Stuck With The Cassidy Boys

By c1113__

466K 10K 4K

When Emerson Davis loses her Mother in a car crash, her dad turns to abuse to let out his anger... Until he's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Bedrooms !!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Character & Cast Update/Reminder
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Update Coming!!!!!
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 3

16.6K 350 303
By c1113__

I took a long drag from the joint, inhaling every last bit before blowing it out into the crisp night air. When a knock came to my door, I set the joint down on the small coffee table and walked to open the door, only to find Chris standing there.

"Hey I was just-" sniff, sniff,sniff "you stink of weed!" He whispered and I looked at the ground

"You share?" He said with a grin so I pulled him inside and shut the door, dragging him to the balcony.

"Who knew the good girl smoked weed" he said before taking a drag from my joint

"What good girl has tattoos and piercings?" I questioned and he laughed

"I'll keep that in mind" he said

"So you do it often" he asked and I nodded

"most days" I said simply "same" he answered back

"Wait, really?" I said kind of surprised

"Yeah, I like to feel free, what about you" He asked

"It takes away the pain" I mumbled but he just nodded, he had his reasons and I had mine.

"Your brothers know?" I asked, Curious. he shook his head frantically

"No, they'd kill me" he said seriously before taking another drag and handing it too me, I inhaled the smoke

"Your secrets safe with me, we should do this more often" I said releasing it back into the air.

"Definitely" He said before patting my leg and leaving the room

"Night Sweetheart" he hummed and closed my door.

I got changed into a black tank top and some shorts and went to bed.


"Your worthless little whore" SMACK
"She's dead because of you!" KICK
"You don't deserve to be happy!" PUNCH
"Fucking unwanted piece of shit, you should have died, not your mother" CRACK

I lay there on the kitchen floor, bleeding, crying, my ribs broken in two different places.

"Please daddy I'm sorry" I cried out for mercy but it only made him angrier "your sorry huh? You killed my wife, I'm the one that's sorry, sorry you where ever born you selfish little bitch" he slurred

He got closer and closer to me, beer bottle in hand, he smashes it against the wall leaving the sharp pointy neck of the bottle in his hand,

I let out a blood curdling scream as he jams it into my upper arm, before storming out of the house and leaving me.

End of dream

I wake up screaming, dripping in sweat. My door burst open and I find Ethan and Sawyer standing there. They rush over to me, one in each side

"Aww baby are you okay" Ethan says pulling me to his chest but all I can do is shake, I was panicking.
"Shhh it's just a bad dream" Ethan says stroking my hair whilst sawyer rubs my back.

Ethan leaves and sawyer takes his place, wrapping me up in his arms. I felt safe. Ethan returned with a glass of water

"Drink this and calm down" he says sympathetically.

I take the glass for his hand but I'm shaking that much I keep spilling it so sawyer takes it off me and puts it to my mouth for me to drink.

"T-thanky-you" I stutter out as they both just stare

"No problem princess, you going to be okay?" Sawyer asks me and I shake my head

"please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone" I whisper.

Usually when this happened I had my best friend Avery there to comfort me but obviously he was back home and I was here...alone!

"I'll stay, you've got work early in the morning, go back to bed" Sawyer tells Ethan

"Okay but if you need me come and get me, I mean it" he says before kissing my head "sleep well baby" he whispers and leaves.

"So you want to got back to sleep?" Sawyer asks unsure of what to do,I nodded

"Yes, but you have to stay" I demanded but in a whisper

"I'm not going anywhere princess" he said, tucking us both under the covers and pulling me into him, which I didn't deny instead I snuggled into his chest, his bare chest.

The morning

"Honey it's time to get-oh" I heard Holly say as my eyes fluttered open, I was snuggled into a shirtless sawyer who was still fast asleep, I looked over at Holly who looked in shock at the sight of her son and me cuddled up in my bed, she quickly left the room, I shook sawyer awake,

"Morning Princess, how did you sleep?" he asked in a sexy raspy morning voice

"Good, Thankyou" I said shyly

"No problem, seeing you that upset was horrible" he said still hugging me

"yeah, I'm kind of used to it but you really helped" I mumble causing him to frown.

"Right we are going to make a deal, any night you have a nightmare, get anxious or sad, you come and get me and I'll stay with you okay?, your not alone" he says

"Sounds good, Thankyou" I say sincerely

"No need to thank me princess, see you downstairs" he says releasing me from his grasp and leaving the room.

I hopped out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast, I needed to make sure Holly new why Sawyer was in my bed so she didn't think the worst!

"Morning" I said walking into the kitchen where everyone was sat

"Listen Holly about this morning I-" I stopped speaking when I looked up to see them all staring at me, what are they looking at? I looked down and face palmed myself, I was wearing a bloody tank top, completely exposing my half sleeve tattoo and everybody was staring at it!

"Oh, erm, I have more tattoos" I said like a question

"Yea we can see that princess" Sawyer said earning weird glances from Holly and the boys,

"Sweetheart You never told us you had a half sleeve, that's hot" Chris butted in making me blush,

"Oh well you weren't meant to see it...EVER! So that's great" I mumbled

"Why not?" Luke said bluntly, this guy!!!!

"Because I said so!" I said back sternly

"Anyways Holly, I had a nightmare last night, that's why sawyer was in my bed," I explained to her

"That's okay hun, sawyer honey next time wear a T-shirt" some of the boys scoffed, I blushed and sawyer simply didn't care.

"Today your going to the mall with the boys, you are going to pick out some clothes, shoes, makeup anything you want, you can use my card and don't worry about the cost ok?" Holly said

"Oh Holly you don't have to do that, I'm fine with what I've got" I said, because I really was fine

"Nonsense, your apart of this family, you get the same treatment as the boys" she said eating the last of her waffles and putting her plate in the sink.

"Now go get ready, your leaving in 30 mins and the boys don't like waiting" she chuckled so I finished my food and went upstairs and got ready, now they knew about my tattoo I could wear whatever I wanted.

I put my hair half up half down, out on some perfume and went down stair to find all the boys waiting,

"Finally, took you long enough" Luke scoffed at to which I rolled my eyes

"Who you gonna ride with?" Ethan asked

"What are my options, cars I mean" I clarified.

"I have a black Audi R8" Ethan says with a grin
"I got a Jeep" sawyer says smugly
"I have a Range Rover Sport" Chris says casually
"BMW 8 series, blue" Luke says
"BMW 8 series, red" Jacob says
"Red& black 1970s Chevelle" Jamie says, cool
"Grey Bentley Continental" Daniel says, YESSS

"Daniel or Jamie, it's a hard choice" I said placing my finger in my chin to think

"Take one there and one back because I'm getting bored waiting" Luke moaned.

"Okay fine, come on Daniel" I said walking out the door towards his beautiful car, I ran my hand across the hood to the handle and opened the door, breathing in the smell of the black leather interior.

We set off and I realised I hadn't really spoken to Daniel at all, he was a stranger.

"So you like cars Huh?" He said leaning slightly towards me;

"Yea, I'm a bit of a tomboy, I love cars and sports, I'm a bit weird like that!" I said shyly.

"That's not weird, it's cool to know a girl who isn't obsessed with looks or girly things" he chuckled

"Yeah that's just not me" I admitted

"I like that" he said simply before turning the radio on to, "Breathin-Ariana Grande' (the irony), I hummed along and began to sing.

"Woah your voice is beautiful" Daniel says making me blush and stop singing in embarrassment

"Don't stop" he says softly so I carry on singing only to be joined by a tuneful male voice, Daniel... he can sing

He looked over at me and grinned as the song finished "Your voice is amazing too" I enthused and I made him blush

"Your blushing" I cooed

"So your tattoo" he said with a huff trying to change the subject

"Which one?" I asked needing clarification.

"How many do you have?" He asked a bit confused

"Four" I replied shyly

"You have four?!" He exclaimed

"Yeah, I love tattoos" I giggled

"So what are they, what's their meaning?" He pried

"You won't tell, I mean it you can't say a thing" I demanded getting ready to open up to him a bit, I felt comfortable with him.

"So I have Breathe on my wrist as you know, I have my half sleeve on my upper shoulder, the word strong on my ankle and some dates on my ribs" I said slowly hoping he'd forget about the meanings

"So why breathe?" He asked, yea he hadn't forgotten

"Well, I have anxiety so when Luke joked about me forgetting to breathe, he wasn't exactly wrong" I huffed "oh, I'm sorry he can be so insensitive" he apologised giving my arm a squeeze.

"It's fine I just don't like talking about it, only Ethan, Sawyer and your parents know, so don't mention it" I begged "Ethan and sawyer? Why do they know?"

I fumbled with my hands in my lap "Your mom thought it would be a good idea to have people to help me with it" I said and he nodded

"Now you have me" He said shyly, making me smile

"What about strong?" He pried but I wasn't ready to talk about my depression.

"Maybe another time" I said and he nodded

"We're here" he said pulling into a parking space, followed by the rest of the boys.

We all gathered in the parking lot, "let's get in there?" Chris said as we walked towards the entrance.

My favourite... shopping!

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