Maybe This Time

By TCforever22

176 17 9

Seven years had passed... Same names... Same faces... But do they still feel the same way about each other? More

Maybe This Time
Chapter 1: Reminisce
Chapter 3: The Audition
Chapter 4: Dinner
Chapter 5: The Truth of the Past
Chapter 6: Voiceless

Chapter 2: Start of Something New

23 2 1
By TCforever22


As soon as the siren went off, we walked together to Room E4 with my friends. I introduced her to them as well before the siren went off and I'd say that Chantel became best friends with Sam and Bonnie immediately.

"Do you like it here in your new school?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. It's just my first day here so I can't really say anything for myself." She said then we both entered the room.

"Sit with me." I said and so she did.

"What about you? Do you like it here in your school?" She asked.

"Well, I'd say it's alright." I answered. "I'm planning to finish Year 12 then go out there and fulfill my dream of becoming a famous singer."

"Wow... You have to let me hear you sing some other time." She said and we both laughed.

"And I thought you're not interested?" Marc chimed in from behind and I glared at him as if to say 'shut up' towards him mentally.

"What are you going to do after you finish year 12?" I asked Chantel.

"I'll go to uni and take Dentistry. It's what I've been dreaming of since I was in year eight then maybe I could get a year of working experience then use the money that I earned to do a masters degree." She replied. I'm amazed, this girl has also got a goal for herself... Not only just a goal but a realistic one. Unlike mine. I don't even think that I could break into the music industry.

"Wow, you must be hell smart."

"Not really. I just have the determination to do it. You know Trent, you shouldn't be just generally smart but you must have the determination too."

I smiled, amazed by how this girl speaks and thinks of life. She has a point though. If you have the brains but don't have the determination, then you're screwed for life.


"Wait, so you and this girl named Chantel went to the same school and became classmates?" Jayden said.

"Well, we sort of became more than classmates. We became very good friends." I answered while smiling softly.


Recess time came and I sat with my friends as usual in the cafeteria.

"Are you fuckin' blind?!" I heard Olivia, the bitchiest girl in the school yelled. I shot my head up and sighed, she's harassing a person again and to think that it's just the first day.

"I... I'm sorry." I heard a familiar voice. I realised that it was Chantel. Anger rushed through me and so I walked up to them.

"Oh I'll make sure you will be!" Olivia said and then she poured her energy drink over her.

"Hey Olivia, back off!" I said as I pushed her slightly.

"And as always... The prince comes to save her damsel in distress." She said sarcastically.

"What is wrong with you?! It's the first day of our school and now, you're bullying someone again!" I yelled at her.

"Look, I will do whatever I want and no one is allowed to stop me." She said with a sharp look in her eyes. "NOT EVEN YOU, MR. TRENT BELL."

"Really? Well, I'm scared." I said sarcastically. "Oh Mummy, help me! Olivia is bullying Chantel and I!!!" And everyone in the cafeteria laughed. I smirked, "Bring it on, bitch." I hissed and she frowned.

"I am not done with both of you yet!" She said and then walked off. I looked back at Chantel, "Are you alright?" I asked her and she didn't say a word and just hugged me while crying.

"It's alright... You're safe now." I said while rubbing her back. I admit, from the moment that our skins had contact with each other, I felt an amazing feeling in me. I don't know what it is but I'm willing to find out.

I cupped her face and wiped her tears away with my handkerchief. "Hush now... It's alright. I'm here, you're safe now." I said and she finally calmed down a little bit.

"Thank you Trent." Chantel said.

"It's not a big deal. Listen, I will always be here for you no matter what. I will always be right there behind you, watching you, protecting you even if it costs my life." I said and she stared at me with her beautiful brown eyes. "Always remember that, okay?"

She nodded and I hugged her tight. I looked at my friends and they were giving me cheeky smiles and thumbs up. Sigh... these malicious people.


"Aww... That's cute man." Will said.

"I agree." Jayden said.

"So... Did you ask her out right away after that day?" Julian asked me.

I chuckled, "No Jules. Not yet." I said.

"What?! Dude, you're a hell slow move maker!" He said.

Jayden laughed, "Jules, calm down. He's not even finished with his story yet." He said.

"I know but I swear, he's being slow in making a move towards her!" Julian said.

"Anyway, going back to the story... What happened to you and Chantel after the incident?" Will asked me.

I started smiling again and looked at the bright lights of the city, twinkling from afar.


We went to the uniform shop to borrow some uniform for her and thankfully, they did lend her. When she was done changing, we went back to the cafeteria.

"Thank you for rescuing me back there." Chantel said.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"No. Not at all. Thanks for the concern, though." She replied.

"Olivia really should be expelled for her bullying." I said. "It's really annoying and infuriating." Then I looked at her. "Are you sure you're not hurt?"

She chuckled, "Yes Trent. I'm sure of it." She said.

"By the way, you wanna hang out after school?" I asked her, hoping she'll say 'yes'.

"But I've got homework to do."

"That's not a problem. I mean, we can do both of our homework together."

And then she looked at me, startled. Crap. Now, she must be thinking that I'm too straightforward. "Uh... I mean, together... with our other friends." I added with a nervous tone in my voice.

She laughed, "Okay." She said.


"Oh c'mon guys!" I said in frustration.

"Sorry Trent. I have an AFL practice." Jake said.

"Parents. They won't allow Billy and I to go somewhere else after school during the first month of the school year." Bonnie said.

"Chores." Sam said.

"Marc?" I asked him.

"I have to look after my little sister." He said.

I asked them if they could go with Chantel and I for some group studying but obviously, they are not coming with us.

"You guys are such a bummer!" I said.

"That's alright Trent. We can both study just the two of us." She said while smiling and the others just smiled cheekily at both of us.

"Are you sure?" I asked her and she nodded.

"This is your chance now." Billy whispered to me. I ignored him and well, yeah. So after school, I walked home with Chantel. I don't know why but my heart was beating so fast at that moment and the time seemed to slow down on its own.


"Awww... T-bell's in love!" Jayden cooed.

"You really like making side comments, don't you?" I said to him.

"So let me make this clear for myself and to them, you had a little crush towards Chantel?" Julian asked me.

I laughed and nodded, "However I didn't know that I was having a crush towards her at that time. I mean, I never paid really attention to girls and they never take a glance over me so what's the point of chasing one of them?" I said then closed my eyes.


"Are you alright?" Chantel asked me. I shot my head up, "I don't understand this part of physics." I said and she shifted her body closer to me as she read the problem.

I looked at her and to be honest, she looked so beautiful up close.

God... I should stop rambling!

"Here..." She said then she started scribbling down the formula until she ended up doing it for me while explaining it to me.

"Do you get it now?" She asked after a couple of minutes of explaining to me the physics problem. I smiled and nodded as I studied her step by step work.

By 3.30, we both finished our homework. "Finally, we're done!" She said cheerfully while stretching her arms.

"Want some snacks? I'll make us some." I said.

"Sure do." She replied and I went to the kitchen to make us some sandwiches. When I was done, I went back to the living room and found her staring at my picture with my family.

I stood beside her and she immediately put the picture frame down back on top of the shelf.

"Sorry... I... I was just looking through..." She stammered.

I smiled, "It's okay." I said.

"Where are your parents?" She asked me.

"They're probably still at work." I replied. "And Jono - that's my brother - is over at his friend's today. He will be here in a while."

We started eating our sandwiches and then we went to the lounge room where I usually do all of my music stuff.

"You play guitar too?" She asked with an excited tone in her voice. I blushed a little bit and scratched the back of my head, "Well, yeah. Kind of." I said.

Just then, Chantel picked up my guitar from its rack and handed it over to me. "Sing for me, please?" She said.

"Maybe some other time." I said.

"Please Trent? Just a verse." She pleaded while doing her puppy eyes.

I laughed and got the guitar from her. We both sat on the couch and I started strumming some chords from a song.

'Wherever you are

Whatever you do

I will be right here waiting for you

No matter how long it takes

Or how my heart breaks

I will be right here waiting for you~~'

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