Robin Hood: One Life Ends and...

By Naaen_Willow

20.1K 764 265

(Bnha x OC) Robin Hood is a quirkless vigilante who helps and protects people while hunting down a criminal o... More

Artemis Waters: Origin
Character Information
What It Takes to Be a Hero or a Vigilante
Start Line
What I'm capable of
Hero Costume
Art vs Kacchan
Angry Pinky
USJ Attack
A/N Robin Hood Rewrite is Out
Death of Robin Hood
Wake Up

Roaring Muscles and Unexpected Visits

1.5K 60 49
By Naaen_Willow

Please tell me if there are any mistakes, I had to fix a few in the Prologue, Artemis Waters: Origin and What It Takes to be a Hero or a Vigilante.


"What are you doing here?" Artemis questioned the person who broke into her home and was sitting on her worn out couch in the living room as she shut the door to her apartment.

"I was hoping you changed your mind about moving to America with me," a woman with brown hair tied into a loose braid and turquoise eyes answered.

Artemis walked into her kitchen and dropped her dagger on the counter, "My answer is still the same as last time, I'm not leaving Japan," Artemis told as she went to her fridge.

The woman got off the couch and walked into the kitchen when Artemis opened her fridge and grabbed out a coca-cola bottle, "Artemis please rethink this!" the woman pleaded.

"Maria, I can't go to America. Not when those bastards are still on the loose!" Artemis argued, shutting the door to the fridge and placing her coca-cola bottle on the counter as she turned to face Maria.

"I don't want to lose you, too! Artemis, my brother, your mentor, died trying to take down the Order of Fear! I don't want you suffer the same fate as Arthur!" Maria cried, tears streamed down her ivory cheeks as Artemis gave the older woman by thirteen years a hug.

"I promise you this, I won't let what happened to Arthur, happen to me," Artemis vowed, hugging Maria tighter, "You need to know why I'm doing this. I'm doing this for you and to the families who have suffered because of the Order of Fear and I will give you justice for Arthur's death."

Maria sighed sadly and gave Artemis a watery smile, "There really is no way for me to change your mind, is there?" she asked as Artemis gave her a look of determination, "My brother's stubbornness really has rubbed off on you. Please be careful for my sake."

"I will," Artemis promised, breaking away from the hug, she saw Maria out of her apartment as she closed the door and locked it. Sitting on her worn out couch, Artemis slumped her shoulders from exhaustion and was glad that Maria didn't notice the bruising around her neck caused by the sludge villain. Grabbing out her phone from her blazer's pocket when she heard a ding from someone texting her, 'I better tell Izu that I won't be going to his house for game night,' she thought.


Art-chan, can we reschedule game night some other time?


Sure! We can play video games some other time


Did you make it home safely?


Yeah I'm home

How did it go with All Might?

Since you grabbed onto his leg



He's going to train me for the U.A.'s entrance exams



I'm happy for you Izu!

You're dream of becoming a hero is finally coming true!



I'm going to ask All Might if he could train you also for the entrance exams

'That's sweet of you, Izu, for thinking about me. And if All Might is training Izu, then it won't hurt to tell him that "Robin Hood" is going to train me for U.A.,' Artemis thought before speaking out loud to herself, "It's worth a shot."


You don't have to do that Izu

I have to tell you something


What is it?


I was attacked by a mugger when I was coming home

'I'm sorry for lying to you, Izu!' Artemis mentally apologized.


Are you okay?!


I'm fine Izu

Robin Hood saved me before I could get seriously hurt


Thank goodness you are okay!


Also Robin Hood is going to train me for U.A.

Because I tried to defend myself against that mugger







Our dream of becoming heroes is finally coming true!


Hold it Izu

We need to pass the entrance exam first

Don't get a head of yourself



I'll talk to you later Art-chan!


See ya!

Once she was done texting, Artemis got off the couch and entered her kitchen where she left her coca-cola on the counter as she thought to herself, 'Izu is going to be training harder than what All Might tells him. Maybe I should make All Might and Izu some onigiri for lunch? Yeah that sounds like a good idea, but what type of filling should I do?' Having a plan to make All Might and Izuku some lunches, Artemis remembered something very important, "Fuck! I forgot to go grocery shopping today! Looks like I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow," she started mentally listing the things she needed to buy while having a microwavable ramen for dinner as she did her homework and did a little more research on the Order of Fear before heading to bed.

Two days later. Artemis was tailing Izuku in her vigilante persona as Izuku met up with All Might at DagobaMunicipalBeachPark. She watched Izuku train as he was struggling to pull a fridge with All Might sitting on top, "Hey, hey, hey! This is such a comfy fridge to sit on!" All Might told as Izuku fell flat on his face, causing Artemis to cover her laugh so she won't be spotted by them as she somewhat felt bad for laughing, "If you could move it even a little, it would be a little easier."

"Well yeah, I mean, you weigh 274 kilograms, right?" Izuku asked.

"No, I lost weight, so I'm only 255 kilograms now, in this form," All Might answered.

Izuku looked around the littered beach, "Anyway, why am I dragging trash as at the beach park?" he asked.

All Might laughed as he took out his phone, "It's 'cause, you know, you're not a proper vessel," All Might answered, taking pictures of Izuku.

"What you're saying now is the opposite of what you said before!" Izuku cried.

"I'm talking about your body," All Might clarified, getting off the fridge and approached Izuku while taking more pictures of him.

"Huh?" Izuku was confused by what All Might just said.

"My quirk, One For All, is the fullest physical ability of many people gathered into one. An unprepared body cannot inherit it fully. The limbs will come off and the body will explode," All Might explained.

"The limbs will what?!" Izuku exclaimed as he and Artemis had the same gruesome image pop into their heads, 'I did not need to imagine that!' Artemis thought shaking away the image. "Then ... I'm picking up trash in order to train my body...?" Izuku questioned.

"Yes!" All Might gave Izuku a thumbs up. "But that's not all," he told, approaching the fridge, "After some research on the internet yesterday, I discovered that part of this beach park's coast has been like this for many years."

"Yeah... For some reason, because of the currents, objects drift here a lot and people take advantage of that to hide their illegal dumping... The local residents don't come near here either," Izuku rambled.

"Heroes these days are all after the showy stuff," All Might told while single-handedly crushed the fridge with his strength, "Originally, being a hero meant doing volunteer service. Even if people called it boring or whatever. You can't waver from those roots. You will restore the horizon for this whole section! That is your first step toward being a hero!"

Izuku gazed at all of the trash that has gathered over the years, "My first step...? Clean... this... All of it?!"

"Young Midoriya, you want to go to U.A., right?" All Might questioned.

"Yes... Yes! Because it's where you went," Izuku answered, fanboying a little as Artemis always thought of Izuku's fanboying cute, "So if I'm going to go... I thought... it would definitely have to be U.A...."

"You're a go-getter fanboy! But I've told you this before," All Might said before continuing, "It's not something you can do without a quirk. It's sad, but that is the reality. And U.A.'s the hardest hero course to get into. In other words..."

"In the ten months until U.A.'s entrance exam, I have to complete my vessel!" Izuku finished.

"You're wrong, Skinny Might!" a deep and masculine voice spoke from behind All Might and Izuku as they turned to see Robin Hood standing on top of a pile of trash before jumping into the air and doing some flips before landing perfectly on her feet.

"Robin Hood, what are you doing here and how did you find us?" Izuku questioned.

"I did say before that I would see you boys later," Robin Hood told, crossing her arms and turning her head to All Might, "Skinny Might-"

"It's All Might," All Might corrected.

"Let me tell you something, Skinny Might, I have trained very hard to get to where I am today!" Robin Hood said, her blood boiled in anger at what All Might said as she stomped up to All Might who towered over her and poked All Might in the chest, "I can prove that people without quirks can become a heroes, starting with broccoli boy's quirkless friend, Artemis Waters."

"What makes you think she'll pass?" All Might questioned as Izuku felt bad about thinking that Artemis won't pass the exams because she's quirkless, but he has a small shimmer of hope that she will.

"She has the potential to become something great," Robin Hood told before continuing, "If she doesn't make it into U.A. because she's quirkless then it's their loss. I will train her to become the greatest hero or the greatest vigilante that ever lived. But if she wishes to become a vigilante like me because you heroes are too blind to the potential she has then so be it." All Might gazed at the vigilante whose features were covered by her mask and hood except her eyes that held a fiery determination. Taking a deep breathe, Robin Hood stepped away from All Might, "I'm sorry. I'm tired of people thinking that those without quirks can't become heroes. Under different circumstances I would've chose to become a hero, but I can't change the past and I don't regret my decision in becoming a vigilante."

"Why did you become a vigilante?" Izuku asked.

"Maybe some other time I might tell you, but not today," she told before apologizing, "I'm sorry for my earlier behavior, that wasn't my intention for coming here. My intention was to give you two these." Opening the large leather pouch on her belt, she pulled out two bags full of onigiri as she rubbed her neck sheepishly because she felt ashamed of her earlier behavior, "I made you two some lunches as an apology for accidentally finding out your secret, All Might."

All Might eyed the two bags of onigiri that Robin Hood is holding in her hand as he was suspicious that the bags of onigiri were poisoned, "How do we know you didn't poison them?" he questioned.

"Why would I poison you or broccoli boy, hmm? I wouldn't do that because you two are very interesting and broccoli boy is cute when he fanboys," Robin Hood told, placing Izuku's bag of onigiri down on an old table.

"C-Cute...?!" Izuku stuttered as he blushed madly.

"I'll prove that they aren't poisoned," she told, opening the bag of onigiri she made for All Might, Robin Hood picked up the onigiri before placing the bag near the Izuku's as she lifted up the bottom of her mask as her mouth and chin were the only thing's exposed to All Might and Izuku to see, taking a bite out of the onigiri. Wiping off any crumbs on her chin, "See, not poisonous," she told, eating the rest of the onigiri before fixing her mask as it covered her mouth and chin again. "I have to get going and met up with Artemis," she told as she pointed at the two bags of onigiri, "You can eat them or throw them out if you don't trust me, I don't care what you choose to do with them. See you around, broccoli boy, Skinny Might."

Robin Hood was about to leave when suddenly All Might said something that made her stop in her tracks, "Toshinori Yagi."

"Excuse me?" Robin Hood turned around to face All Might.

"My name is Toshinori Yagi," Toshinori repeated, "I don't want to hear that annoying nickname when I'm in my other form."

"Awe, I quite enjoyed calling you Skinny Might," Robin Hood faked pouting which Toshinori and Izuku didn't see because of her hood and mask covering it.

"You can call me All Might, not Skinny Might in this form and Toshinori Yagi in my other," Toshinori told.

"Toshinori Yagi," Robin Hood repeated All Might's real name to herself as she smirked underneath her mask before giving Toshinori and Izuku a two finger salute, "See ya later, Toshi, broccoli boy!"

That night, Artemis was doing stomach crunches in her living room when she suddenly heard knocking on her apartment door. Getting off the ground and grabbing a towel that laid over the foldable chair as she wiped sweat off her face before opening the door as she saw a man with his back turned to her, "Can I help you with--" she trailed off when she saw who it was as the man turned around to face her from hearing her voice.

She slammed the door in his face as she was rubbing her temples because of an incoming headache, "Oh come one! Is this how you treat a friend, princess?" he asked through the door as he started knocking again.

"You're not my friend and don't call me princess! I'm still mad at you for burning my homework from last time you visited!" Artemis yelled through the door.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I don't regret doing that. You spend too much time studying and not enough time having fun or enjoying life!" the man argued through the door as Artemis knew he was speaking the truth because she has been spending her time studying and researching the Order of Fear, and not doing anything fun, "I also brought a peace offering, hamburger with bacon, a large fry and a large coca-cola."

Her stomach rumbled from hearing what he brought as she reluctantly opened the door for the man to enter her home, "You can set them on the card table, Dabi," Artemis said, pointing at the card table with two foldable chairs as he placed the bag of food on the table before sitting in one of the chairs. Artemis sat in the other chair as she grabbed the hamburger with bacon and bit into it before she whispered something, "I'll try..."

"Hmm?" Dabi raised a brow at Artemis as he ate his food he ordered.

"I'll try—no I will spend my time having fun," Artemis vowed as Dabi smirked and reached over the table to ruffle her hair, "Hey!"

"Quit your whining and eat your food before I do, princess," Dabi teased as he was amused by Artemis's face turning red from anger.

"STOP CALLING ME PRINCESS!!!!!" Artemis yelled.

~Time skip~

Over the ten months, Artemis has been training, patrolling the city, dodging heroes, and drawing attention to herself when she put members of the Order of Fear in jail. She knew by sending those members to jail with proof they did the crime would surely grab The Crusher's attention and paint a larger target on her back.

Artemis stood near the gate to U.A.'s entrance exam, waiting for Izuku as she thought about what happened two nights ago when she finally got the response she was looking for.


Robin Hood was patrolling the streets at night, when suddenly a knife was thrown at her as she dodged it before it could pierce her flesh. She quickly nocked an arrow and aimed at the culprit, "Who are--?" she trailed off when she caught a glance at the tattoo on the man's right arm and she recognized his face. He was there torturing her mentor along with The Crusher on that fateful day.

"Who I am doesn't matter. I have a message for you, Robin Hood, from my employer, The Crusher," the man told as he was bald and had scars littering his head, "You better keep your nose out of our business, Robin Hood. If you don't, then we'll make your life a living hell."

She kept quiet, watching the man leave as he went to return to his employer, "I'd like to see you try," she whispered.

~End of flashback~

Artemis snapped out her thoughts as she saw Izuku running to the U.A.'s entrance, "Morning, Izu!" she yelled as Izuku turned to see Artemis waving at him.

"Morning, Art-chan!" Izuku greeted as they walked together through the gates as Izuku whispered to Artemis, "How was your training with Robin Hood?"

"It went pretty well actually," she told Izuku as she was carrying bow case, "He gave my own bow and his quiver of arrows!"

"That's amazing, Art-chan!" Izuku awed as he nervously twiddled his thumb, "Um, can you tell Robin Hood thank you for the onigiri when you see him again because they were really tasty?"

"Sure I can do that. Robin Hood told me he made onigiri for you and All Might, and he thought that you two threw them out because you didn't trust him yet, which he understood," Artemis told, she was both surprised and happy that they ate the onigiri.

"Thanks, Art-chan!" Izuku thanked.

"So, how was your—" Artemis was cut off by Katsuki.

"Outta my way, Deku, Nobody!" Izuku and Artemis turned to see Katsuki walking their way.

"Kacchan!" Artemis and Izuku said in unison.

"Don't stand in front of me. I'll kill you," Katsuki threatened.

"M-Morning. L-Let's do our best—" Izuku started fearfully stuttering because of Katsuki, but Artemis gazed blankly at Katsuki when he walked past her and Izuku.

Artemis started walking ahead, "Come on, Izu, our first steps into becoming a hero are through those doors!" she called over her shoulder as she turned her head to see Izuku trip and out of reflex she went to grab him, but someone beat her to it.

"Are you all right?" a kind girl asked, she used her quirk on Izuku who was freaking out that he was floating as she help him to his feet before deactivating her quirk, "It's my quirk. Sorry for using it without asking first. But it'd be bad luck if you fell, right? Aren't you nervous?"

Izuku started blushing and sweating nervously as Artemis tilted her head at Izuku wondering why he was acting this way, " Uh...!"

"Let's do our best. See ya!" the kind girl waved at Izuku before walking away as Artemis approached Izuku.

"Izu, are you okay?" Artemis asked, worried for her friend.

"I talked to a girl!" Izuku quietly exclaimed an angry tick mark appeared in Artemis head.

"What am I chop liver?! You didn't even talk to her! You stuttered!" Artemis crossed her arms pouting as she walked away.

"Uh—Th-That's ... not what I meant! Art-chan!" Izuku chased after Artemis as they entered the building.

Artemis entered the auditorium room as seat which was next to Izuku who sat next to Katsuki as orientation began, "For all you listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody say "hey"!" a man with blonde banana shaped hair yelled.

'I don't care if I embarrass myself! I promised Dabi that I would start having fun, so, this might be a good start,' Artemis thought, a blush dusted her tanned cheeks as she raised a fist into the air and yelled, "HEY!"

Silence fell over the room as she was the only one who yelled, Izuku and Katsuki stared at her weirdly for doing that, "Thank you female listener!" banana head thanked before continuing, "I'll give you a quick rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready? Yeah!"

"Yeah!" Artemis yelled, her face turning red by the second as she thought to herself, 'This was a really, really bad idea.'

The room fell silent again as banana head and Artemis were the only ones who yelled, and Izuku started fanboying, "It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow...! I listen to him every week on the radio. I'm so moved! All the teachers at U.A. are pro heroes!"

"Shut up," Katsuki ordered.

"As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten- minute mock urban battles after this!" Present Mic yelled as the screen in the background changed, showing the mock battle centers, "You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head the specified battle center, okay?" Everyone in the room kept quit and Artemis decided not to embarrass herself anymore, "Okay?!"

"In other words they won't let you work with your friends, huh?" Katsuki muttered as he everyone in the room read their cards.

"Y-You're right. Even though our examinee numbers are consecutive, we're assigned to different battle centers," Izuku said, looking at Katsuki's card.

"I wanted to be in the same battle center as you, Izu," Artemis told, pouting that she can't see what Izuku can do with his training with All Might.

"Damn, now I can't crush you two," Katsuki muttered.

The screen behind Present Mic changed as it showed the fake city and villains, "Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty, "Present Mic explained, "Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains. Of course, attacking other examines and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!"

A guy with blue hair and glasses stood up while raising his right hand, "May I ask a question?" he asked.

"Okay!" Present Mic pointed at the dude as the spotlight shined on him.

"On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake," the guy with glasses scold, "We examinees are here in this place because we wish to molded into exemplary heroes. In addition, you over there with the curly hair—" Izuku pointed at himself as he was confused as to why the guy with glasses was pointing at him, "You've been muttering this whole time. It's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!"

"I'm sorry..." Izuku apologized, covering his mouth as people around him laughed while Artemis was holding herself back from lashing out, but her resolved broke when people laughed at Izuku.

"IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY FRIEND'S MUTTERING, THEN YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE TO LEAVE YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!" Artemis yelled, jumping to her feet as she glared at guy who had a problem with Izuku's muttering as she surprised everyone including Katsuki and Izuku as they have never seen her this angry before from her sudden outburst.

Before the guy with glasses could say anything, Present Mic intervened, "Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111, 2235," Present Mic told, "Thanks for the great message. The fourth type villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak. There's one in every battle center—An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either. I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it."

The guy with glasses bowed before sitting back down again as Artemis also sat back down, "Thank you very much! Please excuse the interruption!"

"That's all from me!" Present Mic yelled, "Finally I'll give you listeners a present—our school motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes." Go beyond. Plus Ultra! Now, everyone, good luck suffering!"

Exiting out of the auditorium, all the girls went to the changing rooms before they went to their assigned battle center. Artemis changed into a black sleeveless shirt, camo cargo pains and black combat boots as she opened her bow case and grabbed out her bow and quiver before strapping combat knives to her belt, left thigh, right thigh, and one in each boot. Tying her hair into a messy ponytail, Artemis left the change room as she headed toward the bus that will take her to the battle center.

~Small time skip~

Artemis stood outside the battle center were the exams were about to begin as she gripped her bow tightly and glared in determination at the gates, 'Time to show these heroes what I'm made of,' she thought.


Izuku Midoriya

Katsuki Bakugou

Tenya Iida

Shoto Todoroki

Shinso Hitoshi

Denki Kaminari

Kirishima Eijirou


If there are any characters you want me to add, please let me know.

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