cherry blossoms in the spring...

By byeolid

18.4K 833 243

It hadn't even been a whole month since New's arrival, but the new student was still the talk of the school f... More

year one; march
year one; april
year two; march

year one; may

3.3K 186 41
By byeolid


"Why weren't you here yesterday?" Off asked the next day, standing beside Tay's desk, "Were you sick?"

Tay shook his head. "I woke up late, so I decided not to come to school."

Off laughed, patting Tay on the shoulder. "Well, you didn't miss out on much. We basically did a lot of individual work."

Tay nodded, eyes staring straight ahead in a daze. He was still thinking about yesterday, still thinking of New and his lips on his. Pressing his own lips together, Tay tried blinking away his thoughts by looking down at his notebook.

"Final exams are in two weeks," Off continued beside him, changing the topic, "are you ready? I know you've been studying non-stop."

Tay glanced up at New's empty desk. "Yeah," Tay answered, "no more studying after this." He frowned at the thought. It wasn't because he couldn't study anymore, hell no, but more of the fact that he couldn't study with New again. Even the male's presence made Tay feel more relaxed while reading over his notes or doing his practice problems. He was just so used to studying with New after school almost every day that it seemed weird to just stop. Those thoughts made him wonder if he would he even get to see New over break.


"Do you have plans for break?" Tay asked the following weekend, sat on his bed as his upper body laid against his headboard.

New didn't look up to answer, sitting next to Tay and looking over his notes. "Help my dad, probably."

"Are you going to be doing that the whole break?"

New finally lifted his eyes from his notebook then, lips breaking out into a grin. "Why? Are you going to miss me?"

Tay only stared back, pressing his own lips together in nervousness. He couldn't think straight with New's smile blinding his eyes, reminding him of the quick kiss they shared a few days ago. When he finally found his voice, Tay blurted, "You answer first."


"Maybe?" Tay repeated with a frown. After everything they did together? After seeing each other for days on end? After sharing a kiss?

"I'm joking," New said, interrupting Tay's thoughts before glancing down at his lips, "I'll definitely miss that."

"My lips?" Tay asked, licking them after. He felt weird to have it in full attention. "Is that it?"

"Of course not," New answered, gazing back up at Tay's eyes, "I'll miss your eyebrows as well." Tay watched New bring his finger over his left eyebrow and trace around it before bringing it low, "Your eyes as well," Tay felt New follow the curve of his eye, tickling his eyelash and moving it down, "and your nose...but I'll definitely miss this the most." Tay felt New finally trace around his lips before holding his chin in between his fingers. Tay saw New smile at him before leaning in close, tilting Tay towards him and planting a soft kiss on his lips. Closing his eyes to enjoy the touch, Tay felt his stomach do a summersault of butterflies.

New pulled back after a short second, but Tay didn't want to stop. Following New's retreating lips, Tay pushed himself towards the male and kissed him this time instead. It was soft and warm like their first time at the park except Tay wanted more.

No, he needed more. Without the touch of New, without the taste of him, or the feeling of New against him, Tay couldn't live.

Pushing his notebook out of his lap, Tay lifted himself up and over New's legs, straddling the male as well as not letting their lips disconnect. He brought his hands behind New's head, cradling his head as he pushed his tongue between New's closed lips. Gifted entrance, Tay was quick to evade and explore the male's mouth, groaning against New's tongue and pushing his face further into New's for more.

And soon, New was pushing Tay away to take a breath as the older male whined in loss of contact. "As much as - " a pause for an intake of breath, " - I would like to continue this make-out session - " another pause as Tay instead focused on making open-mouthed kisses under New's jaw, " - I have to head home."

"Already?" Tay breathed out, moving his lips to steal another kiss from New. Their lips moved hungrily against each other in an instant, devouring and savoring the other's taste as if they have been starving for the other for years. Tay felt New's hand circle around his waist, rubbing his sides up and down, causing goosebumps to rise over his body in a shiver as he sounded a muffled groan.

New then pulled away again and breathed out, "It's getting late, Tay."

Tay grunted, letting his head fall onto New's shoulder as he let his heartbeat lessen and his adrenaline to calm down. He didn't want to stop, he wanted more. He wanted to press New down against his bed and take him then, kiss him until Tay felt happy, until his desire had gone.


Tay let out a huff before raising his head from its comfortable spot, making eye contact with New's own beautiful brown and he felt all desire get replaced with affection. After a moment of silence, he finally breathed out, "You're annoying." He felt New shake in laughter under him.

"You're always calling me annoying," New accused, a grin still on his lips, "even when we first met."

"Well, it didn't stop you from continuing to talk to me," Tay fired back with a smile, letting his forehead rest against New with his eyes closed. He resisted every urge to kiss the male again.

"That's because I thought you were absolutely gorgeous."

Tay tensed at the answer. New thought he was gorgeous? And since the first time he saw Tay? Did that mean New liked him? Tay lifted his face up, looking into New's chocolate orbs. "Really?" Tay cringed at his own voice, hating how weak he sounded.

"Of course. Anybody would look good under the falling cherry blossom petals."

Tay snorted, hitting New's chest lightly. "Shut up!"

"But seriously," New interrupted, grabbing Tay's hand when Tay made the move to hit him again, "you're beautiful."

Tay blushed at the compliment, focusing his gaze on their interlocked hand before quietly confessing, "You too. I thought you were absolutely stunning. I thought you were prettier than the cherry blossoms and that really annoyed me."

New laughed before bringing their interlocked hands to his lips and pressing a kiss on Tay's. Then, he brought his free hand towards Tay, placing it behind his neck and pulling the male down. Locking his lips with Tay's, both fall into a slow rhythm of open-mouthed kisses against each other. It wasn't rushed like the one before and they enjoyed their time, eyes closed and lips busy before a ring of a phone interrupted their moment, both pulling away in instant.

"My phone," New informed, eyes not leaving Tay's and making no move to silence the device, "probably home. It's late."

Tay nodded, hiding his disappointment as he climbed off the male and instead sat at the edge of his bed. He watched New gather his belongings, packing everything up before facing Tay once he was finished and leaning down to press a light kiss on his head.


Tay smiled. "Bye."

Once New had exited his room, Tay jumped to his feet and rushed towards his window, waiting for New to come out. He silently watched New walk out of his front door, making his way down the pathway and out the front gate. He didn't stop staring until New disappeared from his line of sight.

Sighing, Tay frowned in thought. He already missed him.


"I like New," Tay told his friends the next afternoon when they had come over for a day of video games and snacks. They had just called for a break and were laying around Tay's bedroom when Tay had decided to confess.

Nanon raised his head from the floor, a look of surprise clear on his face while Off simply smiled from his spot at the desk chair.

"Since when?" Nanon asked, now fully sat up in curiosity.

Tay shrugged. He was sat on his bed. "It just happened."

"When did you realize?" Off asked next.

"While studying, he just looked really pretty," Tay said after a thought, remembering the day in the park when New was telling Tay more about himself, "like cherry blossoms."

"Cherry blossoms?" Nanon repeated, giving a confused glance at Off who only shrugged. "Either way, congratulations, Tay! We support the relationship one hundred percent."

"We're not exactly dating yet," Tay confessed with a blush, "just friends...for now."

"Then, if you need help, count on us." Off finished with Nanon agreeing with a hum.

Tay grinned at his friends in thanks.


"Final exams are this week," Tay told New the weekend before. They were at the usual park with the sun glaring down at them, the heat making it harder for them to focus on studies and instead complaining about something to cool them down. They had decided to move under the tree for shade when New called for break.

"You'll do well," New said, laying down on the grass as he stretched his body out, "you studied so hard these past few weeks, so I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors."

Tay laid himself down next to New. "I can't believe it's almost over. We're graduating high school soon."

"Have you applied to any Universities?" New asked, looking over at Tay with his usual smile.

"Some here and there," Tay answered before quickly adding, "one in Bangkok."

New raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Which?"

"Bangkok Thonburi University."

New hummed.

"Figured I need a change of scenery," explained Tay, looking up at the green leaves of the tree overhead him, "and I heard the cherry blossoms are prettier there."

New laughed out loud. "It's really not that different."

Tay grinned. "Yeah, I lied, but I meant the first part. I want to know how it feels to really be out in the world by myself, you know?"

"Well," New said, eyes on Tay's, "I guess we might be seeing each other often."

Tay sat up in surprise, looking down at New with a open smile. "You're going to Bangkok too?"

New nodded, turning his head away and closing his eyes. "I miss it."


Tay yawned, stretching his body before groaning out loud. The week of final exams was now officially over and school was out. Graduation was in a few days, busying Tay's thoughts with stress and anxiety, but New helped rid those thoughts through a collection of small kisses here and there and cuddles on Tay's bed.

"You guys do all that, but still aren't dating?" Nanon asked as they turned a corner to a different street. They were walking to Off's house, collecting the male before the trio could go watch a movie. "How does that work?"

Tay shrugged. "We know that we like each other, but I don't know if New already considers us as boyfriends or not."

"Well, aren't you curious?" Nanon questioned, pressing against Tay's side as a car passed by them.

Tay pressed his lips together in thought. "What if he doesn't want to date me?"

"Are you serious? He's literally putting his tongue down your throat every other day and you think he doesn't want to date you?"

"I just don't want to ruin whatever we have going on now," Tay said with a frown.

Nanon sighed, resting a hand on Tay's shoulder. "I say you shouldn't worry about it because he definitely likes you so ultimately, he would say yes if you ever asked him to date you. You can even ask Off and he can confirm this."

Tay looked up to Nanon with a grateful smile, before teasing, "Should we?"

Tay laughed when Nanon pushed him.


"Congratulations Tay!" Ms. Anusorn cheered after the Graduation ceremony. They were now stood outside the high school building as families and students took pictures. "You finally graduated! And you even got your grades up higher than needed."

"Thank you," Tay politely replied, bowing his head down in respect, "New helped me out a lot."

"It seems you guys even became friends," his teacher gushed, " I saw you guys hang out every day."

Tay shyly chuckled, reaching a hand behind his head and scratching a suddenly itchy spot. "It worked out like that."

Ms. Anusorn then congratulated him once more before moving on to the next student. With a happy sigh, Tay looked around for New, wondering where he had gone off to. He had looked so handsome as he accepted his diploma and Tay wanted to complain to New of how much he wanted to take his picture.


Tay grinned when he spotted his friends rushing towards him, waving at them.

"We did it!" Nanon cheered once he was close to Tay and crushed him with a hug, "We're graduates!" Tay hugged him back with a laugh.

"The hard part is coming next," Off said as he joined the two, "Uni is going to be hell."

"Don't kill the mood, man!" Nanon huffed as he pulled away from Tay and looked at his other friend with a glare. Tay snorted at the two.

"Besides that, where's your not-yet-boyfriend?" Off asked, changing the subject and looking around with Nanon following in search.

Tay frowned. "I don't know..."


It's been a few weeks since summer break started and New has disappeared.

At first, Tay was concerned. He wondered if he was hurt, if he had gotten into an accident and prayed that his crush was okay. He had called New a number of times, messaged him double times as that, and even visited his house only to find it empty and vacant. Tay then was confused. How could a teen male just disappear? After, Tay wondered if New was an illusion, but that conspiracy was thrown out as Off told him to stop making up bullshit in his head.

After a period of time, Tay was sad and hurt. He wondered if all this time, New was planning all along to disappear and maybe that's why the two were never official. Tay wondered if New was just playing with his feelings. He wondered if he was just used by the male and left once New was over him. Soon, Tay started believing those thoughts.

"His family disappeared too, Tay," Off had said one day in the park where New and Tay would study for class, "maybe they had a family situation and he didn't have time to explain?"

"He liked you so much," Nanon had continued with a frown, "I - no, we were sure of it."

"Then why!? Why did he leave!?" Tay yelled with tears straining his eyesight from his two friends, "Why couldn't he just leave me a message? Why couldn't he give me a call? I don't expect something long - just a minute explanation would do!"

"Didn't you say you were going to see each other in Bangkok?" Nanon asked with pity in his eyes.

Tay froze then, remembering the conversation he had with New under the tree. Bangkok. Bangkok and their pretty cherry blossom trees. Bangkok and "Well, I guess we'll be seeing each other often."

"Do you think he'll be there when you move to go to Bangkok Thonburi?" Off asked, "Do you even think you'll see him?"

Tay didn't answer, only wiping his tears stains away. Did he? He didn't know. All he wanted to know was why and where New disappear to without a word. After a beat of silence, he answered, "Maybe."

It seemed like New had left just like the cherry blossoms in the spring. The thought gave Tay some hope that he'll re-appear just like them too.


ao3: ahjusshi

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