Vampire Queen | PJM

By frhndiaa

11.3K 629 82

Soo Jin tried to suicide but she end up trapping in a dangerous place. She suddenly travel to the time where... More

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1.4K 73 9
By frhndiaa

<~ ί αʍ α ѵαʍԹίɾε զմεεη? ~>

<~ ί αʍ α ѵαʍԹίɾε զմεεη? ~>

Soo Jin POV
Where the hell is this I thought

I tried to sat up but then I felt pain on my back. I groaned loudly making a noise can be heard out of this room. I realised this room was design in traditional style. I smiled

Never know that this kind of design still exist. Or am I in afterlife? I chuckled as I thought that

Suddenly the door open revealed few girls in hanbok (korean traditional wear) and a old man who also dress in traditional wear

"You still wear this kind of outfit? Wth is going with this place. Am I in a old school town? Lol" I said in between my laugh. They all look at me confusedly

"Aghashi, what wrong with the queen?" I heard one of the girl whispered
(a/n aghashi is young lady)

Aghashi? Queen? The heck!!

"Wait. Who is the queen?" I asked and look around but saw no one dress like a queen.

"Ma'am, you're the queen here. Even you are not yet a queen but the king announced that you will be our new queen soon" the same girl that whisper said

"Wait a minute. I don't understand" I massage my temple "I am not supposed to be here. I should be in hell right now" I added

"Hell? What are you talking about Ma'am? Your Majesty took you here last two night and announced that you are our new queen. He saw you unconscious at the back of our castle" one of the girl said as my eyes widened. I laugh and slap myself

"Ahhh I guess this is how people live in afterlife. What a nice life I will get" I said in satisfaction

"Maybe Sir was right about her. She must hit her head too hard when she fell. She seem like doesn't remember anything" the old man said

"Yes yes I don't remember anything" I said while smile like a idiot. They had the same expression ever since they stepped in this room *JUNGSHOOK*

"I think we should introduce ourself first. I'm Yu Jin. The chamberlain who in charge of looking after the house of a king, queen, or other important person (a/n I found this on google)" Yu Jin said

Another girl bowed to me "My name is Gyu Ri the maid of honour who in charge to looks after a queen or princess" Gyu Ri the whisper girl speak and I nodded at her

Last girl bowed "My name is Yangi the maid of honour who have to looks after a queen or princess"

Yangi? I burst into a laugh as I heard her name

"I'm sorry" I said and stop laughing

"Btw we're both from high social class and we're not married yet"

"I can tell by your look" I smiled at the girls.

The old man about to bowed but I stopped him

"Ohh no. Ahjushi (uncle/sir) no need to bow" I stopped while motion him not to bow but he keep bowed to me. I sigh at him

"I'm in charge to royals who sick. My name is Gong Wi" he said making me raised my left brows

What a weird name lol

[Little did Soo Jin know someone heard her thought]

"Let me examine your back first" Gong Wi said and approached me.

He help me to sit which gave me a pain. I glared at Yangi who accidentally burst into laugh looking at me. She stopped laughing and stay still.

"Your back will heal within 1 or 2 weeks. All you need to do is do not move too much Ma'am" Gong Wi said and left the room. I look at Gyu Ri and Yangi

"Hey, may I know where am I now?" They looked at Yu Jin and wait for her response. Yu Jin nodded at the girls.

"We're in Bangtan's kingdom" I nodded at them but then it hit me when I heard a familiar name

"Bang-Bangtan? Where did I hear that. Ahhh I should be more focus in something" I massage my temples to recall everything.

"Ma'am, we-we weren't suppose to tell you this but I-I think you deserve to know"

"Tell me"


Gyu Ri was cut by Yu Jin "We'll be receive a punishment if Ma'am knows this"

"Bu-but she deserves to know"

"Know what?" We all turned to the voice. Three of them bowed to him

OMG! I will never regret fell of from that building

They all turned to me. I gave 'What?' look to them

"Prince Jin" they bowed again. He did the same

Prince? Ahh! Of course there will be a prince when there is a queen

Again! They all look at me weirdly

"I guess the king did not lied about this girl condition"

"Yes Prince Jin. Ma'am really sick. I think she lost most of her memories because she did not remember where we are right now. I guess she did not remember what year is it now" Yu Jin said to 'Prince Jin'

"Hello Prince Jin *I waved and smiled to him* My name is..... *I looked at Gyu Ri and Yangi waiting for them to help me with my name* "

"I guess you forgot your name too. Am I wrong?"

"*I shook my head* Soo Jin. My name is Soo Jin"

"That is rare but beautiful name" I smiled to him "Now we know her name. Tell the king that she is awake and tell him about her name and condition" Yu Jin nodded and left the room

"By the way *Prince Jin turned around* what year is it? I mean why everythings look so old school here?"

"What school?" I laugh at his fake stupidity

"So funny Prince Jin *he did not looked happy at all so I stopped laughing* I'm sorry. You and the others wore traditional outfit while the furniture here look old too"

"It 1274" I widened my eyes


"What fish?" I choked air

Did he just read my mind?

"What's wrong with fish ma'am?" Gyu Ri asked


"Shit? I never heard that word before ma'am"

Bitch stop

"Ma'am I think you still badly injured now. I think you should sleep again"

"She is right. I don't think you are in good condition now because you keep saying weird words" Prince Jin said and about to walked out

"Wait! *he stopped* Help me to figure out this.... please"

"Figure what ma'am?"

"Why am I the queen and who are you and where is this place and why it called as Bangtan's kingdom and who is the king and how did I end up being a queen when I know nothing about any of this and—"

"I will help you instead" another voice appear behind Prince Jin. They all bowed to him and being polite I did the same. Damn the looks tho

If Bangtan's Kingdom got so many handsome prince, I will gladly stay here forever

I think I should ask them about mind reading stuff

"Let me do it for you. You have others job to do right" prince Jin said

"But you are my guest here. Why should I let my guest do my job?"

"It's okay because I'm not busy as you. I'll help her in this"

"Hold on. Who are you?" I asked in curiosity

"I'm Park Jimin and you're now in Park's Palace. My palace. I'm the king and you're my queen. Welcome Home My Queen"




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