HTTYD3 - Olaf's Frozen Advent...

By Bringmeback_18

7.3K 144 12

It's about the adventure of Olaf and Sven tools and some of the romance of Hiccelsa. I hope you enjoy reading. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

1.3K 28 7
By Bringmeback_18


Olaf and Sven and toothless looked at the sled that burned and the smoke started coming out.

Olaf: Okay, Sven, Toothless... I' not gonna sugarcoat it. This is a bit of a setback." Sven and toothless looked at him angrily for his negligence. 

Olaf: Ooh! Maybe this is salvageable." Olaf grabbed a small part of the tree that burned down and put it on his head. Then the pieces of the tree broke into little bits. Olaf saw a bottle and started checking if it was intact but it's starting to break. Then he covered them with ice.

Olaf Gasps: Hey, the fruitcake! These things are indestructible! I'll just take this seemingly harmless shortcut here... and meet we're back at the castle, Okay?" Toothless and Sven heard a sound wolves howling from where Olaf went. 

Olaf: Oh, puppies, Oh, down, boy! Ah! I'm just gonna go now!" Olaf Screaming. Toothless turned to Sven and then he shout growling and moved his head towards the kingdom like he was telling him to go over there and asks the others for help. Sven shook his head and running fast but he stopped for a moment when he saw toothless jump off the hill to get to Olaf. Toothless held onto the hill and was going to fall, but he held the ground tightly with his fingernails, and then he came up on the other hill and ran out where Olaf went. Sven's tension disappeared when he saw toothless climb up the hill and go to help Olaf.

Then Sven ran fast and went to kristoff's house, which was making some food. Sven pushed the door and hit the wall of the house.

Kristoff: Oh, Sven! The flemmy stew is ready! Anna and Elsa and Hiccup are gonna love this." Sven pushed with his head kristoff's shoulder to listen to him. Then kristoff started talking like he was Sven.

Kristoff: "Oh, Kristoff, you're so thoughtful, Now where's my bowl?" Hey, simmer down, buddy. here you go." Kristoff grabbed the bowl in front of Sven, then Sven went and he brought a carrot and put it in the bowl.

Kristoff: Whoah, what are you..." Sven moved the carrot and the soup looked like Olaf but kristoff didn't understand what it meant.

Kristoff: Oh! Of course! "Needs more carrots!" He grabbed some carrots and put it on the soup. Sven looked at him with a look of frustration

Kristoff: Can't get enough of 'em, can ya?" Sven grabbed the carrot from the soup and put it on his nose and then imitated the body of Olaf. Then Sven jumped on the harvest and mimicked the sound of mimics wolf howling. He then tried to imitate the body of Toothless and then jumped again on the harvest and was trying to represent the scene of toothless when he jumped off the hill. He was also represented as if the wolves were trying to eat Olaf and then he was transformed into a toothless body and he also represented himself as if he had gone into the forest to save him. He finally imagined that Wolves had devoured Olaf

Kristoff: Uh...!" He was very puzzled by what Sven was doing, Anna then spoke behind him

Anna: Oh, no! Olaf's lost in the forest?" she said in shock.

Elsa: And being chased by hungry wolves?" Hiccup standing next to Elsa and he was shocked.

Hiccup: And Toothless jumped off the hill and went into the jungle to save him from the wolves?" Sven shook his head with joy, as if to say "Yes" to them, Then kristoff looked at them with concern.

Kristoff: Yeah. Obviously."

Anna: Ring the bell. Gather everyone." Anna said to Kai and they all went quickly looking for Olaf but hiccup was the one who was the fastest. Because he was very worried about toothless or something has happened to Olaf. Before kristoff left his house he came back for Sven.

Kristoff: Come on, Sven! make yourself useful. Olaf and Toothless need our help." Sven signed a piece of wood from his mouth and looked at him after he left frustrated because of his stupidity


Olaf was running fast from the wolves and had scratched his head part because of the wolves and kept pleading with them to leave him.

Olaf: Please, I know you're hungry... but I need at least one tradition for my best friend. The fate of the world depends on it!" The wolves came very close to Olaf until something happened.  toothless came from behind the wolves and he pushed them hard with his head.

Olaf: TOOTHLESS!" Olaf looked at him joyfully as he ran until he was eaten by a wolf until a toothless pushed him and pulled an olaf behind his back.

Olaf: Thank you Toothless! I will remain indebted to you through out my life!"  toothless was running from the wolves even looked at a tree and he fired a plasma and made the wolves unable to transit. Then saw toothless end of the forest and had a lot of twigs until he pushed it and went out from the forest and managed to escape from the wolves.

Olaf came down from toothless and looked behind him to the forest and saw that the wolves could not leave because of the trees that toothless he fired from his mouth, he sighs. He then looked down and saw the cake he had brought and toothless with him to bring back the tradition

Olaf: Yes! yes, we did it! A tradition is saved!" Olaf raised the cake to be proud of what he and toothless did. Until a hawk came and took the cake and flew away. Olaf became sad because he could not save for the traditions of Anna and Elsa, He already knew that toothless could not fly and return the cake because of his tail. Tothlis approached him and pushed him a little in his hand and wanted to raise his spirits slightly. Olaf smiled at him but he was still sad

Olaf: I know, toothless. We did everything to save the tradition, but luck was not just ours. Well, I guess hawk need tradition too." he sighs, Olaf pulled the carrot from his head and put it back in his nose and started singing slow and sad.

Olaf: happy, merry, holly, jolly, Tidings of good cheers." Olaf and Toothless began to walk alone in the forest. And Olaf sang sadly. Toothless he was wants to lift Olaf's spirits but did not know what to do and kept walking with him.

Olaf: we never meant to let them down. At that time of year."Toothless came and pushed his hand slowly and wanted to go back with him to Arendelle. Olaf could understand what toothless was referring to until he stopped walking and sighed

Olaf: No. Toothless, Maybe I should just stay lost. You should not waste your time with someone like me." He said sadly and sat on the ground alone. Toothless he did not want to leave him alone, so he fire the ground from his mouth and slept on it and sat next to him. Olaf looked at him and he smiled little to him, and he came back to look at the ground again, with sadness.


Hiccup and Elsa and Anna and Kristoff were going to all the houses and asking people about they saw olaf and toothless. Until they went to a ship, and it looks like everyone didn't know where Olaf and Toothless was. They continued to go to many houses to help people search for them. Hiccup and Elsa walked beside each other and looked everywhere looking for them, Sven was knew the place Olaf and the toothless and continued to follow him in their search. Kristoff looked at Hiccup and Elsa and He nodded to them and followed him and then they continued to walk behind him in search of them. 

All the inhabitants of Arendelle went in search of Olaf and Toothless in the forest, and continued to called their names until they heard them.

Elsa: Any sign of them?" She asked Anna.

Anna: No." Elsa sighs, Then they continue searching

Hiccup: TOOTHLESS! OLAF! ARE YOU HERE?" Hiccup kept calling them, but nothing happened.

All of a sudden, Toothless woke from sleep and heard people calling his name and Olaf. Then he heard voice hiccup called him from away Then he stood up from the ground and removed the snow out of his body and went looking for a hiccup. When Toothless went, he saw a lot of people calling out to them, and then he saw from afar, hiccup and elsa and anna. Then he ran to hiccup fast. Then they all saw toothless running towards the hiccup quickly, Elsa and Anna became happy to see toothless fine. Hiccup left his lamp from his hand and put it on the ground and looked to toothless gladly to see his friend again

Hiccup: Heey!" Toothless licked him in the face and then laughed Hiccup, Then Tuttle stood on his feet and embraced him. Then hiccup separated from the hug and anna and elsa approached them.

Hiccup: Toothless! as long as you are here, Do you know where's Olaf?" Toothless moved his head like he said "Yes" and then toothless ran to where Olaf was, to be followed by hiccup and elsa and Anna.

Hiccup: Olaf! Where are you?"

Anna: Olaf?"

Elsa: Olaf?"

Anna: Olaf? Where are you?" They all kept calling his name until hiccup and elsa and Anna stood where toothless was then they heard voice suddenly talk.

Olaf: He's, not here." They looked down and saw Olaf covered with snow and his nose was the only one they saw.

Elsa: Oh." She felt comfortable when she saw Olaf fine

Hiccup: Well, look who it is." Elsa was standing beside Hiccup, and then she looked at him with a nice smile, and they knelt on the ground together to speak to Olaf.

Anna: hmmm... I wonder who he is?"

Olaf: Well, he probably went on a mission to find tradition for Anna and Elsa." He said sadly. Then Elsa spoke to him nicely.

Elsa: Oh, and did he find any?"

Olaf: He did... but then they caught fire and fell of a cliff. and then they caught fire again" Sven approached them and begun smells Olaf until he reached him then he held his nose and lifted it from the snow.

Olaf: And then a hawk took them." He sigh, Sven brought him back to the ground, then toothless approached them and stood by hiccup and Elsa.

Olaf: I'm sorry. You still don't have a tradition." He said to Anna

Anna: But we do, Olaf. Look." She grabbed the small box and opened it to Olaf. Then he was shocked by what he saw

Olaf: that?" The box was contains some pictures and graphics for Olaf.

Elsa: Anna made these for years ago. When we first made you. The were the one who brought us together... and kept us connected when we were apart."

Anna: Every Christmas... I made Elsa a gift."

Elsa: All those long years alone... We had you to remind us of our childhood."

Anna: Of how much we still loved each other."

Elsa: It's you Olaf, you are our tradition."

Olaf: Me?" he said as he was confused.

Anna: Surprise." Anna and Elsa embraced Olaf.

 Hiccup: Olaf, you didn't annoying anybody. And we are love you." Olaf smiled at him. Then Elsa start singing. ( Note: I will make hiccup here sing with elsa instead of Anna to have  a lot of romance moments here)

Elsa: Sure, it's nice to open a gift. That's tied up with a perfect bow

Hiccup: But the greatest present of all. Was given to me long ago." Hiccup and Elsa looked at each other's eyes with a lovingly. Then they began to stand on the ground and hiccup grabbed the lamp with his left hand and the other held the hand of Elsa and their hands clasped together. Then she grabbed the hand with her right hand Olaf small hand.

Elsa: It something I would never trade. It's the family that we've made." Olaf then approached some of the people he knew and they started putting some heavy clothes on him

Hiccup: 'Cause when we're together, I have everything on my list." Elsa started looking into hiccup's green eyes, and her cheeks got a little red.

Elsa: And when we're together, I have all I wished." Hiccup put his hand on her waist and they started looking each other in eyes each other lovingly.

Anna: All around Christmas tree. There'll be dreams coming true." Then he grabbed Sven and Toothless in the clothes of Olaf and removed them from what he had spin and dizzy

Elsa: But when we're together, Then my favorite gift is you." She grabbed Olaf from his rotation and started making some ice lanes with her strength Which Olaf started running towards.

Hiccup and Elsa: I would travel miles and miles, And I would follow any star." Hiccup and Elsa looked at the beautiful twilight and were still clasping their hands. Then she suddenly grabbed hiccup's his hand and pulled him out to ski in the frozen lake

Hiccup and Elsa: I'd go almost any place, if it's any place you are." Hiccup and Elsa were skiing and dancing in the frozen lake and holding on to each other's hands. He was a professional skateboarder such as Elsa because she taught him how to ski even with his artificial foot. This was a lot happier because he would not fall into the ice again because of his foot. he loved this aspect of Elsa more and did not want to end this moment between them, He wanted to stay with her all the time and forever.
Toothless and Olaf were trying to lift Sven from the ground because he would fall close. While Anna and Kristoff were also skating

Elsa: 'Cause when we're together." Elsa made a big table of ice so the maids could put food in it.

Hiccup: Ohh! When we're together!"

Elsa: I'll forever feel at home. And when we're together."

Hiccup: When we're together!" 
Hiccup and Elsa sat on the ground next to the kids drinking hot chocolate with Olaf.

Hiccup and Elsa: We'll be safe and warm." Hiccup and Elsa went and grabbed their hands to each other and looked at each other lovingly. And everyone kept looking at them happily for this couple.

Hiccup and Elsa: Doesn't matter where we are If you're there with me."

Elsa: 'Cause when we're together. That's my favorite place to be." Then she left hiccup's hand for a second and hit his foot on the ground, and she formed a big tree of ice that was shining.

Hiccup and Elsa: 'Cause when we're together."

Elsa: It's a holiday ever night. And when we're together." Elsa took all the lamps with her power. And she took them all to the snow tree.

Hiccup and Elsa: Then the season's bright."

 Elsa: I don't need the bells to ring." 
She said to Anna who was standing next to kristoff and holding small box.

Anna: I don't need the bells." Then Hiccup came and stood beside Elsa when she made a big snow star inside which was a little snowman.

Elsa: I'll know when it's here."

Hiccup: I'll know when it's here!" They said it together eventually, and then they all looked at Olaf. Then Elsa came to ground next to Olaf.

Elsa: 'Cause when we're together." She gave the star to Olaf and he grabbed it, and then she made a snow cloud under it to stand on and she made him fly into the snow tree.

Hiccup and Elsa: I could stay forever." Hiccup grabbed cupped waist Elsa and began hugging her beside him as she still lifted Olaf and then she put her other hand around the back of Hiccup and they began embracing each other. Then they put their heads beside each other, and the hiccup and elsa began to smile toward Olaf.

Hiccup and Elsa: And when we're together." Olaf placed the snow star above the snow tree and made it look like a Christmas tree, And the cloud began to descend to the bottom until Olaf sat on the back of Toothless, and beside him were Sven, smiling, the two of them

Olaf: It's my favorite." Elsa and Hiccup were hugging each other and looking at the big Christmas tree next to them, anna and kristoff hugging each other. And then they finally said it all together.

"Time of year"

Elsa: Well, I think Arendelle has a new tradition." Elsa grabbed Olaf's hand and pulled him off toothless's back and and he stood next to Elsa and Hiccup.

Anna: Thank you, Olaf." Then suddenly they heard the sound of a hawk coming down from above Olaf 's cake, which he took from him and brought back to him again but fell over his head.

Olaf: The fruitcake! It's a Christmas miracle!" 

Hiccup: Okay, I think we don't have anything left for tradition now." They all laughed at what Hiccup had said and elsa began to embrace him.


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