Vacation Styles

By XharoldsbabeX

161K 5.6K 809

"I'm sure it could be fun." "My fun isn't your kind of fun." "Try me." @copyright 2014 XharoldsbabeX Olivia... More

*One- Promise?*
*Two- Pretzels and Problems*
*Three- Snooty Booty*
*Four-Not Ready for Take-off*
*Five- Spite Me*
*Six-Hotel For Two*
*Seven- Worried*
*Eight- Change of Mind*
*Ten- Different Interests*
*Eleven- Club Creepers*
*Twelve- Lemon Drops*
*Thirteen- Switch It Up*
*Fourteen- Take Me Home*
*Fifteen- Snow Day*
*Sixteen- Suggested Games*
*Seventeen - Jealous*
*Eighteen - No more*
Nineteen- *All the Lies*
Twenty - *Fail to Skate*
Twenty one- *Hospital*
Twenty Two- *New Years*

*Nine- Developing a Crush*

7.4K 256 22
By XharoldsbabeX

"Olivia, It's fine. I understand. They're his tickets anyways." Niall's laugh soothes my nerves. I feel so bad for calling him and making plans only to bail on him minutes later. I apologize more than enough times and he assures me that everything is okay. I still can't believe that Harry drastically changed his mind like that. I know that he was only doing it to bug me or he is just too selfish to let Niall take his ticket. I don't see why there would be any other reason behind it. Unless, he really wanted to go, but I really doubt it.

"Maybe, we can hang out after the show? Or a different day. Whenever you want." Niall nervously speaks through the phone and I smile even though he can't see me.

"Yeah, that sounds great! I'll call you afterwards. I don't think the show ends too late." I tell him. I hope Harry doesn't get mad if I go hang out with Niall after. He won't want to spend time with me anyways. Harry nudges me on the shoulder and I look up to him confused. He points in front of us and I notice we are next in line at the restaurant he suggested we eat at before the show. I mutter a quick apology to the people waiting behind us before approaching the hostess for seats. I quickly tell Niall that I'll be sure to call him after and we both say our goodbyes before I hang up and push the phone back into my jacket pocket.

"Just two." Harry states to the older woman holding up the menus. You can tell her skin has had poor work done and her nails are long enough to hold the menus by themselves. Her outfit is matching all the other workers, except her clevage seems to be pushed out more. On purpose, I'm sure. I instantly dislike her as I watch her eyes scan over Harry's image before showing her white teeth. I'm not jealous or anything, but I find her much too old to be looking at someone Harry's age. Damn, cougar. I hold back a laugh when she steps behind the desk and shows her cheetah print high heels that don't match the rest of her outfit at all.

"This way." She only looks at Harry before walking to the back of the place and I roll my eyes. What is it with all these woman looking at Harry like he is a piece of meat. Sure, he's an attractive guy, but if they got to know him, like me, they would surely change their minds. Harry sits across from me on the booth and immedietly looks down at the menu for his order. I want to say something, but I'm afraid that he'll just ignore me or make fun of anything I say.

After taking our drink orders, I finally get the nerve to speak up first, "So, do you go to school?" I ask before grabbing my diet soda and place it on my lips. He finally makes eye contact with me and I place down my drink, avoiding his awkward eye contact while I wait for him to answer.

"Yup" He shortly answers.

"Really? What school do you go to?" I didn't think he would be going to college. I expected him to just live off his dad's money for the rest of his life.

"UCLA." He says after gulping down half his drink. My mouth falls open at his answer and he looks at me confused.

"That's where I go." I laugh and he raises his brow at me.

"You got accepted into UCLA!?" I can't help, but feel hurt by his question. Do I not look intelligent enough to go to UCLA? "How do you even pay for it?" He laughs and my feeling towards him turn more hatred.

"I got some scholarships and I have a savings that I dip into from time to time." I try to say proudly, but I end up almost whispering. A small scoff falls from his lips and I feel my ears heat up with anger.

"What is wrong with you!? Sorry, my dad doesn't pay for my college!" I yell before standing up from the table. My drink spills over and I almost pick it up, but appose against my manners. Harry frowns as I scoot from the booth and make my way towards the exit. I know I'm being very dramatic, but I don't care at the moment. I can feel the swarm of tears wanting to escape my eyes as I push my way outside of the building. An old man smoking looks at me and notices my state. He quickly throws out his cigarette before making his way back inside. A few people are walking on the sidewalk in front of me, but luckily they don't notice me. I'm glad we are in a quieter part of the city. I wouldn't want a large crowd of people to see my fit. The tears build in my eyes and I look up at the sky to try and focus on something else, but it doesn't work.

Why did I agree on coming to this damn trip? I blame my dad. He's the whole reason I'm here in the first place. I should've never agreed. No money is worth spending another two weeks with this brat. Just as I wipe a fallen tear from my cheek with the back of my hand, I feel someone grab my shoulder. I quickly move away, once I notice it's Harry.

"Look, I'm sorry." He says and I let out a fake laugh. I turn back around, so I'm not facing him, but he walks around me and stands in my direct view.

"Leave me alone."

"No, just come back inside." He goes to grab my arm, but I flinch away.

"Why? So, you can be rude to me some more!?" My voice raises and cracks. I can feel myself wanting to cry, but I hold them back. I'm not going to sob here, especially in front of Harry.

"That's all you ever are to me, Harry! You're rude to me for no reason! I try to be nice, but you just find ways to torment me! I'm sick of it and I'm going home!" I make the decision then and there that I want to go back home. I can't deal with him anymore. My dad can find someone else to do this for him.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to be nicer." His eyes turn soft as does his voice and I almost believe him. How can I though? He already told me he would try and be nicer, but he hasn't.

"You already said that." My voice is soft and I push him out of the way before making my way to the edge of the sidewalk. I look both ways and search for a cab, but there is none. "This is New York, I thought there was suppose to be a million taxis." I yell out and stomp my foot. I'm aware that I'm acting like a child, but it's Harry's fault. I can feel his body behind mine, but I continue my search for a ride back to the hotel.

"Olivia, I'm sorry. Really. Please, I swear I'll be nicer. I'm just pissed off okay?" I can hear his voice shake and when I turn around, he looks vulnerable. He's looking down at the ground and when he notices I'm turned around to face him, he looks up at me. His eyes look soft and the setting sun is shining on them, making them a lighter color. His jawline is shadowed and when he runs a hand through his silk hair, the strands bounce off his fingertips gracefully. He really is good-looking- hot even. He is definitely Mr. Styles son. I notice my staring and quickly try to remember what he last said, so I can respond.

"I get that your pissed off, but.."

"No, you don't." He cuts me off. "You don't know what it's like to have your dad bail on you every plan you make together!" He surprises me by raising his voice. "You know this isn't the first time this has happened? Just last year, for Thanksgiving, my dad planned us a trip to London. You think he went with me?" He laughs.

"I don't know." I sound weak.

"No! He got one of his stupid employees to take me. And you want to know what I did that whole trip? I spent it alone because the man, my dad hired, did what he wanted. And there were many more times that that exact same shit happened. And it's bound to happen again because you're just going to leave me and hang out with that Nate kid or whatever! Okay, so don't tell me that you get why I'm pissed off because you don't!" I can tell he is getting more upset as each word comes from his mouth. I'm glad that he is telling me this though. I can see why he was so mad with this whole trip and me leaving him to hang out with Niall. I feel kind of bad knowing all this, but that doesn't give him the right to be rude to me. Harry stays quiet, as do I. We keep our eyes locked on each other and I know he is waiting for me to say something, but I don't know what to say. Our silence is broken and our attention is gathered to the restaurant door being open.

"Excuse me, but are you guys' not staying here? We have people waiting to be seated." The same hostess asks us. Harry looks to me, waiting for me to respond. I really would like to just go home, but I can't bail on him like everyone else has.

"We're staying." I yell across to the lady. I notice a smile almost appear on Harry's lips, but he quickly refrains from showing it. As we make our way inside, I plan to make this trip really fun for Harry. If what he says is true, then he must've never had a real, fun vacation before. I'm going to try and make this the best trip he's ever had, but he's going to have to cooperative and not be the mean person he usually is.

"What are you going to get?" Harry coughs after a while of me looking down at my menu. I scan through the same section I have been for the past couple of minutes. I can't decide if I want the vegetarian lasagna or just to go with a simple salad.

"I don't know." I breathe.

"Well, could you hurry up? I'm really hungry and I just.." I shoot him a glare when I notice the attitude he is starting to give me again. He realizes that he is starting to be rude and shifts in his seat before changing his words, "I mean, please, take your time. Ordering food is a big deal." I can hear the sarcasm in his voice, but I shake it off and decide on the vegetarian lasagna, regardless of the expensive price.

After the waiter takes our order I excuse myself to the bathroom. I use the toilet and spend most of the time freshening up. On the way back to the table, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I notice Niall is calling me. Harry looks at me, while I walk back to him. He shows a small smile before looking back at his fingers on the table. I decide to ignore Niall's call right now. I don't want to upset Harry anymore. Plus, I feel bad because of what he told me. I don't want to be like all of the other people who just left him and did there own stuff. I quickly push my phone back down my pocket before scooting back into the booth.

"How was the bathroom?" Harry cheekily smiles at me and I laugh.

"It was good. The soap was pretty nice. It made my hands really soft." I state, remembering back to washing my hands in the bathroom. Harry raises his eyebrows and laughs. "Anyways, when's the food coming?"

"I have no idea. It's been long enough. It better come out soon or we're leaving." His voice turns harsh as he looks around for the food. He really is stubborn.

"Calm down, Harry. It's only been like thirty minutes." I force a laugh, hoping he won't turn more crabby than he already is.

"Sorry, for the wait. We're pretty busy today." Our waiter finally brings our food minutes after Harry continuously complaining. Harry rolls his eyes and I assure that it was no trouble. The waiter places down Harry's hamburger first and he doesn't even thank him for doing so. Jeez, he needs to learn how to be nicer to everyone, not just me.

"Your lasagna." The waiter, known as Bill from the name tag on his shirt, says before setting down my food. I thank him and my mouth waters as I stare down it. My fork immediately finds the lasagna and I cut into it. As I go to take my first bite, Harry grabs my arm, making it jolt to a stop. I'm surprised by his action and I drop the fork onto the table. I look up to him puzzled and also a little mad at his uncalled action.

"What did you do that for?" I look at him like he's crazy and he points down to my plate. My mouth gapes open as I notice that it is regular lasagna and not vegetarian lasagna. How does Harry even remember I'm vegetarian? I told him once, and I didn't even think he was paying attention.

"Hey!" Harry calls and Bill turns around from the table he was attending. He rushes over to us and asks what we need help with. "She ordered vegetarian lasagna and you gave her meat. Take it back and bring her the right shit!" Harry's voice is harsh and Bill gives me an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry! I'll get right on that."

"Yeah, you will! Next time, listen when you are taking somones' order. You're lucky, I don't complain!" Harry begins his threat and I quickly place my hand over his to stop him.

"It's fine, Harry." I smile and his emotion softens. I look back up to Bill, "It's really okay, just can I get the vegetarian instead of the one with meat?" I laugh. I try to sound as nice as possible because I feel bad for Harry being so rude to Bill. I also don't want spit in my food. Bill picks up my plate and Harry glares at him as he runs back to the kitchen.

"God, this is why I don't like eating at low class restaurants." He scuffs.

"Harry, it's fine." I state. He only rolls his eyes and takes a drink of his soda. He takes a bite of his burger after mumbling under his breath that it better be good. By the small moan he lets out, I can tell that it is satisfying for him.

"I don't know how you can be vegetarian." He says before taking another bite.

"I don't know how you can eat meat." I shrug my shoulders.


"Thank you." I say after a silence of Harry just chowing down his burger while I sip on my almost empty diet coke. I wonder who cleaned up the spill I made when I stormed out earlier.

"Huh?" He mumbles with a mouth full.

"I said, thank you. You know, for stopping me from eating something I didn't want to."


"I didn't think you actually were paying attention to me when I told you that I was vegetarian." I laugh.

"Why would you think that? I always pay attention to you." He says and takes a mouth full of food. I don't know why, but my cheeks warm and I feel butterflies swarm my stomach. Why is this happening? He didn't mean it like that, my conscious reminds me. I let out a forced laugh instead of answering. Mostly because I don't know what to say. He looks up from his hands and gives me a small smile. My knees weaken when I see his dimple form on his cheek. I admire how beautiful he is when he's not wearing a frown, like he usually does. When I realize that I'm staring at him, I freak out and shake the thoughts of him out of my head. To distract myself from his beauty, I go to grab my drink, again. To my luck, my hand hits the cup too hard and it spills all over the table.

"Shit!" I curse.

"What's it with you and spilling drinks." Harry laughs and I'm happy he didn't explode on me like I thought he was going to do. We both go to pick up the cup at the same time and his hand cups over mine. Heat runs from my hand all the way to my face. Why is he all of a sudden making me feel like this? I'm not starting to like him, right? No, it's not possible. Just cause he remembered I'm vegetarian and he said he pays attention to me all the time makes me like him?

"You are right" Harry laughs and I almost think he's reading my thoughts and answering my question about me starting to develop a crush on him.

"What?" I stutter, nervous to hear his answer.

"That soap really did make your hands soft." He smiles. Oh, great. As I watch Harry help me clean up the spilled soda on our table I realize that, I do. I have little crush on Harry.

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