Hyperdimension neptunia super

By Zermen_

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Goku summoned shenron to ask him a wish saying he wanted to go to another dimension to fight stronger opponen... More

It's been a fun year.


634 9 10
By Zermen_

Hello everyone how has it been? And today we are here with chapter 6 also will remember to put Uzume in this chapter since I keep forgetting about her but I won't this time so let's get that out of the way and let's start were we left off!


Whis: Ok then come at me whenever your ready

Neptune: Wait your not gonna fight?

Whis: I could if I want but I don't want to make it hard for both of you so instead I just defend while you both attack

Nepgear: that sounds fair *Neptune and Nepgear activate HHD*

Purple Heart: Ok then I'll give it my best shot!

Purple Heart goes first and attacks Whis with all she has

Purple Heart: None my attacks are hitting?

Whis: hmhm you are still lacking some martial skill and concentration

Purple Heart: Cocentration?

Whis: yes, perhaps you don't know that you focus too much on winning the match so that isn't the point when it comes to fighting instead focus on you opponents movement and the way how they fight that way you will be able to think and react faster to counter any attack they throw at you although it might be hard when fighting those who are faster and stronger

Purple Heart: so it's that simple huh ok then let's try this again HAA!!

Whis still dodges all of Purple Heart's attacks yet she continues for 1 and a half hour then begans to grow tired for missing too many times

Purple Heart: *Pants* man your way too fast!

Purple Sister: Ok let me try now

Whis: I'm quite suprised you held your form this long

Purple Sister: Thanks I'm just trying to practice holding my HDD form much longer

Whis: Impressive so lets see how your turn goes

Purple Sister: ok then Om gonna give it my all Haaa!!

Nepgear tries to attack Whis but he barely seems to be moving at all meaning he isn't even trying

Whis: hmm your the same as your sister Nepgear

Purple Sister: I-i am?

Whis: ok now how about you both come at me at the same time

Purple Heart: ok then lets do this Nepgear!

Purple Sister: ok then

Beerus: so Goku

Goku: huh? Wassup

Beerus: these umm goddesses are pretty strong they just lack martial skill and speed which is why you were able to defeat them right?

Goku: Yup that also counts broly, in fact I haven't seen broly in a while but I bet he has been training even harder to get stronger and better

Beerus: Hey looks like the red haired girl has arrived

Goku: oh it's Uzume how you doing?

Uzume: Hey Goku I'm doing fine just came to see what you guys are up to

Goku: oh you know training as usual Neptune and Nepgear are training with Whis right now

Uzume: I see...I think I might join in as well.

30 Minutes Later....

Whis: I think you girls need to try harder next time

Purple Sister: Man that was tiring

Orange Heart: Uzume feels soo drained, ugh.

Whis: what about you Purple Heart?

Purple Heart: I want to give it a go with Beerus

Beerus: Me? HA! Uh...

Purple Heart: I'm serious right now

Beerus: Mmmm....ok then if that is what you want then I'll give you a fight

Purple Sister: huh!? Wait are you sure Neptune? I mean he is really strong we aren't at his level yet!

Purple Heart: We may not be, but it's worth to try.

Purple Sister: umm ok then I guess me and Uzume will keep training with Whis then

Goku: Man I can't wait to see how this fight goes!

Beerus: I guess we should move to a clear location to avoid any major destruction

Purple Heart: I know where to go just follow me

Goku: Hold up I'm coming to see the fight


Beerus: ....

Goku: this looks like a perfect wide space to fight

Purple Heart: It really is even thou this land is part to lastation but it is the only place I could find where we can go all out so I had to ask Noire to borrow this land for a bit and she said yes

Beerus: Ok then so are we gonna start or not?

Purple Heart: Of course we are

Beerus starts to emit purple aura and begins to talk a bit more angry

Beerus: Just to let you know I won't be going easy on you even if your a girl

Beerus also remembers the time he had slapped Bulma during her birthday party then after that he got took a weak beating by Vegeta but he still knocked him out with ease, he then also remembers the fight of his time he had with Goku when he first achieved SSG with the help of his friends. Now he is standing in a new dimension ready to face Purple Heart who is the same power as super saiyan god Goku in her HDD form

Beerus: ......this is gonna be fun....

Purple Heart: I'm ready!

Purple Heart gets into her fighting stance while beerus just stands there waiting for her to attack first

Purple Heart: Fine I'll attack first then HEEAAAAA!!!

Beerus: HMPH!!

Beerus stops her sword but begins to feel like she isn't the same as god Goku, he feels like she has potential to be stronger and faster then Goku and maybe himself

Purple Heart: An opening! HAA!! *Side kicks Beerus in his head*

Beerus: GRH!.....GRAAAW!!

Beerus begins by kicking Purple Heart away from him then starts to shoot Ki blasts

Beerus: This gonna be no game just to let you know!!

He then proceeds to rush to Purple Heart and start punching her from stomach up to the face till she evades one attack then starts to fight back.

Purple Heart: Goku is right, you really are no joke when it comes to fighting!

Beerus: I am a god of destruction after all...

Beerus then quickly powers up then slams Purple Heart straight to the ground, flies up again to shot lasers at her

Beerus: C'mon get serious cause this battle might get boring soon

-Goku's POV-

Goku: Man I feel like fighting too right now but this is Neptune's fight not mine I wonder how will this battle will end...

Back at the fight...

Purple Heart: Alright you want me to get serious!? then I'll really get serious!

Beerus: That is what I wanted to hear

Purple Heart: I still might not have the strength to beat you but it's still worth a try

Purple Heart attacks and blocks Beerus's attacks at the same time with some difficult she then tries to quickly perform a cross combination only for it to get interrupted by Beerus kicking her into the ground then he grabbed her head and started to drag her across the ground while Beerus was flying at fast speeds to make it hurt a lot

Purple Heart: ghhh!!!! I see h-how i-it is!! Critical edge!!

Striking Beerus up in the air, Purple Heart then in a blink of a eye strikes him again

Purple Heart: I'm not done yet...

She then raises her hand in the air and a sword magically appears above her with it's pointy end aiming at Beerus. She then aims for Beerus for the sword to fly down towards him and as it does it also causes a big explosion

Goku: Woah! Nice going Purple Heart!

Beerus: Don't get cocky just yet!!

Beerus jumping out of the smoke and punches Purple Heart way too fast for her to dodge then uses both his fists to punch her all the way down to the ground again yet she gets up fast and tries to use cross combination again. This time she fails and gets elbowed in her stomach, shot by a bunch of Ki blasts, then smashed to the ground. Beerus keeps attacking her faster and faster not allowing her to make a comeback

Goku: *Whistles* at this rate she is gonna be done for

Nepgear: Hello Goku how is the fight going?

Goku: Uh Nepgear? Hey umm the fight is going Beerus's way

Nepgear: So my sister is losing.....

Goku: Hey I think she might find a way but Beerus is still way stronger then she is

Nepgear: C'mon Neptune I believe in you!

Back to the fight...

Beerus: What is going on? your a CPU!, a Goddess aren't you supposed to be strong?!

Purple Heart: I-i am!

Beerus: Then where is that power of a CPU!?

Purple Heart: Not yet I still have to fight in this form!

Beerus: I see...then gets serious ALREADY!!!

Purple Heart: I can't not yet, this is still my warm up!

Beerus flies towards Purple Heart then rapidly throw punches and kicks and also starts to throw her into the ground again and again till Beerus thought it was time to finish her off

Beerus: This is getting annoying and boring so goodbye

He raises his finger then makes a huge fireball appear getting bigger by every second

Purple Heart: What kind of attack is that!?

Beerus: It's my special attack and also a very devastating one

Beerus, not even trying slowly throws the giant ball of fire at Purple Heart. She tries to stop with her sword which in case breaks then she uses her hands and all her might to push back

Beerus: You lost already just give up

Purple Heart: Grrrr....NEVER!!!

Purple Heart rapidly transforms to next form in order to destroy Beerus's attack just in time she then transforms back to her HDD form again

Purple Heart: This fight isn't over yet Beerus

Beerus: This women seems very impressive I must admit I know she has that potential inside her she just isn't ready yet...How Impressive to know you would also survive my special attack

Purple Heart: What do you mean?...

Beerus: Goku was also able to survive and destroy my special attack but after that he tired out and gave up but you still have energy left and that form too

Purple Heart: I only used it to avoid getting hit by your attack

Beerus: I guess you really are learning aren't you? heh heh your starting to be more like Goku anyway shall we?

Beerus charges and his fist clashes with Purple Heart's sword making a loud noise like if 2 swords were clashing, Beerus noticed every second that Purple Heart began to dodge even faster then before making Beerus having a hard time trying to avoid Purple Heart's attacks

Beerus: Dam how the hell is she learning this fast already!? Probably even faster then Goku and Vegeta!

Purple Heart: Cross Combination!!

Beerus: WHA-OUFGH!

Purple Heart was able to make every hit even the heavy blow when she hit Beerus all the way from the sky to the ground, this was making Beerus not feel mad but more like excited, he started laughing as he flew towards Purple Heart then started fighting using more of his power but still not too much

Beerus: This is what i'm talking about show me your true strength!

Purple heart: Why are you getting happy all of a sudden

Beerus: Because it has been a while since I have fought someone strong like you

Purple Heart: I was scared at first but it was worth it since Goku told me you were this strong

Beerus: There is this one person Goku fought back then. The foe was soo strong Goku's only hope was Ultra Instinct

Purple Heart: !

Beerus: Oh your interested? I will tell you later but not now

Purple Heart: .....

Beerus: Let us continue where we left off

Purple Heart and Beerus continue to fight one another with Purple Heart being super curious about hearing Beerus's words, she knows she can't just get the technique, she has to learn achieving the technique but it won't be easy. Vegeta also arrives on the scene landing next to Goku also wondering about the fight.

Vegeta: Does she seriously think she can fight a god of destruction?

Goku: I mean she is learning pretty quick isn't she?

Vegeta: Yeah....I guess so

Goku: hehe your worried she might surpass you?


Goku: I mean she have the potential to even surpass me but I am also training to get stronger

Vegeta: How long has this fight lasted?

Goku: Hmmm I think about....a couple minutes I really don't know

Nepgear: I wonder when my sister is gonna use her next form I feel like it might give her a chance

Goku: I think so too but Beerus isn't still using his full power

Nepgear: He has more!?

Vegeta: Of course he does he isn't that weak

Goku: This fight is actually getting interesting by every second that passes

Back to the fight....

Beerus and Neptune both stare for a few seconds before Beerus is the first to charge at her, Neptune tries to evade his attacks when Beerus all of a sudden punches her in the jaw, grabs her by the leg and swings her around like a rag doll, he then throws her down to the ground and shoots Ki blasts, Neptune couldn't just stand there so she formed a small barrier with her hand to block all the Ki blasts. Beerus then charges and grabs Neptune with his hand, imbuing her body with his ki. The ki envelops her in a bright aura, forcing her away from Beerus and exploding, causing immense damage knocking her out of HDD.

Neptune: AAAAAGH!!

Beerus: If you aren't gonna go all out then this fight is far from over

Nepgear: Neptune!

Goku: well that didn't go well

Vegeta: Hmph! what a fool for someone like you to take on a god of destruction

Neptune: .....

Nepgear: Oh goodness I knew it was a bad idea for this to happen

Goku: Well even if it was I guess she might have learned something

Beerus: And that is to never mess with a God of destruction

Goku: I mean she probably did get stronger when fighting you didn't she?

Beerus: she didn't get strong but she started to get soo fast I started to have trouble dodging her attacks and also had trouble trying to hit her

Nepgear: wow my sister really is learning I also want to be like her

Goku: heheh then train even more Nepgear am sure you will

Nepgear: I mean I did save her once before

(This was during the neptunia animation if you know if not then watch it it's fun I might remake this kind of scene Idk it depends)

Vegeta: Hmph! I guess she was too weak then to defend herself!

Nepgear: Please don't say that! I'm sure she did her best

Goku: She sure did if she could've used her next form there is no doubting she would surpass last longer then me when I fought Beerus

Nepgear: I sure she would have

Beerus: At least I know that she has the same potential as you Goku

Uzume finally arrives on the scene but arrives once the fight is already over

Orange Heart: Aww man it's over already?

Nepgear: Yeah sorry Uzume

Goku: It was really fun to watch!

Orange Heart: I guess we to go back now?

Goku: Well off we go now Neptune

Goku carries Neptune and puts her behind her back kinda like a soldier would when carrying a wounded soldier

Nepgear: I really wanted Neptune to win but Beerus's power was just too much oh yea Uzume how long were you training with Whis for?

Orange Heart: uuuhhh...I think I forgot but it was a long time!

Nepgear: If Uzume keeps training with Whis, she might beat us all!

Goku: C'mon Nepgear, you staying?

Nepgear: Huh!? No wait for me!


Histoire: looks like Neptune really pushed herself didn't she?

Goku: I mean she didn't really go all out

Nepgear: Beerus started to feel really tired and bored because Neptune didn't use her Next form so he just decided to end it

Histoire: I see....

Vegeta: Hmph I would have lasted longer then her

Goku: hehe I already know I would win

Vegeta: Shut you mouth! don't even dare to talk about that!

Histoire: Hm? I think I am recieving a call from somewhere else

Nepgear: A call? From who?

Histoire: Hold on let me transfer the call

Nepgear: hmm I wonder who it could be?

Plutia (from over there): uuhhh... Neppy? Heelllooo...

Nepgear: oh my gosh it's Plutia!

Plutia (from over there): Is that Neppy Jr?

Nepgear: Plutie what's the matter? It's rare to recieve a call from you how do you even know how to use Histoire as a phone

Plutia (from over there): Umm now is not the time P-ko has went mising

Nepgear: !

Goku: hey what's going on?

Nepgear: you know that little girl that can transform and fights with het fists?

Goku: Hmm....I think I recall fighting her one time....

Nepgear: yeah she went missing!

Goku: What!?

Plutia (from over there): I was making some stuffed plushies hours ago and I started to feel sleepy, i just happened somehow peashy was there too! And when I woke she was gone!

Histoire: This probably could be the doing of someone

Iffy: P-ko went missing!?

Nepgear: Yeah but what you just said Histoire makes it sounds like someone kidnapped her

Compa: that isn't good

Vegeta: I guess another bad guy is gonna show up I presume.

Goku: whoever did this is gonna pay

Nepgear: Don't worry plutia we will be there as soon as possible!

Plutia (from over there) ok..but make it fast!

Uzume it isn't cool for someone to just kidnapped a little kid

Nepgear: Even thou P-ko is CPU she still has much to learn she is still pretty strong too

Goku: Hey Nepgear do you still have that button that allows us travel between our dimensions?

Nepgear: hmm let me see Yea I do why?

Goku: you mind letting me use it I have to go pick up something from someone

Nepgear: uuhhh...Ok?

Goku presses the button and disappears in a flash the comes back 5 minutes with a small bag in his hand

Goku: ok I'm back

Nepgear: that was fast and what's inside that bag?

Goku: oh I just brought a couple of senzu beans just in case

Nepgear: you mean that item that instantly heals you?!

Goku: Yup the one that gets us back up in no time!

Nepgear: I guess we could use it just in case the enemy is too strong

Goku: Man I can't wait and see who this person is I hope his power level is strong

Nepgear: umm Histoire can you watch over Neptune while were gone?

Histoire: I feel like it might be a pain but sure I'll do what I can I mean I always have to watch over her anyway.

Nepgear: Alright then I think were ready right?

Goku: Wait how do we know were is this bad guy is at?

Nepgear: uh don't worry about It, I know how to get there we just need Histoire to help us open a portal

Histoire: But your shares are still too low for me to do that!

Goku: umm Histoire you forgot about me

Histoire: oh y-yes how could I have possibly forgotten you

Goku: welp shall we give it a try

Histoire: sure but lets us head to virtua forest first Iffy watch over neptune please

Iffy: Sure thing just hurry up a bit

Compa: I'll watch over nepnep too

Histoire: Thank you Iffy and Compa


Goku: alright then so how do we do this?

Histoire: just concentrate on your power in one place and try to release it all out

Nepgear: umm like this?.........haaaaaAAAAAAA

Goku: oh ok that's easy-


Goku: Oh uh.....ok hehehehe......HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Histoire: Ok that seems perfect now I can activate the portal

Histoire makes sure she has the correct coordinates and opens the portal to plutie's Dimension which will allow them to travel to

Nepgear: Wow well that wasn't hard.....

Histoire: Please make sure to bring Peashy in one peace Plutia is starting to get really sad

Goku: Don't worry we got it!

Goku and Nepgear step into the light being absorbed by it then after a few seconds the light vanished and both disappear without trace

Histoire: Good luck Goku and Nepgear


Nepgear: uh oh I think we are falling goku!

Goku: Yup we appeared in the skies I suppose

Nepgear: aaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

Goku: Hey why you screaming for?

Nepgear: Cause we are falling at a fast rate!? I DON'T WANNA DIE NOOOOO AAAAAHHHH!!!

Goku: uhhhh......

Goku then carries Nepgear and starts to fly

Nepgear: NOOO I DON'T WAN-huh?.......u-um Goku!? *blushes*

Goku: Did you forget that I could fly?

Nepgear: u-u-u-uum No of c-c-course not!

Goku: Jeez screaming and panicking I got you, you'll be fine Nepgear hehe

Nepgear: uhh...*blushes*

Goku: Umm why is your face turning red again?

Nepgear: HUH!? N-N-N-NO IT'S NOTHING I SWEAR awww......*blushes even harder*

Goku: And your doing it again, I'll just Ignore that part, oh hey I see a city up ahead were gonna head there ok?

Nepgear: Umm yea...ok *twiddles her fingers*


Goku: Hmmm this place looks kinda familiar but then it really doesn't

Nepgear: Yea the city and everything else is almost how I see back in our dimension, the tower in this dimension also looks very different

Goku: I think we should look around first.

Nepgear: Maybe the tower?

Plutia is then seen running towards them exhausted and tired.

Plutia: Neppy Jr!

Nepgear: oh I guess we let plutia come to us then

Plutia: P-ko is gone and I can't find her anywhere

Nepgear: Don't worry Plutia we are here to help

Goku: Hold up lemme try something....

Goku tries to sense peashys energy since he knows she is a CPU but he has no luck whatsoever trying to locate her

Goku: Nothing I can't sense her energy at all!

Nepgear: That isn't good

Plutia: Come on we have to go to the other nations

Nepgear: other nations?!

Goku: Woah now hold on a second!

Plutia: huh? Is something the matter?

Nepgear: there are other nations in this dimension?

Goku: I wonder who the leaders of those nations are....

Plutia: Oh...ummmm...you will be suprised once you find out. Let's go back to the basilicom first.

Nepgear: Ok cmon Goku.

Goku: K

After a long walk, they arrive at the Plutia's basilicom, Goku and Nepgear both seemed suprised by the looks of it. Plutia then calls in Histy to help them out.

Goku: Wait there is another Histoire?

Plutia: Uh huh and she us soo cute!

Histoire: Pardon me but what is the matter?

Nepgear and Goku are both in shocked when they see how small she is.

Nepgear: Oh my god! She is soo small!

Goku: Soo tiny!

Histoire: Oh are these the guests you brought in Plutia?

Plutia: Yup and they are here to help me find peashy.

Histoire: that is good to hear, I have been trying to track her location but at some point she completely disappeared from the map.

Nepgear: What!?

Histoire: However I am sure her last location I saw was near one of the nations in a secret facility, I believe she could be there if you search.

Goku: No problem just leave it to us!

Nepgear: Yea and once we do we are gonna make the person pay for kidnapping her.

Histoire: Plutie you are going with them too right?

Plutia: Of course I am going, Peashy is like my family.

Histoire: Am glad to hear that anyways I think Peashy's last known location might have been near Lowee in a Underground cave.

Nepgear: Wait, Lowee? So does that mean there is another Blanc?

Goku: Well if you say so Histoire then lets go find her!

Nepgear: Wait something is wrong.

Goku: huh? what is it?

Nepgear: I can't transform!

Goku: You can't? Why?

Nepgear: I don't know I just can't transform for some reason

Histoire: So you're a CPU too?

Nepgear: I am just a canditate, my older sister is a CPU.

Histoire: Ahh I see now.

Plutia: Maybe I can transform and carry you.

Histoire: Goodness please don't plutia!

Plutia: Awww.......

Goku: I guess that just means I gotta carry you both.

Histoire: Wait how can you fly?

Goku: I learned how to do it back in my world.

Nepgear: Oh yea Goku isn't a CPU since you're the Histoire from this dimension.

Histoire: He isn't a CPU? So he is just a human?

Goku: Hey I am a saiyan.

Histoire: A saiyan?

Nepgear: Uumm, we will explain it later because we gotta go.

Histoire: uh ok then good luck out there.

Plutia: Since the trip might tale a while can I nap on your back Goku?

Goku: Say wha-?

Nepgear seems to be annoyed by that since she was about to ask that first.

Goku: I mean I don't see why not?

Plutia: Yipeee!

Nepgear: I guess you are gonna have to carry me by my hands I guess.

Goku: What? You were gonna ask that too?

Nepgear: HUH!? Umm N-NO!

Goku: uh ok then, cmon let's get going

Nepgear: *sighs* Ok then....

About 1 hour later Goku is starting to sense Peashy's energy near Lowee, he then let's Nepgear and Plutua know they are about to arrive.

Goku: Her energy is getting close, I can feel it.

Plutia: Zzzzzz.......

Nepgear: Man, I think she is having a relaxing nap up there while I'm hanging down here.

Goku: Hey, sleepy head we are about land, wake up.

Plutia: huh? Are we almost there?

Goku: Yeah! Wake up already.

Nepgear: Wow I can see lowee from here and it also looks really different!

Plutia: It looks very nice.

Goku: Hang on, were about to decend.

Goku slowly begins to descend from the sky landing next near the hidden cave Histoire tole them about, Nepgear and Plutia look around but see no sign of the cave.

Nepgear: Where else can we look?

Goku: Hmm I think I got a idea but I want both of you to back off a few feet.

Goku, using his strength, smashes the ground with his fists, the dirt and grass starts falling deep underground as Goku knew they were above the hidden cave.

Plutia: Woah! We were standing above it the whole time?

Nepgear: I guess that works!

Goku: Ok then, let's go find Peashy!


Goku: Man, this cave kinda feels a little creepy.

Nepgear: Not only that, it is also filled with monsters so we better watch out.

Plutia: I do hope that Peashy is ok.

Nepgear: Don't worry Plutia, I am sure we will find her.

After a bit of walking, they encounter a massive dragon, Goku only sighs as all it took was just 1 punch to defeat the dragon as it fell down to the ground and disappeared into nothing.

Nepgear: Well I guess that works.

Goku: These monsters are really weak, they are no fun at all

Nepgear: Yea it kinda feels strange, we have gotten stronger and now the monsters just feel too weak, but there still are stronger ones too.

Goku: Yea I know, but I still am only interested in fighting you guys or whoever the bad guy is.

Plutia: Wow, you really like to fight don't you?

Goku: Yea hehe I enjoyed fighting since I was small and now I have gotten really really strong, not only that I have been learning new techniques along the way and new transformations too, along with a special technique of course.

Nepgear: Ultra Instinct.......but is it......really that hard to learn it?

Plutia: Wow so you really are strong after all hehehe.

?????: ....what are you doing here?

Goku and Nepgear, both in a instant get in their defensive states, as for Plutia who seems confused what is going on.

Goku: Who are you?

Nepgear: Yea! come out and show yourself!

The unknown girls decides to come out and reveal herself, Nepgear and Goku both seem in shocked but what they are seeing.

Nepgear: Woah! Goku she looks like-

Goku: Yeah! there is no doubt about it.

Blanc: Hey! how long are you gonna sit there and stare at me!?

Goku: Oh u-uh sorry it is just that you remind us of someone else.

Blanc: Well I don't give a crap! Just tell me what are you three doing here, especially you!

Plutia: Me?!

Nepgear: U-umm you see we are here because we heard that there was a lost child and we figured that she might be near here.

Blanc: A lost child? Blanc asks in confusion

Plutia: Uh huh somebody kidnapped her!

Blanc: What!? well I don't know about you guys but you all have to get outta my nation or I'm gonna be pissed!

Nepgear: B-but-

Blanc: Don't worry I'll have guards look around to check and try to find her, just go back to where you came from.

Plutia: Yea...ok

Blanc: Wait, at least tell me what she looks like.

Plutia shows Blanc a picture of her and Peashy eating some pudding before she went missing.

Blanc: I see.... Ok then, I will let you know when we found her.

Nepgear: Alright, thank you.


Histoire: So how did it go? Did you found Peashy?

Nepgear: Well....the thing is, is that the CPU of Lowee caught us entering her nation borders and ordered us to go back, she did say that she will have guards looking around for her.

Histoire: I see now......

Peashy: Oh....I'm sorry Histoire.

Histoire: Please don't fret over it Plutie, I'm sure they will be able to find Peashy and safely return her to us.

Plutia: I know Histy, but I just miss her soo much.

Histoire: I do too Plutia in fact, we all miss her as much as you do.

Goku: I wonder how Neptune is doing back in the other dimension......


Neptune: ZZZZzzzzz.......


Noire: Jeez how long has she been asleep for?

Histoire: She has been like that ever since she recovered from Beerus's attack

Goten: ZZzzzzz......

Histoire: Even Neptune's laziness has influenced Goten to nap as well.

Vert: Awww he looks cute.

Histoire: V-vert! Stop, you are just making it worse for him!

Vert: Cmon he is a saiyan, I doubt he is gonna be lazying around like Neptune. He even told me he wants to be strong, just like his dad.

Vegeta: Tsk move aside!....GET THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW!!!!

Neptune: NEEPUUUU!!??

Goten: woah!?

Vegeta: There, you happy now?

Histoire: I expected nothing less from you Vegeta.

Vegeta: You're welcome.

Neptune: Hey why did you have to scream so loud all of a sudden?

Vegeta: Because I'f you just laze around how are you supposed to catch up to us?!

Neptune: Oh.....right right I forgot hehe.


Goku: I'm sure they are doing just fine.

Nepgear: Yeah, so I think we have to worry about nothing....

Plutia: So what are we gonna do now?

Histoire: I guess we are suppose to wait till they call us.

Goku: Now that we are supposed to wait I'm gonna do some weight lifting on King kai's

Nepgear: Huh? King kai?

Goku: Gaahh..... hehehe I'll explain the details later, but do you wanna come?

Nepgear: I mean sure why not?

Goku: Ok, what about you Plutia?

Plutia: Huh? Oh sorry I wish i could come, but I gotta do some work because Histy tells me to.

Histoire: Of course because all you do is nothing but nap!

Goku: Well thats a drag, ok then see ya later.

Nepgear holds on to Goku's shoulder as he presses the button to teleport to his Dimension. As he arrives he uses Instant transmission to head off to King Kai's planet.


Goku: Hello, anybody home?

King Kai: Oh it's you Goku, hm? who is that girl with you?

Goku: Oh this is Nepgear, she is also my new training partner!

King Kai: Hmmm, she doesn't look like anyone from this Universe I met, where did you met her?

Goku: Oh, I decided to head off to another new Dimension to fight stronger warriors, and as I did I met her older sister first then then a couple of weeks went by and I met her, she is actually pretty strong I must say.

Nepgear: Aww Y-you're making me blush.

King Kai: Well it's a honor to meet you, my name is King Kai.

Nepgear: I'm Nepgear, I hope we get along in the future.

Goku: Anyway I came here to train so you got anything even heavier this time?

King Kai: I'd knew you would come here just for training, Yes I do but this time I am not gonna make them big cause remember last time!?



Goku: Huh? it is? hehehe My bad King kai.



Goku: hehehe Yup, good old times.

King Kai: More like bad times to me. Ok then just how much are you exactly trying to put on?

Goku: Idk, probably like 5 Billion tons.

Nepgear: Wait.....WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!

Goku: Oh wait, I forgot how much can you lift?

Nepgear: I-I-I I really don't know!

Goku: Well thats a shame....

Nepgear: huh? No it isn't! I-I'll show you! U-umm Gimme at least 40 Tons

Goku: .....pffft HAhahaha.....

Nepgear: Don't laugh at me! I can't carry as much like you can! I never lifted weights before.

Goku: I guess it's worth starting from small then going big.

King Kai: Ok here are 4 small weights each being 1/4s of 5 billion tons

Goku: Ok that sounds goo- WOAH!! m-man they sure are heavy!

King Kai: Here you go Nepgear, 4 weights each being 10 tons.

Nepgear: I guess 1 goes in my right and the other on my left, Ok then.

As soon as Nepgear puts on the weights, she begins having trouble trying to lift the weights.

Nepgear: G-Ghhh!.......Maybe I did too m-much!!!

King Kai: Cmon Nepgear, I know you can do it.

Nepgear: I-I-It's t-too much!!

Starting to actually lift the weights, Nepgear still has trouble but slowly starts to improve over time and time.

Goku: Well well you are actually starting to lift them.

Nepgear: I-I know....I just n-need more p-practice!

Nepgear goes HDD, and starts to life the heavy weights with more ease.

Purple Sister: I can feel them being a little lighter now.

She then takes out her sword and tries to practice swinging it while with the weights on, she still has trouble despite being in HDD yet, she slowly improves.

Goku: These weight might be heavy, but I'm gonna stay on my base form till I can easily carry them.

Purple Sister: Extremely slowly, these weights just get lighter and lighter.

After a few hours pass Goku can already carry 5 billion tons, just with little to no trouble, Nepgear has already gotten strong enough to start carrying heavier weights.

Nepgear: Phew...I finally did it, I still need to carry heavier ones.

Goku: Same thing with me heheh.

King Kai: Well I'm glad you both have gotten stronger.

Goku: I think I might bring more people here next time.

King Kai: huh!?

Goku: Hehe I mean I did made friends with a lot of new people in the new dimension I visited, so yeah your planet might be a little full.

King Kai: Ehh I really don't mind as long as you don't ruin my garden or bring a bomb.

Goku: So Nepgear anything else you wanna do?

Nepgear: I think I'm gonna raise the weight by another 40 tons.

King Kai: I see your confident eh Nepgear?

Nepgear: Of course, I wanted to be strong to protect those I care.

Goku: Heh I'd feel the same way Nepgear!

After a couple more few hours of intense training, Nepgear and Goku both decide to head back to Ultra dimension.

Goku: Phew! I guess it's time we head back Nepgear.

Nepgear: Oohhh....M-my body is extremely tired.

Goku: Same with my body too hehe, I think we should nap once we get back k?

Nepgear: Yea, sounds good.

King Kai: Already leaving?

Nepgear: Yea, Thanks for letting us train here Mr. King Kai.

King Kai: You don't gotta thank me, come anytime whenever you feel like it, just be careful with my garden ok?

Nepgear: hehehe, Ok I will.

Goku: You ready?

Nepgear: Yea, Let's go.

Goku and Nepgear both disappear in a instant with just 1 tap of the button that Zeno gave to Goku.

King Kai: Good luck, Goku and Nepgear.....sighs I know there is a new dangerous enemy, no matter where you go, there is always someone or something bad.


Goku: Were home!

Plutia: Goku!, Neppy Jr.!

Nepgear: Phew, I need to lay down.

Goku: Y-Yeah, Hey Plutia can I lay down in your couch?

Plutia: I don't see why not?

Goku: Thanks.....Zzzz.....

Nepgear: Woah! That was really fast! Even I can't fall asleep that fast.

Plutia: I guess he is really that tired.

Nepgear: I'm gonna nap in your bed.

Plutia: Oki! I'm also gonna sleep.

Histoire: Sleep well Nepgear and Plutia, I'll be staying up just in case we receive any news on peashy.

Nepgear: Sounds good.

Histoire: Well goodnight.

Nepgear: Night Histoire...Tomorrow, I hope we get to see you again...peashy.

I started to get extremely nervous when more days were passing and I wasn't uploading the chapter so I just taught of uploading it, it might be short but the next one will be like the rest, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter peace out!


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