Don't Let Me Be Gone

By lunaeclispe22

504K 23.4K 60.9K

Virgil, once a Dark Side is now a Light Side. But the past often doesn't leave good enough alone. When the... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
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Thirty Three
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Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
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Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
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One Hundred & Sixty Seven
One Hundred & Sixty Eight
One Hundred and Sixty Nine
One Hundred & Seventy
Authors Note

Twenty Seven

3.8K 164 205
By lunaeclispe22

Roman POV
Slowly, I opened my eyes. I was laying in my bed on my stomach. Virgil was laying next to me. Rain was still drumming against the roof.

I let out a sigh as I pushed myself upwards and onto my side. I smiled as I remembered the events from last night. Than I blushed heavily when I saw the hickeys covering Virgil's neck.

I'm extremely happy that the date went well. I reached over and lightly brushed Virgil's hair out of his face. He looked beautiful like this. Calm and relaxed. Barely any eyeshadow on. Absolutely beautiful.

I pushed myself upwards, slightly uncomfortable from falling asleep in my regular outfit. I desperately needed a shower.

Not in the sense that I was necessarily dirty, but I need to shower every day to maintain my flawless handsomeness.

I stood up from the bed but turned back to Virgil. I pulled his hoodie off of him and hung it on the post of my bed. Than I pulled the blanket up over him.

I smiled slightly. I loved him so much. He's just so precious. I wanted to protect him. So he never feels worthless or sad ever again. So he doesn't hurt himself.

I sighed but walked away from the bed. I don't need to be sad right now. Virgil is mine. And he's getting better now.

I pushed open the door to my bathroom and stepped into it. I had a huge grand bathroom. Only the best for Prince Roman.

I turned on the shower and took off all my clothes as steam filled the bathroom.

Virgil POV
I awoke to an empty bed. Strange. I looked around me, confirming I was still in Roman's room.

My hoodie was off and I was under the covers. My memory wasn't the best when it came to coming back home because of the wine. I sighed.

Where's Roman? I was a little disappointed he wasn't in bed. I pushed myself up and looked around the room. The bathroom door was shut and the sound of running water came from it.

I wanted him to be done with his shower so he'd come back out here and cuddle me.

Do you really think Princey likes you

I growled when Deceit's voice filled my head.


Did you really think I'd wouldn't find out about you and Roman?

You can't keep secrets like this from me Virgil

We all know he's lying

"No he's not." I whispered.

He's just pitying you

"He loves me."

Last time I checked Princey likes to act

He's just a very good actor

At pretending to care about you so that you don't hurt Thomas

He recognized that when you feel better, Thomas feels less anxious

So he sacrificed his time to deal with you

"Your lying." I hissed at him.

He's acting Virgil

Don't trust him

It's just going to end in heartbreak

I couldn't take this. I threw the covers off myself and stood up. I quickly walked out of Roman's room and back to my own.

I shut my door, my eyes adjusting to the familiar darkness of the room. I walked over to my dresser. I reached down and felt around underneath it for the box.

Where's the box? I looked under my dresser, only to see that the box was gone. I sighed.

Trying to cut again I see

Suicidal freak show

I growled at him. I couldn't take this. There was one way to shut him up and of course now I couldn't find my blades.

Quickly Virgil

I'm not going away anytime soon

And princey isn't here to save you

I quickly headed over to my bathroom. I dropped to my knees and rummaged through the cabinet under the sink.

My hand hit what I was looking for. I grabbed them and pulled an old pair of scissors out of the cabinet.

They were old and rusty, covered in dried blood. I used these when I first started cutting. Than I tried to get rid of them and stop cutting by burying them in the cabinet. But Deceit would just give me more blades and razors.

Come on Virgil

Just cut already

You know you want to get rid of me


I opened the scissors and held them in my hand. I cut the bandages off my wrists. I froze up.

Did I really want to cut myself. Again? I can't do this.  I placed the blade up against my wrist. 

I can't do this. 

Stop fighting it Virgil

Cut yourself


"No no no."  I whispered.  "I don't want to." 

Cut now

Do it

I shook my head.  I don't want to do this again.  I'm happy now. 

No your not

Roman doesn't care about you

All you do is bother the others

They don't care about you

Nobody cares about you

"Yes they do."  I mumbled, closing my eyes for a few seconds. 

No they don't

You bother Roman by stopping Thomas from following some of his dreams

You bother Logan by being an emotional mess

Even Patton and Picani don't have enough feelings to care for someone as messed up as you

And who even knows what Remy thinks, he hates everyone except Picani anyways

Hell, Thomas is trying to get rid of you by taking anxiety pills

You don't matter to them

"I know..."  I whispered as I slashed the scissor blade across my wrist.  I let out a little gasp as the sudden pain. I did it again.  It felt good.  But it felt wrong.  Blood was now dripping down my wrist.

They don't care about you

Kill yourself right now

All you do is bother the others

"No.  I can't."  I whispered.  I shut my eyes trying to push back tears.  When I opened them again, a handgun was in front of me on the floor. 

My heartbeat sped up as I looked at it.  A part of me wanted to grad the gun and just eat a bullet.  It'd be a few hours before my body would fix itself. 

Is the gun not good enough

Would a rope be better

"You know they won't kill me.  I can't die."  I said.

You just need to be in a weaker state

"Why?"  I asked, trying to not start crying. 

You'll find out later tonight

Now either kill yourself or cut

Your choice

"I'm not going down this road again."  I hissed, feeling anger welling up inside me.

Cut now

Or else

"Or else what."  I growled.

Do it

Cut yourself

"I'm not doing this."  I hissed out, pulling the blade away from wrist.  I dropped the scissors. 

I tried to stand up, but instantly a sharp pain filled my mind.  I grimaced and fell back to the floor. 

You can't escape me

You have no choice

Cut yourself now

"No.  No.  No."  I growled out through gritted teeth.  "I'm NOT doing this again." 

Yes you are

No one is coming to save you

"Leave me alone."  I mumbled. 

"Not today."  Hissed a voice.  I looked up to see Deceit standing in the doorway.  "You don't get to be happy.  And Roman makes you happy." 

"Don't hurt him."  I begged. 

"Than cut yourself."  He hissed at me.  He grabbed my hand and pushed the scissors back into them.  I grabbed the scissors, holding them tightly in my hand.  Deceit pulled away with a smirk.  I quickly dig the blade back into my wrist and cut.  It was deep and it hurt horribly. 

"If you don't hurt yourself, I start hurting the other."  He growled at me.  "Starting with your precious Roman." 

"Don't hurt them.  Don't make me hurt myself."  I begged him.  "Please."

"There's nothing you can do.  They aren't going to save you. If you want me to go away, cut yourself."  He told me.  Suddenly, I had an idea. 

"HELP!"  I screamed at the top of my lungs.  Deceit took a step back, obviously surprised by my outburst.  "ROMAN!  LOGAN!  PATTON!  HELP ME!" 

"Shut up!"  Hissed Deceit. 

"HELP!"  I screamed again.  Before Deceit could react, I lunged upwards at him. 

Deceit let out a hiss in surprise as I landed on him.  He thudded to the ground. 

I scrambled over him, screaming 'HELP' the entire time over and over.  Deceit turned quickly and grabbed my ankle. 

I hissed at him and kicked at him trying to get him off.  Deceit let go, hissing in pain as my foot connected with his nose. 

I scrambled away and pulled myself up off the floor.  I ran to my door, starting to shake horribly.  This is not the time to have a panic attack! 

I quickly pulled the door open, hearing Deceit her back to his feet.  I ran out the door and slammed the door shut behind me.  I quickly ran down the hall. 

I smacked right into Logan, who was standing in the hallway very confusedly.  He reached for my forearms to get me to look at him.  But he flinched away from me and looked at his hand.  It was covered in blood. 

He looked at my wrist and than back up at me.  His eyes flashed with many emotions that he didn't seem to understand. 

"Virgil?  What's wrong?  Why are you screaming for help?"  He asked me.  I grabbed his arm. 

"Run!"  I said, pulling him down the hall with me. 

"COME BACK VIRGIL!"  Screeched Deceit from my room.  My door slammed open and deceit stepped out. 

I flinched, holding onto Logan tighter.  I froze up, starting to hyperventilate. 

"Roman!  Patton!"  Logan yelled for the other two sides.  At that moment, Roman came stumbling out of his room.  His hair was soaking wet, but he was in his prince outfit. 

Logan turned and pulled me with him.  Roman ran over to us.  Deceit let out a hiss and started running down the hallway towards us. 

Roman stood between Deceit and me and Logan.  Logan ran down the stairs, pulling me with him.  Patton was standing at the bottom, wide eyed and looking terrified. 

Logan grabbed Patton with his other hand and pulled the two of us with him.  Suddenly, Roman came rolling down the stairs. 

"Roman!"  I yelled,  wriggling out of Logan's grip and rushing over to Roman.  I grabbed him and helped him over to the other two.  He stood up unsteadily, rubbing the back of his head. 

When I turned again, Deceit was standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring at the four of us huddling together in front of the couch. 

"Come here Virgil."  He hissed, snapping his fingers.  I tried to grab onto Roman, but I went flying across the room over to Deceit's side. 

I stayed sitting on the floor at his feet.  I tried to escape.  But he's right, I can't escape him.  I can't escape my past. 

He snapped his fingers again and a pile of blades fell in front of me.  I stared at them,

"You had the choice Virgil."  He hissed.  "We could've done this privately.  But no, you had to drag the other three into this." 

"Get away from him snake!"  Yelled Roman.

"Stay back Princey!"  Yelled Deceit.  Roman stepped back, obviously terrified of what Deceit might do.  Deceit turned back to me.

"You already know the drill."  He hissed at me.  "Cut yourself or the others get hurt."  I shook my head. 

"I'm not doing this again."  I growled at him.

"Okay."  Said Deceit. Three of the blades floated out of the pile. They spun around and formed into a knife.

The knife raised up to eye level and went shooting across the room at Roman's head.

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