My odd ships (still ongoing)

بواسطة 1bunnylover

4.9K 116 111

(If you're not reading this on Wattpad, you're reading an illegal copyright version of it) Although this is m... المزيد

The kiss- hotchocolateshipping
Pokémon's help- hotchocolateshipping
Clumsy new assistant- megavision
Unwanted distance- megavision
Falling for another- Learner/Megavision
Remember- megavision/learner
Afraid to say- learner part 1
Afraid to say- learner part 2
Before it's too late- Redvineshipping
Worth the challenge- Redvineshipping
Things change- Againstshipping
Why her- Againstshipping (high school AU)
Skyblueshipping- The start of something new
Skyblueshipping- Unwanted help
With the wrong girl- Skyblueshipping
Misunderstanding- skyblueshipping
From cute baker to cute companion- Sneaky
To protect you- Jeershipping
Finally confessing- flavescentshipping
Surprise confession- flavescent
Sommeliershipping- not so blind date
The big question- sommeliershipping
Sommeliershipping- Calm and Collected
Nightmare- Sommeliershipping
Not fake anymore- onesidedshipping
Answers in memories- Forthwheelshipping
Wish gone wrong- forthwheelshipping
Oblivious- forthwheel/orange
Am I good enough for him- curtainshipping
Georgia x Cameron- Clumsy and Careless
One fateful meeting- N x Alexa
Unova beach day- Sommelier/Spokes/Flavescent/Clumsybuster

Hotchocolateshipping- Finally telling her

718 5 8
بواسطة 1bunnylover

After Barry's defeat in the Sinnoh league he decided to travel to Kalos and see how well he could do in that league. When he got there, there were more than just new Pokémon that caught his eye. There was a brunette girl with green eyes by the name of Shauna.

At first, she simply pointed him in the right direction, but they began to bump into each a lot. It didn't take long for the two to become friends, or for Barry to start crushing on her. He became an on and off traveling companion with Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno. Then, Ash and friends joined in on occasion.

It was one of those days that they all got together to catch up. The guys and the girl spit up, which is something they did on occasion. The girls, Serena, Bonnie, and Shauna when shopping, while the guys, Ash, Clemont, Barry, Tierno, and Trevor got a bite to eat.

"So, what's new with you guys?" Trevor asked.

"I just won my 6th gym badge!" Barry boomed. "Two more and I get to enter the Kalos league!"

"I have finally finished a new invention. Hopefully this one won't blow up on me." Clemont chuckled.

"I'm sure you will. You're a great inventor after all." Ash assured.

"What about you Ash? What's new with you?" Barry asked.

"Oh well um..." Ash smiled as something popped into his mind "...I finally confessed to Dawn and she said she felt the same way. So, she will be coming to visit soon."

"Wow! Good for you Ash. I always kind of wondered if there was something between you too." Barry remarked.

"Who's Dawn?" Tierno asked.

"Just a wonderful girl I traveled with back in Sinnoh." Ash replied.

"I never took you for someone who would confess first." Trevor remarked.

"Yeah. I'm going to have to fine you for making me look bad." Barry pointed at Ash, accusingly.

"What do you mean by that Barry?" Ash questioned with a smirk.

"Nothing!" Barry exclaimed, a bright blush covered his face.

"You like someone?" Clemont asked.

"No! I don't!" Barry blushed barker.

"Oh come on. Spill it Barry. You can trust us." Tierno patted Barry on the back.

"Alright fine! But only if you tell yours too." Barry challenged. They all nodded in agreement.

"I'm in love with Dawn, as I said before." Ash stated.

"I have a crush on Nini." Tierno replied.

" like Serena." Clemont admitted.

"I don't really like anyone yet." Trevor shrugged.

Barry crossed his arms in protest, but finally gave in. "Fine, it's Shauna." It was quite for a second, but then Trevor and Tierno burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" He grumbled.

"That you were so secretive about it." Trevor chuckled.

"Yeah. You act like you have something to worry about." Tierno remarked.

"Of course I have something to worry about! This is Shauna we are talk about. The same girl that travels with two guys, is super beautiful, and has...such pretty hair and...eyes you could get lost in forever..." Barry mushed dreamily.

"So what's the problem?" Tierno asked.

Barry shook his head to bring him back to reality. "The problem is that I don't stand a chance! I mean, what are the chances she sees me that way?" Trevor and Tierno burst out laughing again. "I'm glad you find this so funny." Barry growled sarcastically.

"Dude, you have nothing to worry about." Tierno assured.

"Yeah, she talks about you all the time." Trevor agreed.

"We always tease her about it." Tierno laughed to himself.

"Really?" Barry questioned.

"Yep." The two remarked.

"So what are you going to do about it Barry?" Ash challenged.

"I'm going to tell her!" Barry exclaimed, victoriously. "Tomorrow though."

"It's better than nothing." Trevor shrugged.

Meanwhile, Shauna, Serena, and Bonnie were out shopping. Bonnie was in the dressing room, but Serena and Shauna were still picking out dresses.

"So, how are things with you and Barry?" Serena asked.

"What! What do you mean?" Shauna squeaked, embarrassed.

"Has he...made a move on you yet?" Serena smiled, mischievously.

"No! Of course not." Shauna shook her hands wildly. "Why are you so persistent with this?"

"Payback for all your Ash comments." Serena remarked.

"Oh. How's that going by the way?" Shauna asked.

"Well, I've moved on to someone else." Serena answered, looking at another dress.

"What? I have so many questions. When? Why? Who do you like now? Have you told him? Do I know him?" Shauna interrogated. "I need to know!"

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you." Serena giggled. "It turns out, Ash is in love with some girl named Dawn and told her a bit ago. When I found out I was devastated, but then I was more the idea of him that I liked and...then I started to notice someone else. He is really sweet, but I haven't had the courage to tell him yet."

"Who is he?" Shauna repeated.

"Clemont." Serena blushed at the thought.

"You like Clemont!" Bonnie squealed behind them. "I'm so happy!" Bonnie tackled Serena, spinning them around "Serena is going to be my sister, Serena is going to be my sister, Serena is going to be my sister!" Bonnie sang. "You're going to tell him, right?"

"Oh, well..." Serena blushed.

"You need to tell him because he is crazy about you!" Bonnie beamed.

"Yeah, your right. I'll tell him." Serena promised. She looked over to her brunette friend "You should really confess too."

"I...I'll tell him tomorrow." Shauna stuttered.

"Ok, now let's keep looking for cute dresses." Serena smiled.

So the day continued on, but Barry and Shauna were dreading the next day, afraid of the outcome. Would they feel the same way or be faced with rejection? Neither was certain, and that's what scared them.

The next morning, as Barry was getting ready, he was giving himself a pep talk in the mirror.

"You can do this. You've got to tell her. You have faced team Rocket, team Galictic, and faced off against so many gym leaders. This should be a piece of cake, right? But...what if it isn't? No! I can't think like that! I have to be...brave. I'm finally telling her." Barry took in a deep breath and left the confines of his Pokémon center room.

Once out of the center, he spotted Shauna petting her Pokémon partner Ivysaur. He approached her, but something felt off about it. Tieron and Trevor we're absent, but that almost never happens without a reason.

"Hi Barry." Shauna greeted, having noticed him.

"Hey." Barry waved, approaching her. "Where are Trevor and Tieron?"

"Oh, they said they had something important to do, so it's just you and me." Shauna chimed. 'I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.'

'If this was part of a plan to make me confess then I am so going to fine them.' Barry thought.

"Alright, do you want to do?" Shauna asked, nervously.

"Actually...there's something I really need to tell you." Barry scratched the back of his head.

"Ok, I have something to tell you too." Shauna admitted.

"Can I go first?" Barry questioned. Shauna nodded, and Barry took a deep breath. "Ok, to say this."

"Do you want me to go first?" Shauna asked.

"No! I mean, no. I'd like to go's just hard." Barry muttered. "Can you promise that...things won't change... with our friendship?"

"Sure, but if I don't are going to fine me?" Shauna joked, trying to lighten the ever present tension.

"No." Barry answered. Shauna gave a look of surprise. "Ok...I'm just going to come out and say it. I love you Shauna!"

"You do!" Shauna squealed in delight. "This is great!"

"What? Really?" Barry perked up.

"Yes! Because I wanted to tell you the same thing. I love you too, Barry!" Shauna hugged him, causing both to blush.

She looked up, and met his gaze. Both instantly realized how close the other's face was. Their eyes slowly flutter closed as they leaned in closer. Their lips met, and they shared a first kiss. It didn't last long, nor was it all that passionate, but for them it was perfect. They pulled apart, and walked off hand in hand.

"Hey, looks like you guys confessed!" Tierno called out to them.

"Yep!" Barry remarked, looking lovingly to his lady. "Now we just need to find Trevor a girl and get Tieron to confess to Nini."

Trevor and Tierno stiffened, causing Barry and Shauna to laugh.

"Wait, since when are you over Serena?" Shauna asked.

"Since I found out she had a thing for Clemont. By the way, did you hear they are together too?" Tieron changed the subject.

"Oh! I can't wait to hear about it. But for now, I just want to hang out with my man." Shauna cooed.

"Alright. Have fun you two, but not too much fun." Trevor remarked.

"Yeah, I'll remember that when you find someone you love." Barry warned as he and Shauna walked away to go on a date.


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