The Rules | ✅ Completed

By Sammers

179K 5.1K 952

I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 4

4.4K 122 41
By Sammers

Pulling at the hem of the dress, I stumbled forward in the short heels Heather let me borrow. And by she let me, I mean she told me I had to. Going to Shane's was like being at home. I knew where everything was and how to navigate through the crowds to get just where I wanted to go. Taking Heather's hand in mine, I led the way to the lounge where I knew the bar would be. Less people filled this space and I was thankful.

"What do you have a taste for ladies," the guy behind the actual bar gazed at us before settling on my friend.

"Can we get two Twisted Teas, and two shots of Vodka." The guy nodded and reached into a cooler. I scanned the room and locked eyes with Owen. He was standing near the pool table, leaning on the pool queue in his hands. He nodded his head at me and gave me that dimple causing smile. "Wow, Laine. Who knew you'd be the player type."

"What," I spun back around to my friend. Two bottles were on the bar as the guy placed two plastic cups beside them.

"You were all about Finn at the last party, and now you are making eyes at Owen Smith," she tsked her tongue as she handed me one of the cups. "Looks like we should start with these. To a new year, and a new adventure."

I raised my glass to hers before throwing my head back and swallowing the clear liquid. Heather shook her head and a flirty smile doubled onto her face. She was about to bail on me for her own mission. Grabbing one of the bottles, she blew me a kiss then sauntered out of the room. I took a swig from my bottle and wandered to the doorway.

"Where are you going," Owen asked as he walked up to me.

"To find a spot to chill."

"Why don't you stay here? Since you showed up, Ryan has been missing every shot. You're like my good luck charm."

"I have to find someone real quick, but I promise I'll be back."

"Good," his eyes traveled over me and I could feel the heat racing up my neck. "I'd love that."

Slipping out of the room, I beelined for the kitchen. Lucas was there with same faces I've grown to love. My brother choked on the beer he started drinking when I came in. Joseph smacked him on the back asking him if her was okay. Shane raised an eyebrow before turning to look at me. His eyes tripled in size as did Joseph's. My nervous smile faltered as I shrugged.

"Wow," Joseph gasped. It was followed by a yelp as my brother smacked him.

"Well, well, little Lainy." Shane nodded, appraising me. "There are two sides to every coin."

"Tell me you have a change of clothes and this is just a joke," my brother glared.

"We're at a party, Luke. What was I supposed to wear?"

"Something that covered more of you."

"I tried. Heather wasn't going for that." Finn glanced at me from head to toe. Unlike Owen, his stare didn't make me uncomfortable. When his eyes met mine, he finished off his beer and disappeared for a refill. "Now that I've checked in, I'm going back to the lounge."

"The lounge," Lucas shook his head. "You're staying here. Where I can see you."

"Send one of the drooling minions to check in on me." Shane rubbed the back of his neck and Joseph covered his mouth to hide the smile. "I want to enjoy tonight. Please just let me enjoy this one. I'll even go upstairs at whatever time you say and crash for the night."

"Okay, Cinderella. Your ass better be upstairs by midnight. And you better be alone." I rolled my eyes as I spun on my heel and returned to the lounge. Owen was leaning against one of the tables, still holding his pool queue. I wandered over to him while taking a sip from the bottle in my hand. His eyes caught me and he smiled.

"You came back."

"I'm a woman of my word."

"Then have a seat woman and watch Ryan lose in this rematch." He pushed off the table and pulled out the chair.

Two rounds later and Ryan had lost all of them. I cheered Owen on. I could see it boosting his ego. He held of the pool stick to me and tilted his head to the table.

"Oh, no. You don't want to play me."

"I can teach you," his cocky grin made me laugh.

"Lester's know how to play pool," I finished off my drink before slipping off the chair. "You don't want to play me, because losing to a girl wouldn't look to good."

"I'll take my chances." He handed me to pool stick he was using and racked the balls. Rolling the rack back and forth he leaned down behind it to confirm it was in place. He lifted the frame and nodded to me. "Your up, Blaine."

"How sweet," I strolled over to the head of the table and adjust the cue ball. Lining up the stick, I met Owen's eyes and hit the white ball. It clipped the bumper and scattered the triangle of balls. Three had gone in and two were on the edge of a pocket. I declared my choice and aimed for the closest striped ball. It knocked into a solid that tapped the striped ball near a pocket. I circled the table slowly, using a few moves I watched Heather do.

I took two more shots, sinking a ball on the first one then intentionally missing the second. Owen brushed by me, his hand grazing the small of my back. He lined up his shot and made it. He took one more before missing. Tilting my head, I watched as he accused the table of being warped.

"It worked just fine for you a minute ago," Ryan mocked from one of the oversized chairs.

"You can give up now," I teased as I aimed my next shot. Two balls went in. That left me one more and the eight ball. Knocking in the last striped ball, I pointed to the pocket I was determined to sink the eight ball in. Ryan mocked Owen by declaring I was actually calling him out. Owen chuckled, but stopped as soon as the black ball danced across the table and slowed as it reached the edge. We all held our breath as the ball teetered then fell in.

"I think that's a record," Ryan jumped up, grabbed my hand and threw it into the air, "And a new champ!"

The room erupted into laughter and cheers as Owen walked over to me. I tilted my head and frowned a little. "Sorry for winning. I never was taught to go easy."

"Don't frown," he took my hand in his and smiled down at me. "You played fair and did give me a clear warning. Who knew the wallflower would be a pool shark."

"Yeah, well," I looked at my phone and bit my lip. "I had fun."

"Had fun? The night's still young. How about we get a drink. You can tell me how to hustle like you did."

"I can't," I held up my phone. "My carriage is about to turn into a pumpkin."

"Says who," he challenged as he closed the space between us.

"My brother. I promised him I would be upstairs by midnight."

"At least let me walk you up there."

"You're brave," I teased, rocking our joined hands, "But sacrificing yourself isn't going to get you anywhere."

"What's the worst that can happen?"

"Thank you, but maybe next time," I gave him one more smile before turning to leave. The footsteps trailing after me, called me to look over my shoulder. Owen's dimple showed as he caught up to me.

"How about just to the stairs? If nothing happens, then it's a sign."

"A sign," I snorted and shook my head. "There's no convincing you is there?"

"No ma'am."

"Okay then," I took his hand in mine, fighting my nerves. His eyes shone as he laced our fingers together and we weaved through the masses. As the stairs came into view, so did Shane. He was preoccupied by two girls when we slipped past. At the foot of the stairs, I scanned the room and saw none of the other guard dogs. Taking the first step, I tugged on Owen's hand. He followed me and released my hand as we reached to top.

"Thank you for walking me all the way up the stairs," I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's the least I could do." Still embracing the boldness from earlier, I rose to my toes and kissed his cheek. The cocky grin from flickered onto his face before the dimpled on returned. I stepped away from him and ventured down the hall to one of the guest rooms. Pulling out the key Shane had given to me during one of the check ins, I put it in the lock and opened the door.

Strong hands grabbed my hips and spun me around. Owen grinned down at me, but it wasn't the one that I had come to be familiar with. It was laced with something that made my skin crawl.

"Owen," I asked, confused. He didn't say anything as he pulled me toward him. My hands rested on his chest as I attempted to push him away. He didn't budge and my heart began to race. "Owen, please let me go."

"Not a chance." His voice was low as he craned his head down toward mine. "You've been teasing all night and I'm going to get mine."

"Back up," I growled. Pulling my hand back, I curled my fist and threw a punch at him. He stumbled back and groaned in pain. His hand cupped his jaw as his glare fell on me. He staggered back to his feet and took a step toward me.

"Leave her alone, Smith," a voice growled from down the hall. We both looked and my breath caught in my throat as Finn stormed down the hall towards us. Shooting me a warning look, he pointed at me. "Get in the room and lock the door."


"Blaine," Lucas' voice came next and my heart stopped all together. My brother took in the scene and looked like a bull seeing red. He looked at Owen and started yelling out questions and accusations. Before I knew it Joseph was holding my brother back while Shane was telling Owen to leave.

Giving me one last skin crawling look, Owen stalked off down the hall then the stairs. Shane looked at me then my brother. Joseph had let him go once Owen was out of sight. He was coming straight for me and I couldn't move. My feet had grown roots as panic took over. Funny, I was more scared of my brother then the creep I had sucker punched.

"What the hell did I tell you," he asked.

"I didn't... He wasn't..."

"He followed her, man," Finn stepped between us. He explained how he had seen us going up the stairs and watched as I told Owen good night and left him. Owen had followed without my knowledge and that's when Finn showed up. Lucas looked over his friend's shoulder at me. His hardered expression never softened. I looked away from him feeling ashamed.

"Lock the damn door," he spat before vanishing. Shane gave me a sympathetic smile before chasing after my brother. Joseph followed them, probably to make sure my brother didn't do anything stupid. My arms wrapped around my waist as I slunk into the room.

"Lainy," Finn's soft voice was unusual given everything that just happened. I looked at him and knew what he saw. The tears welling up in my eyes, my reddened hand and messed hair. "I'm going to get some ice for your hand. Don't open the door till I come back."

"Finn," I stopped him before he left. I offered him the key Shane had given to me. "Check on him, please?"

He nodded, taking the key, then disappeared the same way the others had. Flipping the lock on the door, I shut it. I kicked off my borrowed heels and found some clothes to change into. I was rolling up the legs on the sweatpants when the lock clicked and the door opened. The glow of the hall lights filled the room then it was plunged back into darkness when it shut again. The door lock was done once more before Finn walked over to me. He sat beside me on the bed and held out the ice pack.

"Which is it?"

"What," he looked at me.

"He's either breaking something, or drowning in booze. So, which is it?"

"Don't worry about him." I looked at him pleading for an answer. "He's blowing off steam and that's all you need to know."

"I didn't mean for that to happen."

"The hit looked like a pretty good no to me."

"Imagine what would have happened if I used my dominant hand," I rested the pack on my right hand.

"What were you thinking?"

"Can't you all just play judge and jury tomorrow?"

"Okay, but that requires you getting some sleep." Finn stood and grabbed the blankets, pulling them back. I sighed and moved up the bed. The fresh sheets were a comfort as I rested my hand on the pillow, the ice pack on the bedside table. I waited for the sound of the door and the bright hall lights. When I didn't hear it, I sat up and looked around the room. Finn was sitting in the reading chair beside the desk, scrolling through his phone.

"Aren't you going back downstairs?"


"Please tell me he didn't order you to be creepy?"

"This is all by choice, Laine." I rolled over to face him while I lay on my side.

"What happened last weekend?"

"You don't remember," he tore his eyes away from the phone to study me in the dark.

"Nope," I popped the p. "I remember drinking and Cam saying we should leave then it gets blurry. Cam says you were with me when he brought the car by."

"We were just talking."

"You're not exactly the talking type."

"I could say the same about you," he teased. "Get some sleep."

"I'm afraid to," I admitted softly.

"Don't be. I've got you. No one's going to come in."

"Finn?" I prayed he couldn't see me biting my lip.


"That chair's going to get uncomfortable."

"I know," he sighed.

"There's plenty of room."

"You want me in bed with you," he teased.

"No," I stuttered as the words collided in my head, "I mean yes, but not because of that. I just... I would feel more comfortable if there was someone between me and the door."

"Whatever you say, Lainy." I scowled, then I heard his shoes thud against the floor. "Move over."

I slid to the far side of the bed and rolled again to face the door. He pulled off his shirt and climbed onto the bed.The white tshirt that was under his other shirt clung to his perfectly defined torso. I closed my eyes as cinnamon swirled around my senses. His hand reached out to me, reminding me that he was there. I shifted toward him and nestled my head on the pillow just below his chin.

"Nothing's going to get you while I'm around," he whispered as I closed my eyes. My sore hand rested on his chest and I felt his heart racing again. The hand he had placed on my arm, wrapped around me and held me close.

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