Fire Light | Ruby Gillis

By Weather_Proof

525 22 16

Ruby Gillis has decided she is very beautiful. Of course that's an obvious fact, you could throw a stone at... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter One

221 7 4
By Weather_Proof

Two dresses were laid on the bed.

Maybe the grey one? It was no everyday work dress, it was very elegant for a grey, with delicate lace.

Or the blue? It went very well with her eyes...

But the grey was more fitting for the falltime.


Ruby looked over to her close friend Jane Andrews, sprawled on the floor.

"You know, I'm in the middle of a very important decision," Ruby said, glancing at the dresses, "So I hope what you're about to say is an opinion."

"I know, but it's no fun watching you stare at those dresses!"

Jane reached up to tug lightly on Ruby's skirts.

"Please Ruby, I'm dying of boredom down here, have some pity on your poor, suffering friend," Jane pleaded.

With a fake huff of annoyance, Ruby bent down to sit gracefully on the floor.

"You are such a pain," she said with a grin, "But I'll indulge you, what do you want to talk about?"

Jane quickly flopped over on her stomach and propped her head up on her palms as she looked up to Ruby.

"Are you going with anybody to the dance?"

"Jane, you know I don't do that, that's commitment to one person," Ruby said with a roll of her eyes.

"It's just not fair to all the other boys!"

"You wouldn't even go with Gilbert Blyhe?" Jane asked in a teasing manner.

Ruby let out a groan and let her head fall back onto her bed.

When she was a girl, she had had the biggest crush on Gilbert, if that was what you could call it. She just simply favored him more than the other boys. Everyone in Avonlea could see there was no overstatement in calling Gilbert Blythe one of the handsomest boys on P.E.I.. Like most other girls, Ruby couldnt help but get swept up in his good looks.

"Oh please, that's been long over. Besides, he has only ever had eyes for Anne, they'd be practically engaged by now if she wasnt so obtuse!"

"Ruby Gillis!" Jane laughed, sitting up to get level with her friend.

It was true however, Gilbert had only ever had eyes for one girl, and that one girl was Anne Shirley. The farthest Ruby had ever gotten with him was a walk home, an attempt on Gilbert's behalf to catch Anne's attention.

Jane had heard all about that.

But everyone knew, that if not even Ruby Gillis could divert the eye of Gilbert, he must definetly be set on Anne.

"And besides," Ruby said, standing up to once more face the dresses on her bed, "I was never really set on Gilbert, you know that."

"Will you ever get set on anybody?"

The room went quiet.

Ruby spoke so quietly she could hardly be heard by the girl next to her.

"Who would know."

The room fell quiet once more.

Jane broke the silence.

"I think you should wear the grey, it's very adult, very serious."

"Oh Lord, the day I'm taken seriously will be when I die!"

"Well, not serious then, but elegant," Jane stated firmly, with a nod of her head.

A smile crept onto Ruby's face as she nodded in agreement.


A/N: So this is short, I know, but if anyone is reading this and think its interesting, let me know! If anyone is remotely interested I can try making longer chapters. This is my first sort of real writing, so if anyone has any advice or constructive criticism, I'm more than happy to listen!

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