I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

By LRDiazz

166K 2.3K 468

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... More

Not So Happy Campers
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Up the Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat
Who Can You Trust
Basic Straining
X-Treme Tourture
Brunch of Disgustingness
No Pain, No Game
Search and Do Not Destroy
Haute Camp Ture
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two
Some Alone Time (+18)
Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

Phobia Factor

7.1K 124 13
By LRDiazz

You're all sitting at the campfire while Saddie is still crying at the docks. Bridgette gets up from sitting next to you. "I'm gonna go get her. She has to move on." She walks over to the docks and a few minutes later she comes back with Saddie, who seems to be holding a piece of board from the docks, still crying. Bridgette sits back down. "It was a long goodbye." Suddenly the Screaming Gophers all show up at your campfire. "What do you guys want?" Courtney asks. "Come by to rub it in?"

Trent tells her that they have some leftover food from their party and thought you'd might want some. "So what? You're just being....nice?" Courtney asks. "Okay" Gwen replies, "Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out." Just then Owen farts again. "Oh, dude" Trent says, disgusted. Beth walks over and offers Courtney a gummy worm covered in green jello. "No!!! I mean, no thanks. I'm good" Courtney says. "What, are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asks. "No!" Courtney fires back. "I just don't like green jelly, ok?"

Beth then walks over to DJ and offers him the treat. He screams that there's a snake in the jelly and swats it off the plate that it was on with both hands. It splatters all over the ground. Trent picks it up yelling FJ that it's just a gummy worm. "Sorry for trippin" DJ says to everybody. "Snakes just freak me out." Tyler tells him that he relates to DJ and that chickens give him the creeps. "You're afraid of chickens?" Gwen asks. Duncan chuckles telling him that's really lame.

"So suddenly, everyone's having this big share fest by the fire."

"Like, Beth went on and on about how her mortal fear is to be covered by bugs."

"Harold's afraid of ninjas,"

"Even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers!"

Soon Gwen shared her fear of being buried alive. Lindsay then says that her dear is walking through a minefield in heels. Owen and Izzy both say that their fear is flying in a plane. Geoff shares his fear of hail, Bridgette's is being alone in the woods, and Sadie's is bad haircuts which Lindsay changes her fear to. Courtney states that she's not scared of anything and Duncan coughs while saying balogna. "Oh, really? Well, what exactly is your phobia, Mr Know It All?" Everyone looks at Duncan, waiting to hear his answer.

Duncan hangs his head low and quickly responds. "Celene Dion music store standees." Owen chuckles. "Ex-squeeze me? I didn't quite get that." Trent asks if he's afraid of Celene Dion music store standees which makes Duncan cover his face in embarrassment. "Oooh, I LOVE Celene Dion!" Lindsay remarks. "What's a standee?" Trent explains they're those cardboard cutouts that stand in the music store which makes Duncan upset. "So if we had a cardboard standee right now..."

Duncan tells Courtney to shut up before she could finish her question and asks what about the rest of you who haven't admitted your fears. "Okay, well I hate mimes. Like a lot." Trent stops talking and looks back at Courtney. "Alirght, Courtney, you're afraid of something. Spit it out." Courtney says that it's nothing which gets Duncan talking. "Heh, that's not what she said last night." Courtney asks Duncan if he ever considered that she was just humoring him and his stupid story. "Sure, sure, Princess, whatever floats your boat" Duncan replies. "Shut up!!" Courtney fires back. "Well, what about Y/N?! He hasn't told us his fear!" Everyone soon looks at you.

"Last time on Total Drama Island..."

"The campers had their survival skills pit to the test when they spent the entire night camping in the woods."

"Katie and Sadie's friendship was straved when Katie's sense of direction got them totally lost."

"Duncan's mad ghost storytelling skills freaked out the Killer Bass...hehe... "

"And uh...Izzy pulled a prank on the Gophers by dressing up as a bear. Unfortunately, a real bear showed up and the Gophers spent the night up in the trees."

"Which really sucks for them."

"And then it rained. Basically..."

"no one got any sleep last night. Ultimately, the Killer Bass were the ones who were on the chopping block."

"Leaving Katie without a marshmallow."

"Yup, the challenge was rough alright . And if I have anything to say about it, today's will be even more brutal. Luckily, I do. What fresh horror do we have for our campers? Find out next....on......"




The Next Day.....

You're all sitting in the Main Lodge when Chris walks in and whistles to get your attention. "Campers. You're next challenge ge is a little game a like ta call...Phobia Factor!! Prepare to face your worst fears!!" Leshawna picks up her stale peice of meat on a fork. "Worst than this?" she asks. "We're in trouble" Gwen replies. "Now, for our first victim...Heather! Meet us all in the theater! It's...SUMO TIME!" Heather spits out her drink in suprise all over Trent. "Gwen, you, me, the beach, a few tons of sand?" Gwen gasps in fear with a petrified look in her eyes.

"Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?" Lindsay asks. "Because we told them" Gwen tells her before laying her head down on the table. "At the campfire last night" Trent tells Lindsay, who's still confused. "Wait, they were listening to us?" Lindsay asks. "It's a reality show, Einstein. They're always listening to us" Gwen explains. "That's like, eavestrophing!" Lindsay exclaims, saying eavesdropping wrong. "Chef Hatchet!" Chris calls out. "Didn't you have a special order for Tyler, here today?" Chef nods yes with a grin as he's cooking something which smells familiar. He takes out a whole fired chicken and hands it to Tyler.

He hesitates, but Tyler grabs it and bites it's head off. Pretty soon, a chicken's head pops out as it's somehow still alive. It clucks, making Tyler scream. "Bridgette! Time to spend some quality time with Mother Nature!" Bridgette gulps in fear. "It's okay" you tell her while putting your hand on her shoulder. "I'll come with you." Chris quickly shuts that down. "No can do, Y/N! If I remember correctly, Bridgettesaid last night that she hated being alone in the woods." Bridgette starts shaking.

"Let's move, Bridgette! I'll even give you a ride on the buggy!" Bridgette looks at you with fear in her eyes. You two embrace. "It'll be okay. It'll be over sooner than you think." Bridgette gives you a smile and heads towards the buggy. Soon, Chris and Bridgette drive off. Everyone soon has to face their fears. The team with the most fears conquered, wins the challenge. Each challenge goes by as the fears just get more terrifying. Heather unintentionally faced a sumo wrestler,Beth got in a pool full of worms with no hesitation, Lindsay and Sadie had to put on bad wigs, Owen and Izzy were flown around in Chef's crappy plane, Harold faces off ninjas in the bathroom, and Leshawna had to face Chef dressed up as a spider.


"Bridgette began her six hours of solitude in the woods feeling pretty confident." Bridgette camly sits on a log looking around. "I'm not scared" she says to herself. "Six hours out here is nothing!" Just then, a squirrel peeks out of the log near and walks towards her. Bridgette screams and kicks it away in response. It goes so far that it lands in the ocean right next to the peice of sand where you all are watching Chris bury Gwen. "There's enough air in there for an hour. You only have to do five minutes" you tell her as Chris continues to shovel sand onto her. "

As long as we decide to dig you up" he says, shoveling. "Not funny, Chris" Gwen snaps at him. "Yeesh! Take a pill" he says smiling. You hand her a walkie talkie for you to listen out of the one in your hand. "I'll be listening the whole time" you reasure her. "Just yell for me if you panic and I'll dig you right up." Gwen smiles at you and then looks at the slot slowly close, trapping her completely. "Goodbye, cruel world." Chris soon shovels a piece of sand on part of the box that covers Gwen's vision. Soon others face their fears like DJ who eventually, with the help of Courtney, befriends a small snake.

Two minutes go by and you're still talking with Gwen. "You still alive in there? Only three minutes left." Gwen then asks if you'll dig her up and you reply promising that you will. "I need some kind of distraction. Tell me a story. Um...how did you get so good at singing?" You tell her about how your mom and grandmother were great singers and always saw greatness in you. So they gave you lessons with themselves and private teachers and even though you get nervous, whenever you sing, everyone seems to love your pipes. "Do you think...you could sing me something?" Gwen asks. "Sure. Lemme just think of something relaxing...."

You're amazed at how well Gwen was singing as well as harmonizing with you in that song. "I didn't know you could sing too!" Gwen blushes beneath the sand. "I...dabble...it's nothing groundbreaking, really." You tell her that you think she sounded great and she tells you the same. You look at the clock and see her time is up. You're so happy that you throw away the walkie-talkie and start digging. Gwen starts to panic as she calls your name but, you don't answer. She soon beams as she sees you tear away the sand and opens the box, freeing her. Gwen immediately gets out and tackles you on the sand, hugging you.

She looks into your eyes and you look back into hers as you both blush. "Umm....thanks for freeing me." You both get up. "No problem" you reply. Gwen quickly gives you a peck on the cheek and walks off. You rub your cheek with a full red face. Other challengers soon finish their challenges and it's soon Tyler's turn. Chris tells him that he just needs to spend three minutes in a pen with three chickens. "You can do it, Tyler!" Bridgette calls out. "Yeah, unless of course you're chicken" Duncan mocks while doing the chicken dance. "I'm not sure we're geting anywhere on this one" Chris says disappointingly. "Tyler, this is the last challenge" Courtney tells him. "Quit being such a girl! You have to do this or we're going to lose!"

Trent tells Courtney that the score is seven to three and that you can't possibly win. "Not necessarily" Chris tells him. "We've got two more challenges set up." Courtney asks who and states that it can't be her because she didn't...just then Chris interrupts her. "You didn't have to. We're always watching you and your reactions!" Chris then tells her that he'll give her team triple points she completes the challenge. "First up....Y/N!" You freeze up not sure how Chris is going to do your fear. "Alright, let's look back and see what your fear is..." Chris looks at the camera footage.

"Sure, sure, Princess, whatever floats your boat" Duncan replies. "Shut up!!" Courtney fires back. "Well, what about Y/N?! He hasn't told us his fear!" Everyone soon looks at you. You sigh. "I know this might sound clishe... but....losing the people I love. If they're in danger and something happened to them... I'm not sure I'd live with myself. One time, I saw my uncle get mauled by a bear at age twelve. I was terrified. Ever since I've been trying to keep everyone I know and love safe. But sometimes I freeze of just thinking about someone I care about being in danger." Everyone is moved bu what you said. "That's deep, man" Geoff replies. "Yeah...that's actually pretty sweet" Heather tells you.

"Well then, who should I choose...Chris looks at all the campers standing there. "Gwen! Come here, would ya?" You get more scared by the second. "Haven't been through enough?" Gwen asks with an irritated tone in her voice. "Oh Cheef!" Chef Hatchet comes out of nowhere on a buggy and snatches up Gwen. "Where is her taking her?!?" You yell angrily at Chris. "You'll see in a minute. In the meantime, oh, Courtney!" Chris takes the rest of the group to a tall tower looking over a pool of green jelly. Courtney slowly climbs up the tower as Chris soon tells you where Gwen is.

"Do you remember where Katie and Sadie told your team where they were?" You think back. "The cave in the woods!!" You quickly run off to save Gwen, not knowing whatever perel Chef put her through. You soon make it to where Chef is waiting with Gwen and a furry guest. Gwen is pinned to the wall of the cave with the bear in front of her. "You know what to do, boy! Better save your girlfriend!" Chef laughs as the bear leans in closer. This is crazy you think to yourself. But I'm not losing her. Never!!! You pick up your courage and pit down your fear. The bear looks at you as you sprint up to it and use your ninja training to leap forward, turn your body sideways, and kick it in the face(mainly nose and mouth) with both of your feet.

Gwen sees you stand in front of her. Your figure shines in the sunlight as if you were a knight in shining armor. She hugs you tightly as Chef nods at you with a smile. "You got guts, kid. You got guts." You all soon return to find out that Courtney didn't do the challenge which means your team wins. At your cabin you and Leshawna are talking. You don't know why but you hear Tyler's screams from the Boat of Losers. "Looks like chicken boy is out" Leshawna jokes. "Hey, do you think you could help me out with something?" you ask her.

"It's about Gwen, isn't it?" You nod your head and she shakes hers while smiling and rolling her eyes. "You two are way too cute together. Pretty much everyone can tell you two like each other. I'll try to get some info outta her, but you need to tell her how you feel before one of you ends up on that boat." You tell her that you will and then you continue to talk about random stuff.

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