"Are You Still Addicted?" Boo...

By RaveHaynes

223K 6.8K 5.3K

A few years have passed since Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin have gotten married. The love they have for one another i... More

"Are You Still Addicted?"
"The Tie That Binds."
"Follow Me Duckling!"
"The Water Is Too Hot!"
"Where Are My Headphones?!"
"My Father, Your Father."
"Great To See You Friend!"
"Dinner Is Served Cold."
"Adorable Little Hands."
"Sexy New Client."
"Wanting, Needing, Waiting."
"A Penny For Your Thoughts."
"The Subject Of Children."
"The Search For A New Home."
"The Movie Star Has Returned!"
"Yang Meng"
"A Troublesome Meeting."
"A Mini Vacation At The Bar."
"Dr. Lee"
"The Devil Within."
"Dinner With Mom, Again?"
"Charity For The Bold!"
"Moving Day!"
"Help Us, Dr. Lee!"
"Jiang Yifei"
"Sweet and Sour."
"Moon Cakes And Kisses." (Short)
"Nurse Zang."
"Wedding Dress."
"Dark Thoughts."
"Fun Things To Do."
"One Month."
"Tong Tian."
"You'll Need New Bras!"
"Those Eight Long Years."
"Traditional Love"
"The Procession."
"Will You Marry Me?"
"Husband and Wife."
"Month Two."
"Quality Time"
"Aunty Zhou's Advice."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part Two."
"One Scared Fish. One Worried Fish."
"Kiss Me."
"Month Three, With Gu Hai The Wicked."
"Gu Yang Visits."
"Gu Yang's Wishful Thinking."
"The Bodyguards."
"Work In Progress."
"How Can I Be Okay?"
"Rain And Thunder."
"Xiaoping Attacks Gu Hai."
"Seeing Ghosts And Stars."
"Be Still My Heart."
"Sweet Like Custard."
"Bad News."
"Hungry Eyes."
"Romeo And His Lovers."
"So Blessed."
"Month Four."
"Scared Me To Death!"
"Day One In Thailand!"
"The Grand Scheme."
"Let Me Go!"
"Higher Than The Heavens Above."
"Two Missing?"
"Silent Screams."
"The Search Continues."
"The Second Kick."
"I Want To Know!"
"The Comfort Of His Arms."
"Shi Hui."
"Swimming In The Hot And Cold."
"Walking On A Thin Line."
"Next To You"
"Lost For Words."
"Saved By Our Friend."

"Good News."

2.9K 93 85
By RaveHaynes

The next morning, Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai awoke to the brightest light shining through their windows. Their last home was never this brightly lit.
Gu Hai was the first to open his eyes. He propped his head up using his elbow and admired his sleeping wife. The sun on Bai LuoYin's skin made him look golden. His lips were slightly parted, begging to be kissed.
Gu Hai observed as his eyes moved rapidly under his eyelids. His breathing was silent, not even a snore escaped past those luscious lips. His hair was a mess, but still looked perfect in Gu Hai's eyes. One hand was tucked under the pillow, the other wrapped around Gu Hai's waist. The closeness captured his heart. Bai LuoYin looked priceless. It took his breath away from how much he loved the sleeping beauty laying next to him.
Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He leaned over and planted a wicked wet kiss on his lips.
Bai LuoYin stirred, irritated by the sudden dampness to his mouth. "Gu Hai, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." He mumbled, and tried to turn to the other side. "Are you looking for a thrashing this morning?"
Gu Hai grabbed him gently by his shoulder and turned him back towards him. "So what? We do so much more dirtier things with our mouths." He said, grinning as if he were amused by the topic.
"Eh! Eh!" Bai LuoYin yelped, swatting the air around him, as he pulled the thin white sheets over his head.
"Get up! We have things to buy! This house isn't going to decorate itself." Gu Hai playfully said, while pulling at the sheet and poking him in his side with a finger.
"Eh! I feel so exhausted." Bai LuoYin confessed.
All the love-making they did last night had worn him out. His entire body throbbed, especially his rump.
"I'm still tired." Bai LuoYin groaned.
"I'm afraid if you stay in bed, little Gu Hai will be tempted to play again." Gu Hai warned.
Bai LuoYin peeked under the covers. It was true. Stiff as a board, it waved hello with its one eye. Gu Hai was purposely flexing that organ. It bobbed up and down, signaling the danger to come if he stayed in bed.
Bai LuoYin flew out from under the covers in record time.
Gu Hai was left laughing hysterically.
Bai LuoYin entered the bathroom and looked around. He admired his surroundings. He was very happy with the new house.
He opened a box at his feet labeled, "Bathroom" and took out their toothbrushes and toothpaste. To his shock, inside of the box also had picture frames of his family members. "Gu Hai!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.
Hearing his name called out with such anger, Gu Hai jumped off of the bed with so much speed he almost fell. He knew that tone all too well. It was the, oh-shit-I'm-trouble-with-my-wife tone. He knew the best option was to run. He went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast.
By the time Bai LuoYin made it to the kitchen, food was done and waiting for him. He carefully placed the picture frames on the counter. "Look what I found in the box with bathroom things." He said, making sure he kept his voice controlled.
Gu Hai gasped. "Someone was careless." He said chewing on eggs and a piece of toast. He avoided eye contact at all costs.
Bai LuoYin lunged at him from across the island counter top! Gu Hai burst out laughing. Bai LuoYin chased him around the kitchen for a minute until Gu Hai gave up and took his punishment in the form of punches to the arm.
After, Gu Hai went to wash up and get dressed. They left the house soon after. The first store they visited sold dishes. They purchased the most expensive set and placed it in the trunk.
The next place was to the linen shop. They bought new towels, wash cloths, three new sheet sets along with four memory foam pillows.
Gu Hai spotted an adorable baby blanket. "Can we get this?" He held it high into the air so that Bai LuoYin could see from the register.
Bai LuoYin nodded.
The appliance store was next. They bought a new toaster, an espresso machine and ordered a new refrigerator and stove to be delivered to the house.
As they made another stop to a famous furniture store, they checked out a new dining table, couch set, and chest drawer for their bedroom. They purchased everything they needed, made arrangements for delivery and left.
By the time they were done, it was almost dinner time. They chose a restaurant closer to home.
Entering the establishment, the hostess seated them immediately. As they waited for their food to arrive, someone called out to Bai LuoYin. He turned in his seat to find that it was, Zhou Ling Yun, his Major General!
Bai LuoYin quickly got to his feet and saluted the man with great respect. Gu Hai also saluted him and shook his hand.
"Bai LuoYin, Gu Hai, how is the married life treating you two? Are any of you ready to run for the boarder yet?" Zhou Ling Yun joked.
His comment made Bai LuoYin chuckle. "Sometimes I actually want to do just that." Bai LuoYin said, jokingly, glancing at Gu Hai with a dull look.
"I'd track you down my love." Gu Hai said through gritted teeth. "You know I'm very skilled in those matters."
Zhou Ling Yun laughed out loud. He recalled the time Gu Hai went deep into the jungle to retrieve Bai LuoYin when his plane was shot down. He admired Gu Hai's bravery. If he had more men like Gu Hai in his troops, the country would be unstoppable.
He knew that Bai LuoYin was brave also. He had proven his worth time and time again. He was very proud of the man that he had become.
Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin invited him to have dinner with them. Catching up on some good times was the perfect way to end their day.

You Qi and Yang Meng walked along the boardwalk at Huanglong National Park. Turquoise blue water sparkled under the moonlight.
The park ranger had opened the park late at night, and after hours, because You Qi was a celebrity. The agreement was for his autograph, in exchange for some quiet time with Yang Meng.
As the walked closely, no words were spoken. Even though You Qi's heart screamed out into the silence, he ached to be closer to Yang Meng.

They walked along the path with only the company of small insects making sounds as if they were a symphony created to only play at night.
Every now and then, You Qi's arm would brush up against Yang Meng's. But still, no words were spoken.
Their shoes made soft reverberations against the bridge below them, blending with the harmony that surrounded them.
You Qi's free hand grazed Yang Meng's, sending tingles along their arms. Shyly, they yearned for more. The physical touch for one another mixed in with hesitation, made their bodies swoon.
Ever since that night on the balcony, at the charity event, You Qi wanted to embrace Yang Meng. Hold him in his arms, caress his skin, kiss his lips.
Yang Meng could feel the vibration of love near. He also wanted more, but was too shy to make the first move.
Then, in two large strides, You Qi stood in front of him, stopping them in their tracks. He took a cautious step towards Yang Meng and moved a few strands of hair from his eyes.
Nervously, Yang Meng looked into his eyes. He bit his bottom lip and waited patiently for his next move.
You Qi took in the beauty before him. He moved his hand to linger close to Yang Meng's cheeks for a bit, stole a caress, and moved his hand to cup his chin.
Cause and effect took control, and Yang Meng let go. He lifted his chin slightly, puckered his lips, and held his breath.
You Qi lowered his head. He planted a tender kiss on his lips.
It was sweet, full of desire. A promise seed, sealed with a kiss of things to come if they continued this way.
It was Yang Meng who opened his mouth considerably, inviting him inside.
You Qi slipped his tongue past those pink lips. Like a calm wave, he explored his mouth. As he tasted, he brought both hands to cup the groove between Yang Meng's neck and ear.
They kissed under the night sky. The more they did, the more You Qi wanted to whisper into his ear, "I love you."
Even more, You Qi wanted Yang Meng to say those same words to him.
Suddenly, You Qi broke the kiss, he wrapped his arms tightly around him and pulled him into an embrace. His chin rested on Yang Meng's shoulder. He closed his eyes, hoping that Yang Meng could feel the love that emanated off of his body.
Please be with me for the rest of our lives, You Qi thought to himself.
Yang Meng felt it. His arms reached around You Qi's body and he locked his fingers together. He took in the expensive cologne, rested his head on his chest, and enjoyed the moment.
The stars in the sky were witness to a reignited love.
A love that separated them for a year. Now, words that were throbbing for release, could be said in the future. Now, they had the reassurance they needed. The cuddle spoke the words they needed to move on.
You Qi let go and smiled down at him. Yang Meng blushed. He was glad that they felt the same way again.
As they continued to walk, You Qi threw his arm around Yang Meng's shoulder and they walked side by side. Content with the date.

The next morning, Gu Hai listened to his voice messages on his way to work. Dr. Lee wanted him and Bai LuoYin to come in so they could do a physical checkup. He called the receptionist, made an appointment, and then headed into his office building.
Yan Ya Jing was already in his office when he entered. She was on the phone, gushing, and blushing with whomever was on the other end.
It brought a smile to his lips to see her happy this way.
She hung up and looked over at him with a heavenly glow. "Shall we talk about the New York project?" She asked, ruffling through a folder.
"No, let's talk about who you were speaking to. You're literally beaming with happiness." He said, taking a seat as he smoothed down his tie.
Yan Ya Jing blushed. "It was Gao, we're going on another date." She said, casually, as if the topic wasn't that important.
Gu Hai saw through her though, he knew she was beside herself with glee. "So, he's treating you right? Is he a gentleman?" He asked, propping his chin up with his elbow and hand. He gave his full attention to her.
Yan Ya Jing thought he looked handsome. If his children looked anything like him, they would be very beautiful. Bai LuoYin was also very handsome. They both would have great looking kids. "Yes, he is a wonderful man. There is nothing that I can complain about. He is nearly perfect." She said and blushed once more.
"Is it getting serious?" Gu Hai asked, raising his eyebrows a few times quickly.
Yan Ya Jing laughed. She composed herself within seconds and gave serious eyes. "Are we going to get down to business, or are we going to talk about me for the rest of the morning?"
Gu Hai gave her a goofy smile. "Well, I am the boss. We can talk for a bit. The New York account isn't going anywhere."
She scolded him with her eyes. There were times when he was all business and then there were the times he was her best friend. Since she didn't have any best friends, she gave in.

After work, Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai went to their doctor appointment.
Two nurses separated them into their own rooms.
Taking their blood pressure, blood samples, height, weight, temperature, and other things, they wrote the results down on a chart for Dr. Lee. When they left the rooms, Dr. Lee visited each of them individually. He complimented them on their great health and their physique.
Bai LuoYin was in good shape because of his training. Gu Hai always worked out when he could. But because he had good genes, he was fit and well built.
Next, they went into another room to give samples of their semen. This time, Gu Hai tried to sneak into Bai LuoYin's room. He wanted to help him retrieve his sample to put into his cup.
"I am capable of doing it myself!" Bai LuoYin said, pushing Gu Hai's chest.
"Let's help each other." Gu Hai pleaded, trying is best to persuade him as he pushed at the door.
"No, get out!" Bai LuoYin hissed. He slammed the door shut and chuckled. He had to admit, Gu Hai was very adventurous. But doing that sort of thing at the doctor's office was inappropriate. There were some lines he wouldn't cross, even for his oversexed husband.
When they had finished depositing their samples of semen into their cups, they sealed them with the lids that were provided and handed them off to the nurses.
Dr. Lee informed them that he would call with the results in about a week. They nodded and left. The excitement of going through the process was extremely nerve wracking, but as they left the building, their spirits were lifted. The week long wait for their results were going to be a difficult one. They were eager.
They were getting older, not younger. The time for children was now.
On the way home, Bai LuoYin couldn't stop himself from chatting. He explained his vision for the baby's room. Gu Hai would nod, suggest a few things, and they would both continue to dream. Dream of the day their baby would arrive.
The visions in their minds were of tiny hands, lips, eyes, baby blankets, feeding time, bath time, and bed time for the baby.
Bai LuoYin looked out the window as he passed houses filled with families who had children. It brought a smile to his lips.
Gu Hai dreamed of teaching his son how to ride a bike. He exhaled, and it filled the car with love. Only love.

The week flew by quickly. On a Friday evening, Dr. Lee's assistant called to give them the good news. Everything was a go. Now, it was time to decide how they would go about the surrogacy. Choosing from so many options was going to be a task. There were options where they could include a family member, but deciding who would do the honors, would be difficult.
Another way was an anonymous donor. They could choose to go the 'known donor' route, but that would mean they would have to go through a lot more paperwork.
Bai LuoYin hung up and looked over at Gu Hai. Even though it would probably get more difficult from here on out, they had decisions that needed finalizing.
That night they spoke more on what they would do. Gu Hai suggested that Yan Ya Jing could carry the baby, but Bai LuoYin quickly threw the idea out of a 100 story building.
"Yan Ya Jing is in a relationship now. How can we ask her to do such a thing. What if it ruins her new love life." Bai LuoYin reacted.
Gu Hai's lips twisted as he thought for a moment. Bai LuoYin was right. Gu Hai recalled the way Yan Ya Jing flirted with her new man, Mr. Gao. He was happy for her. It would be bad if the conversation of carrying their baby turned Mr. Gao away. Gu Hai would feel quilty. Besides, Yan Ya Jing had been there from the beginning, when his company started and at their wedding. She deserved happiness, so he also rejected the idea.
"Let's talk to the doctor again." Gu Hai suggested. "Maybe he could help us decide."
Bai LuoYin nodded. Since they both were in good health and they were getting older, it was time to finally make the hard decisions. Dr. Lee would know what to do.
The next morning they called to schedule an appointment. This time, no matter what, they would make up their minds.
Later on that evening, Bai LuoYin put Gu Hai's muscles to work. They repainted rooms, fixed the small problems in their kitchen, weeded out the backyard, and placed the new furniture where they wanted it to be.
By the end of the night, the baby's room was finished, the livingroom was complete and polished, and the kitchen was decorated to perfection.
Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin fell onto their bed at the same time, tired, and drained.
Gu Hai dragged his eyes to look over at his wife. "You're a slave driver." He mumbled.
Bai LuoYin lightly kicked him. "And you're not getting any tonight. I'm going to sleep."
Gu Hai's eyes widened a bit. "There was a possibility that we would make love tonight?!"
Bai LuoYin did his best to shake his head, no.
Gu Hai mustered up what little strength he had. He reached over and spanked Bai LuoYin's right butt cheek. "You really are evil towards me."
Bai LuoYin did the only thing he had strength to do. He stuck his tongue out at him.
They fell asleep in their dirty clothes. No bath, no love making. Just two lovers on the journey to build a happy home and happy family.
Tomorrow, was another day.

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