Unexpected Love (Nia and Tess...

By StoryInsideMyMind

35.3K 642 625

Nia is crushing on that Miles guy. But does she knows that her best friend, Tess, is in love with her. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

3.4K 66 44
By StoryInsideMyMind

Nia was in her room, getting ready for school. She was putting her shirt on when Tess entered the room without knocking, as usual. Startled, she stood in front of the door frozen. It was only when she heard Nia's voice greeting her that she snapped back to reality. Suddenly feeling a little warmer than usual with pinker cheeks, Tess made her way to Nia's bed, as she always did. She really liked it there; it had Nia's smell, something she couldn't get enough of.

Finally on their way to school, nothing much happened after that morning scene. Nia finished getting ready, and they both had breakfast. They joined Booker and Levi at their lockers and started talking. Zeena appeared out of nowhere and told Nia how cute Miles was before continuing on to her next class. Those words were enough to put Tess in a bad mood, and she left her friends without saying a word. Nia continued talking to Tess, unaware that she had left. It was only when she turned around and realized she had been talking to herself that she sighed and went to class, her voice dripping with irony.


School finally ended, and Booker and Levi were trying to convince Raven to adopt a puppy. Nia laughed a little at the scene before going to her room, where she was soon joined by Tess. They started to speak about the day, but when Nia received a message from Miles, she began talking only about him, completely oblivious to Tess's departure to play basketball. Nia finally noticed Tess's absence and muttered the same sarcastic remark.

"Great!" she exclaimed before asking her mom if she had seen Tess. 

"Mom, did you see Tess? It's the second time today that she leaves without saying anything. I ended up speaking alone like a crazy girl" 

 "Well that's not new" mumbled Raven 


 "What" repeated Raven 


 "Ok sweetheart.. I think she's playing basketball, on the roof" 

 "Thank you mom"

Nia found Tess playing basketball on the roof.

"What's up with you? It's the second time you've left without saying anything. I ended up speaking alone..." Nia began, but Tess interrupted, echoing the same sentiment.

"Well that's not new" mumbled Tess 

"What?" repeated Nia, confused.

"Um... Wanna play?" Tess asked, attempting to change the subject.

Nia sighed, realizing the similarities between this situation and her earlier encounter with her mom, but she accepted the invitation anyway. Despite her efforts, Nia struggled to keep the ball in her hand. Thankfully, Tess offered to help with some shooting practice.

"Here, take the ball," said Tess, positioning herself behind Nia and guiding her body and hands.

Nia blushed, feeling surprisingly comfortable in Tess's arms. After some practice shots, Tess led Nia's hands for a successful shot.

Ecstatic to have scored a point, Nia turned to give Tess a hug. Both girls found themselves enjoying the embrace more than they had expected. As they slowly faced each other, the space between them narrowed, but they quickly separated when Chelsea made her way to the rooftop.The atmosphere became tense, and Tess hurriedly left the rooftop, leaving Nia and Chelsea alone. Nia struggled to find words, unsure of what had just transpired. Awkwardly, she smiled at Chelsea before following Tess off the rooftop.

"Oops, I think I came at the wrong time," Chelsea remarked, finding herself alone on the rooftop.

New chapter. A little longer that the first one.
Did you like it?
Again, if you want things or if you have any ideas don't be shy, tell me.
Sorry for any mistakes

Take care of yourself ❤️

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