Star Wars The Clone Wars || T...

By InstagamerEmily

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Long before the Clone Wars began was where the age of the Vahla began. Born in the Outer Rim in the peaceful... More

Character Introduction
From The Start
Master And Apprentice
A Jedi Knight
The Battle Of Christophsis
Battle Of Teth
Arriving On Tatooine
Rising Malevolence
Shadow Of Malevolence
Destroy The Malevolence
Old Memory
Lair Of General Grevious
To Become A Master
Landing At Point Rain
Weapons Factory
Legacy Of Terror
Brain Invaders
The Zillo Beast Strikes Back!
Within One Another
Altar Of Mortis
Ghosts Of Mortis
Counter Attack
Citadel Rescue
Water War
Gungan Attack
Darkness On Umbara
The General
Plan Of Dissent
Carnage Of Krell
Slaves Of The Republic
Escape From Kadavo
Friends And Enemies
The Box
Crisis On Naboo
The Lawless
The Rank Of Master
The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
To Catch A Jedi
The Wrong Jedi
The Bad Batch
A Distant Echo
On The Wings of Keederaks
Unfinished Business
Memories Of The Past
Old Friends, New Enemies
An Old War
Finishing It
Beginning Of The End
The Last War
Operation: Knight-Fall
How It All Ends

The Citadel

276 4 0
By InstagamerEmily

Adira's POV

We were informed immediately when Master Piell's forces had been taken and captured by Separatist hands, and to rescue him and his men would mean to travel to Lola Sayu. I knew Obi Wan and Anakin would be in this mission, along with other commanding officers, including myself would take part. I noticed there were two troopers in blue armor, knowing they were ARCs. I remembered someone saying a group of cadets on Kamino that passed their test, yet there were only two survivors after Rishi Moon Outpost was attacked, whom later became ARC Troopers. One had a 5 tattoo on the side of his head, along with a blue and gray stripped kama and having the design on his helmet the looks of a Eel. The other had one gray side of the kama, and the other blue. I knew they were known as Echo and Fives, and they were a tag team of such sorts. We were now going over of how we would try and find Master Piell and his men inside of the Separatist prison on Lola, but it was going to be hard.

"As you are aware, the Citadel is their most isolated and impenetrable detention facility. No one has ever escaped." Plo Koon informed us. "There's a first time for everything." Anakin assumed. "Indeed there is." I agreed. "Their security has prevented our probes from obtaining recent reconnaissance. So we've been forced to construct a map based upon data from the archives." Plo continued on, showing us the map of what we assumed would look like the prison. "And since the data is extremely old, the map will be difficult to rely on." Obi Wan added. "So, we're essentially going in blind." Anakin said. "Basically." I responded. "Beg your pardon General, but how do we know Master Piell is still alive?" Rex asked through his hologram. "The Separatist won't dare kill Master Piell until they have what they need." Obi Wan replied. "He obtained coordinates of a secret hyperspace lane known as the Nexus Route." Plo said.

"Which travels into the heart of the Republic and Separatist Home Worlds." I continued in an agreement. "They could prove vital in maneuvering our forces deep into remote Separatist sectors." Obi said. "Or then enemy could use them to slip through our defenses and attack Coruscant." Anakin pointed out. "These hyperspace lanes are of immense interest to both our sides. And could tip the scale of the war to whoever is in possession of them." Plo agreed. "That is all." I stated as the hologram of the map and Rex disappears, having Anakin, Plo Koon, Obi Wan, Miles and I to walk out of the briefing room, focused on the mission at hand.

"Based on the archives schematics, we've narrowed it down to three possible locations they could be holding that." Plo said as we walked through the halls of the Temple. "My greatest concern is infiltrating their outer security. The life form scanners will not be easy to fool." Obi Wan stated as he rubbed his beard in deep thought. "We'll need a backup plan to get in there before the mission starts." I agreed. "I've got a thought about that." Anakin replied as I saw an idea spark into his mind. I then looked behind to see Ahsoka running to him, and felt a bit bad for her. She wasn't informed on the mission, let alone would be in it. "Master, I'm sorry I'm late. I just heard about the briefing, we're going to rescue Master Piell right?" She asked as she caught up. "You two have much to discuss." Plo said as he and Obi Wan walked away. "Agreed." I stated as I followed behind them, already hearing the two argue behind us.

We were about to be let in on how Anakin was going to get us past the enemy's scanners, as I had briefed on my chosen men to come with us on the mission. Besides Miles, I brought Tracker, Valor, West, Alor, Seeker, Nile, Taunt, Bane, and Con to be taken to Lola Sayu. I noticed a few BB-1 battle droids were assigned with R2 and R1-C0, and I sighed out in annoyance. I wasn't found of droids besides R2 and R1, yet looking at a battle droid reminded me too much of the enemy's forces. "We're trusting those droids to get us into the Citadel?" Fives asked as we all looked at the three. "Guess so." I assumed. "It's the only way, we're flying right into the heart of Separatist territory. Droids won't be detected." Commander Cody replied as he looked at us. "Understood Commander." I said as I let Miles to go over the plan again with the men, and walked over to my droid. "R1." I said as Anakin called out his droid as well. "R2, R1, make sure they don't stray from the flight plan." Anakin instructed as his droid and mine beeped back. "It's all under control sir." One of the blue painted droids said. "I was talking to R2 and R1." Anakin said in a snapping tone before we walked away from them, having my men and the rest follow behind us.

Anakin told us we had a plan to get pass the scanners, but Carbon Freezing was something I hated. I not only hated it when temperatures were below freezing, but It also meant I couldn't do anything to resist it this time. "I've never been carbon frozen before Generals." Rex said to us. "It's the first time for us too." Anakin replied. "I just can't believe we're doing this." I said as we got close to the machine. "This is your idea, Carbon freezing?" Obi Wan asked as he got into position. "Hey, you wanted to shield us from the life form scanners." Anakin replied with a smirk as he did the same. "Just wished you would think differently sometimes." I added as Anakin rolled his eyes at me. "Are we sure this thing is safe? I don't want to end up a wall decoration." Fives asked as he stood in position. "Try to relax, we'll be unfrozen as soon as we arrive." Obi Wan replied before we started to hear the sirens go off. The pillars underneath us then lowered us into the cell, unleashing a freezing cold feeling before I lost my consciousness.


The second I was unfrozen, I immediately walked out. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be, but I still didn't like it. I rolled my shoulders as I heard a familiar voice, and looked to my left to see Ahsoka. "Hey Master." She said as Anakin, Obi Wan and I looked at each other in surprise before looking back at her. She wasn't supposed to be here, yet here she was. "I must have carbon sickness because I could swear thats Ahsoka." Obi Wan said. "Your eyes are fine Obi Wan, it's Ahsoka's hearing that needs help." Anakin replied as he looked at Ahsoka in a annoyed expression. "I received orders to join the team, I thought you knew." She responded. "Orders? From who?" Anakin asked. "I discussed it with Master Plo." She replied. "He didn't tell me." He said. "You were already in carbonite." She replied as she pointed to the things that took us here. "Well I gave you a specific order not to come." He retorted. "If there's one thing I've learned from you Master, it's that following direct orders isn't always the best way to solve a problem." She stated as Obi Wan and I came to her side. "I see Anakin's new teaching method is to do as I say, not as I do." Obi Wan said. "Welcome aboard." I agreed as I knew there was no going back now.

I then walked away from the three, and made a head count of my men. They were alright now, just dazed a bit. I had to make sure that most of us would be able to get off this rock, if we even lost a single man including the others, our mission could fall apart. I overheard Anakin instructing R2 and R1 to watch the shuttle until we needed it as our escape, and walked over on the path that I assumed would lead us to find Master Piell. I then motioned for Miles and the rest of the men to follow me, not knowing what was waiting for us.

We had continued on the path to look for a way in, only to stop to see an entrance of the prison. While Anakin looked at the scopes for a way to get us in, I could only see the cliff side as an option, yet something was on it. "I see the entry point." Anakin stated as he looked through his scopes. "You were right, the wind conditions are too strong for jetpacks." Cody said as Miles nodded in agreement. "Yes. We'll have to do it the old fashioned way, with ascension cables and a steel grip." Obi Wan assumed as I looked through my scopes only to disagree with him. "I don't think so." I replied. "What do you mean?" Obi Wan asked. I then focused and zoomed in my scopes to see why we were unable to do so. "Electro mines." I replied. "There's no where to put a grappling hook at that height. And if we hit one of those, the missions over. They'll know we're here." Anakin continued as he and I looked at Obi Wan. "I suppose that means we free climb it." Rex suggested. "Appears we have no other option." Miles agreed as we all then started to walk to the end of the wall to start climbing.

We were now closing in on the mines, and I was making sure nothing would hit them otherwise this mission wasn't just over, but one of us could end up fried. "You hanging in there Snips?" Anakin asks as he looks at her from below him. "Couldn't be better." She replied before I heard her mutter "I could do it without the wind though." I then saw Obi Wan looked below us, and that we were getting close to the entry point."The entry point is only a few more meters!" He said over the wind and then quickly climbed to the platform as I saw him peeking over. But he then immediately pushed himself back down and signaled us to be quiet and to stay low. We did so and leaned against the cliff as he then peeked over the platform and then back to us. "They locked the door, it's ray-shielded!" He said to us. "Wait what?" I asked over the increasingly strong wind. "Ray-shielded? That wasn't the plan!" Anakin asked. "Well it's in the plan now!" Obi Wan replied as I saw Ahsoka climb high to see something. "There's an opening up there!" She reported. "We know, the ventilation ducts. But they're far too small for us to gain access!" Anakin replied. "Too small for you maybe, but I think I can squeeze through." She stated. "Well, we hadn't planned on Ahsoka being here." Obi Wan pointed out. "Perhaps she's right." I continued as I saw her enter the vents and making it on the other side, deactivating the shields.

"See? I can handle myself after all." She said as we all pushed ourselves on the platform, helping the clones up. After helping almost the rest of the clones up, I saw the last 501st trooper was being helped up by Fives, but not before he lost his grip on the wall. "Charger!" Fives yelled out before he started to fall. I then used the Force to grab him and pulled him back up. "Gotcha." I said. Everything went quiet and we thought our cover was still hidden, yet the rock he had used to climb had fallen into a mine, making the sirens go off inside. "Well, they know we're here." Obi Wan said as the sirens continued on. "Time to move." I said as we then ran through the halls of the prison. "Thanks General Casteele." Charger said as we ran. "It's no problem Charger, not ready to loose anyone just yet." I replied as we then came to a halt, having Ahsoka to check our surroundings for any scouts or droids. "Clear." She said as we continued walking. "Take out their surveillance!" Anakin instructed as we started to take out the cameras to prevent the enemy from knowing our moves, but I stopped when I heard a noise. "The walls are electrified!" I said as I saw a wall of electricity coming our way. "Go, go go go!" Cody directs as we head against the walls, only to see Longshot wasn't going to make it. I then pushed him against the wall, nearly hitting the electric wall.

"Ooh that was a bit close Longshot." I said as the field then left behind us. "We must keep moving." Obi Wan said as I nodded and we continued on. We then later came to the cell that we all knew had Master Piell inside, and immediately had our troops fire at the droids, including the medical droid that was reaching at the Jedi. "Secure the entrance." Anakin instructed as our troops remained at the entrance of the cell, while Obi Wan cut the Jedi free and helped him back down. "Master Piell, are you alright?" He asked as he helped him down. "Obi Wan, what took you guys so long?" Master Piell asked. "At least your sense of humor is still intact." Anakin said as he helped him up. "It takes more than a droid to break me, young Skywalker." Master Piell replied. "So you have the coordinates for the Nexus Route?" Anakin asked. "I got them alright, half of them anyway." Piell responded. "What do you mean by half Master Piell?" I asked. "My Captain's go the other half. I erased the computers when we boarded and had the both of us memorize part of the intel. That way if somehow I cracked, the information would be useless to them without the other half." Piell replied as he kicked the medical droid's head.

"Where's your Captain?" Obi Wan asked. "Mm, being held with the other officers I assume." Master Piell replied. "We're gonna need a new plan for getting out." Anakin stated as we all exited the cell. "Indeed." I said as we checked the halls for any droids or scouts. We then came across a few commando droids in front of us, and behind. Obi Wan and I dealt with the ones in front, while Ahsoka and Master Piell and Anakin dealt with the ones behind us. Pmce we took them down, it was only a matter of time until more would show. "We need to keep moving." Obi Wan directed as we immediately started to continue on. We only stopped when we all heard a high pitched frequency, having us all to cover our ears in pain, but having to let go of our weapons as they were magnetized to the ceiling, including Anakin's arm. "Anakin!" Obi Wan yelled out as I heard a strange noise. "Oh no." I said before Anakin was shocked by a wave of electricity. "Master!" Ahsoka yelled before the frequency stopped and the droids surrounded us. We then heard a voice on the intercom, and I knew it was the leader of the Citadel.

"You fools! I hope you enjoy the reunion with your fellow Jedi, because you're going to be my guests for a long time!" He said until the three of us shared a look before Force-pushing the droids back, realizing they were magnetized as well. "They're magnetized!" I said as we increase our Force to push them back. Our clones then charged at the droids, only to be hit back by the droids. I then heard more electricity and saw as Anakin had grabbed his lightsaber to deactivate the magnet, and the rest of the weapons had fallen back on the ground. I grab my sabers and take out the droids followed by the others as I saw Echo check on Anakin as he got up. "Are you alright sir?" He asked. "Yeah, let's get out of here." Anakin replied as we then ran out of the hall, and turned back as an idea came to my mind. "Ready to have more fun?" I asked Miles and Tracker. "Depends." Tracker replied. "What do you have in mind?" Miles asked. "How about we take our their cameras?" I asked. "With pleasure." Both replied as I saw them shoot at the cameras before we turned and followed behind the rest of the group.

We then eventually came to a halt once we found out where the rest of Master Piell's officers were being held, and then entered the cell after dealing with a few commando droids inside.Most of the hostages were clones, while the rest were officers. I then turned to see a man who appeared to be an admiral, but felt he wasn't. "General." He said. "Captain Tarkin." Master Piell replied as he recognized his Captain, so thats the one who has the other half of the data. "I never thought I'd see you again. And I see you brought..Friends." Tarkin said as he looked at us while I clipped my sabers together. "Tarkin this is Obi Wan Kenobi, Adira Casteele, and Anakin Skywalker." Master Piell said as he introduced us. "Now that you've found us, how do you expect to get out?" Tarkin asked. "If they've locked this fortress down, there's at least ten squads on their way. It's going to be impossible to escape." Tarkin stated as if the possible had never existed.

"Captain, my men are capable to make the impossible possible. They are specialized to accomplish missions that are more than meet the eye, right boys?" I asked as I looked at my men. "Yes ma'am." They all replied firmly before an idea then came to my mind. "Perhaps we could split up." I suggested. "My team will create a diversion, while Anakin and Adira lead the others away. That way if one of us is captured, the enemy will only have part of the information and not all of it." Obi Wan continued as I nodded my head."General Kenobi, I think it's better if we stick together. A stronger force would have a better chance of protecting the information." Tarkin objected. "Not in this situation." Obi Wan replied as he started to head out. "But surely we'd have more strength in numbers, rather than divide us." Tarkin said, continuing to argue. "Unfortunately I must agree with Obi Wan, this may be better than sticking together." I said as I moved out. "Adira and Obi Wan have a point, I'll go with him, you go with Skywalker and Casteele." Master Piell said as he followed after Obi Wan. I didn't want him to be with us, but what other choice did we have?

Our groups had separated from each other, one going one way the other another way. While our troops were scanning the hallway, Anakin and I were feeling alongside the wall until we shared a look and cut through it to make a circle. "Everybody in." He said as Echo and Fives pushed through the wall, having it to open to the outside of the prison. "This is one of the original fortress tunnels. Fives said as we all crawled out. "The advantage of old archive data." Echo agreed. Once everyone had made it out of the prison, Ahsoka had scanned the tunnel. "The tunnel's cleared." She reported. "Looks like Obi Wan's distraction worked, things seemed to be going as planned." Anakin said. "It's when things do not go as planned that concerns me, what then?" Tarkin asks. "It's when things don't go as planned that we Jedi are at our best." I replied, trying not to snap. "Trust us." Anakin continued. "I reserve my trust for those who take action, General Skywalker and General Casteele." Tarkin replied in a cold tone.

"Then let me remind you. We rescued you back there, and I reserve my trust for those who understand gratitude, Captain Tarkin." Anakin replied in the same tone as we turned our backs on him. I then motioned for Fives and Echo to close our opening to prevent our enemy from tracking us outside of the prison.

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