I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

By LRDiazz

166K 2.3K 468

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... More

Not So Happy Campers
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up the Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat
Who Can You Trust
Basic Straining
X-Treme Tourture
Brunch of Disgustingness
No Pain, No Game
Haute Camp Ture
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two
Some Alone Time (+18)
Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

Search and Do Not Destroy

5.2K 96 23
By LRDiazz

"Last time on Total Drama Island..."

"The teams were dissolved, leaving each and every camper to look put for number one!"

"And just to add a little more drama to the mix, Izzy and Eva returned for more fun!"

"The campers were made to suffer all manage of abuse in the No Pain, No Game challenge! In a death display of log rolling, a grizzly got a piranha haircut, winning Y/N invincibility!"

"Now that the campers are forced to fend for themselves, who will be selfless? Who will be selfish? And who will eat shellfish?"

"Stay tuned for the most thrilling episode yet on..."




You wake up once again in your trailer and to your suprise, Gwen laying right on top of you, since the trailer was meant for only one person to stay in. You must've invited her over to stay the night and didn't want her to sleep on the floor. You look around, wondering if you two did anything...interesting last night, but see no clothes on the floor, so you two must've just fallen asleep in each other's arms, which you have no problem with. You kiss her on the forehead and she starts to slowly wake up. You're the first thing she sees, which makes her smile almost immediately. "Good morning, handsome" she greets you. "Morning, Beautiful." She kisses you on the cheek and gets off of you.

You two don't waste too much time getting ready and soon get out of the trailer to relax on the soft grass. The sun's bright, yellow, rays beam onto your skin, warming you up. Gwen's beautiful, short, greenish blue, hair flows in the soft, yet playful, morning summer breeze. You two lay on your backs and look up at the clouds. Your arm is wrapped around Gwen's shoulder, while she snuggles up to you and lays her head on your chest. "I haven't really done this before" you say aloud. "What?" Gwen asks. "Just walking outside and just watching the clouds. I'm usually busy doing something else, not being able to just...take it all in. Makes me realize how beautiful and precious life really is. A part of me always wanted to do this, but most of me would always put that aside, saying "You have your whole life to go outside and do that! It's not like the world is ending or there's a law saying you can't go outside!" But this, this is just...amazing. People should really take time to appreciate just how beautiful this all is."

Gwen doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "When did you become so philosophical?" You shrug. "I guess I've just stared to really value what I have here. Right now. And I have you to thank." Gwen raises her head to look at you. "I've never really been this happy before I met you, Gwen. This...at peace. I feel like I've conquered the world!" Gwen inches towards your face, moved by your words. A small boom can be heard, but you ignore it. "I feel like...like nothing can go wrong." Your lips are about to passionately crash into each other, when you hear a sound that makes you think that something is flying across the air very very fast.

Just then, your whole trailer explodes behind you. You're both startled by the loud boom and look to see the trailer engulfed in flames. "What happened?!" you ask. "How did it even explode?!" Gwen asks. "There wasn't a stove or anything in there, so no gas could've caused it!" Just then you hear Chris over the megaphone. "Yaarr, maties!!" You quickly put the peices together of what happened as he continues his announcement. "Meet me at the theater in five minutes and I'll tell ye about today's challenge!" Gwen asks you why was Chris was talking like a pirate, which you then explain everything. "He was talking like a pirate. What do pirates have on their ships? Cannons.

He shot a cannonball at my trailer!" Gwen, while impressed at you figuring that out, comforts you at the loss of your trailer. "How are we going to get your stuff outta there?" You simply chuckle. "I never put my stuff in here. I always figured Chris might've done something to get rid of my trailer. I just didn't think he'd blow it up." Gwen raises an eyebrow. "How did you know he'd get rid of it?" You crack a sly smile. "It's Chris. He loves to see us in any kind of emotion but happy. That usually results in taking away stuff we like or making us suffer in challenges." Gwen doesn't have to think about it to agree with you. "Fair point."


You're all soon at the same theater where you held the talent show and recently, the No Pain, No Game challenge. Chris is there wearing a pirate's outfit and a fake parrot on his shoulder. Beside him is a sheet, covering something. Chef isn't wearing a pirate's uniform and instead wearing his regular clothes. "Well, my little scallywags" Chris begins, "have we got an adventure in store for ye!" Just then, the fake parrot falls over and Chris quickly readjusts it. Geoff asks what's under the sheet and Chris replies with "All in good time, Laddy. Who here has a hankerin' for a good old fashioned treasure hunt?"

Gwen groans. "Now this treasure hunt's got a twist, maties! What ch'your lookin' for isn't hidden and it isn't treasure!" Duncan then speaks up. "If there's no treasure, then what's with the eyepatch and the plastic parrot?" Chris throws away the parrot and continues. "Arrgh! Shiver me timbers! Good question, me boy! You're lookin' for keys to a treasure chest!" Chef throws away the sheet to reveal eleven giant treasure chests. "Each inside each these of these chests is a treasure that will pamper ye old land lovers! And one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Now come 'round and pull a clue ot of this bucket! Or you'll have to walk the plank!"

You all come up and take a peice of wood with a picture on it. "These clues will tell ye where your key be stowed!" Owen quivers in fear as he sees his key is with a bear. "I was hoping you'd get that one, dude!" Chris says in his normal voice. Heather holds a clue with a box with a door on it. "Chef's fridge! Nice! I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints!" Geoff holds a clue, which Chris explains is the septic tank for the washrooms. You shudder, glad that you don't have that. "All ye scallywags go find your keys and bring them back by 6pm eastern standard time to open up the chest and get your loot! Farelywell, young scallywags! now get to it!"

"Sigh, I don't know who came up with these lame-o challenges and memo to Chris, those pirate tights don't exactly flatter your legs, Savvy!"

"Whoo-hoo! I am all about the treasure hunt! Yes! The bears are little concerning, but there's treasure!!"

You walk up to the Dock of Shame and see a lonely wooden pole sticking out of the waters. There, the key rests. Three sharks circle it. You then get an idea and head to the back of the Main Lodge, where the trash sits. You rummage through the disgusting leftover food, until you find a few dead fish. You hold your breath and run back over to the dock after changing into your trunks. You throw the fish a few hundred feet away from the pole and the sharks take the bait. You then jump into the water and grab the key. You quickly get out of the freezing water and head to your cabin to dry off and change.


You walk off to find Gwen and soon find her groaning at the sight of a small tunnel with a foul smell. "What's wrong?" you ask her. "Ugh, my key's in that skunk hole! Skunks totally freak me out!" You offer to help her, since you already have your key and advise to get a bucket of water to flush them out of their home. "Can skunks swim?" Gwen asks, still plugging her nose. "Sure they can!" you reply. "Cool" Gwen says with a smile. You too end up just looking at each other, smiling. After about thirty seconds, you break out of it.

"Uh, ahem, we should get going" you laugh as Gwen soon comes to her senses as well. "Yeah, let's go get that water!" You find one from the Main Lodge, fill it up with water from the ocean, and soon head back to the skunk hole. Gwen pours the water inside, flushing out the skunk. She quickly reaches her arm inside and pulls out the shiny key.

"That was moderately cool of him to help me. He's an alright boyfriend. Okay, he's more than alright. He's so incredible! Every day seems better with him around!"


Lindsay drops by the beach, where you're getting a little tan, to tell you something. "Hey, Y/N, can you help me with something?" You tell her sure and she takes you to the Dock of Shame. "It's Heather. She's been crying for a while now and I just don't know what's wrong with her! Maybe you can do something about it." You honestly want nothing to do with Heather and would rather go back to what you were doing. But, you're not made of stone and are willing to help anyone who needs it. Even people like Heather. You walk up to her, who has quietly weeping to herself. "Hey, Heather, what's wrong?" Heather sniffles. "Nothing" she replies.

"Come on, you can tell me." Heather sighs and turns around to face you. "Well, I don't wanna sound like a pussy or anything, but Gwen's just so mean to me! And I understand!" You roll your eyes. "Gee I wonder why?" Heather continues weeping, this time a little louder. "I'm sure you two could make amends. Gwen's just a tough cookie, that's all." Heather hugs onto you, but you don't return it. "I'm so amazed to see you defend her! Especially after what she said in the Girls Cabin--oops!" Your eyes widen. "What...what things?" Heather tells you that Gwen has only been using you to get herself ahead in the game. How she can't even stand you. How she hates your singing and that it's cliche. How she pretends to love you and use your votes and other's votes to keep her in.

Because the guys are already on your side, so that covers a lot of the votes. Somehow, a small part of you believes this. "No...this...this can't be..." Heather puts a hand on your shoulder. "Gwen's just playing you for your vote. She's played us all. But, for what it's worth...I think...you're a really...special guy." Heather inches her face closer to yours. You slowly back away before Heather grabs the back of your head and pulls you in for a long kiss. Gwen sees all of this from afar and tears up. She throws an envelope on the ground and grinds it with her shoe before running off, crying. You try to back out of it, but her grip is too strong. You soon break out of it and wipe your mouth in disgust. You quickly walk off to find Gwen yourself.


It's soon time for everyone to come back with their keys. You haven't seen Gwen anywhere.

"I've told everyone who listen about those two-timers. Either way, one of them is history."

Some of you get different items while others don't get anything and Heather ends up getting invincibility. "Now it's time to do your duty and send one of you off the island for good! So caste your votes and I'll see ye buccaneers back at the campfire after sundown!" You soon see Gwen who quickly walks away. You catch up and try to talk to her, back she doesn't answer. You try to explain that Heather tricked you, but she doesn't want to hear it. You look around and see others glaring at you, which is confusing.

"Looks like Y/N is going down!"


"You messed up, dude."

"You leave us no choice."

"I am really getting into this game. I can play these Losers like violin!"


It's soon marshmallow time at the Campfire Ceremony. One by one, you see each camper gets a marshmallow. Soon, there are none left and see that you have been kicked off. "That's right! Take your two timing ways back to where you came from!" Leshawna says with a broad smile. "I thought we were all cool, guys!" Everyone gives you a stern stare. "I guess you were wrong" Heather says nonchalantly. "You don't even care, do you?" Gwen gasps. "Hey, just playing the game" she replies. "Why should you care?" you ask Gwen. "You think I'm a cliche!" Gwen gives you a confused look. "Did she tell you that?"

You tell her yes and she immediately glares at Heather. "You know" she says turning back to you, "even after all of this, I still didn't vote for you." You ask her then how did you get eliminated and Leshawna fesses up. "My bad! I jumped the gun on that one! Told everyone that you were Heather." Heather then steps up. "But tonight, I've got invincibility. So that leaves poor, old, Y/N here." You, Gwen, and Leshawna all glare at Heather as you and the rest of the campers realize you've all been played. "Oh no!" Gwen says, burying her face into her hands. You grab them and pull them down, revealing her face.

"It's okay" you tell her. "Whatever happened, happened. At least we know that we're still okay. We are still okay, right?" Gwen smiles at you and replies yes. You cup a hand on her cheek. "I want you to keep on fighting for both of us. I'll be watching and rootin' for ya back home." You kiss her, possibly for the final time, before Chris pulls you away from her soft lips. "Y/N! You have an appointment at the Dock of Shame and a ticket for the Boat of Losers! Let's go!"


You're waving to all of your friends, but mainly Gwen, as you ride off on the Dock of Shame. "So long, Y/N" DJ says. "That dude was the heart of our guy group" Geoff sniffs. "He sure knew how to let one rip" Owen says, somberly. "Ain't that the truth" Duncan agrees. Bridgette lays a supportive hand on Gwen's shoulder. "Love to stick around" Heather says, "but, it's been a long day and I'm going to hit the showers. Great work, everybody!"


Chef takes you to a remote location that looks like a mansion. "This isn't the--" Chef throws you onto the dock. "Fresh loser!!" Chef calls out before leaving. You see the huge house and aren't sure what to do now. You then hear some voices coming from the back. "Who do you think it is this time?" You walk towards the backyard of the mansion and see that there's an outdoor bar, multiple pools and jacuzzis, and....Trent?! As well as Noah, Courtney, and Beth?!? "Hey Y/N! You got kicked off?! Wow...I'm a bit surprised" Trent says. "Well you're stuck here now, so get used to it" Courtney says, sulking. "What is this place?" you ask. Noah looks up from his book. "Welcome to Playa de Loser."

A/N: Hello, readers! Hope you're all enjoying this story so far! I need some help from you all to plan the future of the stories I have in store. For those of you who don't know, I'm working on a sequel for my Spider-Gwen X Male Reader story while mainly working on the TDI stuff. After the end of this story, I want to know from you if you think I should continue to mainly work on the Total Drama stuff and only sometimes work on the sequel? Or should I give the Total Drama stuff a break and mainly work on the sequel and then eventually go back to it? I want your honest opinions on this. Lemme know in the comments or message me!

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