Cabin Fever 馃挋

谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 KarmelKitty

292 28 3

** COMPLETED*** what seems to be a new toy puts the while family in danger. Writing By: Ar'mani (KarmelKitty... 注讜讚

Chapter One 馃挋
Chapter Two 馃挋
Chapter Three 馃挋
Chapter Four 馃挋
Chapter Five 馃挋
Chapter Six 馃挋
Chapter Seven 馃挋
Chapter Nine 馃挋
Chapter Ten 馃挋

Chapter Eight 馃挋

20 3 0
谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 KarmelKitty

-All The Adults Sitting At Table-

Sonny: so what do we do now? *sitting with his elbows on the table*

Molly: *pacing back and forth* we can't stay here. we can't. gosh i should've listen! i-i- ignored all the signs!

Amir: baby baby calm down... *sitting in his wheelchair*

Stormi: we have to get jace jace some help. *shaking her head in disbelief*

Sonny: she hit her head pretty hard. i'm gonna go check on her and make sure she's still breathing *gets up*

Stormi: molly come down to the basement with me. i need answers. *walking towards basement*

Molly: you're right there may be answers down there *follows stormi*

Amir: *taps his finger on the table while looking around* so i can't roll with nobody? y'all just gone leave me without any supervision? ight... i'll be here when y'all get back...

-Upstairs In Jace Jace & Aiko Shared Room-

Aiko: *sitting next to the boys on the floor*

Milo: i can't believe this is happening *staring at his little sister sleeping*

Junee: i bet y'all believe me now.

Aiko: i believed you from the beginning bro.

Milo: i didn't... i should've cause now my sister is in danger.... i wonder what's batsheeba purpose in all this?

Aiko: *stays silent and just looks at jacey*

Milo: why target a innocent five year old girl..

Aiko: .... maybe something tragic happened to her at five years old..

Junee: or maybe she ate some five year old chicken and caught food poison when she was five years old ....

*milo and aiko looks at junee*

Aiko: you're so annoying *rolls eyes*

*sonny knocks on door and opens it*

Sonny: everything still going okay up here?

Milo: yes sir. she's sleeping still.

Sonny: okay. if you need anything i'm down the hall. your father is downstairs and your mom and storm are in the basement.

Aiko: the basement?! *worried*

Sonny; their fine. just stay up here with the boys and keep a eye on jace until she awakes.

Aiko: yes sir.

Sonny: *nods his head and leaves but keeps the door open*

-In Basement With Stormi & Molly-

Molly: *looking through all the junk*  Storm stop moving the damn light

Stormi: sorry geesh *holding flash light and looks over in the corner* i wonder what's in those boxes

Molly: *stops looking through junk and proceeds in the corner to observe the boxes*

Stormi: *holds flash light over boxes* this one says "memories".... here hold this...

*stormi opens the box*

Molly: oh my goodness all these files.... *looks into box*

Stormi: and pictures ... *looks through the pictures* WAIT! THIS IS THE LADY!! THIS IS THE LADY I SAW THE OTHER NIGHT!

Molly: huh? what's lady? *confused*

Stormi: the night when you, amir and sonny were at the hospital i was laying in bed and i heard something at the window and when i looked to see what it was i saw this lady right here in my reflection and when i turned around she went into flames.

Molly: *frighten* wait what...

Stormi: yes... and and she was holding a baby.. *flips the photo over and reads the words on the back*

"Batsheeba Jo Johnson  Feb 14 1980  8 Months"

Stormi: *flips the photo to the front and observes* she was pregnant....

*stormi continues to flip through photos*

Stormi: wait... *looks at another photo* here's a picture of the baby

Molly: Oh My God! She looks just like jacey when she was born

*she flips the photo of the baby over and reads the writing on the back*

"Daisy Hope Johnson  Born March 16 1980"

Stormi: March 16 1980... that's when jacey was born....

*Stormi and Molly Looks At Each Other In Disbelief*

Molly: this some tv shit.... *holds her hand on her head*

Stormi: *looks at the last photo and it's a photo of batsheeba holding her baby girl on the couch and sitting next to them is the doll that jacey is obsessed with*

Molly: Holy Shit.... *In disbelief*

Stormi: this doll.. this doll is connected to batsheeba

Stormi: *sits photos down and continues rumbling through the box and stumbled upon a news article* What the hell is this....

Molly: Looks like a news article... *looks at the article* a burning house?

Stormi: *looks at article* that's the cabin!!!!

Molly: soooo this cabin was set on fire and rebuilt?

*they start to read the article and they discovers that the mayor of the small city where the cabin is located was involved in the house fire. they discovered that batsheeba daughter daisy was his daughter.!the mayor cheated on his wife with batsheeba and the mayor and his wife was getting a divorce which his other two kids (teenagers) didnt like so they wanted batsheeba to suffer. they set her house on fire. batsheeba survived with burn scars but baby daisy didn't make it. the mayor and his wife  knew about his children setting fire to batsheeba house but they didn't do anything to stop them they thought if batsheeba and daisy was out of the picture they could go back to their normal lives so they never was punished for what they had did. batsheeba couldn't live without her baby girl so she eventually committed suicide.

Stormi: *in total shock*

Molly: *covers her mouth* oh my god!


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