RWBY: Jaune, Warrior of Manki...

By RigaKika

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Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or the cover photo #2 in Jaune 4.5.2020 Huntresses, the beacon of hope or Human... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 1

6.1K 51 21
By RigaKika

A/N: This is my New Story Called the Jaune, Warrior of Mankind! This is a RWBY!AU where women are the only one that have Aura, Jaune will not have an Aura as well but will have something else, this is a Psuedo-Crossover with aspects from One Piece and was inspired from the Blonde Swordsman from the Maestro of Madness. Anyways Enjoy!

Huntresses, The protectors of Remnant, Maidens of Justice and the saviors of humanity. The legendary women warriors has protected humanity from the monstrous grimm for centuries, saving humanity from Extinction multiple times. Men, However have been reduced to normal people, possessing no Aura. No one knows why but Men, Human or Faunus, has never possessed and Aura. This leads to inequality, Men and Women have been divided in a sense, Men being Subservient to women, normally doing housework, taking care of the house even now when both Men and Women have equal rights, Men still get discriminated upon even if is looked down today.

However there has been 3 exceptions in the history of Remnant. 3 men so strong that they rival, even surpass the strength of the 4 legendary maidens who battle Salem, the mistress of darkness.The three were known as the Warriors of mankind, showing the strength of Mankind.However that was centuries ago, many believing they died and their great strengths of cutting through mountains and destroying thousands of Grimm faded into legend.

Nevertheless, prophecy says that one day, Another Warrior from Mankind will emerge from the shadows destroying the darkness that lurks in the deep once and for all, he could come from anywhere, an ordinary boy, a Faunus male or even from the streets of Vale.

The Arc Estate

"I'll never give up sis! Just because I'm a man doesn't mean you should look down on me!" Jaune exclaimed, the battered and bruised 10 year old boy roaring into battle holding his wooden sword before he was knocked down, again. The rest of the family looked with small grins, enjoying Jaune's never-ending determination to beat his twin sister, Joan. Joan looked at Jaune fearfully as he was knocked down once again, her bright aura shining in the light of the setting sun.

Joan rushed to help Jaune up, getting out of the dirt in the sparring circle. "Come on Jaune, wake up!" Joan exclaimed shaking Jaune by the shoulders, her eyes on the edge of crying. Joan felt a large, rough hand, take her by the shoulders, Joan looked up to see her dad his face with a warm smile looking towards Joan as he gave her hand to pick up from the ground.

"Don't worry Honey, you know Jaune's too stubborn to get knocked out for too long." Jack said ruffing her short blonde hair. "What if I killed Jaune?" Joan asked fearfully, tears already flowing out of her eyes "I-If he dies, I-I won't be able to get Hair Cuts from him anymore, I won't be able to eat his Yummy Breakfast he cooks for us everyday!" Joan bawling in tears in her Father's trousers. "Hey, Hey, Don't worry! You ask that everyday and in a 15 minutes Jaune's up and running again, fired up for another fight. Look see they're already treating him, he'll be back up in no time." Jack comforted, gesturing to the butlers taking him to the infirmary, "He'll be alright, Just wait with Bianca I'll tell you when Jaune's back up. Alright." Joan gave a sad nod before running to her older sister.

Jack looked in happiness as his two daughters went running back, "You really are a natural." A female voice came beside him, Jack gave her a peck on the cheek. "Hey hun, How's Jaune?" June asked looking at her husband, June was an accomplished huntsman and runs a prestigious huntress school in Arcadia, her large axe was brandished across her back along with her long flowing blonde hair, dressed in her steel armor fitting her curvaceous but fit hourglass figure that she somehow kept after 8 children and forty-five years of living. "Same old, Same old. Always itching for a fight and getting stronger. He wants to be the first Huntsman when he grows up." Jack said in pride.

A small silence came between the two, June unlocked her hand from his waist before looking at him with frustration, "Jack, you have to tell him, he can't be a huntsman. He'll get killed out there."

"I know, Hon but it's really hard to tell Jaune, I don't want to crush hi-"

"Jack, don't give me the bullshit. He's being bullied at school, you have to tell him to give it up." June said, anger riveting in her voice. Jack took a look at the entrance to the sparring arena making sure his girls weren't there. Relieved that none where watching he replied.

"June, He'll be crushed. I don't want to him to go through the same thing I did."

"You still got over it didn't you? Your own childhood best friend told you to give up on that dream, and you got over it in one day." June shot back, a stone cold expression etched on her face

"June we were 14! I could face the reality, But Jaune's only 10! He hasn't even hit puberty yet and his own father telling him to quit on his dream just because he's male will utterly destroy him! Maybe even shatter the relationship between us." Jack replied, raising his voice.

"So What! I don't want Jaune to get sad anymore and you're being an asshole about it!" June shrieked at Jack's face. Anger and frustration on her face.

"If you're thinking that Jaune's sad now he'll be even more depressed when he hears that his own father will tell him to give up on something he'd been working on his whole life!" Jack fired back.

"He'll Recover! It's Jaune we're talking about for goodness sakes he'd been beaten down for hours and he comes right back up in 30 minutes." June yelled, "Talk to him when he's awake, I'll be waiting in the bedroom." June slowly walked back to the house ignoring her furious husband. Jack's fists were shaking in anger, "THIS IS EMOTIONAL TRAUMA WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. YOU WOULD'VE KNOWN THE DIFFERENCE IF YOU AREN'T SUCH COLD FACED BITCH!" Jack exploded, his anger, calming down as he took a deep breath.

Before Jack could know what he did wrong, June was up in Jack's face in a flash. June grabbed his T-shirt by the collar, single - handedly lifting him up in the air, his feet dangling away from the ground. "You wanna repeat that again hon?" June said, her voice riveting with venom and anger. "No, no, no, I'm sorry hon please forgive me." Jack quickly apologized, June dropped him onto the ground leaving him floundering on the dirt floor, desperately trying to get away from her. A heeled boot stuck him on his chest, trapping him in place, with June slowly applying pressure.

"Know your place, Male. You don't call your superiors Bitch would you?" June angrily said, screwing the heel down into his chest. Jack groaned in pain as he slowly felt his Ribs creaking under the pressure. "Apologise," June ordered. "I'm sorry June, my beloved wife" Jack managed to croak out his Ribs barely able to hold the strength of the aura powered huntress. June removed the pressure from his chest, allowing jack to hoarsely cough in a fit.

"I want Beef for dinner, Get straight to the kitchen after Jaune wakes up and you tell him. Understand?" June ordered, before walking back to the house."Yes ma'am." Jack replied, groggily standing up, his face devoid of any happiness that was present before. His eyes fearful at what he's about to do.

He slowly walked his way up to the Arc Estate infirmary, the large mansion, filled with statues of June's female huntress ancestors. Etched in a white marble that shone in the daybreak. He opened the door to see Jaune, full of life and energetic as ever enthusiastically talking to his older siblings. The Arc siblings looked at Jack with their warm smiles, "I have to speak to Jaune alone guys," Jack said with a small weak grin. The older siblings caught on what their father was about to do, they heard the fights between their parents and it seems like their father had finally decided to break the news to him. His daughters gave him hopeful looks hoping it will go well.

"Whats up Dad?" Jaune asked his smile as bright as the sun shining in Jack's eyes. 'Please forgive me son' Jack apologized in his thoughts. "Jaune, it's about your career as a huntsman" Jack looked up with his depressed eyes, Jaune's smile became even wider and happier. "Dad are you gonna enrol me in a hunter's school! I've improved a lot over the months so I can define--''''Jaune you're not becoming a hunter"

Jaune froze in his place, his father said what? He can't, He's the one who believes in me, What's he doing?, He said I would achieve great things, He said, Dad said I could do this, do this do that, Why's he doing this?, Why? WHy? WHY?

Jack looked afraid at Jaune's frozen figure his smile still plastered on his face, but Jack could feel as if his world broke into a million place, tears welled fell at Jaune's eyes, dripping down to the white mattress below of the Arc infirmary. Jaune's fists clench up in anger as his face turns angry and frustrated. In all of the mess of crying, Jaune only uttered one word "Why?" He bolted out of the infirmary sobbing hysterically as he ran into his room. Jack was crying himself, that one word Jaune said stuck with him, Why? As a father he's supposed to support their sons and daughters his emotions conflict with one another, he always wanted his son to live his life the way he wanted but if he did it would most likely cost him his own life.

Jaune stormed off into his room, locking the door and sobbed into his bed. His own father, the person he'd admired for years and years has betrayed him like that! How could he! He said I could do anything I want to be in the future yet he says I can't! He's no different from the girls at school. Jaune looked up to the ceiling, his red, tear soaked face scrunched in anger at his Father. What had he done wrong? Was it just because he was a man that he can't pursue what he wants to do? Maybe because I'm not strong enough. Jaune sulked to himself for a long hour.

There was nothing else he could, usually at this time everyone would be eating dinner and he'd go right back to training. But his own father telling him to stop? What was the point. As Jaune slowly drifted himself off to sleep, something sparked in him. A realisation, maybe he could prove himself to be a great huntsman. Something like, Jaune pondered for a bit before looking outside, the forest surrounding the town of Arcadia. He could survive in the woods for a night! If he could prove that he could survive in the Grimm infested forests, maybe his parents would approve of him becoming a hunter.

At the middle of night Jaune finally decided to leave his room, making sure to wake none of them up, he grabbed a brown sack, which he proceeded to fill with food, water, a torch and a blanket. To fight against the grimm he stole a kitchen knife. He sneaked past the awake butlers that were finishing up their cleaning and escape by a window in the backyard. Jaune took one last look at the Arc estate. It was a massive 4 story mansion, surrounded by a large metal fence. "I'll be back tomorrow." Jaune whispered to himself, practically jumping in excitement.

Jaune was going to show to everyone that he can survive and pull through as a huntsman Jaune vowed to himself before disappearing into the dark forest.

Jaune arc was going to die, He should've listened to father, only one Beowulf was all it took to take him down. 3 large claw marks scratched the back of his chest, his leg, broken as he desperately tried to crawl away from the Creature of Grimm. "DAD!, ANYONE, HELP ME!" Jaune called out, his tear soaked face looking for anyone to help. Suddenly a large shadow stands over him. It was the Beowolf. It's large claws sharpened and covered in Jaune's blood.

It's largemouth, salivating at the sight of human flesh, it slowly crawled to Jaune, drooling in pleasure as he was about to indulge. Jaune saw its large clear raised above its head to strike the final blow. ''This is it, I'm gonna die. I'm sorry dad for not listening to you,' Jaune thought in fear, he closed his eyes anticipating the death blow hoping it won't hurt.

However it didn't happen Jaune slowly opened his eyes to reveal a man, standing in front of him with his sword shining in the moonlight and the bisected grimm corpse. Jaune looked in awe at his savior, a man of asian descent dressed in a kimono that wavered in the night wind. That would be his last sight before he blacked out.

Ichira looked with curiosity to the small boy in front of him. He seemed to be the one, before smiling a toothy grin, he picked up the unconscious boy over his shoulder. "Come on Kid, we're taking you to your new home." Ichira said, "The next warrior of mankind, you'll do us good." Ichirea whispered softly into the boys ears as he sped off to the night.

A/N: Jaune warrior of mankind finish! I hoped you enjoyed it! I had a lot of Ideas but I settled with this one. Anyways, favourite if you liked it and comment if you have any suggestions or feedback.

EDIT A/N: Adjusted the ages of beginning Jaune, Jaune is now 10 years old in the story, this was changed to fit the new part

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