Another Man's Treasure

By Mechalen

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"You've become so damaged that when someone tries to give you what you deserve, you have no idea how to respo... More

Another Man's Treasure
1. Flameless Lost Love
2. Why Did I Do That?
3. Bottoms Down
4. Time Is Money
6. Beautiful Crybaby
7. Creatively Insane
8. Lost Keys
9. My Best friend, My Safe place, My Euphoria
10. The Heart-shaped Necklace
11. Pinky Swear
12. Wishing Well
13. The Beginning Of Nicholas Lane's Story
14. Are You Two Dating?
15. Sweet, Apologetic & Forgiving
16. Visits
17. A Chance
18. The Funeral
19. By Your Side
20. Have A Choice
21. Love And Honesty
22. Right By Your Side
23. We All Make Mistakes
24. Perfectly Fine
25. Perfectly Fine, Part II
26. Acceptance
27. Hooked And Partially Crazy
28. Perfectly Fine, Part III
29. Responsible For My Own Happiness
30. A Whole New World
31. Will You Marry Me?
32. Better Version
33. Beginning Of The End For Nicholas Lane's Story
34. Beautiful Chaos
35. Follow My Lead
36. So Incredibly Sweet

5. In My Dreams

247 8 2
By Mechalen


I wake up groaning from my slumber as I hear loud banging from my front door.

God, who is it?

I turn to my side and see my alarm clock, visibly showing in red...

1:15 AM

The loud banging continues, and I hear my name being yelled too, but I'm still half asleep to make out who's calling me. I sigh getting out of my comfy and warm bed.

This person better have a good reason for waking me up at one in the fucking morning.

Grabbing the black silk robe that was on the chair in the corner I wrap it around me. I didn't even bother looking for my slippers.
When I reach the kitchen, I switch on the light and-

"Madison! Open the goddamn door." The person yells out again. That voice is all to well familiar.


I look through the peephole and see his disheveled black hair, his grey Lakers hoodie is matched with some black shorts. But all in all, he looks like he hasn't slept in days.

He bangs the door again, which gives me a fright because I'm so close, and yells with a strain in his throat. "Madison! Please, open the door."

I slightly back away from the door as my heart beat thumps in fear. The goosebumps on my arms cause me to hug myself and find warmth in my silk robe but it's doing no justice.

What must my neighbors think?

  "Go away, Christian!" I yell back hoping he would hear me over all the rachet he's causing.

He stops. "Maddie?"




  "It's one in the morning. What the hell are you doing here, huh?"

I hear him sigh. "I just want to-"

  Interrupting him, I say. "We're not talking so fucking leave right now! I'm tired of your bullshit Christian, so just stop fucking calling me and stop showing up at my place. Jesus christ!"

"I need to check up on you. I need to make sure you're safe, make sure that you're okay."

I frown. "Why? We're not together anymore, so please leave." My eyes feel heavy as tears start forming. "Please."

"I just need to okay. They told me to. They-"

  "Who's they?" He doesn't answer. "Christian?"

I hear a groan from his side. "Madison if you don't open this fucking door right now I will break it down." The sudden bang causes me to jump in fright again. A tear slides down my cheek, my hand over my mouth.

Just like that he changes.

"I swear to God you'll regret this you fucking bitch! Open the fucking door!" In his voice is so much anger. So much hatred, but why? Why does he keep doing this to me? What is wrong with him?

He can't hurt me anymore.

I'm free from his manipulative clutches.

But my cries gets louder as he tries turning the doorknob and still violently hammering the door.

"Hey! You need to leave man. Come on, out!"

I quickly look through the peephole again and see my landlord Carl stepping in to pull Christian away from my door. Thank you Carl.

Carl grabs him by his arm. "Yeah, that's right leave. I don't want you near her or anywhere near this building again."

Christian gets out of Carl's grasp. "I'll walk." He glances towards my door before walking down the stairs.

Finally he's gone. I let out a relieving sigh.

Walking away from the door I head to the fridge for some water, but then I hear a gentle knock.

Oh yeah. Carl.

I take a deep breath in, wiping my watery eyes and pulling my robe tighter against me.

  I open the door and see the short scruffy man in front of me. "Carl, I'm so sorry for all the noise. I didn't know he would-"

"This is your first warning." He simply says. "Two more, and you're out."
I look down at him and couldn't help but see his belly hanging out from under his shirt.

Maybe you should stop drinking so much beer Carl!

But it's not my fault. I didn't know he was gonna go full on ape shit against my front door!

I just gulp nodding.

He continues. "If that man is bothering you so much, maybe you should file a retraining order against him." Without giving me a chance to explain myself, he walks away.

I run my hand over my tired face.

All I wanted was a good night's rest. I already don't sleep well because of the nightmares that haunts me in my sleep. And the monster is him. It's Christian, he's in my dreams.

I open my eyes and turn to my side.

  "I'm sorry." I tell Shelly, my neighbor.

She probably called Carl.

She places a hand on her hip staring at me. "My kid has school in the morning. Unlike you, we actually have lives around here. I hope this doesn't happen again."

I hear her click her tongue as she goes back into her apartment.


  "My first warning." I let out a cynical chuckle, still not believing the events that happened not to long ago.

I lock the door after I closed it and go straight for my bed to sleep, well I can try to.

He can't hurt me, but yet he's in my head- in my dreams breaking me from the inside. I honestly thought that if I left him things will get better, but it's only getting worse and unbearable.

I want it to stop. I want to be myself again.

I want to be the Madison I was two years ago.



...the project's rough sketch has been reviewed by me and everything seems to be in good order. The deal can proceed.
The percentage ratings can be discussed in our next meeting, and hopefully then we can close the deal.



  "And send." I click the send button once I'm done typing out the email for Mr Anderson.

Our companies has joined forces to sustain and create eco manufactured projects such as, housing and next generation farming solutions. And on top of that I have to make sure that I invest in the right people at all times.

Money can't be wasted, and time is money.

Anderson knows that, and for that reason we have a similar vision to uphold and produce innovating projects for a better and brighter future.

I close the file in front of me and shut off my laptop.

I've been sitting at this damn desk for a while now, and I really need my-

Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I look at the caller and it's my sister.

  I answer the phone smiling. "Cassie."

"Nay Nay! How you doing?" I hear her enthusiastic tone through the phone. She's smiling that million dollar smile.

  I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes as I feel the stiffness on my shoulders. "I'm okay."

She sighs. "I heard what Amelia did."

"Yeah, it's whatever. I can't be bothered-"

Cassie interrupts me. "Like I knew she was a dumb bitch but damn she's really stupid to play you like that. Like who the fuck does she think she is."

  I chuckle. "Thanks for reminding me my dear sister."

"You know I didn't like her the second you introduced me to her. She had this coming, she had to leave. But anyway what are you doing up at three in the morning."


I peep down at my wristwatch and see that it's a little over three. Shit, I didn't realize it's so late.

  Rubbing my eyes, I say. "I was reviewing some things, sending emails. You know the boring stuff."

"Yeah, the boring stuff. I'm at a photoshoot right now." I hear shuffling on her end. "Yeah I'm coming now!" She replies to someone else, sighs. "I can't wait to be back home, Paris is stressing me out but it will be over soon hopefully if I don't need to starve myself for another runway."

"You should just come and work for me then. You're so much more than a pretty face Cassandra." I say genuinely.

"Aww my baby brother is so cute! I just called to see how you doing, I knew you'd still be up at this time. I love you, I miss you but I gotta go right now. And get some sleep, it's 10am here so I still need to work, but you get some shut eye. And don't overwork yourself so much okay?"

  "Okay I'll try not to. Goodbye. Love you too."

She squeaks a kiss over the phone. "Bye Nay nay!"

As I'm walking to the door I end the call. I switch off the light and make my way to the hallway and up the stairs to my bedroom.

After I changed into something comfortable I get into my bed. My body instantly melts in the warm covers, making me realize how exhausted I really am.
But then nevermindedly I turn myself and I'm now facing my left.

Then she came to my mind.

   Madison Monroe.

When I found her laying next to me that Saturday morning, obviously I was confused and frightened at the her naked body intertwined with mine. We shared something that I can't even remember. There is little bits here and there of blurry images flashing in my head of that night, but not the full picture.

Everything happened so fast after she woke up. She yelled at me, the photo fell-

Instantly I lift my head up to the bedside table and see the photo: all new and good. I reach up and try grabbing it in my hand. Once I get a hold of it, I sit up and take a good look at it.

I see myself from seven years ago with him standing next to me. The happy smiles widely spread on our faces as he pats my back at the football game I played in. The sweat dripping down my face and onto my red football jersey with the number twenty-two on it. The huge trophy in my hand glistening from the bright lights of the field and camera flashes.

This brings so much memories. This is a memory I'll forever cherish, but sadly everything changed and I've accepted that already, but damn did it really have to go this way?

Did he really deserve to die?


Madison~~ The next day

"Thank you Maddie for the groceries. I've been meaning to go to the supermarket but then I forgot about it." My mother laughs. "I'm getting old."

  I chuckle. "No you're not. You're still beautiful as ever Mrs Adelaine Monroe." I say honestly as I give her a kiss on her cheek.

My mother graces her hand over my cheek. "Where else do you think you got your looks from, hm? Obviously from me."

A laugh lips escapes from me. "If dad were here to hear this he'd be so jealous."

"He was a handsome man don't get me wrong but you'll always have his kind and loving heart. He was a brave man."

  "He was smart too." I add hoping I'm just as intelligent as him, but I don't think I am. I'm weak.

Once I'm done packing away the groceries, I take a seat on my mother's bed. "I miss him."

My father was a Chief Master Sergeant for the United States Air Force, so which means he was rarely home. He died during a terrorist attack, their secret base was invaded and many men died, only some survivers were found and sadly my dad wasn't one of them.

The little memories I have left with my father is truly a gift and I'll cherish them forever. I'll never forget the time he chased away this boy that liked me at school with a gun on our front yard when I was fourteen, luckily though the boy wasn't injured or anything my dad just wanted to give him a "warning" as he used to say. I remember being so pissed off because I really liked the boy too. But I was my father's little girl, so I obeyed.

He'd take me out for ice-cream and to watch football games whenever we had the chance. He was also a music lover and taught me how to play the piano whenever he was home, and even if he wasn't I'd still practice on my own. My father would take me out shopping and then after eat at our favorite diner 'Benny's Shake'n Bacon' for their infamous sunny-side up breakfast.

I've learned to not take things for granted now, because back then I feel like I surely did, but I can't help but miss home.

"So do I." A soft smile is on my mother's lips with a sorrowful look in her brown eyes. Suddenly she jolts up from her purple armchair. "I have something for you." As she searches for it in her drawers I frown wondering what it is she have for me.

"Ah, found it." My mom walks towards me and there's something in her hand.

She opens her fist and I see a necklace. A beautiful heart shaped rose gold necklace with a small diamond in the middle of the heart. The beautiful engraved pattern on it gives it a enchanted vintage look.

My mom places it in my hand with a smile on her face. "Open it up."

  I do as she says and clip it open. I instantly smile when I see my young parents with what I suppose is five year old me sitting on my dad's lap. On the other side is another picture, this time it's me alone smiling up at the camera in my pink dress that has frills at the bottom and shoes that matched. My brown hair in long locks with a white bow on the side.
It looks like I was going to church.

"I remember that day. You were so excited that your father was coming with us to church since he was at home for a while." My mom says. "I just knew I had to take a picture. You were so adorable."

I look up at her smiling as I feel the tears forming in my eyes. She takes my hand and gives it a light squeeze.

  "He shouldn't have left." I say. "Otherwise he still would've been here with us." The tears running down my cheeks now. "We didn't even get to say goodbye."

When a man showed up at our door he asked to speak to my mom privately in the living room, but sixteen year old me was a curious cat, and as I stood in the hallway listening to the terrible news about my father something inside me broke that day. The thought of him no longer being in my life made me realize just how awful this world can be, it can take away your happiness in an instant and it can hurt so fucking bad.

Dreams can turn into nightmares.

That's something I've learned the hard way.

Everything that was important to me has been taken away. First my father, and then my baby. Christian too, in some kind of way, we were married for five years and I loved him and I think I still do.

Letting go of someone you've know for so long and made plenty of memories with is not easy. Not even in the slightest.

My mom walks around and lays me down on the bed with her. She pulls me closer to her and gently runs her fingers through my hair.

"I know for sure that's he's very proud of you for not giving up on yourself, because even after all the things you went through and I know you're still going through it but you're not giving up on yourself."
I look up at her. "You and Christian didn't work out and that's fine. You said he was hurting you right?" I nod. "Then I'm glad you left before something worse happened."

I cry as her words hit me. My mom is right, I should be proud of myself for coming this far.

What Christian did last night was not right. He scared me and he just needs to face the fact that we're no longer together. Maybe his just going through something but I wouldn't know.
He was never big on communication and always acted like he was fine, but when we were together and after the accident something in him changed, something big but he never told me what. Maybe just some anger issues.

She leans down and kisses my forehead. "You're going to find a man that will take good care of you. That will love you no matter how hard things get. That will support you and will always have your back. A man that will treat you like treasure. All you have to do is be patient, and in the meantime focus on yourself, on your well-being and career okay?"

  I nod wiping my tears away. "I'll try, mom."

"Trying is good. Don't give up trying my, Maddie."

I take my mom's hand in mine.

"I'm starting next month with work, so that's good. I need to distract myself."

"That's good. Just don't feel the need to overwork yourself." She says.

I look down at our hands because suddenly her hands slightly starts shaking.

  "Are you cold, mom? You're shaking. Need a blanket?" I was about to stand up and grab her blanket from the chair, but she stopped me.

"No. I'm fine, Maddie." She gestures me to sit back on the bed. She takes the necklace from my hands and gently moves my hair out the way to put it on me.

I look down at it. "It's really beautiful. Thank you mom." I say turning around giving her a hug. "I love you so much. I don't know what I'll do without you."

She encircles her arms around me. "I love you too. I'll always be here for you Maddie. Always."


24 May 2020.

Alot of secrets yet to still unfold.
Stay tuned...

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