I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

By LRDiazz

166K 2.3K 468

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... More

Not So Happy Campers
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up the Creek
If You Can't Take The Heat
Who Can You Trust
Basic Straining
X-Treme Tourture
Brunch of Disgustingness
No Pain, No Game
Search and Do Not Destroy
Haute Camp Ture
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two
Some Alone Time (+18)
Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

Paintball Deer Hunter

6.8K 112 15
By LRDiazz

"Last time on Total Drama Island..."

,"Both teams set out on a canoe trip to deadly Boney Island. Gwen wanted to hang with Y/N, but got Trent instead. So he helped both of them by setting the two up on the way back home. And in a shocking turn of events, they actually confessed their love for each other. Nice move, man."

"There were winners"

"And there were losers. Also nown as, the Gophers."

"The last marshmallow was set to go to either Izzy or Lindsay, but the RCMP swooped in and BAM! Izzy hightailed it outta there! Hahaha!"

"Man, I knew the girl was nuts, but I didn't know she was totally INSANE!"

"However, one Gopher might have secretly done something crazier when she brought home a creepy stick statue voodoo thingy from the deadly haunted island."

"Will Beth live to regret her souvenir?"

"And can my teeth possibly get any whiter?"

"Find out here on..."




You wake up to hear a very loud helicopter over the roof of your cabin. You wonder if the RCMP is still looking for Izzy on the island. "Hit the deck!!!" Duncan yells as he gets down from his bed and hides. "They're comin, man! They found us!" You guess that he must have some PTSD or just instincts built in from being in juvie. He soon pulls himself together with the help of you, Geoff, and DJ, and you all start getting dressed. "So, Y/N" Duncan says to you.

"You and Gwen, huh?" At this point, you and Gwen have been official couple for only two days so not that many people know yet. The people who do know are Trent, DJ, and now Duncan. Geoff, while on the other team, congratulates you two and hope that you both have a long and lasting relationship. "I knew you'd get with her! My man." DJ puts arm around you and gives you a playful noogie with the other. "I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet!" Chris announces over the speakers. "Breakfast in theee minutes at the camofire pit!"

Three Minutes Later....

You're all sitting at the pit where Chris is about to announce the challenge. "Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?!?" he asks in a voice that sounds like an announcer for a monster truck show or a wrestling match would have. "We! Are! Ready!!!" Owen replies in the same tone and excitement while Leshawna looks at him disappointingly and shaking her head at the same time. "Incoming!" Chris throws a can of beans towards Gwen's face, but you catch it before it could hit her.

The can is inches away from directly hitting her nose. You give her a confident smile while holding the can and she gives you a smile back. Chris throws a can to each camper saying that this is breakfast. "No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's crappy burnt eggs" Heather protests. "Beans, beans, they're good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you--" Owen gets hit in the head by a thrown can before he can finish his rhyme. Chris starts his announcement.

"Today's challenge is about survival. We're going hunting." He picks up a green gun and shows it to everyone. Duncan seems to like where this is going. Harold asks if ghe gun Chris has is a paintball gun and Chris tells him that it is right before shotting him with it. "So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette asks. "Negatory" Chris replies. "This is the first ever paintball deer hunt!" For some reason you feel the need for someone to say roll credits. You ignore your weird thought and keep listening to Chris. "I'll announce the team's once we get into the woods, so, finish breaky!" Owen lets out a loud burp as he seems to have finished a lot of cans full of beans. "Got any more?" he asks.


Youre all in the woods with Chris. Behind him is a board that holds six guns. Three red for the Gophers, and three green for the Bass. "And now for the team breakdowns. The Kiler Bass hunters are Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette. Locked and loaded with Bass blue paint!" He throws each gun to the three hunters. "And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters! Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay." Owen is ecstatic about the challenge. Chris also tells them that they get camo hats and protective glasses. Everyone else, including you, are deer. Everyone has to wear antlers, noses, and tails. If you take them off, your team loses.

You soon get handed your materiels and put them on. You see Gwen who does not seem to be liking the outfit she has on. "This is so stupid" she says with the usual tone of attitude in her voice. "I don't know, I think you look kinda cute as a deer" you tell her, making her blush. Chris soon announces that it's time for the deer's head start. He gives you one minute to head into the woods before the hunters can chase you. A group of you, Gwen, Trent, and Heather forms as you walk away from everyone else. "I don't know why you guys are complaining" Trent says with a smile. "This could be fun!" You, Gwen, and Heather give him a look that says "Really? What's wrong with you?" Trent then awkwardly goes off on his own.

You and Gwen start to move again and Heather sits on a stump. "Are you coming?" Gwen asks. Heather says that she's going to wait for Lindsay and Beth to do protect her. You and Gwen see this as an opportunity to be alone and get away from Heather, so you both say nothing, take each other's hands, and take off. Even though you're in a challenge, you both treat this as a date. You've been trying to get as many dates as you can since you aren't sure how the relationship will go once the show is over. An hour has passed and you two haven't been spotted yet. Suddenly, you hear screams and paintball shots. You find a large enough bush to hide in and quickly get behind it.

In order for you two to hide behind it, Gwen has to get on your lap, which makes you both blush. You two chuckle as your faces move in closer and closer. "Wait" you tell her. You then look around. "What are you looking for?" she asks. "Cameras. You know that we're on a reality show." Gwen grabs your face and pulls you in close. "If there are cameras, then let's give em' something good to watch!" You both start making out, not caring if you're seen by the other team or Chris' camera crew. Your tounges wrestle furiously as you moan in each other's mouths. Gwen runs her hands through your hair and you slowly run yours up and down her back and butt. You soon grab it, which she doesn't seem to mind, and start to make her grind up against you by pushing her ass, as well as her body, up towards yours.

You start to get hard by this hot and steamy make out session as Gwen starts to get wet. You kiss her neck, making her moan loudly. She then covers her mouth, as she doesn't want to get you two caught. You then begin to slowly undress her which is where she stops everything. "Wait! I...think we're moving too fast. I still really like you, but we should at least wait a little first. Plus, I don't think I'm ready for sex yet. Maybe after we've been together for a little longer. " You respect Gwen's wishes and you two simply wrap around each other's bodies and hug. A few minutes go by and you two stay hidden behind the bush comfortable within each other's arms. Suddenly, you hear a familiar scream. It's Trent.

You get up and start looking as well as calling out for Trent. You soon find him lying on the ground cowering from a bear who's standing above him, menacingly. You tell Gwen to get Trent out of here as he's badly hurt. You ready your stance as Gwen carries Trent off. You do the same move that you did to the bear from the Phobia Factor challenge, which instead of scaring it off, makes the bear only pissed off. He slashes at you, but you dodge it almost exactly how you dodged balls in the Dodge Ball challenge. You use your ninja training to flip and maneuver all around the bear to confuse it. Then you run off, triggering the bear's instincts of the hunt to chase you. The bear very quickly catches up, but before it could get you, you find a branch and swing up into the tree it's attached to.

You then jump from branch to branch, hoping that you don't land on one that will immediately break from your weight. You sadly do land on one that breaks and you fall into a bush that breaks your fall. You decide to head to the infirmary to one, get out of the challenge, two, to get treated for your wounds, and three, to see how Gwen and Trent are. You see that Gwen and Trent are still there. Gwen hugs you and asks how did you escape the bear. You tell her everything and she sees how bad the fall must have been. You lay on the bed waiting for Chef to tend to you and close your eyes. Gwen asks Chef if she can stay with you and he says that since she's not hurt, she's still in the challenge. "Don't worry about me" you tell her. "I'll be fine. Good luck." She kisses you on the cheek and takes off into the woods.

A few more minutes pass and you're getting bandaged by Chef. "Attention human wildlife and hunters" Chris announces. "Please report back to camp. It's time to show your hides and tally up the scores!" You get up, feeling better and see the Bass team completely paint free while your team is covered in it. Gwen is clean and Owen is covered in everything but paint. Chris soon arrives on the scene." Do you know what I see here?" Chris asks. "I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint product! And I have to say...That. Was. AWESOME!!! Haha! When you guys opened fire on your own team! Wicked TV guys." Soon Ducncan and Courtney, whose antlers got caught, soon arrive.

"Oh this is too much" Gwen says smiling. "Duncan, you sly dog, you" Owen says giggling. "The girl can't keep her antlers off me" Duncan says before Courtney kicks him in the balls. "Can't even bend over" Duncan whines in high pitched voice. "Easy Courtney" Chris warns. "Our medical tent's really only equipped for one at a time and Trent's pretty messed up." Bridgette and Geoff help the pair out and get them untangled. Duncan sits on his knees, still holding his balls in pain. "Well, since three members of the Gophers are dripping in paint" Chris says before Lindsay shows her whole backside is covered with paint. "Make that four members, and some of them aren't even deer, I think we have our winner!" The Bass cheer as you hang your head low, since you have to go back to the campfire pit.

Night Time...

"I mean, seriously, twice in a row?! What is wrong with you people?! I can't wait for Beth to get kicked off. I just wish I could vote off two campers at once" Heather says angrily. "There are only seven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper--" Gwen interrupts him by finishing his sentence super fast and asks if you can just get this over with. Chris starts throwing out marshmallows and it is down to Trent and Heather.

You all see how messed up he is and decide to vote him off so he doesn't have to deal with any more pain. Before he leaves you, Gwen, Leshawna, and Lindsay hug him softly. "Thanks, man" you tell him. "For everything. The group isn't gonna be the same without you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have this girl holding my hand right now. Trent smiles and soon the Boat of Losers drives away. You all wipe a tear from your eyes as you're all going to miss your dear friend.

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