June Conlon (Newsies) pt3 Fin...

By newsies_fan123

6.1K 236 628

3 A/N chapters So what's happened so far? Well, June's met Manhattan and Brooklyn newsies. She's met their e... More

Chapter 1: It's Begun
Chapter 2: Birthday
Chapter 3: Best Day To Worst Day
Chapter 4: Attic
Chapter 5: The Leaders Of New York
Chapter 6: Miss Crawford's Secret
Chapter 7: What Comes Next?
Chapter 8:Baby Sitter
Chapter 9: Staten Island
Chapter 10: You're Never Fully Dress Without A Smile
Chapter 11: The Mission
Leaders and Newsies
Chapter 12: Come With Me
Chapter 13: Red Cardigan
Chapter 14: Tied Up
Chapter 15: Reunions And Taken Away
Chapter 16: The Paper
Chapter 17: The Childhood Of The Orphans
Chapter 18: Conlon in Harlem
Chapter 19: Lost Brooklyn Key
Chapter 20: Cupcake
Harlem Newsies
Chapter 21: Dreams Or Nightmares?
Chapter 22: Lost Weapons
Chapter 23: Anything
Chapter 24: Gifts
Chapter 26: Stress and Love
Chapter 27: One Friend
Chapter 28: The Waltz Of Heart and Tears
Chapter 29: The Notebook In Harlem
Chapter 30: A BET!?
Chapter 31: Brusies
Chapter 32: 15 Books
Chapter 33: It's A Kitten Actually.
Chapter 34: Turf War
Chapter 35: Betrayer
Chapter 36: Final Fight
Chapter 37: The 6th Month Apologies
Chapter 38: The Last Message (Final)
Behind the Scenes!!!!

Chapter 25: A Little Day Out

124 5 13
By newsies_fan123

(I'm really tired so there might be mistakes. I'm sorry)

5:00 AM


Through the curtains of June's room  the light blue sky shined through. It was still early morning but you could hear baby birds call for thier mothers on the roofs. Sometimes  June would be half awake these times and it as always her favourite feeling.

She would be relaxed in her bed, half asleep, then she would slightly listen to the birds as she knew she had to get up later on in that day.

"Ptts June. Wake up" June was slightly pushed and opened her eyes to Zack. She rubbed her eyes to the boy "Zack..it's. .it's 5 in the morning"

"I know" He spoke looking at her clock. "But you don't want to get caught"

"Well I don't want to leave bed"

"Come on" He smirked and tickled her a bit "We're going out if you like it or not. You deserve a little freedom and also we are going to a library"

"I guess so" June rolled her eyes sarcasticly

"Good. Now wear one of your new outfits. I'm taking you out but Venom would kill me if you got recognised"

With a sleepy nod from June Zack exited the room. There was some candles lit, probably from Zack, so she wouldn't let anyone know she was awake with her bedroom light on.

She slowly went her way to the wardrobe and decided what to wear. At the start of her visit she had nothing apart from her own set of clothes.. Now she had the full thing fulled of dresses, hats, boots, cardigans. Her old owns in a small cupboard.

She decided to wear the boots she was first given, she carefully took them out so she was ready to put them on later.  

Looking through her outfits she couldn't decide what to wear. There was the blue dress with purple ribbons, a pinky purple dress that was puffy, a beautiful red dress but for going out, there was also a yellow dress with beautiful flowers sewed on.

But realising she had a limited time she picked a random outfit. It was a green dress with a white shirt. Looking at it for a while she was happy she chose this. It was a good size to walk in and green was one for her favourite colours, apart from red.

"Also" she muttered and then took a hat down. It wss a brown hat and June thought the outfit would go nicely, even for the shoes didn't match it. Though the dress wasn't something she normal wore it might be good for a bit of change. 



Zack opened and closed the door quickly. His eyes were shut the full time "I had to get here quick. Don't worry I'm not looking"

"I'm done anyway" June looked at him. She could tell he fixed his hair and that he put cologne by the hint for smell. Must've stolen it from Venom.

"So you're ready I guess" June nodded to him as she fixed her hat. Zack had then gone to the window and put a key in. The window then opened onto some metal stairs. "You'll be ok"

June walked to him and looked back at the door nervously. "Don't worry they're asleep"

"But what about after?"

"You won't get in trouble I promise" He took her hand and slowly led her outside to the cool air. June's heart pumped from the nerves.
"I thought of this plan remember,  anyway it's just a bit of fun"

"Right then"

After a couple of streets June felt better. She started to enjoy being rebellious. Zack had gotten them apples for breakfast but reassured her he'll get her something else.

"I love apples though. Don't feel the need to get me anything" June smiled as they walked around Manhattan.
(Harlem is in Manhattan if you don't know)

"But how about a little treat?" He pressed his fingers together "Seeing we're out here" Still being quite early they walked down to the market. There was a bakers stall getting ready for the day, setting up some croissants would be one of them.

"You ever had one?" Zack asked as they looked from afar. June shook her head. "They always cost to much for all of us to get"

"In the newsies Harlem life money isn't a problem" Zack smirked walking forward "Now ask the guy directions to central park"


"Just do it"

June nervously and slowly walked over to the stand. Her heart freaking out wondering what Zack would do. She tapped the grown man's shoulder and he turned "Yes? Can I help ya?"

June's knees shook "Em..eh..where's central park?  I'm kinda lost"

"Seeing it's early morning and a young girl like you is up I can tell ya lost" The man turned around and pointed ahead "Down the street, turn on the second left..."

The man's vocie faded away though as June's eyes widened to Zack. Behind the man Zack snatched to croissants quickly. He snuck so well June was questioning if he actually stole them.

"Does that help ya?"

June looked at the baker man. She nodded politely and headed her way off. The turned her head and saw him fix his stall again. A pit of guilt filled her up.

"Man, that was fun" Zack laughed going next to her "Croissant?" He spoke in a French accent.

"Zack..you stole from him" June turned her head to the boy "That's wrong"

"What you gonna do? Take it back" Zack smirked with a cheeky grin. He held her hand and placed the food down "Now you have to eat it"


"Ooh it tastes so good"

Taking a small bite she understood what Zack was talking about. Oh how the taste danced in her mouth. She took another bite.

"Ya glad I got it now, eh?"


"Now come on" He laughed and pulled her hand. June held onto her hat as Zack and her ran down the streets.


"Well we're here"

The massive Manhattan library was just in front of June. Oh how beautiful it was to see it. The statutes and white wall made it look magical. She always wanted to come here but it was to far away and they wouldn't just let an orphan go inside.

But now she didn't look like an orphan.

"As they say, ladies first" Zack smirked as they went inside the building. June smiled as they went inside as her excitement couldn't be held.

Amazing was the word.

June probably looked like an idiot just standing in the middle of the place but it was absolutely amazing. The ceiling was painted with beautiful drawings of clouds, the desks were people worked were oak wood, and there were thousands of books everywhere. Every kind you could think of: history, romantic, geography, fantasy. Well it was a library after all.

"You happy now?" Zack wisbeard.

June nodded and started to walk around. She didn't know we're to start so she just went to her left and followed the rows of books. She was looking at the books and they were mainly based on history, which she did like, but it all had boring words and boring themes.

So as she moved on to a different row she saw a book that caught her eye. It was dark blue with golden stars and June had to take a look. She read the title and it said "A Million Dreams"

(Kid you not I wrote a fanfic with a book in it called A million dreams...before the greatest showman was out)

She read the back cover and she found it all very interesting. It was about this family who owned a farm and how they all dreamed of something different. How this would effect others and if they truly wanted their dreams to be true.

"Three part series-"

"Hey June-"

"Ah!" June covered her mouth straight away realising she was still in the library. This only made Zack laugh "Sorry to scare you. I just found my book"

June looked down and saw he had Romeo and Juliet. She smiled "Never knew you were such a romantic"

"This book is a pecie of art" He pointed to the book and made June laugh slightly. She looked at her book and smiled "You think we could take it out?"

"Well" Zack held up a pecie of paper "I can take it out for you"



Without thinking June hugged him. She couldn't believe she was here and it was all his idea. He hugged back after a second of surprisement and they let go.

"Now let's get some books"

If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."

June read out Romeo and Juliet to Zack as they sat under a tree in central park. Before hand they got Ice cream, it was June's first time having it and it was amazing, and they ran around messing around. June had to hold onto her hat a lot of the time.

June sat against the tree as Zack was lying down and had his head on her lap. His eyes closed as he listened to her vocie say the words. 

Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.

Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?

Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.

O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.

Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.

Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
(Kisses her)
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.

Then have my lips the sin that they have took.

Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.

You kiss by the book.

They kiss again"

(Ok I probably got the scene wrong but we gonna roll with it)

June looked down at Zack as she finshed. He smiled "The kiss scene was always my favourite " 

"Honestly you remind me of Romeo...Manhattan Romeo"

"He's annoying"

June slightly hit him with the book "He's a sweetheart"

"What ever you say" He laughed as he sat up. His hair was messy and June couldn't help but laugh at it. She then went to ruffle his hair but retreated as she remembered his werid behaviour from before.

"What was that?" He chuckled.

"You..you don't like it when I ruffle your hair" June regretted saying that as he grew silent like before. June felt bad and decided to read out again but Zack spoke "It's not that I don't like it it's just...someone I liked used to do that"

"Wanna talk about it?"

Silence grew again


We ended up on a bridge in central park. I held the too books as we stood there looking over the water. Zack took his time to think.

"Her name was Christine"

June felt like she had to say something "Was she special to you?"

"Meant everything to me" Zack spoke but still looked at the water "She was amazing. Beautiful golden hair and blue sparkly eyes. I took her to the docks and we used to look at the veiw, I think she took me to my first show or something.  We..we used to go under the tree and read books a lot. That was probably our favourite thing"

He chuckled  "She used to always ruffle my hair..said it was always a mess"

"She sounds nice"

Zack had a sad smile "2 years we were together. People say it wasn't much but it was to me. To us. One day..one day she came up to me and ruffled my hair, like she always did, she said she had to go. Her family was moving to Boston. She hated them we both knew it"

"Why didn't she stay with you?"

"She didn't want to" He bitterly spoke "Well thats what she told me. She told me that we had to cut things off. Everything we went through! She just decided to cut it all off-"

"Maybe her parents made her-"

"Maybe they did maybe they didn't. I don't know. But I told her I could do anything for her. Venom and the guys would protect her for Christ sake but no. She still went"

June reached for his hand as she could see the hurt emotion filling his face. His face still faced the other way "I can tell you care for her and I'm very sure she still cares for you as well. Now how about we head back, huh? Venom will probably be waiting"

Zack nodded. June was about to let go of his hand when he grabbed back. "It's ok" She reassured him.


The walk back was calm and sweet. They didn't speak but every now and again they would make eye contact and June would smile after.

After looking away from him again something caught her eye. They were walking past a dress shop and there was a dress in the window. It was golden. It sparkled and had a warm feeling to it. June walked on but her eyes never left it.

She looked at Zack who looked at the same direction of her and she blushed. She loved all the gifts she was given but she felt very guilty getting them all the time.

"Zack you don't need-"

Zack then pushed June into an alley. June was very confused and was going to say something before her mouth was covered.

"You need to be quiet, ok?"

June nodded and Zack let her go, though he was still very close. They looked at the entry was and June saw three familiar figures.

"Romeo don't drop them" Albert called on the young boy. Romeo grumbled "Tell Finch the same thing. He nearly dropped it into a puddle"

"Hey, Romeo-"

Zack covered June's vocie. She forgot she couldn't talk to them.

"Did you hear something?"

"No. Now come on" Albert became angry "We need as much blankets and food as possible. Henry is asking Jacob if he can lend us bread. All the newsies are coming soon and we need to be ready"

"Now that's interesting" Zack spoke out loud.

The minute the boys left Zack let go of June. There was a slight awkward silence as Zack stepped away from her. He only said "We..We better get going"

When they arrived closer to the Harlem Lodging House it became dark. June didn't even notcie,until she thought about her bed, how tired she actually was. She yawned as they went up the metal stairs.

"Venom is going to kill us" She wisbeard. She was very scared as they stood just outside the window. Zack smiled "You won't get hurt. I promise" 

Butterflies filled June as Zack stepped forward first. He helped her into the room and they both laughed a bit. They were very dead.

Soon the light was turned on. They both looked towards the door and there stood Venom. Crossed arms and angry eyes stared at the teens. This made June scared.

"Where were you?" He asked coldly. 

"Out" Zack casual spoke. How was he so calm?

"Where" Venom repeated

"The library"


"To buy a horse" Zack sarcasticly spoke which made June laugh a bit. She felt the cold eyes focus on her now and the books she was holding, now closer to her chest.

There was more silence.


"Hey, she had no part of this" Zack stepped forward "I planned it all"

"I followed"

Venom then walked forward and went to June. She looked down with her books still with her. Venom put his hand out indicating she should hand them over. Which she did. Venom looked at them but then through them across the room.


June was to scared to answer.

"ANSWER!" Venom pulled her ear harshly and June held his hand trying to stop him. "I'm sorry. I really am! Ouch. Please stop"

Zack tried to help but Venom stopped him. Venom let go of June and she held her ear with both hands. It was painful.

"Zack my office" Zack mouthed he was sorry before leaving the room. Venom turned to June and then went to the window.

"You won't be leaving here any time soon" He locked the window.

"Y-yes Venom"


"So it all went to plan?"

"All very much" Zack played with a peice of string as they talked more. Venom laughed leaning back on his chair "You think she's falling?"

"She hugged me and held my hand" Zack smirked "Though next time I'm not waking up at 5 am"

"Alright" Venom laughed "Also thank you for telling me about the Manhattan information. That was very useful"

"Anything for Harlem sir" Zack got up to leave the office. He turned his back but Venom spoke "And Zack"

Zack listened

"Christine would be very proud of you"


I might not be on here for a while. I'm so sorry. I need to write some things and I need to go places.

Thanks for reading

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