SUMPTUOUS, harry potter au


422 22 3

" Lets hope our snakes don't stray to far off the path." Severus Snape raised a single eyebrow, his gaze shar... More

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125 8 1

Prologue; Iris

"Perfectionism is the unparalleled defense for emotionally abandoned children. "
—Pete Walker

"Push! Push! She's almost here."

The young woman pushed with all her might. Nicole Fausto neé Jones gasped and cried out in pain. Gripping one hand on her husband and the other tightly on the bed she scream again.

Kissing his wife forehead he whispered encouragingly in her ear as she squeezed his hand tightly. She pushed for a few more seconds before she was met at a brief second of relief.

Nicole's eyes watered at the sight of her daughter," Can I hold her?"

The doctor nodded placing her in and for a brief second," What should we name her?"

" We should let her get cleaned up first before we decide." Nicole said not removing her eyes from her daughter. The baby was gently pulled away from the new mother to get cleaned. Nicole was tired as ever and fell asleep for a brief second before her daughter came back.

Once she had awoken again she called out to her husband who was gently holding their daughter in his arms in the blue hospital chair that resided by the window.

Robert look down at his daughter then into his wife's eyes," I don't think we could name her Celeste or Callisto like we planned."

Robert got up from his chair and slid his daughter back into his wife's arms. Nicole nodded neither of those names fit their daughter. The names didn't feel right.

"Iris, like the goddess who linked the gods and goddesses to humanity."

"Iris Lilith Fausto our little rainbow."

Nicole rose her eyebrow," Lilith?"

" If she going to be compared to goddess that helps humanity why not balance it out with a demon that demolishes it."

" Only you would think a name would need to be balance out." Nicole smiled at her husband.

"The world always needs a balance." Robert grinned happily at his wife and daughter," I think the name rainbow demon is quite balanced."

The couple laughed and agreed on the their daughters name.


Nicole looked up see her young daughter stare up at her with a hopeless look in her big brown eyes,"Yes, my darling rainbow?"

Iris walked closer to her mom, her tiny feet tapping against the cool wooden floor. She raised her arms and Nicole took her cue to pick up her daughter and place her in her lap.

"Is Daddy coming home soon he promised he'd protect me from the monsters tonight."

Nicole sighed pressing a soft kiss to her daughters forehead," Not tonight he had to work late at the office."

"But he promised!" The little girl pouted at her mother.

" I know he did," Nicole ruined her daughter's hand," but sometimes adults break promises to help out in times of need. Tonight your father broke his promise so he can get you that horse you want for your fifth birthday."

Iris laid her head against her mom chest. Relaxing deeper into the arms of her mother, the teddy bear hanging from the young girl's hand slightly grazing the floor.

"Oh. If I told Daddy I didn't want the horse anymore would he come home?"

"Of course, my rainbow but he can't come home he has to work."

The four year old furrowed her tiny eyebrows," Will he ever come home?"

" Yes, he will! He's never going to leave us completely."

" Will you ever leave?"

" Only to get things we need. Just like your daddy, I'll never leave entirely."

" Promise?"


Purple decorations were being hung. It was an usual shade of purples that Iris had deemed entirely to old looking for her. Iris also despised the frills that some of the decorations had. Her father, regardless of what Iris believed, thought they were amazing. Iris glared at the frilly purple decorations once again.

" Dad it's my 7th birthday today not my fiftieth."

Robert snorted," How would you know what fiftieth birthday looked like?"

" The cashier at the food market had one. Her name is Mrs. Bailey. She showed me and mom all the pictures while we were checking out and it look just like this but in a nasty shade of orange."

"I thought you like green, my little demon."

" I do but when it's not the shade of barf you see on television." Iris groaned loudly a different thought popping into her head," Dad, do I have to do lessons again today?"

" Yes, Iris, It is a Monday."

Iris huffed with crossed arms," But it's my birthday."

" I know, I tried to talk you're mom out of it but she's right we don't want you to get behind."

Just then Nicole walked in her hair blowing with every step and carrying a large box," If you finish your work early today. I'll let you open a present before dinner."

"Thank you, mom."

Nicole whispered to her husband after giving him a brief kiss," Have fun at work don't do anything I wouldn't."

" I make no promises"

Nicole rolled her eyes and back away so her daughter could say her goodbyes.

" Come on, mom! I want to finish my schoolwork." Iris said as she tugged in her moms sleeve.

The pair headed to what Iris called the studying lair. They went over the main courses english, mathematics, science, history, and a bit of spanish. Iris was done two hours earlier than her normal time. Nicole was going to celebrate with ice cream with her daughter before she felt a distinct nudge in her chest. Nicole's gut instinct were flying. Something was happening or maybe or it already began but regardless she needed to get her daughter to safety.

" Iris come here now."

Iris quickly came over to her mothers side. Her mom was never entirely firm with her. So Nicole's firm tone made Iris follow her mom with no hesitation. Nicole wordless led Iris to her bedroom. Nicole move the bed away from the wall and pulling the hidden door that was the wall to reveal a tiny room.

" Iris. I need you to listen to me."

Iris nodded.

" Somethings going to happen and I'm going to need you to stay in this room until your father finds you. Do you understand."

" Yes mother." Iris walked into the room sitting in the bean bag chair that was next to a mini fridge," Is this one of those things you're getting. Like when you knew cashier Julia's cat was going to die before she told us two months later?"

" Yes, baby, but I need you to not come out unless it's your dad who comes to get you. No matter what you hear. Okay?"

" Okay," Iris echoed.

Nicole eyes brimmed with tears," I love you, my darling rainbow."

" I love you too, mommy."

Nicole shut the hidden door and used her strength to pull the bed back to its original space. She rushed to the bathroom changing the clear light bulbs to red ones. She unplugged everything that was in the outlet. Finally, she used her resting strength to turn her small living room seat in the opposite direction it normally was in.

Nicole heard the bang of intruders. She ran closer to the slide door that was in the living room. Her heart hammered against her chest. Nicole didn't know if she was going to live but she didn't care as long as they didn't find her daughter so she screamed alerting her locations to the intruder.

Before a blink of an eye Nicole was shoved again the glass door with a stick to her throat and for some reason she knew to be scared of the stick.

" Where is your daughter you muggle."

" I don't have a daughter."

The tall gruffly man dug the stick farther into her throat,"You don't have a daughter then who is that over there in the picture."

"My husband's niece she visits occasionally." Nicole coughed out," she was here yesterday. It was her birthday its why we still have decorations up."

" Where is she now? Hmm?"

Nicole didn't respond still trying to use context clues on what a muggle was. Which angered the man further.

" Answer me you filth!"

" She took a flight back home. I don't know where that is."

"You muggles are always so unpleasant," Nicole would have scoffed if she wasn't hit with so much pain. Nicole fell to the floor as the man muttered words under his breath and flick a stick at her. She felt as if she was being torn to shreds and burned at the same time. With each gasp or cry in pain, she would get in even worst pain.

" Please! Stop!"

The man simple laughed, enjoying the the excruciating pain he was putting her through,"Hmm maybe if you give me a name."

"Nelly Hopper. That's my husband niece."

" Muggles," he laughed mockingly, " so gullible."

Nicole let out a piercing scream as the man said something else maybe she would have heard what it was if she wasn't praying that her husband would be safe and get her daughter out of there.

" Dad! No! You can't leave me as well." Iris pleaded as she was being held back from her aunt.

" I can't stand to look at you when you clearly lie for your mother instead of telling me where she went."

" She was took!" Iris screamed at him," Why won't you believe me?"

" Because countless of other witnesses, our very trusted neighbors, who have no reason to lie, didn't hear not one of the stories you have made up."

" But I'm not lying. There was a bang! Then a man was yelling at mom and then mom screamed so loud she was in so much pain..."

It was the same thing Iris had told him when he found her in there but he was so sure that her mother had ran off with another man.

" Iris that couldn't have happen... Our neighbors would have heard it. It was daylight they would see someone come in."

The same way they hadn't remembered the tons of people coming in after the incident, Iris thought to herself. Iris wondered if she should have made herself known but she made a promise to her mom to stay in there. She didn't come out and she prayed that nobody outside of her dad would find her.

Iris glared at her father," Mom would have believed me."

" Not if everything contradicts..."

Iris's father didn't say anything else as he stepped off the porch got in the car and drove away not sparing his daughter a simple glance. Iris sulked over what happen to the father she once knew in the span of two months. Often times them not she wonder if the father she used to know wasn't a figment of her imagination. While Iris cried at the window it rained hard and it was the first time she cried and it felt as if nature was crying with her.

Walking with her head down at school was a thing that Iris had perfected a year after she was forced to live at her aunt's house. It helped ease the bullying to a certain extent.

Now, Iris was ten. She no longer held her head down at the pathetic excuse for insults. Now she would smile in her face and say her dead grandmother could say something worse or more impactful than the words they previously said. Iris was the top of her year in academics and sports. Obviously, none of it benefited her an ounce.

Although, their insults were nulled, she couldn't always help but think that all of her hard earned academics were nothing compared to if she could be a bit more influentials like the popular girls in her grade.

Iris finished her school day with, as always, ease and annoyance. Iris stood outside waiting for her aunt to show up and take Iris to her house. The familiar blue car pulled up slowly to Iris and she hopped in the back seat.


" Yes, Aunt Seline."

" I know you aren't capable of being normal or remotely close to it. I will want you this once, if I hear about how unruly you are from one of the ladies at the book club again...I will lock you in your room for the remainder of your stay."

With the usual routine in mind Iris glanced at the window," Yes, Aunt Seline. Do you know when my father is returning."

" He's not. I told you he wouldn't return for you. I did have hope that he would get you so my social status would stop declining. Your father got married last week... Adopted two kids from his new wife. I told you not to get your hopes when he clearly didn't want you. So, I have you, sadly, until you're eighteen. " Seline sneered, as she stared ahead at the road.

"I understand, Aunt Seline."

In fact, she didn't understand at all. Iris didn't understand her father at all and when she tried to she only came to two conclusions and none of those were ones that actually made her feel comfort. Well, as much comfort as you can get with the idea that her father had another family and made sure to make it known that they were the better option.

A fireplace lit the entirety of the sitting room. The heat keeping the adults and the young child warm from the outside cold storm. Of course Iris was a bit terrified. While looking at the frosted over window she couldn't help but be in disbelief. There was no possible way a winter storm could happen on her birthday. Especially since, it was the middle of June.

Iris wrapped herself into her aegean wool blanket as she sat up a bit rigidly on the edge of the black velvet couch. She stared straight forward at the two men in front of her sitting in the couch opposite to her own. The dark long haired man with a sneer resting on his face has introduced himself as Severus Snape and the dark skinned man with a fade hair cut had said his name was Jackson Aphelion.

They had both appeared moments after the storm started. At first, her aunt had believed that they were people who had got stuck in the storm and had nowhere to go but they had quickly corrected her and said they were here to talk to the both of them about a schooling offer for Iris.

Even though Iris's aunt was far from a bit surprised she allowed them in and offered them the tea that she was making. Iris sat up a bit straighter subconsciously as she heard the familiar sound of the tea glasses clinking and her aunt steps approaching them.

"Here you go," Seline said as she sat the tea on the table. Iris watched as the adults in the room grabbed a cup and added their desired condiments," So, what exactly is it you have to offer for Iris that her current school doesn't already have?"

Iris stared at both men as what look like amusement on one end and an unfazed look on the other. The long haired man promptly ignore Iris's Aunt question," What do you think caused this storm?"

" I have no clue. In fact, I was asking around when you both popped up." Seline sniffed placing down her cup.

Seline was already getting haughty and they could all tell. Iris knew better than to press her aunt when she got irritated or prideful, Seline often got harsh and emphatic.

Severus placed his own cup down," Well, I can tell you who made the storm."

" Nobody can create a storm."

"Seeing as your niece is doing it currently. I'm going to have to differ."

Seline laughed," That is a horrible joke but nonetheless it made me laugh."

It was a chilling silence, except for the woman's laughter lightly echoing around them until it was nothing but a memory in their brain. Iris noticed the blank expressions on both men face. As if they were serious in saying she created a storm in the middle of June.

This time the darkskin man spoke," What do you know of witchs and wizards Miss Iris Fausto?"

Iris aunt was going to reply with something before the pale man turned to her with a sharp look. The darkskin man turned to her with an encouraging smile.

" Umm... Well... Before the witch hysteria took place. Witchs were known as healers in many cultures. They were mainly known 'wise women' instead of witchs. Once the hysteria happen woman were hunted and hung for anything that was deemed evil. A few men were put on trial for witchcraft not many actually died. Wizards are something I only heard mentioned in games."

" I'm guessing you researched this topic?"

Iris nodded," I helped someone with a argumentative history essay."

Severus Snape raised an eyebrow," You wrote an argumentative essay at eleven."

" I did it at nine," Iris corrected in a respectful manner. Iris was wondering what they were getting at," Excuse me for being impatient, but what does witchs that have to do with school?

"Interesting," the other man muttered," The main hypothetical question I have for you. What if I told you were a witch?"

"Not to be disrespectful, Sir, but I would think you were being ludicrous."

" Please call me Mr.Aphelion or Mr.A and him"—he pointed at the long haired man—" You can call him Professor Snape. Sir makes us feel old. Miss Fausto, you are not being disrespectful in any means. Would being a witch be a crazy situation if I did this."

The man pulled a brown stick out of his arms and flicked it. He was muttering something under his breath as he did. Iris and her aunt gasped softly as the tea cups raised gradually and smoothly in the air.

"How did you—" Iris dazedly said with astonishment she never felt this baffled before in her entire life.

"Magic." Professor Snape interrupted," You are a witch and you will be able do just the same."

"I could do that?"

" You are already doing more." Mr. Aphelion said talking about the snow storm," You just need a bit of practice. First lesson, I need you to focus on whatever heightened emotion that you had just before the storm hit and redirected it to take the storm away."

Iris quickly glanced at her aunt. Her aunt had provoked her before the storm hit. Iris had accidentally dropped her plate of food onto the kitchen floor. Which Iris apologized profoundly for and cleaned up her mess. Her aunt, who was furious —as always— screamed and yelled about how she was slob like her mother leaving things where they weren't supposed to be.

Iris understood the analogy directed at her and frustratedly she rolled her eyes and tried to ignore her. Of course that bugged her aunt more than ever because she started screaming about how Iris's attitude was the exact reason Iris's father had left her. She remembered the chilling feeling she felt down her shine the moment the storm hit.

So, she focused on that. Iris shivered as she felt what ever magic course through her. She opened her eyes and then squinted her eyes as hot sun shining through the window behind the two men. The ice had melted and the clouds were no longer present. Iris pondered, quietly thinking she imagined the entire thing.

" See. You're a natural." Mr. Aphelion smiled supportively at her.

" So as of offers," Professor Snape stared curtly at Seline," We are the best School to be at for your talents. If you allow her to attend. We can not go into anymore detail unless you do allow her."

Iris stared at her aunt stiff posture and her locked jaw. Iris was surprised her aunt didn't have a outburst of any kind.

Nodding stiffly her Aunt said," I allow her to attend. How soon will she be able to go so she can control this?"

" School starts on September 1st. Mr. Aphelion and I will be picking her up to get her school supplies in four days. Are you struggling financially?"

" No. We will be able afford any school supplies and such."

Iris knew they were well off. Even when her grandparents had put hefty amounts of money to find her mother they were still wealthy. Even her allowances that her grandparents forced her aunt to give her we're quite over the odd.

" Good," Professor Snape drawled out," We can discuss banking and such a day before we go purchase the supplies."

Seline nodded.

"Now I'll give you a bit of a run down and if you have further questions ask away," Professor Snape said," In the tenth century, four of the greatest witches and wizards that ever lived founded Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Their names were Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin. Their reason for doing so was because they had the 'selfsame yearning, to make the world's best magic school', and once they did, each created their own house to represent a personality and skill that they wanted to nurture. Gryffindor students embodied bravery and chivalry; Ravenclaw, intelligence and wit; Hufflepuff, loyalty and fair play; and Slytherin, the values of being ambitious and cunning."

Iris nodded soaking up as much information as she can.

He continued, "The tenth century was a dangerous time for witches and wizard, as you know, we were being persecuted by Muggles hostile to magic. Therefore, Hogwarts was built somewhere in the Scottish Highlands, and concealed with numerous charms and spells to make it impossible for Muggles to trespass. For instead of an enormous school, any passing Muggle would only see ruins and signs warning them of danger."

"If we have magic to block of trespassing how did we get burned and hung."

" None of actual Witchs and Wizards got burned or hanged the ones who actually died where muggles we have spells and charms to prevent such things."

" Hmm so like a spell that makes us fire resistant?"

"Yes exactly that, " Mr. Aphelion chimed in.

Iris nodded as Professor Snape continued," The Wizarding world has its own custom and culture, I suggest gathering books and materials on the topic, just as you would if you traveled to a different country."

Iris nodded understanding everything he said. It would be like when her mom had took her France. Iris didn't want to go into an entirely different world being known as disrespectful.

Mr. Aphelion smiled," Onto my part. For starters you are not allowed to do magic outside school or the wizarding wizarding world mainly. You can not do magic in front of any muggles outside of your family—muggles are non-magical people— it can be track directly to you and you can get expelled. The only time you could do magic outside of your own house is if you are in danger."

Iris took note on the word mainly. She also noticed that he said she can be tracked when she does it in front of non magical people but he didn't say you can be track outside of that.

"We travel in numerous ways but the main ones are flying on a broom, apparition, floo networks which is fireplace travel, Portkey which is touching an item and going to a specific place, and occasionally there are cars buses and motorcycles although they are mainly for the ministry."

" Can you explain 'floo networks' ? I'm kind of thinking of people going in and out of a fireplace like Santa Clause."

He laughed," Floo network is quite easy to understand. You get powder after it's set up and you throw it in and speak the exact destination you want to go as clear as possible and once the flame turns green you step in and your body transports. However, it's also used like a telephone where you throw powder and say someone's name and address and they'll be able speak to you."

"Do I have to have a floo network?"

"No, but I recommend it since it's easier to travel and talk to people who you are close with it. It also helps when you want to stay over at another young magical users house and nobody's parents would have to take longer methods of travel."

Iris looked at her aunt who seemed to brighten at the idea of having her anywhere else but in her house. Her aunt gruffly said," We would like to have it installed."

"Great, another form of communication is through owls. That is how you will get you Hogwarts letters after your first year. It's also the main way to talk to people outside of floo network. You can also subscribe to news issues to be up to date with things."

Iris nodded," Where do you get an owl?"

" You can get an owl when we go out for supplies." Professor Snape said blankly.

"Those are the main things you need to know." Mr. Aphelion said kindly before both men stood up," If you have any questions nail them on Professor Snape when he takes you to get your things."

Iris nodded before the two men exist the house. Seline shooed the young girl away. Iris walked to her room and grab a book to read. She didn't read a thing, because she was far to in her head to have the headspace to read.

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