Alliance || 1 || ✔️ mature

By lustenvy

1.5M 57K 31.3K

Her most lethal weapon is herself . . . • • • Agent Eleven was always a loyal Agent for the Division. Until... More

a e s t h e t i c s
01 | Eleven
02 | Eleven
03 | Archer
04 | Archer
05 | Eleven
06 | Archer
07 | Eleven
08 | Archer
09 | Eleven
10 | Eleven
11 | Archer
12 | Archer
13 | Eleven
14 | Eleven
15 | Archer
16 | Eleven
17 | Eleven
18 | Eleven
19 | Eleven
20 | Eleven ✔️
21 | Archer
22 | Eleven
23 | Eleven
24 | Eleven
25 | Eleven
26 | Eleven
28 | Archer
29 | Eleven
30 | Eleven
31 | Archer
32 | Eleven
33 | Eleven
34 | Eleven
35 | Eleven
36 | Archer
37 | Eleven
38 | Eleven
39 | Eleven
40 | Eleven
41 | Archer
42 | Eleven
43 | Eleven
44 | Archer
45 | Archer
46 | Eleven
47 | Eleven
48 | Eleven
49 | Eleven
50 | Eleven
51 | The Untold Story of the Girl Behind the Barrel
52 | Eleven
Next Book || Classified
Fanart | Aesthetics
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New Book | Blacklisted

27 | Eleven

26.6K 1K 769
By lustenvy

Who said I was an angel?

Once everyone is in position, we wait.

I crouch down near the edge of the brick building across from the docks, my gun resting lazily in my hand. I stare over the edge from my position and pinpoint where my team said they'd be.

From the top of the building, I can vaguely make out the pink hair blowing in the wind. So slight you'd only see it if you were looking.

The figure is hidden in the shadows near two big metal crates. Her stature leaning lazily against the rusty metal. Catching my eyes, Cleo wiggles her fingers at me, a smirk gracing the girls otherwise angelic face.

I shake my head at her, a smile on my face before I change my position slightly and glance around for the others.

Liam and Clay are hidden within the building opposite me. I can faintly make out their outlines as they peak through the window.

Liam's face pops in view seconds later before a force pulls him back and I know it was Clay.

He pops back, waving at me and I wave back, chuckling low under my breath.

The silence of the night calms me, the swishing of the waves a balm to any nerves.

My gaze goes to the water, the view of the slowly dwindling sunset basking over the tense silence as we wait for movement. 

The sound of footsteps behind me jolts me from my thinking and I spin around. Gun aimed at the person standing in front of me. Hands in pockets and hazel hues gaze on me. His chin drops and a smirk graces his features.

"What are you doing here?" I relax slightly. Letting the gun drop back into my lap but still aiming it at him.

Archer only stares at the gun, brow raised.

"Put it down."

Grumbling under my breath I let my wrist relax, the gun pointing away from him. I turn back around to check the dock.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat my earlier question. "You're supposed to be on top of the other building." I lock my gaze on the building Liam and Clay are in.

"Couldn't get to the other roof." He answers as his strides move closer to me and he takes a crouch next to me, his shoulder almost brushing my own.

"You never learnt how to pick a lock?" I taunt sarcastically, eyeing him from the side with a grin on my face.

"I know. I just couldn't be bothered."

I chuckle, eyes straying to the ground below and finding the bobbing boats on the pier. "We forgot about the boats.

Archer stands, peaking over the side of the building. "I'll go."

"No, you already have a plan with Clay and Liam, I'll check them out and report back."

I can feel him watching me walk away, "Be careful."

I spin to him with a grin, "Careful is my middle name."

He chuckles shaking his head, "Just waiting for you to give me your first."

"You have to earn it first." I laugh, pulling the door open behind me and walking down the stairs. I can hear his steps as he stalks to the door, holding it open and staring down at me.

"Name your price Elle, and I'll pay it."

I glance back at him from the corner of my eyes, heart skipping before I force my mind away, reminding myself he's just a means to an end.  

• • •

The boat rocks gently as I walk along it silently, my gun resting firmly against my back, tucked into my jeans. The steps creak slightly as I make my way down them and through the cabin door.

It slams behind me, and I quickly turn around.

A fist connects with my forearm as I bring it up to block my face from connecting with the powerful punch. A knee slams into my stomach and I stumble back. Regaining my bearings, I glare at my attacker.

He's a short man. His black button up fitting too snugly along his stomach. Sweat coating his greasy blonde hair and dripping down his face.

"And who are you?" I grin and smile coyly at him. "Another of your boss' bitches."

His face blooms, and he aims another punch at me.

I duck, twisting in the crouch position and slamming my elbow into the back of his knee, causing him to crash to the ground, his knees slamming to the floor with a crack.

I stand from my crouch, moving further away from the unknown man.

"While we're on the subject, who is your boss?"

He growls in answer, pulling a gun from behind him, lifting it up and aiming at me. Before he gets the chance to pull the trigger, I'm already in front of him. Pushing the gun up, listening as the bullet releases and pierces a hole in the cabin ceiling.

My knee shoots up into the man's abdomen, his breath leaving him in a rush. The man spluttering and flinching as I twist my body behind him and pull back, his arm still in my grasp. The crack of his bones is loud in the small cabin, his blood curdling scream louder.

I drop his limp arm as it swings oddly against the man's body, the gun falling to the floor with a thump. I walk back in front of him and kick the gun away as I do.

"Bitch!" He spits and clumsily makes to hit my face with his other arm.

"You called?" I ask sweetly as I duck and jab him in the chest, forcing him further away from me.

He stumbles back but quickly regains his footing. Striking out with his fist again, I narrowly escape its path before slamming my foot into the side of his ankle. He buckles under the pressure and rushes forward, eyes wild.

I wait until he's close enough to touch before I step to the side and watch as he skids past me, he turns, eyes glaring. I'm surprised there isn't steam coming out of his nose as his face reddens comically.

Like a raging bull he swears and throws another punch with his good arm. His movements sloppy and sluggish.

"Tired bud?" I taunt as a cat like smile graces my features.

"I'll gladly watch you die" He spits back. His fist still trying to connect with me, his movements speeding up. I duck and swerve out of the way as I slowly make my way closer to the exit and the stairs beyond it.

"Good luck with that." I reply in a sickly-sweet tone. My feet dancing around him as he throws himself forward. I block and manoeuvre away from his repetitive blows.

He glances to his side.

"I don't need luck. I only need sixty seconds." He replies, his bloody teeth showing as he smiles menacingly at me, a spluttered cough leaving him.

I glance toward the same spot and notice the red numbers glaring back at me.


My moment of surprise is taken advantage of and a fist finally connects with my stomach. The breath leaves me in a rush. I hiss and jump away, the fight intensifying as the timer ticks down.

Fifty-three seconds.

My eyes widen a fraction as the numbers sink in. My movement blurring as I fight to finish the battle quickly.

Forty-eight seconds.

My fingers grasp the back of the man's head. I slam it towards the cabin wall. The deafening sound his skull makes as it connects with the wall resounding across the room.

Thirty-six seconds.

I spin on my heels, not bothering to look back at the guy as he slumps against the wall and slides to the ground.

Twenty seconds.

The door handle is cold in my grasp as I rip it open and run towards the stairs. My heart beating wildly but I keep my movements fluid and calm. No point freaking out, that's how people get killed.

Twelve seconds.

My hands slam painfully into the stairs as a death grip is applied to my ankles. Twisting on my back slightly, I kick roughly at the man as he clutches my ankle in his bloody grip. Rivulets of his blood flow down his face as my heel slams into it again. The menacing smile on his features not dimming.

Eight seconds.

I kick him square in the face, a crack resounding and a swear following, but it's enough for him to loosen his hold.

Four seconds.

I hastily run up the rest of the stairs as I make it outside, my feet not stopping as I run across the deck.

One second.

The explosion roars out across the docks. My ears ring as I feel heat lick at my back before I'm submerged in the cold temperatures of the water. The once still calm now rocking with the explosion.

I open my eyes underwater as a piece of metal from the ship plunges underneath and tears at my clothes. Leaving a deep jagged slash across my abdomen. I clutch at it in pain, the water turning a dark blue-red colour, blood diluted by water. Using one arm to hold tightly to my stomach, I fight for the surface.

Breaking through, I gasp and push myself to swim towards the jetty. Ducking under it as more shrapnel goes flying and what remains of the boat is engulfed by flames.

The pain in my abdomen taking over as spots fight to fill my vision.

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