I Love You, Kitten

I_Am_Super_Girl tarafından

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[Harry!Hybrid] [Liam!Hybrid] Hybrids never existed, until the fall of 2014, where a scientist accidentally co... Daha Fazla

I Love You, Kitten
Chapter One

Chapter Two

1.9K 90 13
I_Am_Super_Girl tarafından

Louis’ POV

“Louis—!” Zayn comes running into the living room, where I was sitting. I shushed him, seeing as Harry fell asleep on the walk over here. His tail was wrapped around my leg tightly. To be honest, it hurt like heck.

I could feel Zayn burning a hole in the side of my head as I attempted to walk past him and to my room, so I can lie Harry down.

“I’ll be right back,” I stage whisper to him and then find my way to my room. The familiar wooden door comes into my view and  I shift Harry in my arms and open the door. I walk around avoiding contact with the mess on my floor.

I place Harry in my bed, carefully, before tucking him in. I turn around, avoiding the mess on the floor, I get to the door and turn around to see Harry sleeping peacefully. I smile at the sight and shut the door behind me silently.

I walk back into the living room to see Zayn pacing. When he heard my footsteps, he looked up.

“So...” I start awkwardly, but Zayn cuts me off angrily.

“You bring home that thing and all you got to say is ‘So’?” He mocks my voice, quite horribly I might add. I tense up when Zayn calls Harry a ‘thing’. “What happened to grocery shopping?”

“First of all; Harry is not a thing, he’s a person just like both of us! But, with a little more physical attributes. Secondly; I sound nothing like that. Lastly; We could go grocery shopping anytime we want to! The shop’s across the street!” I say indignantly. Zayn scoffs and mumbles under his breath.

“What was that? Did you forget that this is my flat? I pay the rent, not you, I exclaim, poking his chest. “Don’t forget who the adult is in this place! Without me, you would still be on the streets.

Guilt covers his expression. “Sorry Lou. I guess I just got jealous for a second, I’m not used to sharing you.”

“That’s okay, now give me a hug,” He smiles widely at me as I open my arms, he rushes into my arms, and I lightly pat his back. “As soon as Harry wakes up, we’ll go for ice cream, yeah?”

“Yeah!” Zayn’s facial expression lights up. I laugh at him and ruffle his hair. I sit on the couch, Zayn joining me. I turn on the TV and turn to one of Zayn and I’s favorite movies, Mean Girls.

*                       *                       *

A few minutes into Mean Girls, a strangled cry came from my room. Harry must be awake!

“Harry must be awake! You stay here and I’ll be back.” I tell Zayn and he nods, turning back to the TV.

Hurrying to my room, I open the door to see Harry sitting up with tear tracks going down his face. I walk over to him and wipe his face.

“What’s wrong, Harry?” I pick him up. It’s becoming a habit.

“Thought you left,” He whimpers, clutching me tighter. He buries his head into my neck and mewls. “No leave me.”

“I won’t.”


Hi my little cookies!

I hoped you liked this chapter! I happened to think of you guys and then decided to update!

Just a quick warning: Please don’t comment asking me to update because it won’t get these fingers to type any faster and if you do comment for me to update I will delete it.

If you’re confused Zayn is 15 and Louis is 21 if you didn’t know this. . .so yeah.

What is his big secret?

Why was he living on the streets?

Why do you think Louis was acting like he was?

Why do you think that Louis take Harry home with him?

Why did he make that promise?

Questions to be answered in the future chapters!

Also, who wants to be a side character in this story?


No one?

Okay... :c

Don’t forget to vote, comment, and follow!

Thanks!  I love you! <3

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