Keys [Jihope]

By Death-singer

1.1K 54 55

While some people try their hardest to be the center of the attention, others completely fail to notice that... More


1.1K 54 55
By Death-singer

{ship and plot requested by: @user95192374}

Word count: 8135

Big thanks to maraschinoxcherry for rewriting the one shot for me! Thanks to them, I was able to post it this fast.
ok now let's indulge in sin together

  Only when they collapse on the floor, breath heavy, and look out the window to see nothing but pitch black darkness, do they realize that they might have overworked for the day.

Their limbs feel delightfully numb, layers of sheen sweat glistening on their skin, and it seems like the dance studio is spinning around them. The air is hot, heavy, humid, and they can't feel their bodies anymore but, god, how they love this sensation. Straining themselves, pushing each other to the limit until it's perfect— until they're perfect. That has been Jimin and Hoseok's daily routine for a little over a year, since they met each other in this class and decided that their friendship absolutely needed to happen.

It initially started out as spending a couple extra minutes practicing together until the coach was urging them to get out so he could go home, but eventually the man got enough of their shit and ended up making spare keys for them to use.

"Shit," Hoseok pants, laid out on the floor with his heart pounding in his chest. "What time is it?"

Jimin has to put his heart and soul into fighting exhaustion to retrieve his phone on the floor near him and lift it up to look at the time.

"A little past midnight."

"We've been dancing for five hours?!" Hoseok exclaims, rolling onto his side to face Jimin.

"Fuck, man. I don't think I brought my keys." Jimin groans, running a hand through his damp blond hair.

"Isn't your roommate home?"

Jimin snorts, soft breathy laugh coming out of his mouth as he cranes his neck to look at Hoseok.

"He's always fast asleep before eleven. And I really doubt he'll bother waking up to open the door for me."

"You'll have to crash at my place again, then." Hoseok chuckles and sits up, feeling his whole body ache. "Dawon won't shut up about you anyways, she says you haven't come to see her in way too long."

"Aw, your sister's so cute."

The blonde's lips gently stretch into a loving smile and he coos, voice high in pitch. A shadow casts over him and he looks up to see Hoseok towering over him with his hand stretched out for him to hold. Reluctantly, he props himself up on his elbows and grabs the hand firmly, then Hoseok's pulling him up to help him stand. His legs feel like they're going to give in at any moment and he groans from fatigue but it's so good, the strain of his muscles and numbness taking over his body is something he always loved.

"Water?" Jimin asks, rummaging through his backpack.

"Yes, I love you dude." Hoseok breathes out and catches the plastic bottle thrown his way.

"Gay." The blonde laughs.

Hoseok brings the bottle up to his mouth and almost moans in relief when the water runs down his dry throat, freshness bursting through his body and cooling down the boiling heat that's been engulfing him for the past five hours.
Then he screws the bottle cap back on and grabs his bag to throw it over his shoulder. He watches as Jimin finishes gathering his things.

Hoseok isn't stupid.

He doesn't need to ask to guess that Jimin is most definitely not completely straight, not just because his interests greatly fluctuated in the gender spectrum — from disappearing with a beautiful woman with chocolate skin and gorgeous blue hair during a party to flirting with a guy with nice dimples at a dance competition — but also because his outfits have caught his and probably a few other people's eyes more than once. He admires him, because he is completely unfazed by other's opinion of him and just wears whatever the fuck he wants.

So now Jimin's wearing fishnets under his sweatpants and a crop top that displays his toned stomach and belly button where a shiny ornament hangs, and if that isn't the definition of a twink then Hoseok doesn't know what is.

"Let's go." Jimin says.

Hoseok finally looks at his face.

He nods, and silently walks out with Jimin following closely.


Dawon's scream is ear-piercing as she runs across the living room all the way to the entrance and jumps on the blonde, hooking her legs to his waist so suddenly Jimin has to back up a little against Hoseok to not fall over.

He laughs loudly, perfectly white teeth shining in the dimly lit room, and starts spinning around while Dawon giggles excitedly, hanging onto him tightly.

"It's only been a week, you missed me that much?" Jimin asks and sets her back down.

"A week is a lot. If not you, who am I to complain to about Hoseok?" She replies, putting her pajama shorts back in place.

"I'm right here, you know." Hoseok whines.

After sharing a good laugh, Dawon grabs Jimin's wrist and pulls him away, leaving her brother a little confused and a little annoyed as he watches them disappear into her room, excitedly talking about how they "have a lot of catching up to do." Hoseok simply sighs, internally cursing at his older sister for making his friend abandon him, again.

It's always like this when Jimin comes over.

He arrives, he and Dawon get hyped about seeing each other, they get into some extremely cringy cuddling while Hoseok watches, forgotten, then they disappear inside Dawon's room, leaving him alone for the rest of the night. Hoseok's room is in the far right of the apartment while his older sister's room isn't far from the bathroom, on the opposite side, so Hoseok can't hear anything that goes on there.

He doesn't exactly want to hear anyways.

Then in the morning, he opens his eyes to find Jimin's sleeping face, and he doesn't know when exactly he came back or why he didn't feel him slipping into his bed.

He doesn't care about who his sister dated as long as they're good people who treat her like the princess she is. She's four years older than he is, after all, so she's perfectly capable of making her own decisions about her love life and he has no right to intervene.

What he cares about is what goes on between her and Jimin? He's not sure.

Nothing's official, but he sees the way the boy's eyes sparkle when he's near her. He sees just how touchy and cuddly he gets with her while he awkwardly shies away from physical contact with most people. He can't hear what they're saying but he hears Jimin's sweet laugh in the middle of the night sometimes.

In the morning, he finds himself unconsciously searching for any signs on the blonde's body. Any love bites, any bruises, any scratch or bite marks. Anything that'll give him a reason to stop wondering what goes on in his older sister's room.

He really just ends up staring in awe at the unblemished skin and wondering how good purple would look on him.

  Hoseok wakes up feeling very, very light.

Possibly even a little too light. He pries his eyes open, blinking multiple times and thanking everything that is holy for the curtains beautifully filtering the strong sunlight and making the brightness much softer on his still sleepy eyes.

He slips his arms out of the covers to stretch and it's only when cold air hits his skin that he realizes he's not wearing anything. Anything at all. The towel that was around his waist after he got out of the shower yesterday night is now tangled around his ankles. His entire body is on display, and he's pretty sure he would never consciously get into bed like this when he knows Jimin will probably join him at night.

"Must've fallen asleep after showering," he concludes, and decides that he really needs to rest more and stop carelessly pushing his body to the limit. He knows he's not going to respect that decision, but he still considers it for his own sake.

Hoseok suddenly remembers, quite late, that there's a body next to him in bed. He whips his head around to look and sees blonde locks sprawled out on a pretty sleeping face, cheek squished against the pillow and lips slightly parted in a pout. There's a tiny bit of drool seeping out of his mouth — because no one looks absolutely perfect in the morning — but somehow, Hoseok still thinks that wow, life really is unfair for making Park Jimin a real, living human being that can look so utterly stunning in the morning.

A thought plagues his mind.

He doesn't recall putting covers on himself before falling asleep.

Fuck, did Jimin see my dick

Hoseok, plunged in awkwardness, stirs in bed and accidentally nudges Jimin with his shoulder. The blonde's eyes open lazily, slowly, and the second they land on Hoseok they shoot right open and suddenly there's pink on his cheeks.

Yeah, Jimin saw my dick.

"Are you awake?" Hoseok asks and slaps himself in his head because wow, genius.

"Mm." Jimin simply hums. "Sleep well?"

"Let's just say I, uh, slept very freely."

Jimin giggles and snuggles closer. His nose is touching Hoseok's shoulder and the cover slid down his body as he moved. Hoseok notices he's not wearing a shirt either, His heart flatlines for a second.

"Thank god I didn't chat as long as usual with Dawon and found you." He pushes his hair out of his eyes and stares up at Hoseok. "If it wasn't for me you would've caught a cold."

"I shall be forever grateful to you, oh almighty Dwarf Jimin."

Hoseok bursts out laughing as he receives a punch to the shoulder — he pretends not to have felt anything although holy shit that dude has some muscle. It escalates into a full blown fight just as Hoseok grabs his pillow and hits Jimin in the face with it, earning a squeak of surprise and an angry groan mixed with uncontrollable laughter.

"You're so screwed, Hobi!" Jimin threatens and slips out of the covers after deciding that yes, tickle torture is a very good idea.

He digs his small hands into Hoseok's sides, making the older cackle loudly and squirm so much he tries to hold him down as he tickles him, but finding that he's not strong enough to do that, he swings a leg over the brunette's body and sits on his lap with only the fluffy covers between them. 

He keeps tickling him until Hoseok's begging him to stop, tears prickling at his eyes and voice become more and more strained from the lack of oxygen.

"J-Jimin! Time out, time out! Hey!" Hoseok pleads but his words fall on deaf ears.

"Neve—" Jimin starts but interrupts himself as the older suddenly grabs his wrists and yanks him down, flipping him over in one swift motion until he's pinned to the bed.

Now Hoseok's on top on him, a tight grip on his pinned wrists, breathlessly panting, legs caging Jimin's hips, and he's... well, pretty fucking naked.

Whatever, he already saw my dick anyways, Hoseok thinks to save himself the embarrassment, until he remembers that Jimin's also shirtless with nothing but sweatpants on and that doubles the awkwardness.

He also recalls the fact that Jimin probably has a thing for his sister, and that they're literally in her house and she could barge in any time.
All things considered, Hoseok still doesn't move because Jimin looks so pretty under him, smiling with that beautiful mouth and those crescent-shaped eyes that make his head spin. There's still sleep written all over his face: that little trail of dry drool, the pink dusting his cheeks, the puffiness of his eyes, those strands of blonde hair sticking out in every direction... He's so, so precious and he wants to stare at him for a little longer but—

But then Jimin's eyes flicker down for just a second, and that second is enough to make his expression go from amused to utterly, completely flustered, because yes, friendly reminder, Jung Hoseok is still naked.

"Maybe I should actually put some clothes on." Hoseok suggests.

"And let go of my wrists." Jimin adds.

"Nah, I'll just put clothes on without letting go of you."

Jimin quirks up an eyebrow and smirks, amused.

"And how will you do that?" He asks.

"If you sit on me my dick will be wearing you."

Hoseok doesn't see the blush spread on Jimin's face. The blonde's eyes widen and he parts his lips to speak but ends up laughing ever so nervously, at the way Hoseok saves the day by wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"God, stop being so gay." Jimin chuckles.

"Me? Have you forgotten about your inner twink?"

"I'm not a twink! I just dress like one."

Hoseok laughs at those words and finally lets go of the younger man's wrists. He pretends to be unfazed by how sinful Jimin looks, sprawled down on the bed, messy hair, breathing hard and half naked with that godforsaken fucking navel piercing that turns Hoseok's brain to putty.

"Don't stare at my ass!" Hoseok shouts out as he trots to the bathroom, hoping he'll stare at his ass.

"Mine is better!" Jimin responds and the other man can't stop the smile that creeps on his face.

True, he thinks.

Hoseok comes out a few minutes later with his face washed and shaved clean, and more importantly, with goddamn clothes on. He doesn't have anything planned for the day so he settled for basic black sweatpants and a light blue sweater. He made sure not to zip it all the way up, because he didn't work his ass off at the gym not to show off those pecs.

"I'm sooooo horny!" is the first thing Jimin says the second Hoseok steps out of the bathroom and wow,

Aren't people supposed to die when their heart stops for a whole minute?

"Tinder, Grindr, Badoo— if you're into creeps, Him, SugarDaddyFinder, the nightclub, the karaoke, a bar, a brothel, the—"

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jimin cuts Hoseok off.

"Enumerating ways to get laid."

The sweetest laughter comes out of Jimin's mouth and he throws his head back against the headboard, holding his stomach cutely.

"Jesus, you're a lost cause. Seriously though, it's been what? A month?" Jimin whines, making an adorable, desperate face that doesn't fit what he says at all.

"What's your usual type?" Hoseok finds himself asking and he regrets it instantly.

"That's... a good question." Jimin seems surprised, but looks away and bites his lip thoughtfully. "I guess I usually like them older..."


"Cheerful and bright."


"Dark brown hair's hot."


"Fit. I like nice legs."


"And I like someone I'm comfortable with. Who can make me laugh."

Dawon, Dawon, Dawon.

All Hoseok can do is hum quietly as he plops down on his bed, head landing on Jimin's crossed legs. The fabric of his pants is soft and his muscled legs are comfortable. The angle's funny, from where he is he can see Jimin's double chin and it's so cute and hilarious at the same time. He decided he loves it.

"Why are you asking this? Planning to set me up?" Jimin says. Looking down at Hoseok on his legs, which just makes his double chin even more apparent.

Hoseok wants to coo.

"I can't even set myself up, let alone a nymphomaniac like you."

Hoseok gives into the urge to poke Jimin's double chin and it earns him a slap on the hand and the prettiest pout he has ever seen.

"Short-shaming, slut-shaming, and twink-shaming, all first thing in the morning and within a single hour? What have you become, Hobi?"


What has he become? Why is he so mushy and soft for this boy?

Fucking whipped, is what he wants to say, but he kicks that thought away as soon as it appears.

Jimin stops toughing his hair and lifts his arms up, spine arching and crackling as he stretches. He winces a little at the pain.

"Your back hurts?" Hoseok asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I don't think I stretched properly before dancing yesterday."

"That's what happens when you show up late to practice." He mocks, and starts sitting up.

"Will you stop criticizing me for a second?" Jimin laughs, watching as Hoseok searches through his nightstand's drawer. "What are you looking for?"

"Massage oil." His answer's simple, very simple, and yet it causes an uprising in Jimin's brain.

Jimin's eyes sparkle with hope and love for his hyung as he observes him pulling out a yellow bottle with flowery patterns, finally seeming to have found what he was looking for.

"Mm. Get on your stomach."

Jimin obliges almost immediately and in a split second he's lying down, shirtless, and Hoseok definitely isn't turned on by the way his back looks, muscled and broad at the shoulders but so tiny and fragile when it comes to his waist, not to mention the curve of his lower back where his wonderful, gift-from-the-gods butt starts.


Hoseok straddles Jimin's body, sitting on that holy plush ass, and pours some of the massage oil on his hand. He rubs it between his palms until it gets warm, then he starts working his way down starting from Jimin's shoulders. A sigh of relief instantly escapes the younger's lips and he relaxes under the touch. Hoseok can feel how tense and tired his muscles are under his hand, fingertips coming across knots here and there as he tries his best to relieve him.

"You're good with your hands." Jimin breathes out, voice so fucking sweet it makes Hoseok's brain short-circuit and he stops moving for just a second.

He doesn't answer. He just gulps, audibly so.
Once he gets to Jimin's waist, he notices a layer of healthy fat, making his skin even more smooth and plush and he wants to bite it so, so bad. While he admires a few moles on Jimin's back, he notices that the boy has pulled his phone out from under his pillow and is now focused on an app, sighing softly whenever Hoseok does something right.

Hoseok looks at his phone screen closer.

"Tinder? Seriously?" He scoffs.

"You suggested it. Plus I told you, I'm needy and this just so happens to come in handy sometimes." Jimin defends, and swipes right on a hot guy with a shitload of muscles.

To say Hoseok feels self conscious would be an understatement, considering he can clearly make out Jimin's type from what he chooses: tall, tan skin, fit, and a perfect smile. He gets a few matches, but doesn't bother speaking to them and keeps swiping.

"Why are there only men?" Hoseok asks. He's pretty sure there are women on Tinder as well.

"I set it on Men Only. Wanna get fucked."

As if those words weren't enough to make Hoseok burn from the inside out, he freezes when he sees his profile come up on Jimin's screen and the wants to dig a hole to bury himself in when Jimin's eyes linger on it.

"What do we have here?" Jimin snickers, clicking on the profile to see the details. He looks through the pictures and Hoseok wants to kill himself. "Cute. Cute. Cu— Oh."

Jimin stops on one particular picture.

Hoseok.exe has stopped functioning. Please try again later.

Hoseok is shirtless in that picture, sitting on what appears to be a chair, his ripped jeans tight around his thighs and displaying much more skin than Jimin's used to coming from him. It was clearly taken from a lower angle, because Hoseok's staring down at the camera in a way that says I-could-fuck-you-so-hard-you'd-forget-your-own-name.

Jimin doesn't dislike that look.

Hoseok wants to drown.

He had completely forgotten about that picture, simply because it was a stupid drunken idea just like the whole Tinder account was anyways.

'Your pictures are so boring!' Jungkook had said, 'Let's spice up your account a bit. Sit on that chair.'

Then they'd proceeded to having a full on photoshoot — Jungkook was testing is photographer skills and Taehyung his lighting ones — which resulted in jokingly uploading this picture. Only Hoseok completely forgot to delete it afterwards. He also completely forgot he'd swiped right on Jimin that night.

"Damn," is the only thing that comes out of Jimin's mouth. "Looks like hyung isn't as innocent and pure as I thought."

Please don't swipe right please don't swipe right please don't swipe right please don't—

Jimin swipes right.

"It's a match, huh?" Jimin chuckles and show his phone to Hoseok with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Haven't used this account in a while. My friends made me create it as a joke one night and I haven't used it since." Hoseok says, still massaging Jimin's back.

He doesn't realize that his hands are much rougher on Jimin's skin, almost painful. Jimin doesn't point it out for him.

"But you..." Jimin trails off to suppress a whine at the way Hoseok's fingers dig into the flesh of his hips. "You swiped right on me, didn't you?"

"I was drunk. Don't remember." Hoseok lies.

He doesn't want to ruin things for his sister. If Jimin's into Dawon, then he really doesn't want to be an obstacle. Frankly, despite everything, Hoseok believes that if he had to let any of friends be with his sister, it would indubitably be Jimin. He believes he would truly treat her right, the way she deserves to be treated. He's a good brother.

It's a shame he's got it all wrong.

Because he doesn't notice the way Jimin squirms under his touch. The way Jimin let go of his phone to grasp the pillow hard, burying his face in his arm while he enjoys Hoseok's strong hands on him. He doesn't notice the movement of Jimin's hips under him and he tries, desperately to make him fucking understand.

Hoseok's completely oblivious to the fact Jimin spends hours in his sister's room, not at all kissing her or fucking her, but whining about how her brother must be blind because at thing point Jimin's dropping bombs, not hints. And he still isn't noticing.

"Okay, that's enough Hobi kindness for you for the day," Hoseok says, tearing his hands away from Jimin's body and climbing off the bed.

Jimin wants to scream from frustration, because the air is still heavy around him and he feels like he can't move, like he needs Hoseok's weight and warmth and hand everything, he wants his lips on his and his c—

Jimin takes a deep breath.

"I'm gonna take a shower." He declares and slides out of bed.

"But didn't you take one yesterday nigh—"

Hoseok's words are cut off by the sound of the bathroom door slamming shut.

"He gave me a massage, Dawon." Jimin whisper-shouts, falling face first on top of Dawon's bed.

She chokes on a mouthful of cereal. Once she catches her breath, she stares at the blonde sprawled out on her bed like a starfish, and almost laughs at how absolutely desperate he looks.

"Why don't you just straight out tell him to fuck you?" Dawon asks.

"Behcaugh—" Jimin rolls around to lie on his stomach when he realizes his words are muffled by his face being quite literally in the mattress. "Because he's not like other guys. Anyone else, I could just drop down on my knees without even asking, but him... I kinda want him to make the first move."

"Why is that?" She pretends to be interested.

"I want him to just lose it all at once and pin me against a wall or something. Usually I like to go all power bottom with most guys but him... I just want his inner demon to come out, I know it's there. The massage this morning definitely proves that and— Are you even listening anymore?"

"Honestly?" Dawon smiles, braces shining under the sunlight. "No. I was all for this ship at first but my brother's a lost cause at this point. This ship is sinking."

Jimin sighs, long and loud and he's exasperated because she's right. If the contrary wasn't so obvious, Jimin almost would've thought Hoseok isn't even into him. It takes a lot of willpower to ignore hints that have been dropping for months.

"Just get him drunk and then fuck him, dude."

Dawon blurts out and Jimin damn near breaks his arm at how fast he gets up.

"You ever heard of something called consent?" He scoffs.

"It doesn't count if you're both drunk!"

"I can't believe you're asking me to screw your drunk brother."

"Well at least just get him drunk and get him to talk. The truth spills out of him like crazy when he drinks, Jesus."

Jimin thinks it through. He feels guilty for even considering it, since it's kind of abusing Hoseok's vulnerability, but he just needs to know what the hell is going on. He groans in frustration, but gives in to the temptation.

"Can I steal some of your rosé wine?" He asks Hoseok's sister, silent plead in his eyes.

"How much is 'some'?" She questions, suspicious.

"Like, two bottles."


"I knew you'd say yes!" Jimin cheerfully says, pulling a confused Dawon into a tight hug before quickly shimmying out of her room. "You're the best, gotta go to dance practice now, 'kay bye!"

Dawon's spoon is hanging in the air, full of milk and cereal, and she's just sitting there with her mouth open, trying to process what the hell just happened.
She grabs her phone to call her friend, because obviously, she'll need a place to sleep for tonight. Never in a million years will she be anywhere short of a mile radius away from her brother fucking someone.

They don't spend extra hours at practice this time. Once the coach ends the session Jimin insists that they should get home early for once, despite Hoseok protesting and asking to stay longer. Jimin notes how Hoseok doesn't tell him to just go back to his apartment and let him dance by himself. It makes him smile as they silently leave the studio, him following behind a pouting yet somehow still smoking hot Hoseok.

"You up for a guys' night? Just the two of us? How does rosé and Twilight sound?" Jimin asks, smiling and wriggling his eyebrows in excitement.

"Gay," Hoseok replies, utterly amused. "Sounds like something a bunch of prepubescent girls would do. Minus the rosé."

"Except we won't be bawling our eyes out over how hot the vampires are. We'll be laughing our asses off. And the rosé is the key ingredient."

"You had me at rosé, let's go." Hoseok chuckles and calls an empty cab that passes by. He ignores him. "Motherfucker, it was empty! Can you like, show your ass so they'll stop?"

Jimin laughs whole-heartedly, leaning his head on Hoseok's shoulder. He feels good. It feels good. The wind is cold on his skin but Hoseok makes him feel warm and jittery from the inside out.

"Look at this bitch," Jimin says and his words are already coming out a little slurred, glass dangerously swaying in his hand while the liquid sloshes around.

"Who? Bella?" Hoseok asks, lifting his head from Jimin's shoulder.

"That one! D'you realize that Vampire Boy—"


"Yes! Edward or whatever— that name's gay by the way— legit jut told her he could kill her if he fucked her 'cause he's too strong and shit and..." He trails off for a second and takes a sip from his glass. "But she's insisting. She's willing to die for that dick, dude."

"Would you die for dick?"

"If it's really good dick, why not?"

"Must be high quality dick." Hoseok chuckles.

"Fabulous dick." Jimin adds.

"Divine dick."

"Otherworldly dick."

Jimin giggles before he knocks back the last few sips of his glass and places it on the ground next to him before sliding down further under the covers. He snuggles closer to Hoseok, wrapping an arm around his and intertwining their fingers. They were initially on the couch, each with his own cover, but a couple glasses later Hoseok decided that the floor and Jimin's body glued to his felt much better. So now they're sharing a fluffy blanket, cuddling warmly, heat coursing through their bodies from the alcohol.

Long story short, they're pretty fucking smashed.

"Werewolf dude's hot. I'd fuck him," Hoseok points out, and it attracts Jimin's curiosity.

"By the way, I never asked. Are you like, full-on gay or is it more like whoever falls in yo' pan gets fried?"

"I don't like labels. But yeah, dick is my domain."

Hoseok's grip on Jimin's fingers tightens a little. His body's reacting on its own, Jimin notes, and he tends to get more touchy-feely with him than he usually does. Jimin likes it.

"Would you fuck me, Hobi?"


The words come out of Jimin's mouth before he could filter or process them properly. He feels like he doesn't really care, but he also knows that his carelessness is definitely due to the unholy amounts of rosé they drank, and that internally screaming at himself.

"What?" Hoseok's voice cracks.

Oh boy.

Jimin dares to looks up. He meets Hoseok's intense, half-lidded, absolutely hammered eyes, and he wonders just how far the blush on his face spreads. He wants to know if his cock is as pink as his cheeks.

"Would you fuck me?" He repeats, making sure none of his words are slurred.

His sober inner self's probably waving a red flag and a flamboyant stop sign at him by now. He doesn't care. He places his hand on Hoseok's thigh and uses it as leverage to sit up, his face merely inches away from Hoseok's. He stares at the older with starry, half-lidded eyes. Hoseok's breath hitches in his throat when Jimin's hand travels to his inner thigh. He looks frightened, pretty fucking drunk and frightened.

"Tell me..." Jimin whispers, breath falling on Hoseok's lips, and he can feel the muscles of his thighs clench under his hand.

"Yeah." Hoseok chokes out. His eyes flicker between Jimin's eyes and his lips. "Y-Yeah, I would."

Jimin smiles. Soft isn't quite the right adjective for that smile, no, it's more mischievous. A little evil.

"Why don't you?" Jimin asks, and he's pretty certain Hoseok's blown a fuse at this point.

"You... want to? But Dawon—"

"I want to," Jimin simpers and leans closer until his lips are brushing against Hoseok's. He feels him come forward, chasing his lips, and smiles when he inhales sharply when Jimin stops merely a gust of wind away from kissing him. "I've been wanting to for so long, you just never noticed. Or were you ignoring it?"

"N-No, I just... I thought Dawon... and you?"

Jimin manages to keep in his laughter in when Hoseok stutters and loses his words. He doesn't, however, when he understands what the man's trying to tell him.

He thought me and Dawon were— Jesus fucking Christ.

"Dude," Jimin laughs. "No, god no, you've got it all wrong!"

"Please don't dudezone me right now I'm trying very hard to keep my composure." Hoseok desperately says, making the blonde laugh even harder.

He almost laughs with him, almost. He barely has the time to let his lips stretch into a smile before Jimin swings a leg over his over his own and straddles his lap, and suddenly Hoseok can't breathe anymore.
Jimin caresses the side of Hoseok's neck with one hand while the other runs through the brown hair. He feels the man shake under him. 

"I only ever talk to Dawon about how badly I want you to fuck me, Hoseok."

Hoseok.exe has ceased to function again. Please try again later.

Lips crash together, tongues lave over one another, teeth clash and bite, breaths get uneven and heartbeats grow dangerously fast. Jimin's fingers are tangled in Hoseok's hair and he's pulling, pulling every time the older man's hands knead the flesh of his ass and it pulls a breathy moan out of him. Bodies move in unison and it feels so much like dancing, the heat, the way their heads sway and their hearts swell up, the difficulty to breath, every muscle in their bodies clench and they feel like they're floating.

Yeah, they're dancing.

"Jimin, I—"

"Bedroom. Now." Jimin interrupts him.

A squeak of surprise leaves Jimin's lips as he suddenly finds himself in the air, hanging onto Hoseok's nape tightly while his legs instinctively wrap around his waist. Hoseok's hands are holding his weight, digging into the soft flesh of his ass and fuck, fuck, he didn't know Hoseok was strong enough to lift him up like this and it makes heat burst inside his stomach.

He doesn't want the bedroom anymore. He wants something different.

Hoseok doesn't hesitate to throw Jimin on the bed, not at all trying to treat him like he's delicate porcelain doll and he loves it. 
He loves being manhandled, being bossed around, roughed up, he likes when his partners realize they're fucking a strong man, and that he's not going to break so easily.

Jimin finds himself stripped naked as soon as that train of thought ends. Hoseok is shirtless, somehow, and he notices that he's staring intently at his body. If he hadn't trained his body so perfectly until he was satisfied with his looks, Jimin would've felt self-conscious because the intensity of Hoseok's stare is nothing he's ever seen before.

"Fuck, you're..." Hoseok's at a loss for words. "Shit."

"I'm shit?" Jimin giggles.

"No! I mean..." There's panic in his eyes and it's hilarious for Jimin. He's too endearing. "You're just... too pretty."

Hoseok's hands travel down Jimin's sides before holding onto his thin waist, feather-like touches that make Jimin's spine arch and his hips buck up until Hoseok digs his thumbs right above his hipbones to pin him back down. His navel piercing shines in the dimly lit room, the only source of light being the golden gleam of the street lamps illuminating the roads outside.

Jimin watches intently as Hoseok leans down to press a kiss on his piercing, but instead of travelling down from there his lips glide up his chest and the blonde whines. He tries to move his hips but Hoseok's hand immediately pin him back down with bruising force and it all just makes Jimin's head spin. He's panting by the time the older's mouth  is on his neck, suckling and biting hard just to frustrate him that much more, until he feels Hoseok's teeth nibbling on his earlobe.

"Ass up for me, yeah?" He whispers in his ear, voice low and raspy and Jimin can't take it anymore.

The blonde obeys instantly, flipping himself over, and before he even gets the chance to perk his ass up for his hyung, Hoseok's already grabbing his hips and pulling them up for him. Jimin wants to look so, so, bad, so he props himself on his elbows and—

"Ah, fuck!" Jimin moans out loud when Hoseok's hand comes down on his ass in a harsh slap.

He didn't expect it. Not in the slightest, not at all, but fuck, it's good, too good. He buries his face into the bed when Hoseok slaps his ass again harder, before caressing the burning skin softly right afterwards.

Jimin knows that if they were sober, Hoseok never would've done this. He might have thought about it, might have implied, hell, maybe even asked if he could in the heat of the moment and if the mood was right, but never downright just spanked him. Jimin decides that Hoseok should get drunk more often. He likes it when he loses control.

"You're so bad, Jiminie," Hoseok groans, kissing the reddened asscheek softly and reaching between Jimin's legs for his leaking, neglected cock. "Look at you, getting all wet from me just spanking your pretty ass."

Jimin's cock twitches in his hand at his words and he can feel Hoseok smile against his skin. The older man thumbs at the slit of Jimin's dick and sinks his teeth into the plush flesh of his ass, hard, and the broken moan that comes out of his pretty boy's mouth sets his mind into overdrive.

"Fuck m-me, Hobi, please."

"How cute."

Hoseok's tongue glides over Jimin's entrance and he jolts his hips back, earning another slap on the same abused cheek.

"Please." He whines, spine arching to perk his ass higher for Hoseok.

The warmth of Hoseok's hands and mouth suddenly leaves Jimin's body and he just knows where he's gone. He can't think straight, can't think at all, excitement building up in his stomach and he doesn't even realize how sinful he looks right now, with his face on the bed and his spine curved so that his ass hangs in the air with re handprints and bite marks blooming on  his right buttock. He waits like that, patiently, until he hears something ripping and a bottle uncapping.

"God," Hoseok breathes put from behind him. "You look so good."

Jimin wants to say something, but then there's a dripping wet, cold finger slowly sinking into his tight hole and it knocks the air right out of his lungs. He's almost ashamed at how easily it goes in, and wonders if Hoseok will notice.

He wonders if Hoseok will know he was four fingers deep inside himself that afternoon in the shower after getting hard from a fucking massage.

Those thoughts disappear merely seconds later when another finger starts fucking into him. He rocks his hips back to take it deeper, moaning softly at how well, long, and wet Hoseok's fingers feel.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me."

"S-show me..." Jimin keens, rolling his hips back on the other man's fingers.

Hoseok walks closer and presses his hard erection to Jimin's thigh. The younger gasps as he realizes he took off his pants, and now his cock is directly pressed against him. It's big, so fucking big and he already wants it in him. He's seen Hoseok naked already, and the sight had already rendered him breathless, now that Hoseok is hard and knuckles deep inside him it's a completely different world. The older man grinds against the blonde's thigh, rubbing his dick on the thick curves. He revels in the way Jimin moans his name out loud when he scissors his fingers inside him, stretching him open until the man's shaking.

"Want me to fuck you now, Jimin?" Hoseok asks, dragging his nails down his baby's asscheek with his free hand. "Want me to take you like this, on your hands and knees?"

"W-Wait..." Jimin mewls, he just wants to scream yes, yes please, but he has something different in mind. "Fingers... take them out, p-please."

His walls clench the moment Hoseok starts pulling his fingers out, as if they wanted to keep them in, as if his body didn't want to let them go. Jimin hears his hyung chuckle, and once his fingers are out completely, he gasps at the sight of Jimin's wet hole quivering and clenching around nothing. It's filthy, sinful, so perverse and god, he could watch all day.

"I want..." Jimin trails off to just breathe. He needs to breathe.

"What do you want, baby?"

Jimin slowly sits up on his knees. His head feels dizzy, and he's not sure if it's from the alcohol or the arousal. Probably both. He turns around to face Hoseok and wraps his arms around his nape, caging his hips between his legs. He notices the condom already stretched around the man's pulsing cock. There's a silent plead in his eyes and the dark, dark stare Hoseok gives him is enough to make him melt.
He wants to get fucked.

He just has a specific image in mind and it makes his dick twitch before he even dares to ask.

"Can you fuck me against the wall?"

Hoseok gasps, "Fuck... Fuck, yeah, of course I can, baby."

Then in an instant Jimin's legs are hooked to his hips and he's being lifted up in the air, Hoseok's hands on his ass parting his cheeks and he can feel the lube dripping out of his stretched hole. Hoseok's lips find his lips in a sloppy, heated kiss, and it's only when he notices him walking on wobbly legs and almost tripping with both of them that he giggles furiously, remembering that they're both pretty damn shitfaced.

"If you're too drunk it's okay, Hobi—"

"I'm fine," Hoseok grunts, slamming Jimin hard against the wall and wrenching a loud whimper out of him. "You want me to take you like this, so I will."

"O-Okay..." Jimin breathes against Hoseok's lips and tangles his fingers in the man's messy brown locks. "Don't hold back."

Their lips meet again and Jimin feels him smile into the kiss. A gasp escapes his lips when he feels the tip of Hoseok's cock nudging his entrance, and fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, it's driving him insane.

He only hears Hoseok whisper "I won't," before the man thrusts his hips up while sliding him down the wall, cock fucking deep inside him in one go, and the burn of the stretch has Jimin writhing in Hoseok's arms, nails drawing pretty red lines on his back. He doesn't even get time to catch his breath, because then Hoseok is rolling his hips and his length slides in so deep inside him.

"Ah, oh god—" Jimin gasps and buries his face where Hoseok's neck and shoulder meet, breath hot and heavy on his skin.

The older thrusts into him hard again and Jimin bites, he sinks his teeth into the flesh and likes, loves the way Hoseok groans into his ear and fucks him faster. His back burns from sliding up and down the wall, but at this point he doesn't care because he's already combusting, all of him.

"Spread your legs a little more for me." Hoseok breathes out.

"Buh— But I need to..."

"It's okay, just hang onto my neck, I can take a little more weight, hm? Anything for my baby."

Jimin hesitates for just a second before his mind gets clouded by arousal and it wipes away any chance of rational thinking. He holds Hoseok closer, pressing their bodies together, and parts his thighs slightly so that his legs aren't wrapped around Hoseok's waist as securely as they were. He can see the strain of his hyung's muscles as more weight is put on them, he feels his fingers digging into the supple flesh of his ass deeper and yet he doesn't flinch, on the contrary, he just seems to get even more excited.

"Good boy." Hoseok's voice is deep and raspy in Jimin's ear and it sends a shiver down his spine.

The blonde can't stop the yelp that slips past his lips when his hole stretches around Hoseok's girth again and this time, the new angle makes it fill him up so good and deep it has him clawing at Hoseok's back for dear life.

"Are you okay?" The older asks, concerned about Jimin's nails digging into his skin so hard he might draw blood. "Do you need—"

"Harder," Jimin whimpers. "I-I need you to fuck me harder."

He doesn't need to be told twice.

It gets beastly. Within seconds Hoseok's pounding into Jimin frantically, perfect angle allowing him to hit the perfect spot every time and there are rays of blinding light bursting behind Jimin's eyelids with each thrust. His moans turn into breathless whimpers and he's pretty sure he's going to pass out when Hoseok's lips find his. He doesn't even kiss him back, he tries but he can't, he only mewls and pants and bites every chance he gets.

It hurts so good, they're both sweating, Hoseok can't feel his arms anymore so he pushes Jimin harder against the wall and fuck him, hard and fast and deep and at this point they don't even know what the fuck they're doing.

"Jimin..." Hoseok pants. He knows he's close. "Call my name."

"H-Hos— Ah! Ah, Hoseok, H-Hoseok, fuck..."

Jimin tries to articulate but each time it's slurred, so he says it again, and again, and again, until he feels a familiar wave of heat burst inside his stomach and he comes with a scream, leaking on his and Hoseok's skin. He gets fucked through his orgasm despite the way his wall clench and it's painful, so painful but so overwhelmingly good. It's after a few thrusts that Hoseok freezes and his grip tightens on Jimin's ass.

The younger man feels heat bloom inside him as Hoseok's cum fills the condom. As he carefully pulls out, Jimin almost pouts, he wants to feel it, taste it, and it's such a waste but he isn't thinking right now. Neither one of them is.

Exhaustion settles over both their bodies and by the time Hoseok remembers he's holding almost all of Jimin's weight, it's too late. His arms and legs are rendered boneless and he only manages to hold on a little before they both collapse on the floor, Hoseok's effort and the wall thankfully making the fall harmless.
Now the brunette's on his knees between Jimin's legs, while the latter's completely fucked out and if it wasn't for the wall keeping his back straight so he's sitting upright, he would've been sprawled out on the floor like a fucking carpet.

"Shit..." Jimin pants, chest rising and falling unnaturally fast. He doesn't know where the strength to smile comes from but he does, he smiles, he can't help it, he's ecstatic.

Hoseok is unable to tear his eyes away from how beautiful Jimin looks, skin listening with sweat, cheeks deep pink, red and purple marks on his skin that'll surely darken in the morning. The eerie sensation of Jimin's cum dripping down his stomach is something he could definitely get used to.

"Did we really just fuck? I can't feel my body, what the hell." Jimin breathes out and he thinks Hoseok is laughing right now. He's not sure, his ears are ringing, his eyes are shut, he can't feel anything.

"We did." Hoseok responds, leaning forward to press a kiss to Jimin's red, swollen lips. "Shit, we did."

Hoseok tries to back away but Jimin finds it in himself to throw his arms around his nape and pull him in to kiss him again.

   "Motherfucker," is the first thing that comes out of Hoseok's mouth when he wakes up in the morning only to be assaulted by the biggest hangover of his life. 

"Fuck," is the first thing that comes out of Jimin's mouth when he tries to sit up only to collapse again when his sore ass throbs in pain.

And then more strings of insults and curses follow as they discover their bodies. Hoseok's got purple bite marks all over his shoulder and neck, red scratches on his upper back — one of them looks like he had a fight with a damn tiger — and his arms ache from the effort.

Jimin... well Jimin has everything. From bruises and a bite mark on his ass, hickies all over his neck, one of his nipples is swollen as shit — somehow, when did that happen? — and he's pretty sure that's a hickey on his lower lip. He didn't even know it was possible to leave a fucking hickey on someone's lips.

Rough sex is great but usually, it's the aftermath that's hard to deal with.
However, later that day when Hoseok and Jimin kiss passionately in the shower while softly cleaning each other up, they decide that they're very much willing to deal with the aftermath.

Jimin forgets to tell Hoseok that he never left his keys in his apartment.

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