276 24 0

After breaking up with Jimin, Honey left his side and decided to live on with her life, together with her fri... More

You Are My Everything


17 0 0

Welcome Home, Jimin
••• JIMIN •••

"I'll come pick you up from your place in a couple of days, Jungkook. Make aure to have your phone turned on. Because I know you will forget." I was texting my brother as said all the instructions for our meet up when we return to Seoul.

I looked up to be welcomed by an empty space beside me. I scanned around me but there was not a single sign of Jungkook. Damn that kid!

My phone vibrated as a notification that I received a text message; "Hyung, I'll see you in two days. Text me when you get home. I'm with my family now. Don't worry about me."

I sighed as I put my phone in the pocket of my jacket.

The popularity of BTS is so intense that we can't go through the airport like a normal person. And the small airport in Busan is no difference.

May it be vacationing or because of work, we have to be very careful. Otherwise there would be paparazzis and reporters waiting to take pictures of us. Pictures that the people of this world don't need to know.

A small section of the airports that we go to often have a separate arrivals and departures exclusively for BTS. According to Bang PD, it would be best to do that, than explain everything that happens in our personal lives.

I saw my brother standing in the waiting area, wearing his excited smile.

The airport was not that far from home, so I didn't even get the chance to take a nap. Half way through the drive, Namjoon called asking how was the flight. We talked about small stuff until he brought up something that made me fired up.

Next thing I know, we've reached the house. Jihyun parks the car.

"Hyung, you didn't tell me!" I yelled to the other line.

"Okay, calm down, Jimin." Namjoon tries to calm me down.

"No, hyung! There is a reason why I am angry at you right now!" I spat at him. "This could have been a chance for me, hyung! Why didn't you tell me Jackson invited us at their house tonight?"

"Hey, hey! Calm down. I just got the invitation from him this morning." He tried to defend himself.

"This morning?! I was in Seoul this morning! And you didn't tell me?!"

"I know, I know! I forgot, I'm sorry." We both release a sigh before he continues, "Look, take the couple of days off in Busan, then come back to Seoul. You need that rest anyway. So no more arguments, okay?"

"Fine! I can't ever win against you, hyung, can I?" He chuckled and we both hang up the phone. My anger slowly fading.

"What was all that yelling about?" My younger brother asks as he opened the door so we could come in. "What chance were you talking about? You have an audition?"

"It was Namjoon-hyung. He didn't tell me that Jackson is throwing a barbeque party tonight at his place."

"Wait- didn't he just got married?" He asked again.

"Yea, he did. And I thought he and his wife were still out of town." I sulked, stomping my feet towards the sofa and then threw myself on it. "Ahh... It feels good to be home."

"Do you want to go out and grab something to eat?" My brother asked while arranging my bags that I threw on the floor.

"Sure! Let's go."

"My son!" The front door flung open and my beloved mother came rushing like she was chasing a theif. Her hands wrapped around my neck, "Oh my baby boy! I miss you so much!"

"Okay, mom. Enough with the hugging. You're choking me." I faked a cough so she would release me from her hold.

"Son! How was your flight?" My dad came from behind my mom and tapped my shoulder firmly. "Welcome home."

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?" My mom asked questions after another. "Do you want to wash up first. I'll prepare your bath for you. Do you wanna sleep instead? Then we'll eat later tonight? What do you wanna do?"

"Calm down, dear. Our son is probably tired from his travel. Let him rest a bit." Thaks to my dad, he saved me from making my brain work hard again. I've already done enough thinking today. I mean, thinking about Honey is not tiring. But my brain just cannot take any more stress.

"Okay. Rest up a bit, sweetie. I'll prepare dinner for the mean time." My mom said softly. Finally understanding the situation.

"I'll carry your things after you, hyung." My little brother volunteered.

As I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, I looked down to where my family is. A smile formed on my lips as I imagine Honey being there with them, being all busy with taking care of me.

I realized what I was thinking and immediately brushed the thought out of my head. "What am I even thinking?"

The openness and emptiness of my bedroom welcomed me as I opened the door. It still looks the same aa how I left it. It has been a while since I slept in my own room.

"Mom said to keep things where they are in your room. We just dust the shelvings and anywhere there might be dirt. Mom wants you to come home to your bedroom when you get the chance to." My little brother commented when he noticed I was standing still for good 10 minutes. "Where do you want your bag?"

"I'll take it from here. Thank you, bro!" I gave him a smile as I took the bag from his hands. He surely has grown so much since the last time I saw him.

"You know where my room is, hyung. If you need anything, my door is only a few steps away." He turned his back against me and started to walk towards the stairs.

"Wait- Jihyun-ah!" I called, he immediately turns around and faces me. "Come here for a sec."

"Hmn? What is it?" He asks innocently. I smilled before dropping my bag to the floor and wrapping my hands around my little brother. "I miss you, bro!"

"Ei, hyung! Get off me! Go take a shower first. You stink!" He shot at me. Which made me laugh heartily. He pushes me with all his might. I was too tired from the flight, reason why Jihyun succeeded in pushing me away. He turns to the stairs before stopping and said, "Come down when you're done."

I chuckled at Jihyun who ran down as if he was chasing after a chocolate bar. I went in to my room and looked around, went to every corner, and checked every nook and cranny of the room. I may not be the cleanest back at the dorm, but I definitely go insane when the room is a mess!!

My phone vibrated and I took it out of my back pocket and noticed the caller ID, Namjoon!

"Oh, hyung." I greeted.

"Jimin. How was your flight?"

"Wait- this is not Namjoon, is it?" I questioned.

"It's Jackson. The guys are outside, cooking and playing basketball."

"Why do you have Namjoon-hyung's phone?"

"Oh, hah! He asked me to call you. -Honey, you came! Can you get this call, please?" I noticed the change of volume in his voice. I assumed he handed the phone to her?

My heart was pounding at the mention of her name. And why would he want to give the phone to her, anyway?

What am I supposed to talk to her about?

This is going to be awkward...

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