That One Night At Prom (Alfie...

By coolstorysbro

1.5K 56 12

What Happens when the two hottest guys in school (Alfie Deyes and Joe Sugg) fall for the beautiful 17 year ol... More

The Best Part
The Party
The Unforgivable
The Plans
The Tux
The Crush
The Corsage
The Invite

The Call

152 5 4
By coolstorysbro


Alexa's pov


"Oh hey Alfie" I smile to a nervous boy standing on my porch

"Umm hey" he says in a tone which sounds more like a question

"Come in" I nod opening the door wider "Mi casa is Sou casa"

"Thanks" he mumbles taking off his jacket. "so what do you wanna do?"

"I dont mind up to you"

"No up to you"

"No seriously it's up to you"

"Your the guest Alfie! I seriously don't mind"

"OK,ok" laughs "well there is a classy restaurant down the street... and we can hire a hot air balloon-

"Alfie we aren't Iggy Azaleas..., we don't have to go somewhere fancy" I chuckle

"You sure, I feel like I owe it to you for the Icecream and stuff"

"No it's fine, plus id much rather order take out and watch a movie"

"Ok then" he smiles "pizza or Chinese?"

"Well Alfie you are going on two completely different food groups" I say in a posh accent

"How so" Alfie also says in the same accent

"Well pizza is cheesy and Chinese is.... well everything but"

"Chinese" he laughs

"Chinese" I repeat


Caspars pov


"Hey joe?" I ask as he jumps onto our couch

"Yas Caspar"

"Well I am having trouble with this prom thing" I sigh

"Go on"

"Ok so i don't know if I wanna ask gabby anymore"

"What? Why?" Joe asks shocked

"I'm over it... there are a couple of people on my mind but they may say no"

"Look Caspar don't let anyone make you feel that they are better than you. Plus you are Caspar Lee! The womaniser, the player, the flirt!! as if any girl wouldn't want a piece of that" Joe says poking my stomach

"I guess your right" I sigh "what about you? have you made up your mind?"

"Still second guessing" he shrugs

"Fair enough...." I agree

"Wanna do prank calls? "Joe evilly smiles

"Let's do it!" I smile


"What?" Marcus asks confused

"Your car has been stolen" Joe repeats holding his nose

"But I'm in my car" Marcus exclaims

"Oh" Joe says holding back a laugh

"We have your car right here sir"

"Wha- But how?" a few muffles come from the other end

"Also we have reports of you having a nice butt" Joe giggles

"Oh... wait? ugh piss off Joe" Marcus says followed by a beep

"Ahah we got him!" I laugh "ok my turn, my turn"

"Who's it gonna be then?" Joe asks in a pirate voice

I scroll through his contacts

And I see the perfect one

Alexa <3

I laugh looking at the heart

"What" Joe asks looking over my shoulder

"Nothing, I just LOVE your phone" I say bursting out laughing


"Don't worry,i have the perfect person" I say clicking their contact


Alfie's pov


"Ok this time I swear I will get it in"

"You wont!!" Alexa smiles holding the bowl of popcorn closer to her

"Pweasssee" I moan

"Fine, but your cleaning the couch" she says chucking a piece of popcorn. it then hits me in the eye and rolls onto the floor

"AHHHHH MY EYE IM GONNA DIE" I yell holding my eye

"Your such an id-

*ring ring*

I frantically throw pillows in the air looking for my phone

"It's mine dumbass" Alexa smirks before answering the phone

"Hello?" she says still looking at me playfully

"Who's this?"


A lot of muffles come from the other end of the phone

She looks at me and shruggs

I take the phone from her and press it to me ear

"JOE LOVES YOU" I hear screams through the phone

I hear a crash and a laugh

"Hey Alexa it's Joe sorry about that, but now that I have got you can I talk to you for a moment?"

I stay silent

What if he asks her to prom?

"Hello?" he says

No he likes Sarah right?

I quickly hang up the phone and awkwardly smile at Alexa

"Salesmen" I lie

She just shruggs and throws a piece of popcorn in her mouth

"So Alexa" I smile

"So Alfie"

"Another movie?" I say taking a handful of popcorn

"No I want you to go home"

"Ok bye" I laugh pretending to get up

"NOOO" she laughs

I walk to the cabinet and pull out a movie

"Seriously? you are willing to watch that" she laughs running her hand through her hand

"Love it" I say putting in the movie

"Ok....." she sighs


Joes pov


"You are such a dick" I laugh hitting Caspar in the arm

"Your welcome" he smiles


"I know you like her" he sighs

"I do not"

"What about the love heart contact?" he smirks

"I don't know I was bored" I protest

"So you don't?"

"Nope" I say popping the 'p'

"Good cause I was thinking of asking her to prom"

"What?" I say clearing my throat. "i don't know if she will say yes... I mean I think she doesn't like guys like you"

"What happened to Caspar you are a womanizer?" he sighs

"Well i don't know" I huff scratching my neck

"I like a challenge anyway, and I've never been turned down so... yeah" he smiled

"Thanks mate but I have to go and break the news to gabby" he says grabbing his jacket off the hook


"Bye" he repeats

Oh crap


Alexa's pov


"You can't sit with us"

"Mean girls" I laugh "never thought you would like it" I smirk

"I don't, but I know you do" he smiles

"How very gentlemen like" I chuckle

"Well I try my best" he says pretending to fix his tie

"More popcorn?" he smiles grabbing the empty bowl from my grip

"I'm good"

"I think I'm gonna head home" he yawns grabbing his coat

"You can't it's too dark"

"I'll be fine"

"No you can stay the night here" I argue

"No it's fine"

"I insist"

"It's not even that dark" Alfie protests

"Please" I beg

"Fine" he sighs through a smile

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