I Wanna Be Famous: A TDI X Ma...

By LRDiazz

167K 2.3K 468

After getting an exception letter to the new TV show, Total Drama Island, you arrive on a ship to the island... More

Not So Happy Campers
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up the Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat
Who Can You Trust
Basic Straining
X-Treme Tourture
Brunch of Disgustingness
No Pain, No Game
Search and Do Not Destroy
Haute Camp Ture
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part One
The Very Last Episode, Really! Part Two
Some Alone Time (+18)
Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

Not So Happy Campers Part 2

10.4K 159 23
By LRDiazz

"Last time on Total Drama Island..."

"Twenty two campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp."

"Then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers!"

"It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?"

"I did not sign up for this."

You stand with everyone who seem to be in fear. Chris explains that there are two circles in the water. The bigger one contains sharks, while the smaller one is the safe zone. He goes on saying you all have to jump into the safe zone. "For eeach member of your team that jumps and actually...survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." He explains that the crates are filled with supplies to build a hot tub. The second part of the challenge. "The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight! The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see...Killer Bass, you're up first!"

Bridgette looks down the cliff seeing how high up you all are. "Oh...wow..." she says with a terrified look on her face. "...so...who wants to go first?" Not suprisingly, no one speaks up. Owen then tells everyone to not worry as the crew must've tested it in order for it to be survivable. "So...who's up?" Eva asks. "Ladids first" Duncan says with a smile. "Fine, I'll go" Bridgette speaks. Your eyes widen and go up to her. "Be careful, okay?" She is one of your only friends on this whole island after all. Bridgette looks down at the cliff and looks back at you giving you a confident smile. "It's no big deal...just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." She dives off of the cliff and falls straight down the one thousand feet into the safe zone.

When she comes up waving at you, you take a sigh of relief and wave back. Tyler, gaining confidence from Bridgette's success, goes next, then Geoff, Eva, and then Duncan. DJ has a hard time going as he's scared of heights. Chris tells him that he doesn't have to go, which makes him a chicken and that he has to wear a chicken hat for the rest of the day. Chris tells him to go down the chicken path down the cliff which is just an elevator. Ezekiel jumps off and on his way down hits a rock connected to the cliff, yet still making it. When Harold jumps down he does the splits while in midair. He keeps that pose all the way to when he hits the water he feels a lot of pain.

Courtney also decides not to jump as a calculated risk of the others hating her and takes the chicken hat. Chris notices that the entire team hasn't gone as Sadie, still sad about being on opposite teams with Katie, refuses to jump unless she and Katie are both Killer Basses. Izzy says that she'll switch places with Katie and Chris excerpts it as long as Katie and Sadie stop complaining, whining, and begging. Katie and Sadie, hand in hand, jump off the cliff together. Okay, so that's nine jumpers and two chickens," Chris recaps. "Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on!" After forcing the mean girl Heather to jump, the Screaming Gophers each jump off the cliff.

You see that Gwen is pretty nervous about jumping. You walk over and see how high up you are and gulp. "I know, right? This is insane!" Gwen says since she heard you gulp. "You know, you can just wear this!" Chris takes out another chicken hat. You look at Gwen and offer to hold her hand. "We can jump together." Gwen looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "I don't even know you like that, dude." She looks back at Chris eith the chicken hat. Then back to you with a worried yet hopeful look."Okay fine...let's do this." She takes your hand and you both jump off the cliff together. As Gwen screams she lets go of your hand and holds you tightly. You seem less scared now that she's holding you and decide to hold her in your arms reducing Gwen's screams. You finally land in the water and see that you're in the safe zone.

Your whole team cheers for you as a boat driven by Chef picks you up and brings you to shore. Gwen quickly lets go of you and walks off, blushing. She turns around to meet your gaze. "Um...thanks. I really needed that." You smile at her telling her that she's got a pretty tight grip, making her laugh. Owen is the last Gopher to jump. "I'm going to die now," he says after putting on two arm floaties. "I'm going to freaking die now." The silent tension rises as Owen, the biggest person there, prepares to run and jump off the cliff. "Come on, big guy" Leshawna says. Owen tightens his eyes and sprints off towards the cliff. He leaps off immediately regretting his decision as he plummets down the cliff into the water making the biggest and loudest splash probably in human history.

The force of Own's body causes a tidal wave pushing everyone a few feet away from shore including the boat and a few sharks. Still, Owen was able to make it into the circle giving his team the win. "THE WINNERS!!! THE SCREAMING GOPHERS!!!" Chris yells into the megaphone. You and Gwen cheer and high five each other. Owen starts looking around as if he's lost something. "What's wrong?" Trent asks. "I uh...think I lost my bathing suit" Owen replies making everyone uncomfortable.


Your group, in your normal clothing, are carrying the supplies with the help of the pull carts they were rewarded with while singing 100 bottles of pop on the wall. Meanwhile the Killer Bass are using their hands and your hands only to move the crates. Courtney looks at her hand and thinks that she got a splinter from the wooden box. Eva walks over to her, picks it up, and drops it at Courtney's feet. "Shut up, and pick up your crate! Chicken!" Courtney defends herself saying that she has CIT training and that the team needs her.


Pretty soon you all make it back to the cabins. Chris tells them that you can only open them with their teeth. Izzy soon gets her box open, but gets rope burn on her tounge in the process.

Soon Katie and Sadie come hack from the woods who seem to have very itchy butts. "Did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?" Bridgette asks. "Did you happen to know what type of plants you were squatting over?" she asks. Sadie tells her that they were oval shaped green plants and that they were everywhere. Bridgette asks if they were low to the ground and about a few inches big and the girls nod. "You guys squatted on poison ivy." The initial look on the girls' faces are priceless. They soon start panicking as they start buttscooting on the sand. Even Chris starts laughing.


You finally get the crates open and see what supplies you have. Owen has wood and Trent has some tools and a pool liner. Meanwhile Heather and Lindsay walk over to Leshawna who's opening her crate and seeing what's in it. She's also the one who forced Heather to jump off the cliff, making her angry. She tells Leshawna that she's sorry for being mean and compliments Leshawna's earrings. Leshawna apologizes for throwing Heather off the cliff and they share a fist bump. As they part ways Lindsay asks if Heather really meant what she said. "Pfft! No!" Heather says. "She's going down! And P.S, those are the ugliest earrings I've seen in my life!"


You and the rest of the Gophers get to work on your hot tub. Both teams work on their hot tubs throughout the day, but the your group is clearly doing better.


It's time for Chris to pick a winner as he inspects both hot tubs. He sees that the your hot tub is almost perfect while yours has duct taped wood, leaking water, and a bird in it. Your hot tub is so unbalanced that it quickly falls apart. Chris then tells everyone that the Screaming Gophers win and that for the rest of the summer they get to keep the hot tub. You all cheer and start planning for a hot tub party later tonight.

Night Time...

You all get into your bathing suits, get a couple of snacks, and head out to the hot tub. You see Gwen walk out not wearing her bikini. You ask her why she won't join in on the fun and she tells you she just doesn't feel like it. You respect her and decide not to ask any more bikini related questions. As you enjoy the hot tub, you see the Killer Basses walk by. You can see Courtney walking by a camera guy and asking if he's recording.

"They can enjoy their little party all they want, but I am gonna win this competition. And no one is gonna stop me."

A few hours pass and you all head to your cabins and get into bed. You lay staring at the ceiling wondering what the future holds for you. I can't seem to stop thinking about Gwen. She's just so cool and smart and independent. Plus she's freakin' hot! I doubt she'd go for someone like me though. Probably go after Trent or something. You soon fall asleep still wondering if you'll ever end up with that beautiful goth girl.

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