Surviving Walkers

By DevinsCollection

13.1K 428 100

"When god does some shit you don't go and question it-you adjust to it. And right now, you're either a surviv... More

Series Premiere: Pilot 1/2
Series Premiere: Pilot 2/2
S01E02 - Ryan Must Die
S01E03 - Friendly Encounter
S01E05 - Millar's Kingdom
S01E06 - The Apple Tree
S01E07 - Girlfriends
S01E08 - Christine
S01E09 - Monsters
Season 01 Finale 1/2
Season 01 Finale 2/2
Season 02 Premiere 1/2
Season 02 Premiere 2/2
S02E02 - The Thing
S02E03 - Pack Up
S02E04 - Go to Hell
S02E05 - All Dead
S02E06 - Sisters

S01E04 - Millar's Son

575 23 11
By DevinsCollection

"Listen," I whispered to Ryan and Beth, as Billy kept his gun on us. "I'm gonna shoot him. You two make it to the car, then cover my ass while I get in. Ryan you take the wheel."

They waited a moment, judging my plan.

"That's a stupid plan." Whispered Beth.

"Let's do it." Said Ryan.

"Now!" I yelled raising my gun and pointing it to man who held the rifle. I saw Ryan and Beth making their moves from the corner of my eyes. I tried my best calm my hand and aim the weapon to his head—but the range was too long for a person like me. If I missed the shot, his one could take me out. Out of commotion, I aimed for his chest, which was much more easier than his head. Without thinking twice, I squeezed the trigger. The death of Tara and Alex flashed before me. The shock, the pain I tolerated because I was expecting it. I observed the man I shot, my prey. Making me feel uneasy, he stood there as if nothing happened. I realized that it was time for the second one. I aimed again about to shoot. But before I did, he fell on his knees, then on to the ground smashing his face on the dark road.

"Get in!" I heard Beth's voice reminding me of the plan. There was no time left. Anyone could've picked up the rifle and ended it for us. Something came over me. A sudden power—an idea. Their lives—was mine to take. I saw them waiting, hoping I wouldn't do the same to them, as I did to their stupid friend lying on the streets, as blood spread around. 'Is this what killing a person feels like?' I questioned myself. I felt myself smiling, which happened without my doings. I knew I had a dark side in me—just didn't know it could make me this powerful, and give me this much pleasure.

"Everybody! On your knees!" I yelled to them, feeling as an almighty god about to judge their fates.

The group of people stood there as if they didn't hear me.

"I said—get the hell on your knees!" I yelled again as I took my steps towards them.

"Trevor! Get your ass inside!" I heard Ryan calling me, which I ignored with pleasure.

"Don't you know how to get on your knees?" I asked from one of the group who caught my eye.

"You have no idea who you are playing with." He said back in confidence.

"Trevor!" I heard Beth calling.

"Do I look like I'm playing?" I asked, pressing the gun between his eyes, on his sweating forehead.

"Billy was nobody—I'm Millar's son." He said. "If you shoot me, you better shoot yourself next."

I didn't know who Millar was, but I also didn't care. Even to my surprise, I felt the urge to pull the trigger. I felt as if a part of myself had just been awakened. With actual pleasure, I squeezed the trigger expecting to see the bullet crack his skull. Just like that, he was pushed back dropped dead. The bullet had drilled a whole on his forehead. Three men were left out of five that threatened me. The amount of ammo I had left made me think of my next move. I had only two bullets in the gun. They looked scared and frightened of the plans I had for them. Watching the blood pool emerging from the body, sense struck my mind. I had to back off. It was too much! I slowly took a step back, but as I did, a guy jumped at me and swung his shovel landing a strong hit across my face. I was tossed away and landed on the rock-hard road. With the fear of death, I looked at the man standing before me, like the grim reaper himself, he raised the shovel to smash my head. I wanted to reach the gun which laid few inches away from my fingers, but my hand was frozen. I couldn't move. I looked at my killer, waiting for him to end me.

With a blasting gunshot sound, blood sprayed off of his head and rained on me. Then he himself dropped on to me without giving me a chance to roll over. I looked at the vehicle, where my friends were. Beth had her revolver pointed and a look of vengeance on her face. She saved my life.

"You bitch!" I heard one of the men yelling at her. "You were one on us!"

"You go on and tell Millar that I'm not his whore anymore." She said calmly. "Don't you move Nate! I got no problem with you or pulling this trigger."

I saw Ryan reversing the truck and getting closer to us.

"Millar will hunt you down, you killed his son!" Nate said looking at me.

"That's a problem." I said as I grabbed the gun which was few inches away and dropped the rest of the group to the ground.

"Problem solved." Said Beth.

"Problem solved indeed."Said I.

"What the hell happened?" Ryan asked from the driving seat. "How could you kill these people like that?" He asked looking at me and Beth.

"we had no choice." I said getting up.

"We can't stay here much longer, the next patrol will be here soon." Said Beth.

"Next patrol?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah—Millar's people." She said.

"Who's Millar?" I asked.

"He's the big shot. Just another maggot if you asked me." Beth said going for the SUV. "Get in Trev." She said.

We got settled in the vehicle.

"Shit." Said Ryan looking back through the window, so I did the same.

Billy, the man I killed, who was dead minutes before, had gotten on his knees. He was feeding off of the Millar's son's body. Of all the people we killed, only Ricky and he had come back as Walkers, the reason puzzled me.

"I'll finish him off." I said.

"Let's just go." Said Ryan.

I left the vehicle again and walked over to him with an unsettled mind. Prepared to counter if he's attacks, I slowly picked up the shovel, which was going to be used to end my life awhile back. I raised it high enough to get a powerful shot.

"Hey—Hey you!" I yelled. Billy slowly raised his head. He looked at me, as he stopped ripping apart the dead body. After taking a good breathe and getting settled for my next move, I lowered the shovel slamming his head. To its power, his head went down and got stuck in the dead body. His skull got cracked, but it didn't stop him. He raised his head again with the bleeding wound, so I did the same with my shovel. I raised it, then smashed his head, and again, and again, until I crushed it into pieces. Parts of his brain lurked through the broken skull. I turned back with the blood dripping from shovel in my hand. I saw Ryan looking at me with a look he had never given me before. He was actually frightened. He was afraid of me—of what I had become.


Bit too much don't you think? But hey, enjoy!

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