Next to You || Lip Gallagher...

By BlissfulBlu

14.1K 182 33

*** Read at your own risk *** Brielle Sommers is battling her own demons as she tries to adjust to her new li... More

F̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶C̶l̶a̶i̶m̶s̶


984 16 2
By BlissfulBlu

Welcome back to the drama, y'all! This chapter is gonna be longer than usual, just because I feel like my updates have been lacking excitement and romance and all that shit. Writers block is the fucking w o r s t thing ever. Bear with me, I'm trying to power through this. Hope you all like this update! Prepare for a fair amount of scene changes!

-Blu ❥


"Mom what the hell happened to you!?" Brielle exclaimed as her mother limped her way slowly through the front door, Brielle following right behind her. Ian had already taken off, wanting to be far, far away from Diane and the hell that was surely about to be released.

"It's not a big deal Bells." She bemoaned, flinching after almost every step she managed to take.

"It's not?" Brielle breathed, confused and overwhelmed at her mothers words. "So if I came home like this, it wouldn't be a big deal to you? You wouldn't be concerned or want to kill the person that did that to me? Because that's how I feel right now, mom!"

"I said drop it, Brielle Anastasia! Just fucking stop already!" Diane blasted, her words thundering throughout the house as tears began falling from her eyes.

"Mom.." Brielle's voice was softer this time as she brushed a piece of Diane's hair away from the dry blood that essentially covered the woman's face. "Who did this?"

With the uninjured arm, Diane quickly slapped her daughters hand away from her face as more tears fell and began rolling down her bloodied cheeks. As she turned, Brielle caught glimpse of her mothers eyes and realized they were bloodshot, pupils dilated beyond belief. She quickly put two and two together. With narrowed eyes, Brielle retracted her arm away from the woman in disgust.

"Are you high right now?!" Brielle unleashed, unable to control the volume or anger of her voice.

"I'm going to take a shower." Diane murmured as she began her ascent up the wooden stairs, doing her best to avoid her daughters gaze.

"Yeah, that's just what your son needs to see. One day, when you're all alone in the streets wondering how life got so bad.. you'll think back to moments like these!" The young girl's voice quivered as she spoke, trying to fight back the tears of rage that threatened to spill from her sorrowful eyes.

Brielle stood alone downstairs in the now silent house, her misty eyes fixed upon the fading image of her mother disappearing from sight. With her arms folded across her chest, her body was frozen with indecision, for she couldn't decide if she wanted to scream or cry.

"Un-fucking-believable." She cursed to the air.

After drying the tears that streamed down her cheeks, Brielle bolted up the stairs as quietly as she could manage, deciding in that very instant that her little brother wasn't going to see their mother doped up like this, and that her mother wasn't going to have the privilege of seeing Cameron.

"Cam?" Brielle lightly tapped her fingertips on the door before slipping into the boys room.

Despite the screaming and stomping that was going on moments before, Cameron was dead asleep on his bed. Brielle flipped the light on, instantly awakening the boy.

"What's going on-" He began before his sister silenced him with a finger to her lips.

With Cameron sitting straight up in bed, Brielle knelt beside him on the floor. "Nothing serious, don't worry." The boy's body relaxed, but was still at attention. "Mom's home.. but.. she's not really gonna be herself because she's sick. So we're gonna leave and let mom rest today. Okay?"

Guilt swept over the girl's conscience as the lie spilled from her lips. Brielle hated lying and hated people who lied even more. Unfortunately, the older she got, the more she understood why sometimes little white lies were necessary.

"Can we go to Carl's house?" Cameron asked as he hopped out of bed, immediately heading for the dresser. With clothes thrown astray, he finally settled for a white tshirt and regular old blue jeans.

"We'll see." Another white lie fell from the girl's lips. Sadly, the Gallagher's were gonna be off limits, for both of the Sommers kids. "We've gotta be quick okay? If mom see's us, she's gonna want us to stay but if we do, she can't rest." She quickly changed the subject before she was interrogated further.

"I don't care, she's barely home anyway." The boy shrugged, causing a small, sorrowful grin to tug at Brielle's lips.

"Yeah." Brielle breathed. "Sorry bub."

"It's okay sissy." Cameron, with a soft smile, wrapped his arms around his older sister. It was in that moment that Brielle realized that despite hanging around Carl and his crazy ass family, that Cameron was still her sweet, innocent-ish little brother.

"Now let's go." The girl ushered the young boy, who was surprisingly almost as tall as her, through his bedroom door, down the stairs and out of the front door. Just as the front door was latching, Brielle caught the faint sound of her mother calling out for Cameron. Slamming the door quickly, Brielle grabbed hold of Cameron's hand and started jogging down the sidewalk, trying to put as much distant between her and the house as possible.

When at a safe enough distance, they halted while trying to catch their breaths. "I win!" Brielle shouted victoriously.

"You can't have a race if you don't tell your opponent that it's a race Bri, come on." Cameron nudged his older sister, annoyance evident in his tone.

"Yo Cameron!" The familiar voice of Carl Gallagher called out from behind the pair. "I was just on my way over to your house. Saved me the trip."

"Hey dude." Cameron spun around to greet his friend.

"Jake wants us to come over and bring as many of our friends as possible. I guess his older sister is having a slumber party tonight and he wants to prank them while they're sleeping." Carl laughed mischievously, the laugh spreading to Cameron.

"Bri, can I? Pleaseeee." Cameron begged.

"Pleaseeeee." Carl chimed in, the two begging in synchrony.

With a sigh, Brielle tapped her foot on the ground. "Only if you both promise to work really hard at our study session on Monday."

"We promise." They sung together.

"Fine. Please, please do not get in trouble Cameron Michael." His sister warned.

"Yeah, yeah." Cameron spat. "I know."

"I mean it." She added as they made their made their departure.

"I think we should save all of our piss in a two liter and dump it on them." Carl muttered to Cameron as they walked away.

"No peeing on girls! That goes for the both of you!" Brielle cupped her hands around her mouth while yelling.

With a sigh, the girl emptied her pockets revealing a whopping $34.16; The only money she had to her name. "Guess it's a good day for job hunting." Brielle stuffed her money away and headed for the L.


A large, fully exposed sun rested in the clear blue sky, it's rays beating down on the city of Chicago. Between the heat reflecting off of the cement sidewalks and the lack of cloud coverage, the combination made for a dastardly journey to find a source of income.

Brielle travelled through town for hours, dancing between vintage book shops, laundromats, convenience stores and cheap motels- all with no luck. Even the old man with the Oddity Shoppe refused to hire her. After too many miserable hours of walking in the direct sunlight, Brielle slipped into the cool shadows of The Alibi Room before heading closer to home.

"Oh to hell with you people!" Frank Gallagher, father of the year, belted the same moment Brielle entered the wonderfully air-conditioned building.

"You're cut off Frank! Get the hell out of here!" A skinny girl with soft brown skin and curly hair shouted at the clearly intoxicated man.

"What have I ever done to you Danasia?! Why do you hate me so?" Frank pleaded as he finished his glass of beer.

"Wanna make me like you? Pay last months tab, then we'll talk." The sassy bartender snapped at him.

"You people always want my money!" He grumbled his way towards the exit as he caught glimpse of Brielle.

"Oh hello to my future daughter in law!" He exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" Brielle asked, crossing her arms over her chest uncomfortably as she eyed Frank suspiciously.

"You're Ian's girlfriend aren't you?" He asked, stumbling out of the door.

"Oh!" Brielle answered. "Yes, duh. Silly me." She chuckled awkwardly as she started to walk away from the man before she remembered the situation over at the Gallagher household.

"Hey Frank, have you been home yet today?" She asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

"This is my home." Frank belched as he raised his arms in the air.

"You might wanna get going then. Monica's home and trying to get a paternity test done so she ca-" She started before Frank cut her off.

"Why the hell would she need one of those?!" The drunken man shouted out.

"Well that probably means-"

"That fucking bitch had an affair!" He shouted again as he dramatically grabbed at his heart. "How could she?!"

"Gee, I don't know Frank. You are such an enticing man." Brielle patted him on the shoulder before slowly distancing herself from him.

"Air conditioners for customers only." The same bartender that unleashed on Frank barked at Brielle.

"Uh, okay. One glass of coke please, extra ice." Brielle flashed the bartender a friendly smile as she took a seat at the bar, pulling out some cash.

"Here, girl. On the house." The girl slid Brielle's drink over to her. Brielle's brows knitted together in confusion, but ultimately she just accepted the contradiction.

"Sorry for being a bitch. That man just irks me." She admitted. "My names Danasia."

"Brielle." She gulped down a mouthful of the ice cold liquid before turning her attention back to the bartender. "I feel it. Im actually good friends with his kids."

"I feel bad for them kids, I really do." Danasia admitted before plopping down on a stool behind the bar.

"They get along just fine without him, don't worry."

"Does that man even have a damn job?"

"Nope." Brielle admitted, feeling slightly guilty for telling other people's business to strangers. "But speaking of jobs, are you hiring?" She asked, full of hope.

"How old are you?" Danasia asked.

"Sixteen." Brielle admitted, her gaze shifting from Danasia to the condensation that ran down her glass.

"Sorry girl, you have to be twenty one to work at a bar."

Brielle nodded her head with disappointment just before she downed another mouthful of soda. "What if I get a fake ID? Pay me under the table and in case something does happen, boom, fake ID that says Brielle Sommers is twenty one years old."

Taken aback, Danasia just rested her head in her hands and stared at Brielle with amusement, a smile plastered on her face.

"Please." Brielle pleaded with Danasia. "I'm desperate."

After a moment of silence, Danasia finally answered. "You're ballsy, I like it. Get me that ID by Friday and you've got yourself a deal kid."

"Holy shit! I never thought you'd say yes, thank you!" Brielle cried out.

"Get out of here before I change my mind." Danasia smirked at Brielle, who excited the bar promptly.

"I can't believe that worked." Brielle squealed to herself as relief washed over her. "Just gotta find someone who makes fake ID's now.." she sighed, deciding that was an adventure for another day because right now she had to focus on the journey back home.


The sun had made it's way through the sky as the day progressed into the early evening. A cool breeze that insinuated nightfall would soon be upon the city tossed Brielle's hair around as she began the trek home. Considering all of the extra money she spent today, she decided that walking would be the most cost efficient option.

Brielle opened the pack of cigarettes that she shouldn't have bought before placing one between her lips. With a quick flick of her Bic™, Brielle inhaled deeply as the nicotine settled her on-edge nerves. Pride overjoyed the girl as she thought about her new job and all of the money she was hopefully going to make now. After a few months, she'd have enough money saved to get herself a vehicle again. Brielle was ecstatic at the possibility of getting her shit together.

As the girl rounded a corner, she noticed a familar head of hair bouncing along as he strode down the almost abandoned sidewalks, a pretty decent distance between the two. Dodging the few people that were on the streets, Brielle made her way closer to her friend.

"Lip Gallagher," Brielle began, a large smile on her lips. "Why do I always seem to run in to you?"

Lip came to a dead stop before he cocked his head, revealing a large grin at the recognition of the girl's voice. Brielle picked up her pace and easily caught up to the boy who strode with a purpose. "You tell me." He quipped as Brielle passed over her lit cigarette, which he graciously accepted.

"What brings you around here?" She asked as she pulled a fresh cigarette from the pack, lighting it quickly.

"Dropping off mine and Ian's paternity test." Lip took a large drag off the cigarette before exhaling a large amount of vapor. "We decided to have one done ourselves."

"Shit. What results are y'all hoping to see?" She pressed.

Lip shrugged as he ashed his smoke onto the sidewalk. "Personally, I'd take it as a win if I wasn't related to that asshole."

"I saw him over at the Alibi Room. Don't be mad, but I told him that he should probably get his ass home because of Monica being there." Brielle admitted.

"What the hell were you doing there?" Lip asked, locking his eyes on the blonde.

"I actually got a job there. Start on Friday!" Brielle beamed, eagerness coursing through her.

"How did you manage that?" Lip asked, his baby blues scanning over Brielle.

"About that.." She muttered, afraid of what Lip's answer would be. "Know anywhere I could get a fake ID?" The girl rocked on her feet nervously as she hid her hands behind her back.

Taken aback, Lip raised an eyebrow at the girl curiously. "Of course I do. How would I pull off my SAT scam otherwise?"

"Oh shit! Thats right!" She called out, clapping her hands together excitedly.

"Are you stoned, Blondie?" Lip chuckled as he flicked the cigarette butt into the street.

"Just high on life, my dude." Lips laugh was highly contagious as it spread over to the euphoric girl.

"Do you wanna be?" Lip asked knowingly as he pulled a blunt from his pocket.

"Like I'd ever turn down free weed." She smirked over at the boy.

"That's for damn sure. You run on THC and hatred." The boy teased.

"Well you're not exactly wrong." She laughed as she twirled a stray piece of hair around her finger.

"On a more serious note, I wanted to talk to you about last night." Lip stuffed his hands in his pockets before slowing down his pace. His arms stiffened and it was apparent that he was nervous, no matter how hard he tried to play it off.

A rush of emotions hit Brielle all at once, causing her stomach to lurch. Flashbacks of barely conscious memories swamped her mind. "Oh, yeah...that."

"There was just a lot going on earlier and I forgot to ask you if you were okay.." Lip pawed at his mouth before stopping in his tracks completely.

"I-I'm as good as one could be after a freaky incident." Brielle shrugged, trying to calm her racing heart. "But I'm really grateful that you came to the party with me because I'd really h-hate to imagine what could've ha-happened if-"

"Hey," To the girls surprise, Lip wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. Her body instantly stiffened, unsure of how to respond to his touch. With a racing heart and a blush that was intensely burning on her cheeks, she rested her forehead on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his midsection. "Don't stress yourself out over hypotheticals."

"Yeah, you're right." Brielle huffed, feel silly about being so overdramatic. "But if you don't mind me asking.. how did you know..?" She asked as she receded from Lip's arms.

"As you probably remember, you were fucking trashed last night. You must not've seen me, but I was keeping my eye on I saw him carrying your unconscious ass upstairs." Lip admitted.

"May I ask why you were 'keeping an eye on me'? Brielle threw up air quotations as she spoke, her eyes glued to Lip.

"Are you kidding me? Rich varsity soccer captain? That doesn't scream date rape to you?" Lip asked rhetorically.

Brielle rolled her eyes as she shook her head at Lip. "Evidently not loud enough." A soft laugh erupted from the girl.

"You're Ian's best friend and the only one who's been able to successfully help Carl in school, so it's kind of my job to look out for ya."

"Whatever you say Lip."


New Character- Zendaya Coleman as Danasia Evanston

A/N: Thanks for sticking with me! This feels like the first decent update I've done in awhile, so I hope you all enjoy. Also wanted to mention that this is a stort about Brielle and her crazy life, so not every single scene or chapter is going to have some Gallagher action in it (sorry, sorry)!

Check out my new cover shop & give me the chance to make ya something cool! ➵

If all goes according to plan, expect a new chapter update on Tuesday!

-Blu ❥

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