Who Are You?

By Wandering_Fujoshi

616K 25.2K 7.1K

Rhea, a normal college student who's drowning in loans and debt, dies by the infamous truck-sama. Unwillingly... More

Arc 0.1 - Soul Space
Arc 1.1 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.2 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.4 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.5 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.6 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.7 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.8 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.9 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.10 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.11 - Alex Mcguire
Arc 1.12 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.13 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.14 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.15 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.16 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.17 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.18 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.19 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.20 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.21 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.22 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.23 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.24 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.25 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.26 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.27 - Alex McGuire
Arc 0.2 - Soul Space
Arc 2.1 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.2 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.3 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.4 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.5 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.6 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.7 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.8 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.9 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.10 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.11 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.12 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.13 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.14 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.15 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.16 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.17 - Grayaon Hale
Arc 2.18 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.19 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.20 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.21 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.22 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.23 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.24 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.25 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.26 - Grayson Hale
Arc 0.3 - Soul Space
Arc 3.1 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.2 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.3 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.4 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.5 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.6 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.7 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.8 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.9 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.10 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.11 - Luther Abravel

Arc 1.3 - Alex McGuire

15.6K 736 135
By Wandering_Fujoshi

Alex rested his eyes as he put his head against the headrest in the car, thoroughly exhausted.

'How can someone live like this.' The whole day was non-stop interviews, photo shoots, re-takes, changing makeup and clothes several times, and waiting. Honestly, just why!?'

[The original Alex was doing this as a regular routine plus with his insomnia}

'shut up. Why couldn't you have given me the skill of modeling? Business is completely useless with the career Alex has! Unless I take up the offer that dude had given Alex...'

Remember that Alex had jumped from different foster homes in his childhood?

Well, before he entered that one horrible household, Alex had become really close to one of the children of a former foster home and still kept in touch with him all the way through high school.

It was at that time he suddenly got a call from his childhood friend to meet up. His friend had started up a company and wanted Alex to be his adviser, after all, Alex always had been a great help whenever a conflicting matter came up with his friend...This skill partly came from Alex meeting the therapist occasionally. Alex had wanted to have no part of it as it was both bothersome and would conflict with his school work. So, he had refused his friends offer, but his friend kept pestering him. In the end, he still became an unofficial adviser as this friend of his still called whenever a matter that he couldn't decide on came up. It's been almost 7 years since then, and from Alex's memories, the company has been rather successful, but as to what extent? no idea. There was barely any knowledge about it as the original Alex wasn't really interested in knowing and had only involved himself when his friend called him.

But wait- why did Alex agree to be a model? Because he had graduated from high school and was about to apply for a college when he had been scouted. So considering he had no proper job and no school to worry about, Alex took it.

'hehe, cheats! Seems this Alex had nooo idea about this powerful CEO he made' Alex was scrolling through the internet, checking out all the info about the company this friend of his had made.


The car came to a stop in front of a low-key luxuriously modern looking restaurant.

"Alex. We're here, get out!"

"omygod woman! you don't have to shout, I'm right beside you."

While the two were bickering, everyone outside was glancing at the car out of curiosity, admiration, or envy. It was an extremely expensive sports car, not just anyone could afford it. and plus, this restaurant was famously known for its hard-earned reservations needed. Everyone wanted to know who was inside the vehicle.

Alex opened the door and stepped out under the eyes of the onlookers. They all saw his handsome face, many girls began to shamelessly stare at his features, everyone stated gossiping with each other wondering where this good looking man came from. Some recognized him as the rising male model, the word quickly spread around the crowd. Amelia also came out, evoking another frenzy--she was, after all, a successful agent who made several widely known stars in the showbiz. This further proved that the handsome man was a model that would soon excel in his career.

She threw the keys at the valet who looked excited at having a chance to park it in the garage.

"When did you become so sassy?"

"Me? Sassy? Oh, darling, you must be mistaken. I'm not sassy but in fact sexy." A deep chuckle responded from Alex as they walked towards the entrance. Many had heard their conversation and were either amused or choking up at his shameless words.

"Plus narcissistic. What the hell did you eat for you to change? You used to be a little uptight, but no matter, just make sure to control that little spazz that's suddenly coming out of you." Alex just lightly smirked at that and kept his pace.

The girls were swooning over that little action of his, some had secretly taken pictures of this beautiful view. The picture was posted all over social media in the next few moments, and just like that, the post had become one of the top 5 trendings. Many were wondering who this attractive man was when it was revealed that he's an up and coming male model. Although Alex was quickly getting popular, he was still just a newbie in the modeling industry, so not many had known him. But after this post, his social media accounts were rapidly gathering followers and fans from around the world. All of his past works and photo shoots were quickly gathering attention and likes.

GIVE_ME_RING_POPS: Am I in heaven? Who is this beauty?!

In_Jail_Out_Soon: Why haven't I seen him before? His past works look perfect!

I'm_Watching_You: OOOOOO!! Finally! Some new eye candy! I'm definitely watching this guy now.

They couldn't believe that this gem was being hidden away from them, being buried in the pits just because of a few dark horses came out recently. In an instant, he had gotten a few years worth of exposure, which in Alex's case could either be a blessing or a curse for how much busier he would get in the future. However, at the moment he was completely unaware of the tsunami flooding the internet.

All his attention was on how to complete the task of becoming Eric Quincy's friend.

"Hey! Are you listening to me or what?"

"Yeah yeah, don't eat too many pastries, got it."

"Good. Honestly, your eating habits can never be trusted." Surprisingly, the original Alex was a foodie.

The Manager and model were just about to enter the restaurant when a commotion occurred behind them. A sleek black Rolls-Royce had just rolled up along the entrance driveway, the owner of the car stepped out, it was the (in)famous CEO Matthew Roland. Beside him were his secretary, assistant-secretary and a few executives who followed the man in an orderly manner. Another valet had taken the vehicle to the garage as the group was nearing the 2 standing in front of the entrance. The CEO was looking at a document that his secretary handed him, he suddenly glanced up to look at his surroundings but did a double take when he spotted Alex talking to his Manager. A gleam flashed by his eyes as he handed the documents back to his secretary, not taking his eyes off Alex, putting his hands in his pockets he slowly strutted towards the entrance door.

Alex turned around just in time to see the man none other than Matthew Roland, the childhood friend, the one that started up the company, the one who forced Alex to be a part-time advisor.

'Interesting, Alex had such a friend at his disposal but never used it when he was in trouble.' In the original plot, when Alex was sentenced to jail and committed suicide, it was also when Matthew Roland was abroad for a long time. If only the original Alex had called this friend for help, everything wouldn't have been so sad and mournful. But alas, it was the fate of cannon fodders.

Matthew and his crew were coming forward while Alex stood his ground in front of the entrance and smiled lightly as he made eye contact with the CEO. Soon enough, Matthew reached the entrance however Alex was blocking his way in an open manner. This scene caused the crowd to gossip even more. No one ever dared to block the way of this man, his standing was far too high for just anyone to offend. So seeing this, the onlookers started to pity the model who was standing at the entrance. This surely wasn't gonna end well for him.

Amelia was having an inner conflict with herself deciding whether or not to intervene and offend this business tyrant, however, decided against it after seeing her artist not being overwhelmed or bothered in the least

The atmosphere was beginning to get tense as both the CEO and the model were staring each other down. No one dared to breathe too loudly in fear of what was going to happen next.

Unfortunately, someone didn't read the atmosphere and looked down at the man blocking his boss' way with disdain and mockery.

"Get out of our way! Know your place you lower class peasant, don't block the way of our high esteemed boss!" A pot-bellied executive started spouting out several indecent words to the man blocking their way. No one stopped him as many of the others also felt this way but kept it inside themselves.

Alex suddenly broke the eye contact with Matthew and glanced over to the executive spitting everywhere, raising an eyebrow out of amusement he brought his gaze back to Matthew who also coldly looked over at the executive. Alex suddenly smirked and decided to play along.

"WELL?! Why aren't you getting out of the way? Do you know who we are?"

"Oh, my~ I apologize for getting in your way, your highness." He sidestepped and brought the stunned Amelia along with him, gesturing towards the doorway he looked over to Matthew who deadpanned at his play, "well then?"

Matthew turned around to face the executive and said the two(?) words that nobody expected,

"You're fired."

Everyone was shocked at those words and then wondered who the model was exactly to make the CEO dismiss his own executive.

"Wha- But Boss! What have I done? give-give me another chance!" The executive was now begging on his knees but Matthew didn't give him the time of day, he turned over to his secretary and told him to take care of it. Alex was looking at it all with a faint smirk on his lips,

"What are you doing here?"

"To eat of course."

"Well, you're here at a great time, I need some advice."

"...*sigh*...You never give me a break do you?"

"What do you mean? it's been almost half a year since I last asked anything of you, and I still gave you your salary."

The two men were now walking into the restaurant leaving the bystanders confused and speechless to their indifferent attitudes.

Did those two know each other? How? What was the relation between them? There were several unanswered questions swirling inside everyone's head.

The only calm one seemed to be the secretary as he knew of Alex's role in the company and his relation to his boss. Adjusting his gold-rimmed glasses, the secretary led Amelia and the rest of the executives to their boss, waking up from their shock and confusion they followed the secretary without questions despite all their doubts.


A/N: I know that there are SOOO many plot holes and things are a bit jumbled up...but I'm too lazy to change it so I'll leave it as is.

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