Family for the Holidays

De KDlovebug

111 40 5

Cheesy, cliche and hopefully funny book with a few twitterpated characters. I take a shot at a holiday story... Mais

A Holiday Without Family
Chapter two! Two days until thanksgiving...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4. cuteness
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Samuels pov
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

5 2 0
De KDlovebug

I was exhausted from working all week so when my daily alarm went off I shut it down fully intending to sleep in. Unfortunately not five minutes later there was banging on my door, even though I knew it wouldn’t help I pulled the covers and pillows over my head.

Sure enough the door flew open and two body’s crushed me. My bed bounced and shook as Leo and Nick whined about being “so hungry we could eat a whole elephant.” I grumbled out I don’t cares and go always trying to cling to my last few minutes of sleep. The weight was lifted and I knew what would come next.

“I’m only wearing underwear! Remove covers at your own risk.”

The hands that had been tugging at my blankets stilled and I could imagine the two of them looking to each other weighing the odds.

“I call your bluff!” Leo yelled shooting down my last hope.

The blankets were torn off of me and they cheered when they saw my fuzzy pjs. They must be really hungry if they risked that, usually that threat would buy me a few extra minutes before they came back with ice.

Hands gripped my ankles trying to yank me out of bed but I clung stubbornly to the metal bars on my headboard. A second pare of hands gripped my wrists holding the pressure point until my hands released their hold. And that is how they transported me to the kitchen dropping me on the tile.

“You guys suck.”

“You know you love us.” They said in unison causing me to laugh as they glared at each other.

“So what do you want for breakfast?” I grumbled as I motioned for them to help me to my feet.


“And why couldn’t mom or Charlie do this?”

“Charlie doesn’t make them with love and mom isn’t home, she’s babysitting the twins.” Leo said and lucky for him Charlie wasn’t down here.

“He means Charlie had an early start at work because it’s black Friday.”

The boys ran off conspiring with each other about waking Troy up next. They were so dead.

After pounding, screaming and what sounded like an airhorn, the boys came giggling into the kitchen with a grumpy Troy on their heals.

“What’s the ETA on breakfast?” Nick asked as he hovered over my shoulders.

“Keep hovering in my kitchen and I won’t do it at all.” Quick as lighting they vanished pulling a half asleep Troy out with them.

I plated the food and stacked it on a tray carrying it to the living room where they were watching Turner and hooch. I took their drink orders and returned with Leo and Troy’s coffee, Nick’s milk and my OJ. I had my coffee while I cooked.

I froze mid scoop of eggs as my eyes fell on the empty bacon plate. With one meaning full glare Leo and Nick passed me one strip of bacon each. I didn’t care about Troy because he didn’t want to be awakened either.

I sighed as I leaned back on the couch feeling full and loving the moment to close my eyes, but of course I was surrounded by barbarians and my peace was short lived.

“Dude you can’t just take all the easy crap! It’s got to be split fairly!” possibly Nick since it sounded reasonable.

“First come first serve!”

“No way! That’s not how the chores work!”

Oh crustaceans… I forgot about the chores. Mom always give out a list of chores before thanksgiving day.

Grumbling I opened my eyes and glared at he arguing boys, seeing that Troy had the paper I tore it from his hands ignoring his own grumbles.

“You idiots try that crap every year and we always split it the same way. Next you try to bribe me into doing all the chores which once ended in the trash getting dumped on your beds because you didn’t pay up.” They all started yelling and fighting again until a god awful noise pierced our eardrums leaving us in silence other than the high ringing in our ears.

Nick had the airhorn in his hand and a evil grin on his face until Troy tackled him to the floor where they wrestled for it until I plucked the devils instrument from his outstretched hand. I ran straight out of the room slamming the door behind me hearing it open not a second later signaling they were hot on my trail. Without stopping I slid around the corner dropping it into my favorite hiding spot and continuing to run throughout the house stopping only when I got to the dinning room table leaning against it for support as I watched the three stooges come barreling into the room shoving and tripping each other.

They looked at me and then all around the dinning room and kitchen none of them wanting one of the others to find it first.

“Its gone you guys, now let’s get started on splitting the chore list. The sooner we get done the sooner we can have lunch and relax.” I just had breakfast and could wait until dinner but these boys would be complaining in just an hour about how hungry they were despite me just feeding them a kings breakfast.

“Okay easy stuff…” when we got to dealing out the harder stuff the boys griped and moaned while I kept my complaints to myself.

“TROY!” I yelled for the fifth time finally hearing his large footsteps “putting the junk you find in the living room onto the dinning table does not make it my job!”

“I don’t know where that crap goes!”

“Well it’s not mine so figure it out!”

“LUCY!” Leaving mine and Troy's argument I went to the backyard where Leo was calling from and I was so unprepared for what awaited me.

“What in the heck am I looking at?”

Leo was supposed to be cutting the grass while Nick cleaned up all outside games from the shed.. the mower was parked in the center of the half done yard a shirt thrown over the handles. Leading me to my shirtless brothers who were spotted in large red welts over their torsos and backs both huddled in pain on the ground surrounded by dozens of badminton birdies.

“We are experiencing work related injuries and can no longer continue our jobs we also want workman’s comp.”

“Work related injuries my fuzzy bunny slippers! You idiots, I’m going to sue you for miss using equipment how about that!” I huffed and spun away but didn't make it two steps before something pinged against my back making me freeze.

Slowly turning around I first saw a small plastic birdie laying in the thick grass by my feet slowly raising my gaze to the boys Leo had a racket in his hand that he quickly tossed to Nick. Both giving me the sheepish smiles you’d find on a guilty toddler caught red handed.

“You are so dead!” I dove towards them picking up as much ammunition as I could and firing point blank though sadly it didn’t cause the damage I wanted. These boys must have been spiking them as hard as they could to cause all of those welts.

For the next half hour we ran around the yard chucking random sports equipment at each other. I’m not even sure when Troy joined in, I hid behind a lawn chair and watched as he pelted kick-balls and tennis balls at our brothers. I tried not to take too much joy in watching them flinch and limp as more welts covered their bodies. They eventually all noticed I was no longer being targeted and ganged up, as usual, against me. Coming at me from all sides blocking my escape, Nick and Leo grabbing my arms holding me in place as Troy got the hose and doused me.

We all fell to the ground in exhaustion grumping about everything that still needed to be done and the boys claiming they would soon die of starvation. I convinced them to finish with their most recent job and I would make them sandwiches, but first I needed to change into dry clothes.

By the time I finished the food they were already sitting in the tv room deep into a video game and I’d made a decision that I was scared I may regret. Standing in the doorway balancing three sandwich plates I nervously waited to be noticed and for them to pause or exit the game.

“just put it down and we'll get to it.” Leo waved me off his focus intent on the tv though he wasn’t currently playing.

“Nope, I need to say something.” I said as confidently as I could manage however the anxiety was evident and pulled Nicks attention as he hit pause and hit Troy telling him to listen.

“What’d we do?”

I laughed relieving some of my nerves, “Okay look, I’ve invited a friend to thanksgiving tomorrow and I need you to promise to be nice.” I knew I’d have to explain further but I wanted to get the promise first. However instead of promises I got three different and somewhat offensive questions at once.

“You have a friend?” Troy

“Is it the weird guy from the other night?!” Leo

“What’s in it for me?” Nick

I stood a little dumbstruck as I took in their words and watched them begin to bicker.

“What guy?”

“Yeah what is in it for us?!”

“Not the point Leo, what freaking weird guy?”

“There is no guy Troy, right Lee?”

“I'll finish the rest of the chores!” I shouted as I realized it wasn’t going my way.

“What guy?!” Troy and Nick yelled in unison giving me wide eyed looks.

“Deal!” Leo agreed only to be shoved off the couch by Troy.

“Great!” I quickly placed the sandwiches down and ran out of the room shutting the door tightly behind me to muffle the sound of arguing.

Our house had a total of four bathrooms, not the greatest chore and before I’d agreed to finish everyone’s list I only had to do one but now I did them all and had saved the worst for last. The jack and Jill bathroom Troy and Nick share. Dirty towels and boxers stuffed in corners or thrown over the lid of the empty hamper, hair stuck to the sides of the sinks and more hair products than I own filling the counter space. It’s obvious Leo is the clean freak seeing as all his bathroom needed was a wipe down and the toilet cleaned.

I finally finished cleaning and put the fresh laundry on the boys beds hoping they would put it away themselves and not dump in on the floor. Then made my way to my bedroom hoping I could use this time to read as the boys were quiet… suspicious, but I wasn’t in the mood to check.

A soft knock on the door broke my peace but then Charlie entered looking exhausted and collapsing beside me on the bed, her hair wet from a shower.

“Hey, how was work?”

“Long, and crowded with crazies.”
“Well the boys have been quiet so I think it’s safe to take a nap.” She hummed in agreement before going completely silent.

Poor girl, I hope the boys continue their good behavior so that she can sleep and I can maybe finish my book. Just as I settled in to continue reading she jolted up in a panic practically giving me heart failure.

“Did you say the boys have been quiet?”

“Yeah, just try not to think too much on it.”

She fell backwards, hitting the bed with a groan, “Did they have dinner yet?”

“No mom sent a text saying she would bring home tacos.”

“They get the chores done?”


“Then I hope whatever they have gotten into doesn’t mess it up, I know they are up to no good but I just don’t have the energy to check on them.”

“Same, also I invited Samuel to Thanksgiving, I told them earlier and have been too afraid to face them since.” She looked at me confused, “Mr. Suave?” now her face brightened but soon she started laughing.

“Well that was brave, how are you not being mobbed right now? I can’t imagine that going too well.”

“Hence my hiding in my room and not supervising them" she nodded in understanding but continued her slightly nervous laughter. “You up for helping me find something to special to wear?” I asked hopeful but shyly.

“So long as I don’t have to move, sure.”

I had originally wanted to wear a cute dress with black tights but had to nix the idea because I knew I would be roughhousing with the little ones. Finally we settled on a navy blue and sunflower print jumpsuit with both thin straps and off the shoulder sleeves, and a sash around my waist. It looks best with sandals but I would wear tennis shoes so I can chase the adorable devils.

My mom’s voice echoed through the house calling us down to eat but as we were descending down the stairs we heard her yell again…. This time not so sweet. As we ran into the kitchen we had to dodge various objects and once we got to the kitchen we saw the disorganized cupboards that couldn’t close right or weren’t closed at all. The cleared dinning table now held the entirety of mom’s China cabinet and the two chairs in the breakfast nook were now missing their cushions.

“Boys!” mom called out and soon they came jogging around the corner.

All three froze and even acted convincingly surprised.

“Lucy what did you do?”

The three of us gave them scarily similar looks and they dropped that act.

“Charlie! You’re home!” Leo cheered giving her a hug and kiss on her temple.

“How about a hug mom?” Troy offered, a big deal for him I knew she couldn’t refuse and watched as she grumbled.

Last was Nick and as I looked at him he started to get that guilty expression where he’s trying so hard not to smile he looks like a sad clown.

Slowly he raises his arm from behind his back revealing that cursed object as he lets himself full blown smile hitting the button causing everyone to jump and yell.

In a blink he’s off, running out the back door with me Leo and Troy running and shouting behind him. Apparently the other two hadn’t known he had the item.

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