Stuck With The Cassidy Boys

By c1113__

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When Emerson Davis loses her Mother in a car crash, her dad turns to abuse to let out his anger... Until he's... More

Chapter 2
Bedrooms !!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Character & Cast Update/Reminder
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Update Coming!!!!!
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 1

20.8K 410 226
By c1113__

6 hours....

That's how long I have been lead on my bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for someone to come get me.

6 hours is how long it's been since my father was arrested for abusing me. 6 hours I've been alone to deal with the pain.

Knock knock knock

I am interrupted from my staring by someone knocking on the front door of my crappy 2 story home, in a serious need of a new coat of paint.

I trudged down the stairs and opened the door, stood there was a gorgeous woman, maybe in her 40s, she was wearing a black knee length dress with heels and a blazer, she had straight blond hair that stopped at the shoulders and pretty blue eyes, she looked to expensive to be in my neighbourhood, so why is she here?

"Hi, you must be Emerson, wow I haven't seen you since you where about 2 years old, look at you your gorgeous" gleamed the unknown woman who had now made her way into my house.

"Thankyou?" I said more of a question, still confused at what was going on, who is this woman?

"Oh sorry hun how rude of me, I'm Holly Cassidy, a friend of your Mother's" she said holding out her hand for me to shake, which I did.

"Not to be rude Mrs Cassidy but why we you here?" I said quite bluntly

"Oh Hun please call me Holly, and I'm here because of your father, you see I have know you parents since high school and we promised to look after you if anything ever happened" she explained sympathetically

"So what does that mean exactly?" I asked Holly

"You will be coming to live with me and my family, and we are leaving in the morning" she said hastily

"What? I can leave, I have school and friends and what about my father?" I was starting to panic,

"Honey I think a fresh start would be good for you, you can keep in contact with your friends and as for school you will be attending Dixon Highschool near our house" she explained rubbing my shoulder.

I flinched under her touch, did she know about what he did? She obviously noticed me flinch "oh hun I'm sorry, are you okay, I completely forgot about what he's done to you?" Yep she knew!

"I'm fine, used to it, I can just be a little flinch because of it and my anxiety as well" I explained.

She frowned at me "Right go get packed, and get some rest so we can set off early tomorrow, we only live about 5 hours away and we will be taking a jet, but I want to give you time to settle, I'll be back at 6:30am, love ya hun" and with that she left the way she came leaving me stood in the hallway... overwhelmed.

I trudged back up the stairs and packed anything of significance to me, photos, books, jewellery, mr fluffy(my teddy), my weed and various other bits into a small-ish suitcase, got into my PJs and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Beep beep beep

6:30am in the morning and I had to be up, in a few minutes I was going to be whisked away from everything and everyone I've ever know to start a new life with a bunch of strangers.

I got up, had a shower then went and got changed into this;

What most people don't know is that I have a big tattoo covering my upper left arm and shoulder that looks like this;

I have a few other small tattoos on, one on my ribs with my moms name and birthdate, the word strong on my ankle and the word BREATHE printed on the inside of my wrist, I don't mind people seeing that one or the one in my ankle but I find it weird people seeing the other because they start asking questions.

I throw my hair up into a messy bun, allowing random bits of golden hair to flow freely down my face. I put in a pair of converse, put on some light makeup and put in both my lip ring and Smiley (search it) piercing. I felt complete.

I went down stairs to find Holly already sitting in my Living room, "Oh hun don't You look pretty, ooh you have piercings you suite them" she cooed taking In my outfit and looks.

"Let's get going, have you got everything?" She asked and I gestured to my small suitcase "is that all?" She looked shocked and I nodded "Just the basics" I said simply and followed her to her car.

It was a black Bentley with beige leather interior, chrome accents, it was gorgeous "Wow this car is beautiful" I said letting out a gasp "it's my baby, maybe we can get you a car" she joked, or at least I think she was joking... she must have been!

2 hours later

Another two hours went by and we landed on an private airstrip somewhere in Miami, so what would have been a five-ish hour drive from Tallahassee (where I used to live in Florida) to Miami, it only took around two hours.

"Not long now, only half an hour till we're home" she enthused, home sweet home I thought to myself

"So could you tell me a bit about you and your family so I'm prepared?" I asked expecting a generic reply

"Well I'm married to my Husband Mike and we have 8 kids" she said casually meanwhile I began to choke on the air around me

"8 KIDS!!" I Yelled in shock

"How do you have room for me?" I said a little calmer

"We'll have plenty of room for worry, and yes I have 8Kids, 8 boys to be exact" There I go choking on the air again!

"Boys, all boys, no girls?" I pleaded hoping she had forgotten about a daughter or two

"I know now it sounds intense but I'm sure you will get along just fine, you don't know how happy I am to have another girl in the house" she enthused, but I was still in shock.

"I'm sure it'll be great" you could hear the sarcasm dripping from my voice, Yea just great living with 8 guys.

"Do they know past?" I asked her timidly

"No hun, only me and my husband, my two eldest know that you suffer from Anxiety and depression, nothing else, but that's so you have some people to look out for you, but as for the the rest of my boys that's up to you if you tell them" she said giving me a reassuring smile to which I nodded at.

"So tell me about the boys so I'm at least somewhat prepared" how am I meant to remember 8 different people?

"I'll just do names and ages, you will get to meet them soon anyway. So first we have Ethan,23 then Sawyer,21 next is Daniel,19 then Chris,18 and Jamie,17 we then have the twins Luke and Jacob who are 16
And then finally the baby of the group Parker,6" she said in one long breathe, before I could respond

"Where here" she beamed, I looked up to see a huge beautiful house, scratch that a beautiful MANSION sat in front of me, she drove through some tall Black iron gates and pulled up in front of a huge black wooden door.

I stepped out of the car and walked towards the door feeling very overwhelmed "You live here, it's amazing" I said breathlessly

"No hunny, We live here" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. in me, what have I ever done to deserve this, I am 'worthless, pathetic, unwanted' according to my father.

We walked though the door into a huge bright white hallway, with gold accents all around, there was a huge fluffy grey rug in the centre and a huge staircase running down the middle, we walked through an archway into what looked like their living room, there where two big black suede L-shaped sofas and a huge Tv.

Holly went over to the wall and pressed a button and started to speak "I want all the Cassidy Boys in the family room, quickly" she said in a happy tone,
She must be speaking into and intercom... or she's crazy? A few moments later I heard a chorus of loud thuds,

I looked towards the way we had just entered to see 8, gorgeous looking guys staring at me, in both awe and confusion.

Great not only do I have to live with 8 guys,! 7 of them turned out to be absolute sex Gods...fml!

"Boys, this is Emerson"

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