I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

By LRDiazz

166K 2.3K 468

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... More

Not So Happy Campers
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up the Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
Who Can You Trust
Basic Straining
X-Treme Tourture
Brunch of Disgustingness
No Pain, No Game
Search and Do Not Destroy
Haute Camp Ture
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two
Some Alone Time (+18)
Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

If You Can't Take The Heat

5.3K 100 7
By LRDiazz

"Last time on Total Drama Island...our competitors became hunters and the hunted."

"Owen's game was way off."

"And when he finally got wind of his prey, he totally blew it."

"And Trent made a new friend! Can anyone say medivac?"

"In a weird and strangely watchable twist, Leshawna, Lindsay, Beth ,and Heather turned their paintball guns on each other! It was a four on wrestle for dominance within the females of the Gopher Squad and the Gophers were sent to the bonfire. In the end, however, it was Trent who got the shaft. The Gophers are still the Underdogs."

"Can they bounce back?"

"Or is their goose finally cooked?"

"Find out tonight on..."




You wake up to something actually funny. Duncan is gagging from Harold's undies. You chuckle along with DJ and Geoff. You get up and quickly get dressed. "Duncan's gonna get you now, Harold!" you call put before you walk out the door. "Those aren't mine!" Harold responds. You soon make it to the Main Lodge where most of your team is eating. You see Gwen who is sitting next to Lindsay and Beth. Once she sees you, she gets up and pecks you on the cheek. While some say "awww" at you two, Heather gags with disgust. "Get a room" she says nonchalantly. "You're just jealous you don't have anyone who actually cares for you" Gwen responds. "Whatever" Heather says, continuing to eat her breakfast.


You're all on the beach where Chris explains today's challenge. "Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen! You'll be making a three course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward, the losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients." Suddenly, a truck driven by a dolphin is pulled up. It soon opens the trunk that is full of food. "Every morning a truck brings us food. Today's task starts there."

You all start walking towards the truck. "Head Chef! Called it!" Heather shouts. "Try not to mess up this time, okay?" she asks Beth in a menacing way. Beth nods with a nervous smile. As she walks off, you, Gwen, and Leshawna walk up to her. "Just ignore her, girl" Leshawna tells her. "Yeah, she'll be outta here pretty soon" you add on. "I can't wait until that day comes" Gwen says with a hopeful look on her face.

"I had to take the leadership role. Hello! We're on a losing streak!"

"And really, everyone else on the team is pretty useless."

Heather tells each of you what to get from the truck. "Leshawna, mangos. Beth, pineapples. Lindsay, macadamias, Y/N, molasses. Gwen, tomatoes. Owen, ribs."


You all enter the kitchen. Of course, Heather already knows what she wants each of you to make. "Gwen, Lindsay, you're on the citrus macadamia upside down cake flambeau." Owen walks in with a huge bag filled with oranges. You see him spill them on the floor, slip on a few of them, and then fall on all of them. "Go back to the truck and get more oranges!" Heather demands. "I'm on it!" Owen says, completely covered with orange juice. You soon walk in with the ribs. "Sigh, Y/N, and Owen are on ribs" Heather tells you. "Leshawna and Beth! You're on pineapple skewers and mango dip."

Leshawna tells her to let her handle the appetizers and that she can make a really good pineapple chunny. "Oh, really? Well that's so great! But, since I'm Head Chef, we're gonna stick to my plan. And my plan is pineapples with sticks through them, got it?!" You walk over and get to work on the ribs. You heat them up and then start coating it with sauce. Gwen walks over to you to see how you're doing. She gives you a quick peck on the cheek and you two smile at each other, getting lost in your eyes.

Suddenly, Owen bursts through the door, holding more oranges and covered in bee stings. "It's okay, everyone! I'm back! Y/N! Heads up!" Owen throws you the box of oranges and it forces you down to the ground. You start to feel lots of pain in your head. Everything starts to fade away, including your sight. The last thing you hear is Gwen's worried voice. "Someone help! Get this off of him...some....help..."


You soon wake up in the medical tent. Chef is tending to your condition. "You feel better? Any pain of any kind?" You tell him that you feel a slight pain in your head and ask how long you've been out. "The whole challenge" he replies. "By the way, you lost. Better take this and head to the Campfire Ceremony." Chef hands you an ice pack and you head down to the pit. You make it just in time for Chris to start handing out marshmallows. It's soon down between Beth and Heather. You start to get excited, knowing that no one would choose Heather over Beth.

To your suprise, Beth is voted off. She hangs her head low as she walks to the Dock of Shame. You and Lindsay get up and catch up with her to give one last hug before she goes. "Take care, Beth" you tell her. "I will. I'm gonna miss you, though." Lindsay cries as she hugs her best friend. "I'll miss you too!!" The Boat of Losers arrives, and she soon leaves. You walk back where Gwen is waiting. "I'm sorry she had to go. But hey, you still have me, Lindsay, Leshawna, and Owen." You feel a little bit better as you walk inside your cabin to get some rest.


You wake up to see Duncan, DJ, and Geoff. They tell you to be quiet by placing a finger over their mouths. "We're getting back at Harold. I know we're on different teams, but, how about we call a truce for this prank?" You smile deviously and give Duncan a fist bump. You all pitch in and help lift up Harold's bunk bed, with Harild in it, and take it to the edge of the island. Once you get it there, you ask Duncan what happens next. "We'll get up in a few hours and activate stage two" he simply replies.

The Next Morning...

You all get up ready to finish the prank. You grab some lifejackets and a canoe for you all to ride in the water. Then, you head to the girls cabin. "Listen up, ladies" Duncan announces. "We have a prank set up for Harold" Geoff joins in. "He's unaware that he's sleeping outside with no clothes on" DJ adds. "For this temporary truce between teams, everyone get in your bathing suits, get in the water, and get ready to laugh!" you finish. All the girls seem to be into it and you all soon meet up at the water. You and the other guys get in your canoe. "Alright girls, let's wake him up! Everybody start splashing and have fun!" Duncan yells.

The girls start splashing each other and all around having a good time and soon Harold wakes up. When they see this, they all start giggling. "Good morning, Harold" they all say before Harold looks down and quickly covers his lower area with a pillow. "So, learned your lesson, yet?" Dunacn asks. "YES!!! OK!!! YES!!!" Harold screams. "Oh, we're gonna need more than that, man" Geoff tells him. "I'll never leave my crusty underwear out again!! I swear!!" Harold yells. The girls laugh, hearing all of this. "What the heck. I believe him. It's pleasure doing business with ya!" Geoff throws him his clothes while you all laugh at him run off to quickly put them on.

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