I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

By LRDiazz

167K 2.3K 468

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... More

Not So Happy Campers
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up the Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat
Who Can You Trust
Basic Straining
X-Treme Tourture
No Pain, No Game
Search and Do Not Destroy
Haute Camp Ture
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two
Some Alone Time (+18)
Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

Brunch of Disgustingness

4.5K 83 46
By LRDiazz

"Last time on Total Drama Island...""Last time on Total Drama Island..."

"A note from a secret admirer got Gwen and Bridgette up in each other's business. DJ accidentally knocked his boy Y/N out the plane during the extreme skydiving challenge.

"Leshawna showed everyone how to hold on for dear life on the moose ride!"

"Harold showed himself to be an ace flag catcher 'till he caught sight of Heather's..."

"...unmentionables, causing him to crash his way right off the island."

"But not without a little canoodling time with the fair Leshawna."

"And now let's see what's in store for our campers on this week's episode of..."




As the morning swans fly over the island, you all enter the Main Lodge. You notice that there isn't any breakfast on the tables and ask Chris and Chef why there isn't any. "Oh don't worry, bro" Chris tells you. "There will be plenty of food later on." As you walk away from them, Chris and Chef giggle and chuckle to themselves. Leshawna asks why they're so giggly, but they don't answer and continue their little chuckle fest. Once everyone is inside, Chris begins his speech for today's challenge. "Congratulations to the remaining ten campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition. You'll all be on the jury for the final episode. The two teams will become one next week. But the cabin arrangements will stay the same as always. The girls will stay in the Gopher Cabin and the guys in the Bass Cabin. This week's challenge is as old as history itself. The Battle of the Sexes. I'll let you all hang for about another hour, then meet back here, and I'll announce the challenge. And then you'll have a uh...bite to eat!" Chris and Chef start chuckling and snickering to themselves again, which worries the lot of you. "Ready for a little good news?" This gets all of your attention after thinking about what horrible things could they have in store for you. "This week, no one will be kicked off!" You all cheer with relivement. "It's all for reward and it's a good one! Okay! Have your free time! You only got one hour! Don't waste it!" You all soon leave the Lodge wondering what the reward could be. You walk with Gwen and Bridgette. Gwen lays her head on your chest as you continue to walk. "What do you think the reward is?" she asks as you wrap your arm around her waist. "I'm not sure. But if it's something I can share, I'm definitely sharing it with you." Gwen kisses you on the cheek as Heather scowls at you both from behind. She ignores it for now and walks up to Bridgette, pushing her away from you. "Wow, your hair looks great today. So natural." Bridgette is suprised by Heather's compassion towards her. "Thanks...I--" before she can go on, Heather continues to manipulate her. "How do you take care of it? You have to share your secret." Bridgette begins to tell her when Gwen interrupts. "Watch it with this one. She's trouble." Heather and Gwen glare at each other with hate in their eyes, not noticing that Bridgette has awkwardly removed herself from the situation.


You have forty five minutes left. You're currently talking with Gwen on the porch of your cabin. "I'm gonna miss working with you. Y'know, as a team." Gwen looks up from laying on your shoulder. "Yeah me too. I'm glad we really got to know each other...especially on a deep level and all..." she blushes remembering your first kiss together. "Hey, even though the teams are pretty much gone, let's still be one. Together. Me and you." Gwen seems to really like that idea. "That doesn't mean we can't still trust our friends though, right?" You rest your head on hers. "Of course not, Gwen. You can still talk with Bridgette and Leshawna. I know you care for 'em. Hell, so do I! They're both really cool." Gwen thanks you as you two continue to relax on the porch. "Bridgette! Come on! Girls meeting!" You see Bridgette blindly walk into the girls cabin. "Lemme see what's going on here." Gwen kisses you on the cheek before leaving to go see what the girls want. You worry for Bridgette, knowing that Heather is not what she seems and that Bridgette needs to watch her back. Hopefully, Gwen and Leshawna will help her. "Yo, Y/N! Come on! Guys party!" Duncan pulls you in the cabin as Owen, DJ, and Geoff all laugh, drink soda, and jam out to some tunes Duncan brought out. "Rock that soda pop, brotha!" DJ says as you all party. You decide to lossen up and gulp down a soda. You then burp so loudly that the door hinge falls off. "Nice one" Owen says. "That guy deserves to be Captain" DJ says. Duncan pulls up a stump as the guys all chant "Speech! Speech! Speech!" You step up to the stump and make up a speech as you start talking. "I'd like to thank the Academy, my dad, my uncles, but especially my friends back home, who truly taught me how to burp like a beast!!" You then let out another burp. "Those chicks are going down!!!" You all high five and cheer, ready to win whatever the challenge might be.

Meanwhile in the Girls Cabin...

Heather continues to kiss up to Bridgette. Offering her many items, including Lindsay's own bed. She then offers her makeup. "What's mine is yours. Nail polish, scrunchies, earrings, just help yourself." Lindsay marvels at all the makeup Heather has, before seeing it being snapped away in the box it was being held by a very mean looking Heather. "Thanks, Heather, but um, I like to keep it natural." Heather doesn't seem to listen as she soon takes out a beauty marker and starts working on Bridgette's eyebrows. "Like my mom always says, a lady can always use a little boost in the looks department." Leshawna soon butts in. "And my momma told me ain't nothin' free in this world. Watch what you take from this girl, Bridgette." Heather gets irritated. "Mind your own business!" she says gritting her teeth. "We're a team and we live in the same cabin, so this is all of our business" Leshawna replies. "Yeah, we're a team" Bridgette says standing in between them. "We should be using this as an opportunity to know each other better." Heather jerks her head to Bridgette. "You wanna play that way? Fine! Be on their side!" Heather takes a full roll of duct tape and places down one line down the middle of the whole cabin. "Yeah, that's right, you keep puttin' down that tape and if you cross it, I'll smack you down." Heather soon finishes splitting the whole cabin into two sides. "You can choose the weird girls if you want, but just so you know, once you do, you're like, not aloud on our side. Right, Lindsay?" Lindsay let's out a small "Hmph!" and walks over to Heather with her arms crossed and face similar to Heather's. Bridgette looks over to both groups waiting for her to choose.

"I thought we were supposed to be a team. You know, united? Together in solidarity? Or something..."

"Let's build bridges, not walls" Bridgette pleads. "Take your pick" Heather says. Bridgette takes a minute, but soon crosses over to the side of Gwen and Leshawna. "You just dug your own grave." Heather says coldly before both teams walk away from each other. "Let's try to get along, okay?" Bridgette asks. "Otherwise, the guys are going to cream us! Don't you get it?!" Heather throws Bridgette's stuff over to the other side from her side, since that's where she used to sleep. "Tough room" Bridgette says worryingly.


You're all soon back in the Main Lodge. "It's time for today's challenge" Chris announces. "Uh, where's breakfast at?" Leshawna asks, causing Chris and Chef to start snickering again. "Stop doing that!" Heather orders. Let's just tell them" Chris says to Chef. "Today's challenge is...The Brunch of Disgustingness!" You get that feeling again that someone should yell out "roll credits!" Chris continues with his announcement. "You'll be getting a nine course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross, or just as gross! Just that it will likely be gross." Chef than speaks up. "Tell 'em what they'll get if they win, Chris!" You scratch your head, thinking about what it could be. Another five course dinner? A free visit home? Better cabins? "The winning team" Chris explains, "spends two days at a local five star resort, where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet food, and be given antibiotics against anything they might've caught while participating in this challenge! The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here...on Total Drama Island...with Chef." Chef smiles deviously as he waves innocently at all of you. You all gasp in fear, not wanting to spend two days with just Chef. "We are going to win this challenge" Heather says, determined.

"I just hope we win to ease some of the tension. I mean, I'll try anything once. Except for meat. I can't eat meat."

"Take a whiff boys" Leshawna says, slyly. "Cuz all I smell is victory for me and my girls!" Owen claims that he'll eat anything. Even his drawers if he has to. He then asks if he has to, but Chris doesn't answer and presents the first dish. "Let's begin the challenge. First, some horderves." Chef reveals to you what look like meatballs. Owne immediately gobbles them down before Chris and Chef explain what they really are. They're balls made of meat...but they're from a bull. You're about to eat one when you soon realize what they mean. You then look at it and see tiny little veins. You throw the ball away, now knowing that they're serving you a bull's testicles. You guys struggle to even get one in, while the girls suprisingly aren't effected by them and easily eat each one.

"Judging by the way the guys were reacting to the...uh...dish...I knew we could win the round."

You stare in awe at how the girls seem to be unphased by the disgusting truth of what they're eating. Lindsay is disgusted at first, but quickly eats it anyway. Bridgette, however, refuses to eat. "What are you doing?! Why aren't you eating?" Heather asks. "I'm a vegetarian" Bridgette replies. "It's against principles." Heather thinks and asks Bridgette if she is just doing this just to spite her. This is where Geoff decides to help her. He walks over and sits next to her. "Hey, it's not all that bad" he explains. "Sometimes they nueder bulls for...medical reasons." Geoff doesn't see it, but Duncan glares at him as he soon walk back over to your table.

"It was so sweet of him to help."

Bridgette sighs and takes a bite. Meanwhile, the guys spit out the meatballs, tearing up. "Well, looks like the guys lost this round. The first point goes to the female campers!" The girls cheer as you all hang your heads low. Bridgette walks over to Geoff. "Thanks for the help!" Duncan has had enough. "Oh what, so you're helping them now?! You just cost us this round!" Geoff doesn't back down. "Dude, she's my girl! I'm not gonna leave her like that!" The guys don't seem to care. "We can't let them win!" DJ tells him. "You blew it!" you exclaims. "If it was Gwen, you'd do the same!" You growl and gets ready to pull a punch, when Chris blows a whistle. "Are we here to argue or are we here to eat a series of revolting meals?!" You and Geoff calm down, realizing that your friendship and teamwork means more than this. And hey, it's only the first round. You shake hands and apologize to each other. 

"I couldn't believe how quickly the guys made up! Even I like to hold a grudge for a good...six minutes!"

"The score now stands at one for the girls and zero for the guys. And now the next course in The Brunch of Disgustingness!" Chef pulls out a cart that holds a tray that's being shielded by a small dome with a handle on it. "You guys like pizza?" Chris asks. "I could eat pizza anytime! With anything on it!" Owen says happily. "Anything?" Chris asks. Chef takes off the dome, reveling the pizza. "How about live grasshopper pizza with tangy jellyfish sauce and live anchovies?" The pizza looks horrible. With the grasshoppers still hopping around, the fish dying right in front of you as the flop up and down, and the jellyfish lie there, lifeless. "Eeeewww! I hate anchovies!" Lindsay gags. Owen shrugs as Chef passes a plate with a slice of the horrible pizza to everyone. "Ugh! Mmm-mmm! That is straight up nasty! I ain't eatin' that!" Leshawna says, wanting nothing to do with the dish. "Oh yes you are!" Heather tells her. "I am not missing out on an indoor heated pool just because you can't keep down a few--AAAAAAAAGGGH!!!" A grasshopper hops onto Heather's finger and she freaks out. "....grasshoppers. Okay, I can't do this." Heather gets up before Gwen grabs her wrist. "I'm digesting a bulls precious cajones. You're gonna eat!" Heather yanks away her wrist. "Fine!" She sits down and stares at the slice. "Can I get a little parmesan on this?" Chef nods no and walks off. Heather soon takes a bite, claiming it's delicious, and says that Bridgette is up next.

"Okay, sure I've eaten tuna salad sandwiches, but I've never talked to my physician on eating live fish. But I had to get in good with the group."

Bridgette soon takes a bite of the pizza. "Right on, girl!" Leshawna says happily. Meanwhile with you and the guys, you all struggle to eat a slice, but one by one you all stuff one down your throats. Leshawna, on the other hand, can't seem to eat one, which gives your team the point.

"I was excited about the next dish. I made it from scratch."

The next dish is soon served to you. Earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hairballs. I mean...spaghetti! Geoff tries to make a run for it, bit DJ tackles him to the ground. "This can't be legal!" you shout. Chris pulls up your signed contracts. "Oh, but...fine print!" You guys soon finish your dish with the help of blindfolds and nose plugs. Another point is given to you. "Alright, everybody" Chris announces. "Time for course number four! No nine course meal would be complete without soup. Today's special is...French Bunion Soup with Hangnail Crackers. You throw up a little bit in your mouth, when you see that the crackers are just clipped toenails.

"I think they just use stuff from Chef's bathroom floor."

While you guys struggle to get a single drop into your mouths, Bridgette leads all the girls to victory using a tube that they put in their mouths, and then have the soup poured down. "I didn't even taste it!" Lindsay exclaims. "The girls win again" Chris announces, making the girls cheer. "Only five course left! Bon appetit!"


After going through Chef's chewed gum, liquids from a skunk's tail, flipflops, soup made out of garbage, and even chopped up gunk from Chef's dishwasher, you all are still standing. Not that strong, but standing nonetheless. "Wow" Chris says. "It's still tied up! We're down to the last course in the challenge! It's delicious...Dolphin Weiners! Hot dog made of dolphin." Most of you seem to be fine with it, but Bridgette freaks out. "But...dolphins are our friends!!" Heather shakes up a nearby ketchup bottle. "What are you waiting for? It's already dead! If you don't eat it, we don't win!" Bridgette doesn't seem to care about the reward and more about the life that was taken from her non-human friends. "Oh, I can't!! I'm a surfer! I swim with dolphins!!" Heather has had enough and orders Bridgette to eat it. Bridgette, however, stands her ground and tells her no. DJ also speaks up in agreement with Bridgette. "I'm with you, sister. I'm not eating no dolphin."

"I slave over a hot stove cookin' dolphin. No appreciation!!"

As more and more people refuse to eat it, Chris starts to get annoyed. "Okay, enough! We'll solve this by having an eat off."


It's Owen vs Leshawna in a competition to drink...no one is sure yet. There are fifteen empty shot glasses in front of them. "Whoever can drink the most shot glasses of fresh, delicious, blended cockroach, will be the winner! This unlikely satisfying blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin rich for your balanced lifestyle. On your mark...get set...GO!!" It takes a minute, but they're soon tied up with both have drank six shots. There are three left on the tray. Owen sucks it up and finishes the three glasses. Leshawna doesn't even put up a fight. Owen raises both hands in victory before falling over with numbness. "Owen wins!!" You all cheer as you look forward to that five star resort. The girls all look down in shame. "Leshawna, you are completely useless!!" Heather yells. Leshawna ignores her as she feels something in her stomach. "Uuugghhh...something's comin' up--" Just then, she throws up all over the table. You see a cockroach in her puke and it twitches. DJ then throws up, making Geoff throw up. Even Chris and Chef start to feel queasy.


It's soon time for you all to board the boat. You've already said goodbye to Gwen and are currently walking on the Dock of Shame towards the luxurious boat that awaits you. "The guys are the big winners today. And the girls go their separate ways. What shocking suprises are in store for our campers next week as they head for the big murge? Tune in on TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND."

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