Dim lights -KTH-

By ZDfoxy-BTS23

67 7 0

he was the spark. but I'm dimming out. ///////////////@/////////////// Guess how made the cover@RoseDragneel... More

^Remember Me?

^well fuck

12 1 0
By ZDfoxy-BTS23

*Taehyung POV-

 Thinking about everything that has happened in a supermarket can pass the time. Because the list is long from the blast that took everyone, to me having to find shelter then it turned into losing half of us. To have most of us break down and come together. 

Even, though I lost the other boys in 30 minutes...

 I don't know how I lost them I was just walking to the supermarket looking for the canned food then poof they are gone. they couldn't have walked far even gone anywhere. Knowing Jungkook probably looking for candy or more snacks.

We needed to have this supply run, We are running out of things, and making the list was hard, I know it's like something about the apocalypse but it's hushed, without the zombies on the loose. but it was not that I hated anything. I missed the sound of cars, People, and Everything that just got pulled away. 

As I walk through the aisles I found them, seeing Jungkook as though he would be in the snacks. I wonder if he'll ever really find his family again. how he misses them.

 He goes on and on. 

Keeps talking bout missing his big sister but I don't think we'll ever really find her it's been months. We looked around, everywhere nothing. street found all over, even houses old and new from colors, Turquoise to brown.

All of them looked old or unused. it's just a sad thing to think about over time. 

"Tae, do you still think this chocolate is edible? holding it in the air, waving it Jungkook asked. looking over to me 'it looks like it hasn't been touched at all" he continues. Shrugging "I don't know do you want to end up like Namjoon when he has eaten the old beef jerky. also, you guys have to stop walking away and leaving me. it hurts my feelings" puffing out my lip.

" Damn it, man you got to stop bringing it up, I get it jerky can get old. you proved me wrong once, let that shit go. Also Tae, we just walked one aisle away' an annoyed Namjoon said in the distance. 

Chuckling "no, I don't think you should eat it, even with that you still left me, it hurt my feelings but I think we should leave anyway." I said already walking out of the store. 

-- It's been a few hours, 

looking at the Buildings that have changed over time. I keep forgetting that it has only been a couple of months but I feel like the world has completely changed, trying to fill in the gaps of not having humans in it. it just has this musty smell that plants have as we walk by a few blocks. "you guys do know that we left Jimin for over an hour." Namjoon said worriedly as he sprinted into the nearest building. 

We soon followed after. 

Finding him inside,  finding not only Jimin but him on the floor. Together oh the floor "oh god" I fell to the floor laughing. both of their faces look flushed from embarrassment. 

"I guess you found him," Jungkook said giggling behind me. I started rolling, laughing "You had to run into me," Jimin said pained. Got up from the floor, and helped Namjoon back up.

" Sorry I just wanted to find you so we could go home," he said. but, he got a look on his face as he looked around, "I think, I know where we are," he stated as he walked more into the building, and went to the desk. "yeah, I have as well, Eve worked here" kookie said as he walked towards Namjoon. sounding a little upset, but somehow still had a small grin.

 "do you think we should look around then', I asked standing near Jimin. 

"why do I have a feeling we aren't going home until later because you guys have this look in your eyes and it weirds me out," I said I had a small shudder from them turning to look at me. 

"I guess, that's a yes" Jimin said patting my back. then pushing me forward deeper into the building.

As we walked around, door after door. You can tell that the place was for people that were smarter than me, with a higher pay grade" this place seems huge, and there are so many names on the doors like this one, ALICE ALLEN. like what did they do?" I said pointing at the tag.

 "ooh, oh. look at this one it just says "THE KIM'S," Jimin said looking at a full metal door.

 it was tall and still had a sliver coding to it. Looking new and polished. 

"my parents owned this community, well it was a companionship for engineering and science. we had the top of the top people that were here," said Namjoon said with a sense of pride.

 he was proud of the things they did. ita like you can smell it in the air and I couldn't help but feel saddened for him. he lost all of this in one day hell one second.

--Walking more into the building we come to a large door that was purple with a red door nob, Jungkook practically ran into it, busting it open, having to dush fly all over the place, and well as a few papers go on the floor.  

"Wow how about a warning next time," I said coughing up my lungs.

 but looking up you can see why he was excited, with paintings everywhere, and blueprints. you can see the details from everything.

 "Damn, it looks like a hole ass project in here, Namjoon said walking into the large room. "wait are these your paintings," Jimin asked Jungkook looking at a painting of a family. "well fuck, that looks amazing, wait, I walked closer to the painting, "is that the sister you're talking about you both really look-alike each other," I said. 

closer...  closer to see the painting details on the faces and how you see the change that has happened to Jungkook, the baby fat looked to still be there and the way his eyes looked big and open. what year did he make this in? Because you can see that he was a young and innocent boy. how things have changed.

"you look like a baby, I remember when you had that haircut, it was just a coconut on your head," Namjoon said, grinning. 

"Wait, wait!... I forgot you know kookie before all of us," I said Excitingly.

around the room, you see the passion in the work that was being done. the detail in the notes and the way they found a nice fountain for a machine so some kind. it looks like they wanted to open something... 

I'm the problem, hello beautiful people.
So I haven't been here but I'll see if I can change that. And get anything out for this year.

Tell me how it is
Wish me luck.

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