Falling for FWB (friends with...

By dreams_on_paper

136 0 0

We all know what loneliness feels like. It's a drowning feeling. It's not fun. That's why we all try to find... More



23 0 0
By dreams_on_paper


I nearly choked on the air around us. My eyes went wide and my mouth went dry.
"W-what?" I asked, sounding panicked. Luke, chuckling, shook his head.
"Shit, that didn't come out right at all." he let go of my arm and ran his fingers through his hair. "Okay, so I'll admit. After English, I may have asked around about you. A few of the guys, your brother included, said that you don't do relationships. That you only do friends with benefits or one night stands." he sighed, looking back at me. "And I get that, 'cuz like, this is high school. Who's gonna find true love in high school? So I get the whole friends with benefits angle."
A smile began to spread across my face. He looked so cute all flustered and rambling on. Leaning over, I grabbed his jaw, tilting his head towards me and lightly kissed his lips.
A/N: well um... I'm just gonna remind readers, we met him TODAY! So have fun with that information. Man, my main character is wild.
He stopped talking, shocked by my actions. I smiled into the kiss, pulling away.
"I had fun tonight, Luke. Thank you." I turn stepping out of the car and make my way up the driveway. I hear the car door open and feel as a hand grabs my wrist turning me around.
"That wasn't very nice." Luke smirks, pulling me closer. He leans down kissing me hard. I was somewhat shocked at first by his sudden action. Snapping into reality, I kissed him back grabbing onto his shirt. He pulled back smiling and turned, heading back to the car. I stood there watching as he drove away with a dumb smile on my face.
Opening the front door, I found my brother, Calico, standing with his arms folded across his chest.
"Hey big brother." I smile, hoping to god he didn't see me and Luke.
"So how was the 'book project'? Did you guys have fun?" his voice was mocking as he questioned me, making air quotes with his fingers as he spoke. I rolled my eyes as I took off my jacket.
"Yeah, it was fun." I walked around him and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Taking a sip, I turned to find Calico eyeing me skeptically.
"Who is he, Coco?" his tone was accusing as he pushed. I couldn't blame him though. It was a big brother's job to be worried.
"A friend that I made today. He's new, give him a break Cal." Me and my brother rarely used each others real name. He called me Coco and I called him Cal. If he used my real name, I knew he was mad or something was wrong.
"I heard what happened with Jake. Are you okay?" he sounded more sympathetic in bringing up Jake. I nodded giving him a smile. He could see right through me and out stretched his arms. I walked to him, tears threatening my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Why are most guys such dicks?" I asked, my question muffled in his shoulder.
"I don't know, Coco. I'm sorry that he hurt you." he said, kissing my head. I shook my head, my hair falling into my face as I let out a laugh.
"He didn't hurt me. I just, I don't know. I thought that maybe I had a chance." I sighed, pulling back. "But seeing the way he held onto Amanda today, I know I have zero chance with him." I gave a sad smile, wiping away a tear.
Cal and I sat at the table while he ate. I watched the Tv quietly until Cal spoke up.
"So who is he?" he pestered me again. I was lost in the show, not sure what he was talking about.
"Who?" I asked, stealing a chip from his plate.
"Hey, hands off." he hissed grabbing his plate protectively. "And don't 'who' me. The guy who asked me for your number. Who is he?" I turned to Cal, smiling. Taking the hint, he sat up and set the plate between the two of us. "Now spill."
I giggled, grabbing a few chips before starting.
"His name is Luke. But given the fact that you gave him my number, I'm assuming you already know his name." Cal nodded, shoving his mouth full of chips as I continued. "He's new. I met him in my fifth period English. I kicked him out of my seat and then we shared my book." I paused, thinking about Luke teasing me while we shared the book. My cheeks heated slightly and I cleared my throat. "After you gave him my number he called and said he wanted to take me to the coffee shop his dad owns. Oh, yeah. It's so fucking cute. It's like such a peaceful place. Oh and I also got some pictures of this really cute middle aged couple there who were reenacting their first date from thirty years ago." I smile thinking about them.
Cal interrupts me, asking to see the pictures. I nod, hopping off the stool and running to my bag. Coming back I show him the pictures and he fawns over them like an art critic.
"Anyway, back to my story. This place is so fucking cute. It's so aesthetically pleasing. Like it's amazing. And then he brought me home." I finished, throwing another chip in my mouth when Cal spoke.
"And then you two kissed, twice." my eyes went wide and my mouth fell open, the chip falling out.
"How did you-"
"I saw Coco." he chuckled, shaking his head. "Anyway. He sounds pretty cool. What's your plan?" he stood, taking the now empty plate over to the sink and rinsing it off.
"What do you mean, what's my plan?" I asked, climbing off the bar stool and hopping onto the counter.
"Where do you see this going?" I stood for a moment, thinking before I responded.
"Cal... you know me. I don't do relationships. Plus, I just met the guy."
A/N: oh, would you look at that? We remembered THE MOST IMPORTANT DETAIL. Would you date a guy you've known for less than a day? Comment your answers and thoughts.
"But you've already kissed him, twice." he smiled, holding up his fingers to mock me. I punched him on the arm, pouting.
"So, I can kiss whoever I want whenever I want." I hissed, biting at my nails. "And anyway, it's not like they meant anything." He raised an eyebrow, looking at me.
"If you say so." he walked to the cabinet, putting the plate away. Me and my brother were basically the only people who lived in the house. Sure it was under my dad's name, but he was never home. He had a penthouse in Paris where he stayed for the majority of the year. We saw him on holidays and he stopped by for our birthday but other than that, he was basically non-existent in our lives.
"Let's just drop it okay?" I asked, turning to leave the room.
"Coco, wait." Cal called out as I made my way to the stairs. "What are you doing tomorrow?" he looked at me pleading with his eyes.
"Probably nothing. I might go to the pool. Why?" he smiled, grabbing my hand.
"I thought that maybe we could go to an amusement park or something since it's our birthday." he jumped up and down like a little kid. I internally face planted. I forgot tomorrow was our birthday. Calico and I were what you'd call Irish twins. We had the same birthday only he's a year older than me. It's kind of rare but you know.
"Okay, sure." I say, agree to go with him and a few friends.
A/N: okay I'm stuck. Idk what to do from here. I need a break.
A/N: m'kay, i'm back. Let's see where this goes.

Walking into my room, I set my bag beside my bed. I take off my shirt, throw it to the floor and walk into my closet. rummaging through, I picked out a tank top and a pair of shorts and turned to walk back to my room when my phone vibrated. Looking at the screen I gag and flip it over.
I crawl into bed and grab my book. Laying under the covers I open to where I'd left off. My phone vibrated again and again. Finally getting frustrated with the noise, I kick off the covers and pick up the phone.
"What!" I bite into the phone, sounding as irritated as I felt. I hadn't checked the caller ID before picking up, too frustrated to bother looking. I nearly choked when the person on the other end spoke.
"Coco? Please tell me you're okay." Jake's voice cut through my peaceful world and shattered my calm heart.
"Jake?" my voice nearly broke as I said his name. If I'm being honest what me and Jake had was more than a one night stand. He got to me. The way he held me after was different. It was like he wanted to stay. Like he wanted to hold me. And I'd be lying if I said my heart hadn't fallen for it a little.
But he had Amanda. And let's be honest, there was no way in hell I could compete with her. From her cute, short legs to her long, blonde hair and round chest, I was a rock sitting next to a diamond.
I had long, lean legs and extremely dirty blonde hair that came just past my shoulders. My chest wasn't anything to be looked at. I was a sad B cup and hid it with my hoodies.
Hearing a throat clear, I remembered Jake was on the phone.
"Aish, sorry." I sniffled, realizing that I had started crying a little. Cursing myself silently, I give my attention back to Jake, turning off any and all emotions.
"I'm fine, Jake. Why did you call?" I sounded bitter, hell I was bitter. I hated emotions, especially the ones I had no control over. And every time he came around, the little to some control I had over them went out the window.
"I...I had to make sure you were okay. I... I just needed to hear your vo-"
"No. You can't say that, Jake. You can't say what you said this morning to Amanda, and then call me and say... say this." I can feel my chest getting tighter as I continue. "You just can't. You can't hold me like you did and then run back to her. You can't have us both. And honestly, if I'm not your first choice, I don't want to be a choice at all. You can't do this to me, Jake. You can't do this to her. Not after what you told me." my hands are shaking and the tears are running down my face. "It's her. It's always going to be her. I'm just a toy, a distraction for when life with her gets hard. And I can't do that."
I wipe my face, clearing away the tears. I didn't have the heart to hurt him. I was still that weak girl who cared too much for the people around her. I still hurt myself for the people around me. I'd rather be the one hurt than watch the people around me suffer. No matter how cold of a face I put on, I can't truly hurt anyone.
"But Co-"
"Goodbye, Jake."
I hung up, letting the broken cry pass my lips. A small knock on my door let me know that Cal was on the other side. The knob turned and Cal walked in holding a gallon of ice cream and a movie.
The happy smile quickly dropped from his face as he saw my broken state. My eyes were red and my cheeks tear stained. I hiccuped as he made his way over and outstretched my arms like a child, grasping for him.
Without question he wrapped his arms around my small body, pulling me close to his chest. I cried, letting everything out in that moment. I held onto Cal's shirt, thanking god for putting him in my life. He was the only person in this world who understood me. He understood my moods and my weirdness. I was just thankful for him as a brother. He was the only man in my life who acted like a man and could be relied on.
"C-cal. I d-don't wanna f-feel like this a-anymore. I just w-want it to s-stop." I hiccuped, struggling to complete my sentence. Cal shushed me, his presence calming me slightly.

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