Aqua Fight

By ChemicalPotato

460 42 5

What would you do if you found out you were born underwater? Join Zedra on a thrilling tale to find out who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Aqua War

Chapter 6

23 3 0
By ChemicalPotato

Chapter 6

Zed awoke a few hours later in a dark, cold, concrete room. She saw Aunt Dis, Tedv and Dunrik all rested on a wall opposite from hers. She also saw that their arms were tied behind their backs. They were all awake and looked very pale and worried. She looked down at her arms to see that they were not tied together. She then looked around the room. She saw a big chair sitting in the middle of the room, and everyone could see the chair. She also saw a big figure neer a door, obviously guarding it. She also noticed that the floor was damp, with little streams of water dancing around the floor. Then the guard looked at her and saw that she had woken up. He opened the door and said something to another guard on the other side of the door. The first guard then closed the door again. Aunt Dis then turned a deathly white and started to breathe quicker. Dunrik bit his lip and Tedv shifted closer to Aunt Dis. Then, the guard stood to one side of the door and it opened. Another figure came in the door, this time wearing a black cloak. Then the woman sat on the big chair in the middle of the room. She smiled at herself and beckoned the guards to pick up Zed. They did, and placed her in front of the woman.

"Well, who do I have here?" The woman asked. She laughed a wicked laugh and pointed at Zed. "You! Get up and stand before me!" The woman shouted at Zed. She immediately did, taking a few steps away from the woman though. Zed looked helplessly at Aunt Dis, Dunrik and Tedv to see what she should do. But all they did was look worriedly at her, making Zed feel very nervous.

"Oh, you can't get help from them now. I'll stop them from telling you anything." The woman's voice was as cold as ice, and Zed suddenly turned pale.

"Your majesty, someone is here for you." One of the guards said. The woman smiled. "Yes. Bring him in. He will be very pleased with me." She laughed again, making Zed take a few more steps away from her. She was now about three meters away from her. The guard went out the door and came back in again a few moments later with another man.

"Greetings, darling. Have you found her?" The man asked. His voice matched her daughter's cold voice.

"Well, I think so."

"Why don't you check?"

"I am." The woman turned to face Zed. "Are you Zedra Waterxia?" Zed suddenly broke out in a sweat.

Do I answer her? She asked Chell, hoping he would answer.

No, Chell answered. So Zed didn't answer her. There was a long silence and the woman was getting frustrated.

"I asked, are you Zedra Waterxia?" She said in a louder tone. But Zed still didn't answer. The woman was getting impatient now. "I'm going to ask you one more time before anyone gets hurt. Are you Zedra Waterxia?" Zed still didn't answer the woman. "Ok then. Two can play this game. Guards, get her." The woman pointed at Aunt Dis. The guards picked her up and held her there. Zed couldn't bear seeing Aunt Dis in pain so she finally gave in.

"Put her down!" She screamed. But the woman just laughed.

"Only if you answer me." The woman was wicked.

"Ok. I am Zedra Waterxia!" She screamed so loud that it echoed around the room. The woman smiled and made a gesture for the guards to drop Aunt Dis and they did. Then the woman got up and did a little dance.

"I'm going to be famous! Father look! I found Zedra Waterxia!" She sung as she danced.

"Well done, darling. Master will be very please with you." The man said, in a calm tone. "Let us go and tell him right now." So the woman and the man went out the door, both looking very pleased with themselves. When the door was shut, Zed raced to Aunt Dis and the others.

"Are you alright?" She asked them.

"I'm fine. You were very brave there. How did you know to not tell her?" Aunt Dis asked.

"I have a voice in my head called Chell. I asked him." Aunt Dis looked at Dunrik. He looked back at her with a worried expression.

"We should get some sleep. We won't be doing much until they come back anyway. We may as well get some sleep." Aunt Dis said. So Zed found a comfortable position on the damp floor to go to sleep. After a few minutes, she was in a deep sleep.

It was three hours later when Zed woke up. She had a uneasy feeling in her stomach and she was very pale. She had not slept very well, and it was impossible to know what time it was down in the concrete room. She looked around the room to see that the room was the same. She looked over at the others. Everyone was asleep exept for Dunrik, who sat up in an uncomfortable position with his hands tied up behind his back. He looked very worried and pale.

"You did well back there, Zed. Better than I expected." He whispered. He didn't want to wake the others. She smiled at him. Anything would make her feel better down in the concrete room. Sitting in the room knowing something was bad going to happen was very depressing and stressing. Just then, some figures entered the room. It was the woman and the man from beforeas well as another man, probably their master.

"See master, that's her there. And with her is Discry, her aunt, Tedv, her cousin and Dunrik, her aunt's friend." The woman said with great proudness.

"I see. Have you any proof?" Their master's voice was booming and it echoed around the room.

"Come over here and look at her necklace. It is the same necklace the Queen wore when she was still alive. It is also the same necklace given to Zedra Waterxia when she was a baby before she was abduted."

"And the others?"

"That is oblivious, master. These people live with her. Well, Dunrik doesn't, but he usually goes over to that house." The woman explained.

"Excellent, Verpoi and Vertex, you have done an fantastic job in capturing these people. I shall now go and prepare for the battle which must be held between us. Please keep them under close watch." Zed turned pale and looked at Aunt Dis. She was on the verge of crying.

"Yes, master. I understand you must leave." Verpoi and Vertex went out of the door after their master. As soon as the door was closed Aunt Dis burst into tears. Dunrik also turned very pale.

"Don't worry everyone." Dunrik tried to comfort everyone but it had no use on Zed. "Am I supposed to fight him?" She asked in a small worried voice. Her eyes started to water. Dunrik looked at Aunt Dis and she nodded. Dunrik then sighed.

"Yes, Zed. You are supposed to fight him. The prophecy says so."

"Why me?"

"That's just the way it is."

"But, why me? Why not Tedv or you?"

"The prophecy said it was you who had to do it."

"Ok, so back to my main question. How do I fight this master­thing?" Zed asked. Dunrik looked at Aunt Dis and sighed.

"Is now the time to tell her that he's a God?" Tedv had woken up. Zed then turned deathly pale and bit her lip. She was very confused. Then the door opened and someone entered. He was wearing a black cloak and he almost slithered into the room. He came over to Zed and the others.

"You must be Zedra. Well, we'll need to give you some food, you look a bit skinny to be fighting a God." He turned to face the guard. "Can I get some food for these prisoners? And maybe some blankets too." He turned back to the company and winked at Aunt Dis. She nodded her head in return. The guard went out of the room. "What are you doing here, Redt? It's too dangerous," Aunt Dis whispered. The man laughed.

"I'm here to save you. Well, mainly to delay the fight and give her a chance to win." "Good idea, Redt. But how do we get past the guard?" Dunrik asked. Redt smiled. "Your acting skills might be better if you don't know." The guard came back in. Redt went over to the guard and grabbed the blankets.

"I don't trust you, Redt. I think you put something in this food," the guard said. Redt smiled.

"Nonsense, guard. Why would I do something like that?"

"I never know with you, Redt. May I test this food to see of you have put anything in it?" The guard asked.

"You may, guard. I assure that I didn't put anything in there that will harm the prisoners." He smiled and walked over to the company with the blankets. "Here, put these on like a cloak. We'll be leaving here soon." He said that as the guard fell to the ground. Aunt Dis gasped.

"That was cunning, Redt," Dunrik commened. He had already put his cloak on and was helping Tedv with his.

"Here, let me help you, Zedra." Aunt Dis came over to Zed and helped her put the cloak on.

"Are we all ready now?" Redt asked. Everyone nodded. "Follow me and don't say anything," Redt whispered. Silently, they walked out the door and into a corridor. They saw no guards along that corridor, but they were still silent. They turned and turned in the corridors and finally found a door. Redt opened it, making as little noise as possible. He scanned the room, and then he beckoned for them to go into the room. They did and Aunt Dis gasped again.

"Isn't it a bit risky, catching public transport?" Aunt Dis asked. Redt laughed.

"Do you want to catch a waterbus or swim with the Aquademons? Besides, it's empty." He looked around the small stone room. There was no one in the bus. Redt went to the front of the bus and took control of steering wheel.

"Do you know how to drive a bus?" Dunrik asked. Redt laughed.

"I've stolen enough buses to learn how to drive them. I taught myself." Zed turned pale. Who was this man?

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