. Dove would it be ok if Junmyeon joined us?"

Junmyeon quickly said "it's ok. Have a good lunch with Chanyeol." He went to walk away but surprisingly Areum grabbed his arm "don't leave."

Chanyeol pulled his phone out franticly texting the boys that Areum talked to Junmyeon. He quickly put his phone back ignoring the constant vibration "ok so you're ok with this Dove?"

Areum nodded "please come with us Myeon."

He nodded and slowly followed them to checkout. After Chanyeol and Areum argued over who'd pay Areum pouted when Chanyeol paid for everything simply saying "shut up Dove. Let me spoil you and my niece."

Areum clung to Chanyeol's arm even though he was carrying all the heavier bags "Yeollie I... I'm nervous."

He kissed her head "it's ok Areum we're just gonna eat and go home."

Once they got all the bags in the car Chanyeol asked "are you ok to walk across the lot?"

"did Sehun pack my high tops?"

Chanyeol nodded "want me to put them on? Do you know what you wanna eat?"

Areum nodded and wiggled her way into the backseat "thank you Yeollie. I really want spicy chicken and rice and I'm craving something sweet."

Junmyeon softly said "ice cream would help. You look a little red."

Chanyeol smiled and helped Areum up and the three of the walked to the small chicken shop on the other side of the lot. Junmyeon sat on the opposite side of the table eating quietly as he watched Areum cling to Chanyeol.

"Dove why aren't you talking to Junmyeon? You two seem very awkward. It's like a wall is up between you two."

Areum looked at Junmyeon and smiled shyly "I'm just really hungry and I haven't talked to Myeonie since the day I came home. I'm honestly not trying to force baby Oh on him."

Junmyeon said "pretty girl no. You're not pushing the baby on me at all. I feel bad for staying away so long. I love you and I fully support you and baby Oh. I'm so sorry for ignoring you for a month and a half. Kyungsoo talked to me and if you'll let me I wanna be this baby's dad."

Areum started crying while Junmyeon was talking Chanyeol smiled hugging her tightly "see Dove he misses you as much as you miss him."

Junmyeon slowly reached over the table to wipe Areum's tears. She stood up and pulled him into a tight hug. He was shocked at first, but he hugged her back.

"I missed you so much Myeonie."

He gently kissed her cheek "I missed you more than you'll ever know honeybee."

Chanyeol took a couple pictures while they were hugging and sent them to the boys smiling at Areum's progress.

"hey, you ready to go home?"

Areum pulled away from Junmyeon "yeah I'm really tired now. Are you going home too?"

Junmyeon smiled and nodded "I'll drop off the baby stuff I got but yeah I'm going home. You can call or text me if you want."

Areum smiled and shyly grabbed both Junmyeon and Chanyeol's hands to walk back to the car. Junmyeon followed them back to Sehun's house. Once there he quickly took the bags to Areum's room. Telling Sehun and Baekhyun to help Chanyeol because Areum had fallen asleep on the way back and Chanyeol was carrying her upstairs. The three boys stayed with her while she slept so she didn't wake up alone and panic.

Okumaya devam et

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