The Cheerleader

By sierrar2003

44.3K 897 49

"What's with the sweatpants?" -Bender . "I mean, we're all pretty bizarre. Hell, Rebecca is wearing sweatpant... More

the assignment


7.5K 128 12
By sierrar2003

"I can't believe you can't get me out of this." Claire Standish sighed, shaking her head in the passenger seat of her father's BMW. "I mean it's so absurd I have to be here on a Saturday. It's not like I'm a defective or anything." she continued to complain to her dad. "I'll make it up to you." her father turns to grab a bag in the backseat smiling. "Honey, ditching class to go shopping doesn't make you a defective. Have a good day." her father smiles handing her the bag only to be greeted with a look. Claire Standish takes the bag begrudgingly and opens the car door heading to the entrance of Shermer High.

"Is this the first time or the last time I am going to do this?" Mrs. Johnson turned to her son with a pointed look. "Last." Brian lets out a deep sigh. "Well get in there and use the time to your advantage." his mother demands, motioning to the school. "Mom, we're not supposed to study, we just have to sit there and do nothing." Brain denied her instructions. "Well, mister you figure out a way to study." Mrs. Johnson crossed her arms sternly. "Yeah!" Brain's little sister sasses from her spot in between her mother and brother. "Well go!" his mother demands when she notices him just sitting there staring at his sister. Brian sighs before getting out of the car and shutting the red car door.

An old beat-up pickup truck pulled into the parking lot quickly before slamming on the brakes. Rebecca Louis flies forward in the passenger seat as her mom slams on the break. "This better be the last time I have to bring you here. I had a date today and had to cancel because of you!" Rebecca's mom glares at her daughter. "You need to get your head on straight! I will not be putting up with this behavior, your job is to watch your sister. Now get out, I got a case of beer waiting for me at home." the older woman demands. Rebecca rolls her eyes, grabs her bag, and exits the truck.

"Hey, I screwed around. Guys screw around there's nothing wrong with that, except you got caught, Sporto." Mr. Clark tells his son as they sit in the truck. "I know, mom already rammed me, all right!" Andrew rolled his eyes, looking out the window. "You want to miss a match? Do you want to blow your ride? Huh? What school's going to give a scholarship to a discipline case?" Mr. Clark received no answer as Andrew just opened and left the truck slamming the door on his way out.

As the truck drove away, John Bender came walking up to the school parking lot paying no mind to the blue car that stops just before it slams into him.

Allison Reynolds popped out of the back seat of the blue car in a giant winter coat. She started walking towards the front window and bent her head down only for the car to drive off without any acknowledgment, leaving the girl to stare at the retreating car.

The library was silent as Brian Johnson takes his seat, Claire Standish two rows ahead of him and to his right. Andrew Clark walks into the library, heading towards Claire's table. The athlete stops at the chair at the end of the table and points to it, Claire just shrugs in reply. After the silent interaction, Andrew pulls out the chair and puts his lunch on the floor as he sits.

John Bender walks through the open library doors, his fingertips gliding against the sides. He messes with things on the library desk and grabs a letter that sat at the end of the desk. He stares down the jock as he puts up his sunglasses and walks to the table where Brian is located. Brian is quick to get up and scramble to another table as Bender approaches him. John watches the boy grab his stuff before pulling out the chairs to make his own footrest.

Allison Reynolds walks quickly into the room heading towards the back of the library seat, causing the group to turn their heads toward the odd girl. Their attention was redirected to the front of the room when another pair of footsteps were heard. 

Rebecca Louis entered the library, her outfit appearing mostly black, surprised the jock and popular girl as she entered. Rebecca met no one's eyes as she entered and sits at the desk behind John, across from Allison. Rebecca felt the multiple pair of eyes on her but decided to ignore them. Rebecca was barely ever seen outside of school, so while her clothing choice was normal to her, everyone else was questioning her color choice. As head cheerleader, she was told to wear her uniform to school most days, which made her life easy considering she was low on clothing that fit her anyway. Everyone's attention was redirected from the cheerleader to Mr. Vernon as he entered the library. 

"Well, well, here we are. I want to congratulate you for being on time." Vernon mocked the students standing in the front of the library. "Excuse me, Sir." Claire raised her hand at his comment. "I think there's been a mistake. I know it's detention, but um I don't think I belong in here." Claire lowered her hand when the man looks at her. Andrew Clark smirks at the girl next to him for her comment. Mr. Vernon ignores the girl and looks at his wristwatch. "It is now 7:06." Vernon raises his wrist, causing Brian to check his own watch. 

"You have exactly 8 hours and 54 minutes to think about why you-" Mr. Vernon's speech was interrupted by John Bender. John leaned back and shot his spit into the air and then proceeded to catch it back in his mouth, the action earned him a disgusted look and gasp from Claire and a questioning look from Rebecca, who only received a wink in return. "Ponder the error of your ways." Mr. Vernon resumes annoyed. "You may not talk." Vernon pointed to Claire. "You will not move from these seats." he then instructed as Brian moves his bag and himself over more. "And you will not sleep." Vernon scolded removing the chair that was under Bender's feet.

"Alright people we'll do something a little different today, we are going to write an essay." Vernon begins passing out papers. "No less than a thousand words." he instructs putting paper down next to Allison causing her to move her head in his direction. "Describing to me who you think you are." Vernon moves towards Bender and handing out paper. "Is this a test?" Bender mutters, only to get ignored. "And when I say essay, I mean essay." Vernon continued as Bender turned to hand Rebecca a paper as he puts his feet up on the desk. "Thanks." she mumbled taking the sheet of paper from his hand."I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times." Vernon lays papers down in front of Claire and Andrew. "Is that clear, Mr. Bender?" Vernon turns his attention to the delinquent. "Crystal." Bender answers, not moving his eyes away from the object he is playing with.

"Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself, maybe you'll decide whether or not you'll return." Vernon continues on. "Uh, you know I can answer that right now Sir. You know, that would be no for me, because-" Brian stands up to defend himself. "Sit down." Vernon interrupts, aggressively pointing to the boy's seat. "Thank you, Sir." Brian nods, sitting back down. "My office is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill-advised." Vernon points out his office. "Questions?" Vernon asks, Andrew shakes his head. Principal Vernon turns to leave the library, only for Bender to speak up. "Yeah, I got a question. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?" Bender's question causes the teenagers to snicker. A small giggle escapes Rebecca causing John to turn and smirk at the blonde behind him.

"I'll give you the answer to that question next week, Mr. Bender, next Saturday." Vernon glares and points his finger at the boy. "Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns!" Vernon threatens before turning to exit the library. "That man is a brownie hound." Bender comments once more as Vernon leaves the room.

Everyone started getting comfortable and soon a clicking noise is heard. Everyone turns their head toward the back of the room to see Allison biting off her fingernails. She continues to bite them until she notices the stares, she looked at all of the teens, looking at Bender last before putting her fingers back in her mouth. "Keep eating your hand, you're not going to be hungry for lunch." Bender's words cause her to glare before she bites harder on her nail and spits it out at him. "I've seen you before, you know." Bender pointed at her. The comment was ignored as Allison just huffed and turned in her seat.

"Who are you, who are you?" Brian mumbles to himself attracting the attention of John."I am a walrus." Brian puts his pen in his mouth causing Rebecca to turn to him amused. John continues to stare at the boy as he continues to move the pen around with his mouth. Brian stops what he's doing as he notices the stare of the criminal. John removes his scarf from his neck, and Brian removed the pen from his mouth. Brian smiled awkwardly before putting down the pen.

Unknowingly both teenagers reach to remove their coats, Bender quickly becomes aware of the situation and glares at the other boy. Brian stops removing his coat and allows Bender to continue. The nerd blows on his hands and focuses on his paper as John takes it upon himself to stare Brian down. "It's the shits, huh?" Brian noticed John's stare. John then turns his attention to the blonde behind him who seems to have fallen asleep, deciding not to disturb the sleeping beauty he turns his attention to Claire. He stares at the redhead for a few seconds before throwing a paper ball over her head and onto the floor in front of her. Claire clenches her jaw at the action but says nothing.

"Na, na, na, na, na, na, na." John starts making a tune to annoy the couple in front of him. "I can't believe this is really happening to me." Claire grumbles under the sound of John's 'song'. "Oh, shit." John caused the couple in front of him to turn and the girls behind him to groan at the sudden noise. "What are we supposed to do if we have to piss?" Bender exclaims dramatically. "Oh, please." Claire mutters and the two in the front turn back in their chairs."If you have to go, you have to go." John shrugs pulling down his zipper causing the two to whip back around.

"Hey, you're not urinating in here man!" Andrew glares at the criminal behind him, while Brian looks over curiously. "Don't talk, don't talk, it makes it come back up." Bender's words cause Rebecca to wrinkle her nose in disgust. "You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor." Andrew threatens immediately. "You're pretty sexy when you get angry." Bender antagonizes, earning a small laugh from the girl behind him.

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