Chaos of Life

Od CaptainBrieOnToast

600 21 0

Yoongi doesn't do things he doesn't like to do. He doesn't talk to people he doesn't like. He doesn't go to c... Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

19 0 0
Od CaptainBrieOnToast

Jimin woke up to Jihyun running rampantly up and down the hallway just outside of his room.

Jihyun loved Christmas. Jihyun loved Christmas as much as a little kid experiencing their very first Christmas. He loved the food, the lights, the decorations and he loved spending the time with his family.

Jimin had always loved Christmas too.

He matured a bit over the years thanks to Jihyun's constant childlike wonder for the holiday. He had enough genuine joy for everyone in the family to be able to experience it second hand without going a little overboard.

Jimin smiled briefly to himself and sat up in his bedroom, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

His room was just the same as ever, nothing was special. That was, of course, the reality of Christmas. People expected it to stand out from any other day of the year, and while it did, it only did because of the people you spent the day with.

In the past, it had been enough for Jimin to spend the holiday with just his family. Open presents, eat dinner, all of the above, just the four of them.

This year, however, it didn't feel like enough.

Jimin wanted to spend it with the others.

He wanted to spend the day with Yoongi, and Tae, and Jin, and everyone.

He wanted nothing more then to see Namjoon's face when he saw this book on zodiacs that he had bought him this year and to watch Taehyung get teased for how excited he would surely get if someone bought him that watch he had been wanting for so long.

He wanted to be able to sit next to Yoongi and feel his warmth as everyone laughed and made jokes and had fun.

He wanted to see everyone at the dinner table, enjoying a diverse meal that his mother had taken all day to cook.

He wanted to sneak out with Yoongi at the end of the night and kiss him in the cold under the moon.

Jimin sighed dreamily to himself, getting caught up in the fantasy for a moment.

The perfect Christmas...

He lifted himself up out of his bed and ruffled his hair with his fingers as if reacquainting himself with reality.

But he couldn't spend time with them. Not today, not on Christmas. So he got to his feet and walked out of his room.

Jihyun glanced at him, a huge smile crossing his lips.

"Jimin! Merry Christmas!" He said happily. He raced over to him and wrapped his arms around his brother. Jimin laughed.

"Merry Christmas,' he said softly in response. Jihyun pulled away and smiled.

"Oh! And guess who's here?" He asked. "I mean it was supposed to be a bit more of a surprise, but I can't help it! I'm too excited!'

Jimin frowned slightly, glancing past Jihyun. As if on cue, Yoongi poked his head around the corner of the kitchen doorway.

"You thought I'd let you celebrate Christmas without me?"

Jimin broke out into a bright smile.

God, he was an idiot to think that Yoongi would ever let him be alone on Christmas.

"And don't forget us!"

Jimin was abruptly attacked from behind, and he knew the instant that the two fell to the ground that it was none other then Taehyung. He laughed wrestling the other boy off of him.

"Woah, what are you doing here?" He asked in surprise.

"Yoongi thought we should all spend Christmas together," Namjoon said, he peered down at Jimin with an amused look on his face. Jimin sat up and looked around, and sure enough, they were all there. Jin was in the kitchen with Yoongi, while Hoseok was standing next to Namjoon. He offered Jimin a hand.

Jimin took it, and Hoseok promptly pulled him up to his feet.

"And you know how Yoongi gets when he is determined to spend time with you," Hoseok said with a slight roll of his eyes.

"Unstoppable," Namjoon filled in. "He gets unstoppable, I don't know how he convinced my dad to let me spend Christmas somewhere else so last minute but... Here we are."

"Well, I thought it was a lovely idea!" Jimin's mom chipped in. "I mean I know that you boys have only been dating for a little while but it's so sweet like he's already a part of the family."

Jimin's face reddened a bit.


Jimin's mom interrupted by leaning forward and kissing Jimin briefly on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas baby," she murmured. She turned away from Jimin. "Jihyun, I better not catch you loitering near the cake."

"How do you see everything?"

Jimin's mom wandered off into the kitchen, leaving Jimin alone with his friends. He smiled and looked around at them.

"I still can't believe you're all here," he said.

"Yeah, only one I couldn't get was Jungkook. Sorry, I did try," Yoongi murmured. He came up behind Jimin without warning resting his head on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist. He let his head brush against Jimin's.

"It's okay, his parents are pretty protective," Jimin murmured. "All of this on its own is already one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever received."

"So much for the scrapbook, you gave him last year huh," Namjoon joked, gently elbowing Jin in the side. Jin chuckled.

"I didn't know him last-"

"I know buddy, I know."

Namjoon laughed pleasantly and took Jin's wrist.

"Look, I've got something to give you."

The two boys walked over to the Christmas tree and began to look at a few of the presents under it. Jimin could tell that Namjoon wrapped one of them.

It was like the wrapping paper wrapped around his had just been sloppily taped around the box.

"If you think that's all I've gotten you, you're crazy," Yoongi murmured into Jimin's ear.

"Yoongi, I-"

Before Jimin could even finish the sentence Yoongi had slipped a small wrapped box into Jimin's hand. Jimin looked down at it wordlessly.

The box was perfectly wrapped, honestly, he was half convinced at first glance that a professional had done it.

Even so, he took the small ribbon that held the shiny box shut between his fingers and pulled it loose.

He pulled the lid up and peered in.

It was a small silver necklace with a long bar and a date engraved into it. Jimin crowned inquisitively at the small numbers.

"Is that..."

"The day we met," Yoongi responded. "So you'll never forget our anniversary."

Jimin openly scoffed turning to look at Yoongi.

"So I'll never forget our anniversary?" He exclaimed. "What makes you think I'd forget?"

"Well, we both know I wouldn't forget," Yoongi teased back pleasantly. He looked up a little more to meet Jimin's eye and as he did so, his nose brushed against Jimin's. "And someone's got to be the forgetful one so that in thirty years when we start to drift apart, I can be mad at you for forgetting our anniversary."

"Don't be ridiculous. In thirty years you'd forget, and at dinner, I'd start crying over a glass of wine because you used to treat me like I was special, and whatever happened to that?" Jimin continued pleasantly. Yoongi laughed at that.

"My husband? Drinking wine on our anniversary?"

Yoongi tightened his grip around Jimin's waist.

"I don't think I'd want my husband drinking on our special day."

"Husband huh?" Jimin observed. His heart skipped a beat at the mere thought. Married to Yoongi, wouldn't that be something?

"Well if we're together for thirty years I'm sure I'll have proposed by then," he assured.

"Yeah? How long would we need to be together then? For you to propose?" Jimin implored.

Yoongi's lips were so close to Jimin's that they were almost touching at this point. If Jimin just moved a little closer he could...

Yoongi pulled away and moved his hands down to Jimin's giving them a small pat.

"I can't let you know all my secrets," he said teasingly. "Now... Where's my present?"

Jimin's face reddened.

He had spent ages before today wondering what to get Yoongi for Christmas. He had never imagined that Yoongi would be so hard to shop for.

A ring was too much like a proposal and Yoongi didn't really wear necklaces so that was out of the question. Shirts were too impersonal, ties more of a gift for a husband than a boyfriend.

Jimin didn't really think it was appropriate to get Yoongi any other clothing items (he couldn't think of anything specific), and a photo album wouldn't work this early on in their relationship...

He had stayed up nights on end trying to figure out exactly what he wanted to give Yoongi.

Something personal, something romantic, something perfect.

No pressure there.

So after scouring through tons of internet articles, and asking all of his friends what Yoongi liked the best Jimin had settled on a bracelet.

It wasn't anything much. Just a silver solid bar that would loosely hang off of Yoongi's wrist. Jimin had gotten one thing engraved into it, just to make it special, it read Yoonmin.

It was dumb and stupid and was nothing compared to the necklace, but still, Jimin handed Yoongi the small package.

Her nervously watched as Yoongi unwrapped the present, and smiled at the small bracelet.

"Our names combined," Jimin mumbled in embarrassment. "If you don't like it-"

Yoongi interrupted Jimin by leaning in close and placing a brief kiss on his lips.

"I love it," he said. "Thank you."

"Jewelry, really?" Taehyung teased. "Are you two a bunch of girls?"

Jimin scoffed.

"Oh, so are we just forgetting about what you got everyone last year?"

"Those rings were-"

As if able to hear how it sounded Taehyung stopped talking and pursed his lips.

"Okay, that was different."

Last year for Christmas Taehyung had bought everyone solid black rings. There wasn't really anything special about them, but everyone knew that he had spent a lot of time to find the perfect gift.

He had been pretty excited, even got one for Jungkook, who had pleasantly referred to them as 'friendship rings'. Of course, everyone had relentlessly teased Taehyung for getting them jewelry, etc, etc. But no one had really minded them at all, in fact, most of them still wore the rings.

"You should open my gift to you Tae," Jimin stated. He hummed. "Let me go get-"

"I put all the presents in your room under the tree," Yoongi interrupted. Jimin glanced at him, somewhat surprised but smiled.

"Thanks, hyung," he mumbled. He looked at Tae. "It's the big one under the tree."

Opening presents was one of Jimin's favorite parts of Christmas because he loved to see his friends and family's reactions to what he had gotten them. Their joy and gratitude were one of those things that truly made Christmas such a special time for Jimin.

He watched as his friends passed around presents, opening their gifts one at a time with huge grins on their faces. Clothes, jewelry, and food were handed out and by the end, everyone had a lot of cool new gifts to wear.

Jimin was talking Taehyung through a video game that Yoongi had given him. Taehyung paused in the middle of the conversation to read over the back of the game box, and in that time Jimin glanced at Yoongi.

He was surprised to see that Yoongi was holding the small box Jimin had gotten him in his hands. The lid was on, and Yoongi peered at it quietly. He observed the wrapping that JImin had spent hours on, checking each and every tightly tucked corner. Then he pulled the lid off and looked at the bracelet.

Jimin would've given anything to know what was going through his head.

Before Jimin could even consider opening his mouth to ask, however, Yoongi had lifted the small bracelet out of the box and was struggling to put it on. Jimin just watched him for a long moment, admiring the way that his eyes zoned in on the small piece of silver, how the corner of his tongue peeked out from between his lips as he really concentrated.

A small smile crossed Jimin's lips.

"Yoong, let me help you with that."

Jimin scooted over to Yoongi's side and took the ends of the bracelet delicately between his fingers. He fastened it with ease.


Yoongi peered down at the bracelet, without even a hint of amusement on his lips. Jimin didn't let that bother him in the least.

"You mind helping me out on my gift too?"

He pulled the box out of his pocket and carefully took the lid off and removed the necklace. He held out to Yoongi who took the necklace tenderly. Jimin turned his back to Yoongi and didn't move as he lifted the necklace over Jimin's head and began to fasten it behind his neck. As his fingers fiddles with the hook, they brushed against his neck, making Jimin shiver slightly.

Yoongi's fingers were so cold.

"There you go."

His hands retracted from Jimin but Jimin caught them before he could place them very far away from him. He enveloped one of his hands with his own and lifted it up to his lips. He began to blow hot air on it thoughtlessly, and then, when his fingers were still cold, placed his hand against his cheek.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow towards him, looking amused.

"Jimin, what are you doing?" He asked him. Jimin didn't look at him.

"Your hands are so cold."

He dropped the hand that he was holding and picked up the other one, repeating the same warming technique. Between both his hands, hot breath on it, and then placing it against his cheek to finish warming it.

"You're so cute," Yoongi mumbled.

Jimin's cheeks reddened and he lowered Yoongi's hand.

"Why were your hands so cold anyway?" He asked.

Yoongi chuckled and lifted his hands back to Jimin's cheeks.

"Doesn't matter. You know, when your cheeks are this red they are so much warmer?"

"Shut up," Jimin mumbled in embarrassment.


After the presents came dinner.

Apparently, Jimin was a huge idiot because Yoongi had stayed over all night to help his mother prepare food, and Jimin hadn't even known.

They made traditional Christmas food for everyone to enjoy. Bulgogi with sweet potato noodles and kimchi. His mom had apparently also made some walnuts wrapped in persimmons for dessert, while Yoongi had made some sugar candy.

And because Jimin's mom was so obsessed with international food, they also made some stuffing and gravy.

It was incredible.

Jimin had never imagined when he met Yoongi that he would be such a good cook, or so excited to help out his family with things like that or to even get along with his family this well.

Jimin had never imagined any significant other he had would ever get along with his family this well.

"Jimin, you okay?" Yoongi asked.

They had all finished eating, including Jimin, he just hadn't finished his persimmons yet.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jimin responded. "Just full. Thanks, mom, thanks Yoongi."

"Dinner really was incredible," Namjoon agreed, and all the others followed suit.

"Who'd have ever guessed the scariest guy in school with be such an awesome cook. Why aren't you in culinary school?"

Jimin shuffled in his spot at the table and then stood up. He quickly began to clean off the table. It was the least he could do after all. Yoongi and his mom had done all the cooking.

Once he had finished clearing off the table, he was caught off guard by Yoongi taking his wrist. He gave him a short smile, and then glanced at Jimin's parents.

"Mind if I borrow your son?"

"Not at all," Jimin's father sad with a laugh and a wave of his hand.

Yoongi didn't waste another second, he pulled Jimin towards the front door.

"Grab a coat, we're going outside."

"What about you? Where is your coat?" He asked frantically. Yoongi shrugged.

"I don't have one."

Jimin rolled his eyes.


Jimin went into his room grabbing the two heaviest coats he owned. He brought them back and handed one to Yoongi.

"No wonder you got so cold earlier."

Yoongi stuck his tongue out at him playfully but put the coat on.

"Thank you, namjachingu."

Jimin's face burned but Yoongi paid no mind to it, he took his hand again and took him outside, pulling out to the sidewalk before dropping to a leisurely pace.

They walked in silence, for the most part, each just listening to the sound of the other breathing softly beside them.

Jimin liked having quiet time with Yoongi. It meant that he had time to gather his thoughts about all the things Yoongi had been doing recently and there was a lot to think about today.

Yoongi was so social with his family, and it didn't need to be said that that was a stark contrast from how it was at school. He hated to wonder again, but he couldn't help but wonder what it was about him that made everyone hate Yoongi so much at school.

Geez, what had he done? What could he have possibly done to make everyone in college be so scared of him?

Jonghyun's words came back to mind as Jimin walked.

"Okay so apparently his freshmen year he actively tried to make a number of friends. There were five of them and they hung out every weekend."

Knowing Yoongi now, it didn't seem like such a crazy concept. Yoongi could be friendly, and he was no stranger to saying something that would satisfy the other party whether he wanted to say it or not. Jimin had caught him saying things to his family left and right that he knew Yoongi was just saying to make them happy.

"Anyways, rumor has it that none of the boys in the group really like Yoongi because he was naturally quieter than the others."

That in itself was painfully true. Even when around their friends Yoongi was mostly quiet. He could be energetic and outgoing at times, but most of the time it simply wasn't like that.

"After a while, they were so sick of him that they decided to teach him a lesson. Once they had earned his trust-"

Once they earned his trust what? God, Jimin was going to go crazy trying to figure out what on earth had happened back then.

"Yoongi," Jimin started. Yoongi's steps slowed to a stop. He took Jimin's other hand and before Jimin could ask anything he was closing the distance between them.

"Why did I bring you out here?" He asked thoughtfully.

Jimin's cheeks pinkened again.

He wouldn't ask Yoongi about what happened. Yoongi had made it clear he would tell him when the time was right, and JImin was determined to respect that... But that didn't in any way explain how on earth Yoongi had known what he was going to ask.


Yoongi leaned forward, his nose gently brushing Jimin's before he tilted his head and his lips pressed against Jimin's.

When he pulled away, Jimin was pretty sure that it no longer mattered how cold it was outside, because right here, against Yoongi, with his lips so close to Jimin's... Well, Jimin kind of never wanted this moment to end.

"I wanted to kiss you, without the others around," Yoongi explained. He pressed his lips to Jimin's again chastely. "Is that okay?"

Jimin nodded shyly and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Merry Christmas," Jimin murmured.

"Merry Christmas to... Who?" Yoongi teased lightly. Jimin groaned and buried his head in Yoongi's neck.

"Merry Christmas namjachingu."

Yoongi laughed, his shoulders bouncing a little at the action.

"Merry Christmas Jimin."

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