Tragic Innocence

By ElizabethMueller

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Wood elf Mikash stumbles upon a beautiful, mysterious maiden on the verge of death. Bringing her back to life... More

*Read at your own Risk*
Chapter 1: Best of Friends
Chapter 2: Unbidden Rivalry
Chapter 3: Test of Honor
Chapter 4: The Journey Alone
Chapter 5: Angelic Stranger
Chapter 6: Fortune After Tragedy
Chapter 7: Two Ganders
Chapter 8: Moment of Truth
Chapter 9: The Unfolding
Chapter 10: Mutiny of a Different Kind
Chapter 11: Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 12: The Promise
Chapter 13: Time's End
Chapter 14: Daunting Endeavor
Chapter 15: Goblins!
Chapter 16: Goblin Emperor
Chapter 16: Another Time, Another Place
Chapter 18: Enchantress
Chapter 19: Key
Chapter 20: The Priming
Chapter 21: Crow's Quest
Chapter 22: Three Goblins and a Turon
Chapter 23: Imperial Procession
Chapter 24: An Empress for the Emperor
Chapter 25: Curiosity Settled
Chapter 26: Cryptic Fate
Chapter 27: Intrigue
Chapter 28: Secret Tryst
Chapter 29: Haunting Enigma
Chapter 30: Wedding Gift
Chapter 31: Blood Bath
Chapter 32: Narrow Escape
Chapter 33: Passage Home
Chapter 34: Rash Outbreak
Chapter 35: Virtuous Intrigue
Chapter 36: Riddance of the Shrew
Chapter 37: Welcome Celebration
Chapter 38: Pentulla's Obsession
Chapter 39: Legend Told
Chapter 40: Singing Pond
Chapter 41: Friend of Foe?
Chapter 42: Enchantress and Turon
Chapter 43: Unchained Memories
Chapter 44: A Heart's Dread
Chapter 45: Tragic Innocence
Chapter 46: Nostalgic Divination
Chapter 47: Haunting Apparition
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52: The Journey Begins
Chapter 53
Chapter 54: Beloved
Chapter 55: Foolish Heart
Chapter 56:
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Prologue: One Dark Memory

181 4 0
By ElizabethMueller

            An eerie mist arose in the darkening hour of day.  The thick lush forest sang out beautifully with the nightingales and mystical froglets of the nearby crystal pond.  Then another voice added to the nocturnal chorus, unlike any to be familiar.  Its ethereal magic danced lightly amongst the night lilies and frolicked amongst the fireflie­s, in perfect harmony.  Unable to control his curiosity for a moment longer, he took one last draw at the mighty sword, ending the dedicated session of sharpening.

            Before his thoughts had been shattered by the enchanted singing, Shen had not been able to keep his mind from the raging events that thwarted all peaceful creatures living within the ever-so-watchful eye of the evil but most powerful warlord.  He had suddenly come to reign, demanding carnage in his cruel wake and taking what should never have belonged to the demon.

            Shen withheld a ragged sigh.  He had felt a near cowardice in fleeing.  It was the only way he could offer protection for his new family.  He raised steel eyes to his home, the windows aglow with warm light.  He could see her shadow moving about as it tugged a small wrinkle at the corner of his lips.

            Fleeing, he thought with a drowning disgust at himself as he rose to sturdy legs of sinew, was the only choice forced upon him once his creed had been wiped away.  He was the last one.

            The enchanting singing pierced into his vortex of thoughts as he raised his chin into the air, eyes averted to the skies overhead.  Perhaps a walk would be in order so that he could clear his clouded mind?

            Shen turned over his shoulder, proffering the singing a promise of exploration.  It would just have to wait one moment longer.

            The evening had proven to be quite an enchanting one.  He inhaled the sweet scents of the nearby pond.  Then, with one last look over his shoulder, Shen entered his primitive, but warm earthen home.

            He could hear his companion moving about in the larder humming his newborn son’s favored lullaby.  “Love?” a sweet rich voice gently called out from the kitchen.  “Are you going somewhere?”  A soft cry was then heard from their son as its tune gently floated within the cozy home.

            Shen muffled his exhalation of slight impatience, desiring to explore the nocturne and the mystifying voice he had heard only a moment ago.  “I won’t be long, Mayanna,” he spoke, finding her with his little boy at her breast.

            Mayanna, with her astounding gray eyes and inky hair, smiled lovingly, reaching upon the tips of her toes for a kiss from her beloved Shen.

            Shen bent his head as he caressed his son’s soft cheek, his lips receiving the sentiment from his wife.  “I shan’t be long, dear.”  He flung his worn battle cloak across brawny shoulders and stepped out before she could say more.

            As Shen journeyed through the darkening paths of the forest just outside his home, he allowed his mind to wonder into a time when trials seemed a whole lot simpler.  He could still remember the village he had grown up in, which had never really brought any kind of happiness to his longing heart.  And what he longed for, he did not know, but Shen found that entertaining his talent of the ancient arts of swordplay as well as archery had found him peace.  At least, for the meanwhile.  It was after he grew in strength and sharp skill that he challenged others through the entering of all the local galas.  His avid dedication of practicing had always earned him winner’s status.

            Many of the swooning maidenkind had often plagued him; nevertheless, his empty heart remained afloat.  He had always felt there was more to his life than a domestic village dweller--he so wanted to join in combat.  This turn of heart was invoked by a small insurrection, against a lone but bloodthirsty Sychra, that had grown into a near full-bloom.  However, Shen felt that even the thought of being a mighty dragon slayer greatly appealed to his wild spirit as well.  He had constantly pushed himself to explore his highest potential…

            Then Shen’s life changed forever after this one strange and fateful day:      It had started out as any other ordinary day at the Talent Festivals.  Nonetheless, this day had brought longing of something missing, so Shen decided some much needed time by himself was excruciatingly acute.  Having been enveloped by many folk weeks long without end had driven him insane.  It was time that solitude was sought.

            Minding his own business, before settling his weary body by the shore of the lapping river, Shen noticed an aging wizard by his most favored waterfall of illustrious beauty.

            “Who goes?” the old thing boomed, his fishing pole fashioned from a sharpened stone extended casually from gnarly hands spotted with age.

            Shen sat beside him, the wizard arching a great brow of silvery gray turned to the indifferent youth.

            “Aaah, not afraid of an old sorcerer, eh?”  He eyed the young wood elf with amusement.

            “What is there to be afraid of, old one?”  Shen dared to look directly into blue-aging eyes.

            The wizard laughed heartily, and then sighed with pleasure.  “I truly admire your spirit.  I give you a choice,” he paused, licking his old, dry and cracked lips, “Either you come with me and be my apprentice, or waste your bright young life here in this eternal ring of misery.”  When he finished his say, he seemed to shut out the world and drink the distant mountains of DragonBones.  His wise eyes watered from age.

            It had always intrigued Shen how the breed of spell-casters knew thoughts and feelings of others, before hand, without verbally or visually probing.  Would this career deem promising for him as well?  Would his hand in the art of magic prove a valuable skill in the event he would decide to join in with the dissenters against the fiend of a tyrant if he should choose that path?  His heart began to flutter and palms to sweat at the very thought of the power he would endow himself with.

            “I am waiting...” The old one patiently sighed, testing the stick held in his hands, for no fish found his bait alluring.

            “Of course,” the young warrior mused, “I choose the obvious.”  He felt a leap in his eager heart, the emotion seemingly new to him.  But to leave the mundane life behind and start anew!  He could not wait…

            The wizard’s grin was brittle but amusement played at the corners of his mouth.  “That would not be remaining in this village, now--would it be?”

            Shen looked at the ancient wizard.  “I like a magician with a good sense of humor, they seem very trust worthy,” he breathed with sparkling anticipation, not heeding how reckless his instant trust had seemed then.

            The magi smiled a crooked smile, and replied, “Seem?”  He stood up very slowly to a stooped posture.

            Shen could almost hear his bones creaking.

            “Listen here, my young apprentice, I am not that old.  I still remember everything.”  He tapped his temple lightly with a long bony finger.

            Since joining him, Shen had learned at an accelerated rate, much to the delightful astonishment of his master magician.  At the age of budding adulthood, Shen then decided to try his new hand for his own purposes, leaving the apron of the magician behind.

            With much difficulty, Shen had finally found the band against this demon sorcerer  and eagerly joined them.  After long eras of successes which had caused the monster much crippling, Shen found himself face to face with another kind of turn that would change his life forever; the day when he had found the most beautiful elfin maid he had ever beheld…  Mayanna.  Aside from her astounding beauty, the lovely creature held his heart readily with large eyes filled with innocence.  The kind of purity that he had lost so many cycles ago.

            Shen shook his head with a smile, finding himself presently strolling through the enchanting forest, allowing his mind to linger in his past a little longer. 

            Shen had fallen in love the first time he laid eyes upon her.  She was kind, caring--everything he had ever deigned to wish upon that of a lock-fast companion.  She, to his thrilling delight, had fallen in love just as quickly.  They had wasted no time in bonding their relationship--finding that his time alive could probably come to a quick halt once his whereabouts would be discovered by the evil foe.

            Suddenly as well as tragically, Shen frowned as he kicked an unwitting rock into the nearby shrub, they found themselves amidst the crusade that reeked escalating cruelty among many innocents.  The insurrection against the bloody-thirsty tyranny of Rolac abruptly bloomed to full height, called the Sychra Cataclysm.  If Shen had not found himself bound to domesticity, for Mayanna was pregnant with their first child, he would have been called back to the desperately needed service of the rebels.  However, as to the laws enacted, any warrior found with family was forbidden to join in any combat.  This secretly gladdened his heart, for he so loved them both and to be away from them would mean his own death.

            The beautiful but mysterious singing then strung Shen’s attention back to the present.  Whose voice was that and by what power did it overcome his senses?  Not heeding the impending threat of its lulling state, Shen pressed through the night that had suddenly grown thick.

            The musical singing seemed to be drifting from the mirroring pond--a favorite thinking place for Shen--located just behind their snug cottage.  He cast a guarded glance over his shoulder.  Mayanna would be wondering what would be taking him so long, he had wasted most of this time reflecting upon the tragic events of his life.  This prompted him to quicken his pace.  He would be home in but a few moments once his curiosity was satiated.

            Once upon reaching the barrier of large leafy brush and tall trees where his pond resided, an unusual softly glowing light timidly peered through the web-work of thick foliage.  A heavy, peculiar haze then swirled up and around like a female’s seductive hand over his composed body.  His warrior’s reflexes were unexpectedly tucked away by some unknown force that did not register in Shen’s mind as an incident of alarm.  Rather, the energy soothed Shen’s present worries and pains away.

            Once coming upon the edge of the wood that announced the soft shore of the water, he cautiously peeked through the brush and swallowed his breath into stillness.  There, amidst the stagnant water, bathed the most entrancing maiden his eyes ever beheld!  Her hair shimmered in an array of glittering bright light, her white but eerily glowing skin lured him for his touch.

            He swallowed hard against the knot at his throat, instantly forgetting himself and only feeling the static air filled with inexplicable mind-boggling tension.  Nothing else existed but the maid who stood in the midst of the pond like a graceful sylvan being.

            She softened her voice and gently smoothed her bare willowy arms.  Her small and dainty hands then magically swung the cascade of silver hair aside, revealing a body that was too exquisite to fathom.  The whole experience of watching this divinity bathe herself was quite the encounter to behold!  Her compelling beauty enraptured Shen.  Somehow, he feeling no control of his actions, Shen quietly stepped from behind his place of hiding into full view.

            Oddly enough, the magical being did not perceive him.  She continued her song much softer now, as she carefully splashed the crystal-clear liquid all over her body.  Then, very slowly, she turned to him and opened her large eyes, revealing a whole different world of their own.

            He stiffened, realizing that she was looking directly at him.  A sense of dread filled his heart, but it was quickly quashed when she held out a lissome arm, beckoning him to her.  The living breath from his lungs ceased as could feel an involuntary tug pulling him near the pond's edge.  The seductress’s other arm rose in the same manner, her head tilting alluringly with a sweet curve to her full lips.

            Then the apparition whispered gently as a breeze would through a butterfly’s wings, “Come to me...”

            Shen, under her fierce enchantment, slowly waded through the cool water over to her.  Somewhere within the reasoning depths of his muddled mind, he felt a weak presence interfere...  It was as if something had broken through his consciousness and tried to revert his senses back to reality.  As Shen found himself floating back to clear realization, it was far too late.  For--without warning--a biting, cold metal structure abruptly struck him in the chest.

            The pain exploded into such searing heat of intensity, that Shen stumbled into the brumal waters with a loud gasp for precious air to fill his crumbling lungs.  Confusion dominated his entire existence, as his eyesight beheld a warm scarlet rush down his arms and hands.  Each breath shortened as he wheezed  for air.

            Dear images flashed before his eyes from his once long and happy life:  The talent shows, training with effortless success with his old Master Magician Zin, marrying the most beautiful Mayanna ever, then the birth of his beloved Mikash--whom he knew he would never get to see grow up…

            Hot tears of rage surged smartly from his eyes as a strong heave sucked him into the reddened pool--justice must be met!

            Shen’s hearing then overshadowed reality, or so he thought--for at that very instant, he swore he could hear his scream deluged by a deep sinister laugh.

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