
By mahitis

1.7K 66 16

They say, "Ignorance is bliss," and those words ring so true to the ears of people like her. But wouldn't it... More



246 9 2
By mahitis

Soon, they were pulling into the dark, black asphalt parking lot which surrounded a tall, dark, ominous building which towered far above their heads; stretching high into the depressing, overcast sky that stretched over the entire scene.

Pulling the key out of the ignition, Mark glanced up at the looming sky and remarked, "This doesn't really help the mood much, now does it?"

He let his head fall into the natural cradle his hands naturally created and let out another disgusted sigh. One would never imagine that someone so strong, dignified and proud would suddenly break down and feel completely, utterly hopeless. Love will do that to people; tear you down and break you apart until you are left completely broken. Any form of love can tear someone apart and take everything they know and hold dear, away from them; even the unaccepted forms that aren't so much love, as they are obsession and infatuation. Even then, love is a powerful weapon that can and will break even the strongest warrior.

"I suppose it's now or never." Charlie stated simply as he unbuckled the seatbelt and crossed his arms over his broad, chiseled chest.

"I'd rather it be never."

Despite the strong temptation to insert the key back into the ignition and to get the hell out of there, Mark opened the car door and stepped out onto the dark ground of the parking lot that seemed to endlessly stretch around them. Not a single car was in the vast parking lot, except for Mark's truck that they had ridden in. The place seemed to be abandoned, with no sign of any other human life other than a few, scattered lights in a small percentage of the large, glass windows that decorated the otherwise plain exterior walls of the eerie tower that loomed over them.

Mark absently stood there, looking up at the building with a questionable look on his face, almost as if he was confused about something he was internally contemplating.

"We don't have all day, Mark. You know you don't want to keep them waiting. It definitely won't help your case much." Charlie said, his voice just barely reaching the volume of a whisper.

He jumped back in surprise and glared back in reply for a brief second until he noticed that Charlie was holding the now-sleeping Amelia. Her small head was resting on his shoulder, her delicate blonde hair falling around his shoulders perfectly. Her long, thin eyelashes rested on her cheekbones peacefully. He smiled softly to himself and gently kissed the crown of her head.

"What are you expecting we are going to do with her?" Charlie questioned, following behind Mark as they both strode towards the entrance to the building.

"There's a man inside by the name of David, I trust him. He'll make sure nothing happens to her while we're..discussing her future."

A soft sigh let Mark's lips as they came to the glass doors that led into the establishment. He ran his hand through his hair, making a few patches stand askew, making him look even more intimidating and angry.

They entered the lobby, Charlie following right after Mark. The heels of their shoes hit the marble flooring in time with each other, making a steady, even rhythm. Mark ran his hand back over his hair, this time fixing every misplaced strand back to its proper place.

Despite the exterior look of the building, the interior was quite palatial and grand. The floors were made of black and white marble. The high white and gold ceiling had a flamboyant gold and crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, the delicate, intricate prisms hanging so precariously they appeared as though they might shatter if you merely breathed upon them.

Straight ahead, about 10-20 yards into the lobby, was a large, jet black desk that wrapped around in a semi-circle. Behind, sat a young woman with short, brown hair. A thin pair of glasses sat on her nose, her eyes focused on the computer screen in front of her, her fingers typing away like there was no tomorrow. Without even looking up, she knew who was there.

"They're waiting for you in Room 21, Mr. Raumone." She said simply, gesturing with a quick sweep of her hand, towards one of the hallways that swooped around the wall the desk was set against.

They started over in the direction that she had "pointed" in, but she stopped them curtly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Raumone. The child will not be allowed into the room during the meeting. Yo-"

"Keep your nose in your own business, Miss." Mark snapped back, angrily.

Her face flushed and she snapped her head back down towards her computer screen.

"Charlie, give me Amelia." Mark gestured, taking the child from Charlie's arms while they were still walking. She stirred slightly and mumbled a few incoherent words but didn't wake up.

"I'm taking her to David's office, I won't be long. You, go to the room and wait for me outside the door."

One could see that he was nervous, by the way he was walking and how fast he was talking. Mark wasn't one to show how he was feeling, he kept walls built up all around him, but now he couldn't help but let his emotion leak through the cracks. He wasn't to blame though, in a situation where you are in danger of losing someone you hold most dear, one doesn't usually think about keeping up the facade that gives you power. What you do focus on, is protecting and ensuring the safety of the one you fear you may be losing in a short time.

Kissing her temple, he continued to proceed down the hallway until he came to a split. Turning left, he continued on for a few more yards until he came to a dark, ebony door with a gold plate on the front reading, Cooper. He didn't even bother knocking, he only grasped the chrome knob and pushed open the door with his free arm.

"What in th-" A tall, middle-aged man with fiery-red hair whirled around from where he had been standing, next to a large, glass window behind a long, thick mahogany desk. Upon seeing Mark and the child, the look of anger and shock instantly dissipated and he muttered into the phone clutched to his ear, "I'll have to call you back.."

"Mark, I thought the meeting was next week." He asked, leaving his stance next to the window and walking over to him, extending his hand in greeting.

"Unfortunately, it's not. Look, I need you to watch over her while I'm in there. I don't trust anyone else."

"Of course, I won't let anything happen to her. She's safe with me."

"Honestly, I can't thank you enough." He turned to go but stopped, "Oh and if the meeting goes south..don't let them take her. Please."

The carrot top nodded, confirming that he would do what was asked of him, "Mark, if I could be in there with you, I would, but you know how it works.."

"Don't worry about it. Just watch over her, that's all I ask."

And with that, Mark left the room, taking one last fleeting glance over at the somehow still-sleeping blonde child, who was now dosing off on a soft, sofa off to one side of the spacious office. He shut the heavy door behind him, and continued off down the hallway, this time taking the opposite hallway he had before. It wasn't too long before he met Charlie, standing outside yet another dark colored door, identical to every other one they had passed since entering this building.

"Here goes nothing."

"May God help us." Charlie replied, opening the door for Mark and swiftly crossing himself before promptly shutting it behind him.

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