I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

By LRDiazz

82.2K 727 128

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... More

Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up the Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
Livin' It Up As A Loser
Haute Camp-Ture
Some Alone Time (+18)
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two
Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

Not So Happy Campers

18K 87 18
By LRDiazz

"Yo! We're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa! Somewhere in Muskoka Ontario. I'm your host Chris Mclean, dropping Season 1 of the hottest new reality show on television right now!"

"Here's the deal. Twenty two campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against each other then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers."

"Every three days, one team will either win a reward, or watch one of their team members walk down the walk of shame,

Take a ride on the Loser Boat, ha ha! and leave Total Drama Island for good!"

"Their fate will be decided here, at the Dramatic Campfire Ceremonies, where each week all but one camper will receive a marshmallow. In the end only one will be left standing and will be rewarded..."

"with cheesy tabloid fame"

"and a small fortune, which let'ce it, they'll probably blow in a week. To survive, they'll have to battle..."

"black flies,"

"Grizzly bears,"

"disgusting camp food, and each other. "

"Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here, right now on"




A/N: Just ignore the fact that Justin isn't in this story but he's in the intro. Technically, you're replacing him. Cool? Cool!

You lean on the railing of a very exquisite white boat watching the waves. You love how they undulate and how they sound. The sounds help you relax which you're going to need since you're pretty nervous about going on this show. Luckily the waves also help you think clearly so you think positively about this. Maybe you'll make some friends. Maybe you'll find someone to become more than friends with. You hear the boat horn blare and you grab your stuff. You didn't pack much except for enough clothes, a couple of comics, and swimming trunks. There seems to be a beach which reassures you. You see you're not the first one to arrive as there seems to be twenty other contestants. You see so many different people including a goth girl, an athlete, a punk rocker, and a beautiful blonde girl wearing a blue bonnet around her hair. You keep your eye on her until you get off so Chris can greet you and introduce you to everyone. "This is Y/N. Welcome to Total Drama Island." You and Chris fist bump. "Thanks, man" you say trying not to sound nervous.

You walk over to where every else is and soon find that girl. She's standing next to another blonde, who's carrying a surfboard, and a black girl, who's hands are on her hips looking a little impatient. You go stand next to the girl who's playing with her hair. "Hey, what's your name?" you ask her casually. The girl looks up at you and smiles. "Hiiii!! I'm Lindsay!" She holds out her hand and you shake it. As you start having your own little conversation, the last camper, Izzy, soon arrives. She falls out of the boat, hits her chin on the dock, and sinks into the water. Another girl, Courtney, runs over to help her. "Guys," she says to the group, "she could be seriously hurt!" She pulls Izzy out who seemed to be just fine, but seems to be a little nuts. You snicker. She seems pretty funny. "First things first," Chris says to everyone, "we need a group picture for the promos. Everyone at the edge of the dock!"

Everyone gets together in one group and poses. "Okay, one, two," Chris says before stopping. Oops! Okay, forgot the lenses cap! Okay, hold that pose...one, two-- oh! No wait! Card's full! Hang on..." Chris starts adjusting the camera. "Come on, man, my face is starting to freeze!" you hear the black girl from earlier say. "Got it!" said Chris. "Okay, everyone say, Wawanakwa!" As soon as everyone says Wawanakwa, the docks completely give, dropping everyone into the water. "Okay guys, dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten!" After you all dry off you meet at the campfire pit. You see Lindsay who taps a log right next to her, smiling at you. You smile back and sit down. "This is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks" Chris starts off. "The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competion, and maybe even your friends. Ya dig?" You and Lindsay look at each other, smiling

"The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win one hundred thousand dollars!" Chris continues. "Excuse me!" That punk rock guy calls out to Chris. He asks if he can sleep next to the girl sitting next to him. Someone's crushing hard...you think to yourself. Chris replies to that question by stating guys and girls sleep in separate parts of their cabins. "Excuse me, Kyle?" Lindsay asks if she can get the cabin with lake view since she's the prettiest. Chris agrees she's hot, which raises some questions in your head, but he states that's not how it works. He also corrects her saying his name is Chris. Two other girls, who are wearing the same hairstyle and outfits, state that they have to be on the same team or they'll die, treating separation like it's a medical condition. "This cannot be happening" the goth girl says miserably.

A large guy wearing a Canadian maple leaf on his shirt tries to cheer her up by saying it's like a big sleepover. "Here's the deal," Chris says to everyone, "we're gonna split you up into two teams. If I call your name out, go stand over there." Chris points to the far right. "Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Y/N, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Ezekiel, and Noah. From this moment on you are officially know as..." Chris hands them a banner with a tough looking hamster on it, "the Screaming Gophers!!" Owen immediately loves it. You're relieved knowing that you're first friend from this place is on your team. The rest of you are known as the Killer Bass. Katie and Sadie don't like the fact that they're split up and they say "goodbye". Chris explains the rest of the rules and details about the show including the Outhouse Confessionals and takes you to the cabins.

"Um...okay...so far this sucks."

"I don't get it, where's the camera guy?'

"Hey everyone, check this out. I have something very important to say."


Chris takes you over to your cabins and tell you that Gophers get the East and Bass gets the West. You walk over to go settle in. You watch Lindsay walk inside when you get caught by one of your teammates. "Hey man, you crushing on Lindsay?" he asks smiling and nudging your shoulder. "Heh heh, no. I just met her..." you scratch your head. "Hey it's cool, man. I'm Trent." You fist bump. You go settle in and become quick friends with DJ. Geoff asks Chris if there's any chaperones at camp. Chris says that other than himself you'll be unsupervised since you're all the age of a CIT. Sixteen years old. He gives you half an hour to unpack and then meet him at the main lodge. You see Lindsay come out of the girl's side and she asks Chris where the outlets are so she can use her straightning iron. Chris tells her that they're in the communal bathrooms and Lindsay replies saying that she isn't Catholic. "It means we shower together. Idiot" Gwen chimes in making Lindsay whine.

You soon walk up to Lindsay and when she sees you she smiles while lightly blushing. "Let's get outta here" you say grabbing her hand. "Okay!!" As you two go off everyone in the cabin looks at you two weirdly. You soon find a spot away from the cabins and you start getting to know each other. "So what do you like to do?" you ask her. "Well, I really like modeling. I loooooooove makeup." You laugh. As you continue to get to know each other, you hear a high pitched scream coming from the other cabin.

You didn't get in, but you saw a bunch of people freaking out over a cockroach. Duncan, the punk rocker, kills it with a nearby axe. You see DJ cowering on a bunk bed and Duncan holding an axe. You then look down to see a chopped up cockroach. You all head down to the main lodge. You walk in between Bridgette and DJ. "Dude, were you scared of that little thing?" you ask DJ. "Yeah, man! Insects freak me out!!" You don't make fun of him since you have a couple of friends back home who hate all kinds of bugs. Especially spiders.

You all enter and line up to get some food. "Listen up!!" you hear the chef behind the counter. "I serve three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day!! Grab your tray, get your food, and sit your butts down, NOW!!!" You move up with Lindsay and Gwen and get your trays. "Excuse me," Lindsay says to the chef, "my nutritionist says that I shouldn't eat any white sugar, white flour, or like...dairy." The chef catches a fly and squishes it in his fist. "I don't think that's gonna be a problem" Gwen says looking down at her food as it barely moves. "Cool!" Lindsay replies picking up her tray and going to sit down. "Okay, I hate to be predictable and complain on the first day, but I think mine just moved." The chef takes a mallet and smashes the meat getting it everywhere. "Right, okay then!" Gwen picks up her tray and walks to the Gopher table. You don't say a word and once you get your food you simply nod at the chef, confusing him.

You sit next to Lindsay which makes her happy. "This food sucks, huh?" you say trying to start a conversation. Lindsay agrees while getting your name wrong. "Hehe...it's Y/N" you correct her. Lindsay laughs. "Oh you're soo funny Y/N!" She bops you on the nose which makes you blush. "Welcome to the main lodge" Chris says to the camera crew as he walks inside. Geoff asks for a pizza which angers the chef. He throws a knife at the wall which makes everyone back off and continue eating. Chris tells everyone that the first challenge is in one hour and he leaves the lodge.


You walk back to your cabin and see Lindsay talking with another girl, Beth. "Y/N! Meet my BFF, Beth!" You all soon become friends as you all make each other laugh.

30 Minutes Later...

You hear the bullhorn taped to a nearby pole blare which let's you know it's time for the first challenge. "Everyone meet at the cliff in your bathing suits!" Chris says through the bullhorn. You get up and go inside to get dressed. You look over to see Lindsay in a very attractive looking bikini. Lindsay sees you looking at her up and down and she giggles while blushing. You apologize and look the other direction not realizing that Lindsay is still blushing, looking at your flat chest and six pack. Soon everyone is at the top of the cliff staring down to the waters below. You're not sure who says it but someone says what you're all thinking as you realize what the challenge is. "Oh, fuck."

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