Under The City Lights

By GingerBellePabustan

35 1 0

Some things happened unexpectedly. You'll never know when is the time wherein you'll feel your heart beating... More

Under The City Lights

35 1 0
By GingerBellePabustan

It was the most special day of the month of February. 4 days passed and Valentine's Day was already celebrated. It was now the 18th of February and we will go to a private pool somewhere in Laguna. I asked my Dad about why we need to go to this place even if it is already dark in the evening . We ate dinner first at the mall near to us and bought some snacks that will served as our midnight snacks  later. While we're eating dinner a while ago, the answer to my question about why we need to go to that private pool even if it is already 7 in the evening was answered by Dad. " The reason why we need to go to the private pool in Laguna was to congratulate the members of the company's Basketball Team." Dad said while holding a glass of iced tea. 

"Hon , do we need to stay there overnight?" Mom asked.  "Yes. They promised to provide rooms for the family of the employee . Don't worry it's gonna be fun!"  Dad promised with a big smile on his face. Well, honestly if Dad said that it's going to be fun , it will automatically  be fun.

Here we are now riding the company car of my dad and we were listening to a song in the radio and it makes me so damn sleepy. Mom and Dad was infront of me , meaning they are in the driver's seat while I was at the backseat. Because of my sleepiness I tried to look  at the window and observed the people walking. I am really observant when it comes to people and things.

We were riding a car for about 10 minutes and with that 10 minutes I've made stories inside my head but I never write them.  I scribbled my iPod and played some old games. 15 minutes passed and I was too sleepy  and so I asked permission  to my Mom and Dad if I could go take some rest and sleep. I just can't help the coldness that came from my Dad's company car. I am now lying on the backseat and I feel so comfortable and relaxed at the same time. Our whole trip was quiet and you can't hear anything except the music of the 90's on the radio.I fell asleep for at least 5 minutes and I was already so relieved.

When I woke up from a deep sleep, all I can see was the beautiful buildings with beautiful blue lights on it.  I've noticed that we were passing through Makati. I was groggy when I woke up but when I'm seeing this lights , I can say is that lights just make me happy. 

20 minutes and over passed but I can't help but to feel secretly happy when I saw the lights a while ago. It was 8:15 pm and of course it was too dark. All I can say is that we're already here in Laguna. This place was beautiful but a little bit far. I've seen a signage , it was written there " Welcome to Laguna!" with a lights around it. Lights? Yes, I loved to see lights. 

Kriing! Kriing! My Dad's phone rang. "Hello?" my Dad greeted the one who's calling him. I can't understand anything except as if they were talking about funny things. But to my surprise, the one who's talking to my Dad was asking for direction. The call ended and my Dad was driving through a dark village with a signage "The Best Private Pools" . I was guessing if this was the private pool that Dad told us a while ago. Dad is now searching for the specific private pool. If you were here in this Private Pool Village , all you can say is "All Pink houses, so where is it?" or something like "Damn, night time won't help us find the place." All of the houses appeared to be the same . My Dad was having a hard time to look for the specific private pool.

This village was infinite.
Finally, we're here already. The private pool house has a big parking and a simple type of house. We got off the car and I'm now sleepy as a girl with a hangover. While we are walking beside the swimming pool, I can feel the cool wind and fresh air.  I'm so tired , very tired and sleepy but this place was simple yet relaxing at the same time. On our way to our room , I can say that friendly people are scattered everywhere. Some are saying Goodnight already while others are drinking wine. 9:05 pm , it was just a time check. Someone was knocking the gate while I'm watching my Mom and Dad playing
billiard. A lady at the age of 30s surprised the whole staffs of the company.

"Hey guys! We're sorry , we're late. We're having a hard time looking for this place." said the lady. I'm just seeing the lady. We? She's just alone in this moment. Why we?

"Mom!" said the unknown voice.
"Yes darling?" the lady said. The boy said something I can't understand. They were faraway and I've noticed the "we" was now valid . The lady came back with a huge bag on her shoulder. I saw the maid and a driver carrying two other bags. The unknown voice showed up. For me, it was a moment of silence . Time stops. Pupil dilated. Cheeks heated. My body was an ice.
The built of the boy  was faraway on masculinity. He was thin and tall. He wore eyeglasses  and a simple green shirt and a black short. He was now walking near to us but he was looking a little bit snobbish. He wore braces but I've never seen him smile yet. He looks a little bit tired and awesome at the same time. He was handsome.

The lady introduced herself to us except for Dad who is her office-mate. Her name is Andy. She was friendly and nice too. She introduced her son who is Peter.

The night was getting colder especially that I'm so nervous now because I'm seeing Peter. Peter got out of my sight but quickly came back. He swims so fast and I can tell that he was athletic. His mom, Andy, invited us for dinner but I said that I'm okay and not starving at all. Peter was playing ball games in pool with his assistant , Jay. I can tell that Peter was a jolly person. Peter jumps off the pool and invited Jay to be with him. Jay was afraid to jump off the pool , so Peter pulled his shirt and that moment Jay looks so pissed off while Peter had a brat laugh. If you're going to type this laugh on your keyboard it would be 'HAHAHAHAHAHA!". 

Her Mom talked to us about her son's achievements . She said that her son was good in playing Basketball.  As a return, my mom said that I was Rank 1 in our section. I've learned many a lot of information  about him . Her mother said that Peter was an spoiled brat. When he was 9 years old, he has 4 maids around him and he doesn't know how to tie his own shoe laces. His mom said that when Peter wasn't a varsity yet , he never fails to show his report card with a line of 9 in his grades. I can tell that his mom is talkative and funny . The conversation ended happily because of such a good topic. As I've said my sleepiness keep on hunting me. We went upstairs and dad stayed downstairs for a while. 

The room was airconditoned and I feel so comfortable with my black pajama and "ROCK IS A FOUR LETTERED WORD"  shirt.  My mom and I stayed on the same bed. We were only three , Mom, Dad , and Me. I wonder if the other family would stay there. But because I'm too sleepy , I kissed my Mom and went downstairs to kiss my Dad to say to them "GOODNIGHT , I LOVE YOU AND SWEET DREAMS!".  Minutes passed and I'm not yet asleep. Until I heard "knock knock!" on the door of the room. It was Andy and shall I call her Tita Andy? 

"Can we sleep here?" Tita Andy asked with a friendly smile on her face. "Yes, sure!" mom said winking at me. A while ago before I said Goodnight to my mom and dad , we talked about the handsome lad Peter.  I never admire a person without knowing his attitude. My dad showed me his pictures already before Peter and I met.  Believe me, he was handsome , friendly , and funny at the same time.  Tita Andy with the maid put their bags on our room. But someone really surprised me and makes me nervous. It was him.  Peter, who's so obvious that he enjoyed swimming.

I pretended to ignore his presence by scribbling my phone. While I was pretending with the use of my phone , I noticed that he was scribbling too and he was smiling . I wonder if he was texting his girlfriend (maybe a sexy cheerleader). He wasn't lying on the bed yet but he was sitting. All I could say is he was tall for his age. I compared the height of my male classmates who is older than him. He was seated on the bed but he looks like standing because of his tallness. I wasn't looking at him but my eyes were glued into him. I hate it when a boy caught me staring at them. It's too awkward. 

Finally , he broke the moment of silence. " Ate Lara , can you give me the mosquito repellent lotion please?" he said with a smile on his face. Ate Lara handed him the lotion . "Oh! Just kidding!"  Peter said while laughing. My mom also laughed too while updating something in the computer.  To my surprised , Mom talked to Peter  "I heard that you're only 13 but you're so tall for your age!" my mom said. "I think it is because of my dad. My dad is  a gigantic human." he said while laughing. I can feel his anger to his dad. Who wouldn't be angry if your dad left you with nothing and no love at all? 

I can tell that Peter was talkative and friendly just like his mom. My first impression to him which is snobbish washed away of the jolly conversation. Right now , while I'm having my pretending-busy-with-my-phone moment , I can see him looking for something inside his mini luggage bag. 

"Ate Lara, where is my towel?" he asked . "Here"  Ate Lara said while giving the yellow towel. "I want the blue one" he complained . He was like a kid who was about to cry because of the complains . I was laughing inside because of his face which is about to pout. "So you like blue too?" mom asked Peter. "Yes , I like blue a lot . In fact , we have 3 jerseys in school , the two are maroon and the other is blue which I loved the most."  Peter said with a smile again. How could he smile like that?  He was cute and adorable. By the way from my observation , his eyes were small but looks so perfect on his small face. 

"My daughter Yanna also likes blue. Look at her bag and eyeglasses." my mom said to Peter. While I'm playing on my phone , he looked at my bag and eyeglasses and he.......um... smiled at me. I can't help it and I can't tell anybody . But because I can't help the blush on my face , I sent a message to my bestfriend Jessie.


ME: Best , I saw him here on our outing!

JESSIE: Oh so lucky Best! Talk to him! :)

ME: I can't :(

JESSIE: Why? Go on. Have a friendly conversation! :)

ME: He is handsome! 

JESSIE: Take a stolen shots now!

ME: Ok!

JESSIE: I'm gonna sleep now. It's already 10:05 pm! Good Luck! Share your story on Monday!

ME: Bye Best ! 


Peter was now talking about his least favorite subject and he said that he was really having a hard time on that subject and I laughed because the subjects was too easy for me and it was Mathematics. Algebra is my favorite subject ever . I can stay up all night solving and studying Algebra without getting bored. 

Right now , I can see Jay and Peter laughing because they really hated Algebra ever since. "I was good in Math but when the numbers is together with the letters , it was very irritating." Peter said. Jay and Peter are good tandem because they are laughing with their stupid things. I can tell that stupidity was the maintopic for tonight. Not long enough, we all felt so sleepy and all of us had our blankets and sleep. The lights are on because according to Tita Andy , Peter was afraid of the dark. 

How gay! (ooops sorry). But thanks it's sleeping time, therefore , I can stop pretending that I am busy scribbling my phone. But I will not sleep, I will not waste my time by sleeping. It was once in a lifetime.  No, it's my first time share a room with a boy stranger.  I'm sleepy , yes very sleepy and the time is 10:15 pm. I covered my face with a blanket but I can't control myself from removing it. You know why? So that I can see the beautiful view. 

The other piece of the blanket covered my right eye and the other one was slowly peeking at the so-called beautiful view. I can't peek directly because his face was so easy to see. I realized that he was sleeping so tight . He was snoring so loud that can't describe his face which is ..... shall I say.....cute and at the same time handsome. I'm so nervous at what I'm saying . I'm staring at him for several minutes and he was sleeping so deeply like he wouldn't mind what was happening around him.  

I can tell that he is simple and a nice person. I gulped when he opened his eyes! Like OMG! He caught me staring at him!  Then he was now staring at me. I wasn't assuming to what I'm saying . His eyes were serious yet he did a surprising stare. He woke up and went to the restroom. When he came back , I pretended again to sleep. 

Time check , it was now 10:17 pm . But a minute later, I saw him got up from the bed and went out of the room. A while ago , he asked Jay if his mom was doing good and if she was fine . He was worrying about his mom because she was the only person he can depend on. He loved his mother, I thought. He was going in and out of the room. Until his mom went inside the room and Peter started crying. He cries like a baby and very far away from his height. I was laughing inside but I'm wondering why. He was hugging his mom and I heard he got a fever. In my mind, he can he able to play for his game tomorrow if he was sick?

While he was crying , his mom was acting like a mother carrying her baby. His mom while talking to him was scribbling her phone. Someone knocked the door and I thought it was dad but it was the officemate of my dad who climbed the double deck where we're sleeping. 

My mom sent a message to my dad to sleep but the room was filled and no place was empty. So mom woke me up and my parents decided to go home around 3:00 am. Even though it was dark already in our room , I can see Peter and Tita Andy sleeping so tight. Before I leave the room , I secretly waved my hand and say goodbye to them.  I even whispered " GoodLuck for tomorrow Peter!" to the handsome -varsity-friendly -funny Peter. We went downstairs and got into our car. 

It was a fast ride . No traffic. And I thanked God , my parents , and February for meeting him. This wasn't  about love , it was about inspiration . He will serve as my inspiration in studying. I will never forget this night because it was enchanted that I met him. While I'm lying on the backseat of our car, I can picture his smiling face , my first crush, my inspiration and I hope that we will meet again under the city lights.


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