A Guest in Camelot (Doctor Wh...

By only-five-foot

101K 3K 534

Trapped 1500 years in the past. No Rory, no Doctor and no way to return. Knowledge on aliens can be useful es... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen +Sneak Peak?
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Nine

4.1K 139 5
By only-five-foot

Disclaimer: The BBC owns everything, I just came up with the plot idea.


Chapter Nine:

The skin in her fingers pulled back easily, she had to refrain from pulling a face, she wanted to look brave and as though she knew what she was doing. The forehead peeled off and the rest of the body suit dropped to the floor, which surprised the knights. They stepped back and the creature grins at Amy. “My, someone is a little experienced for this time aren’t they?” It questions a smile forming.

Amy scoffs “You’re one to talk; you hardly belong on this planet.”

The creature tilted their head “I don’t desire to talk; you’re getting in my way, move human.”

“It’s hardly wise advising me what to do Slitheen.” She retorts arching her eyebrow.

“Oh, you can give me a name, well done human, but I am afraid I am not one for talking, move aside allow me to get to the Prince.” And then it made a fatal mistake, it gripped Amelia’s arm.

“You should know I don’t like threats, one chance go home, back to Raxacoricofallapatorius and I’ll leave you alone.” She spoke through her teeth, her eyes fixed to the green chubby beast. She may have been small but her presence was felt, it grew in the room, the knights stood down, their swords lowering, she was intimidating yet the beast was stupid.

Its arm outstretched shoving Amy back to the side of the Prince, in passing she grabbed the plates and Ale managing to keep her footing. That was the thing with travelling; sometimes you met people who could be a bit ignorant. She poured some drops of Ale onto the creatures arm causing it to hiss in pain and retreat back away from the Prince, it was confused and annoyed. “Opps, Clumsy me spilling my drink, I’m sorry.” She smirked, “Then again you did knock me Lord Anthony.”

It snarled again, apparently the weak acid in the ale was still painful; She grabbed a few sardines pulling a face at the texture. She shoved it back; the fish in her hands and it fell to the floor. The force she had put in caused her to fall too but she landed on top of its stomach still rubbing in the acid. “Now you seem a bit more inclined to listen answer me this, Why are you here?”

“I could rule the Kingdom.”

Amy scoffed, “You’d change history.”

“Wearing his skin, No one would even know.”

“Murder for power, not even as yourself you’d spend years as a human.” She commented.

“MY SON Shalt NOT be murdered.”  The voice interrupted the discussion remind Amy that she was not alone. She was pulled back by a strong pair of arms as she watched a blade slice through the Slitheen’s neck, she whimpered lightly, even though she hated the creature it was a way back to nearer her time and the execution was brutal, the sound it released was horrifying, a blood curdling scream she was unaccustomed to, she dug her nails into the arms around her to keep her standing.

The executioner who she realised was Uther turned round. “Coated my blade in Sardine juice, I gathered it was its weakness” He wondered back to the table taking his seat once more before giving instructions to the Knights, she heard parts of the instructions “Coat the body.” “Burn after a while.” But she felt weak, she had such an adrenaline rush but the slaughter had made her sick to her stomach. Her previous life had suited her, she saw all different creatures but the Doctor was merciful, there was rarely a murder in front of her eyes.


The arms around her squeezed slightly gaining her attention; she looked around confused at first before she just replied lightly “Huh?”

“Amelia?”  Uther questioned still unsure if he had her attention.


“Amelia was that the beast which banished you to this time?” His voice no longer held anger and was filled with concern which seemed quite fatherly to her.

She shook her head then a sad smile filled her expression “No, it was not. I am not sure whether I am pleased or not though, as much as I would relish the change to get revenge I would not know how.” She sighed lightly.

“I am sorry, I thought with your questioning you desired answers.” He sounded confused.

“I wished to know if I had attacked for a good reason, I always love answers, I need to know more before making a decision.”

“It seems we differ on opinions for that, the safety of my kingdom is important.”

She nodded and gazed around slightly, eyes were on her and she wished to no longer be in the spotlight. “Sire, May I retire to my room that has worn me out. “He nodded and gestured to the exit, she stepped forward stopping and then commenting, “I can stand now, thank you.”

The arms unwound themselves and she walked out the doors quickly. Was there anyway she could find out how he got here? Those with him all seemed appalled and way too thin to be of the same species. Perhaps she could get back to her time, but there was nothing she could really do, she just had to live in Camelot. To most it would be a dream, an escape from their world, the pressure of the 21st century, but she wanted be home with her Husband, her Rory, not even being with someone as exciting as Arthur Pendragon would make her happy to stay here for ever.

“Amelia, Wait don’t go, I want some answers.”

She turned facing Arthur, she had stopped at her door and leant back sighing, “I won’t answer you-“

“Please Amy, I beg you I want to know.” His eyes pleaded with her.

She sighed once more. “I won’t answer you, out here. I don’t want many people knowing. Come in.” She gestured to the door.

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